Natural Remedies

Dealing with Depression Naturally

Posted by Kellie (Vancouver BC, Canada) on 01/13/2008

Hi I found 5 htp a couple of years ago on the internet, looking for something to help my sadness and depression, so i heard about 5 htp , well i was desprite and i took 2 100 every day , it helped me so so much, I go off it some times because the side effects for me are, it makes me get my period more often , mind you i think that is when i was taking 300 mg . and also it has caused me to get itchy palms of my hand ,and the back of my head . but now that iv gone down on them and taken a break for a few months , im good . but i have to go on them because it helps me so much for depression. i have just discovered the 5 htp with 200 mg L- Ter , wow as far as I'm concerned its a bloody miracle. it changes my whole mood . makes me very happy .but for sure one other side effect I'm not as hungry when im on it . and i dream more vividly. but as far as I'm concerned it's a wonder drug, sorry for the spelling. let's just hope the drug companies don't take them away.

Meditation and Movement Arts
Posted by Ed (West Milford, New Jersey)

I suffered from hereditary clinical depression and I tried getting rid of it with every way possible naturally. I had thoughts of killing myself and thoughts that I didn't matter and no one cared about me. I personally think the best way to cure depression is to meditate and do yoga/some sort of japanese or chinese martial arts. If you sip tea and stare out at the sunrise as well it puts a lot of things into perspective that the world is larger than yourself but you are still a major piece of it. I personally meditated for about 3 hours a day in complete focus of happiness and forced away bad and depressing thoughts. I also tried a therapist but its more of a temporary relief because in actuality they are just in it for the money. I hope this advise helps

Fish Oil
Posted by Colleen (Perry, Florida)

Omega 3 Fish Oils work great for depression!! Be sure to take them on a regular basis. They really work wonders for depression.

St John's Wort
Posted by Catherine (Eureka, MT)

St. John's Wort works well for me, and I definitely benefit from Sunshine (#5)! plus: Movement. It doesn't need to be strenuous exercise. Animals. Being around people increases my anxiety and depression - they wear me out. Animals are great companions; they're honest, clear spirits, and keep your mind in the present. My depression stems from a spinal cord injury - animals don't recoil from my appearance or look down on me. Riding horses provides freedom - I can't run anymore but I can ride well. If animals aren't your cup of tea, try gardening - it helps, too!!

Posted by Anita (Garland, NC)

Go out into the sun for a while. make sure u have on sunsrceen. if it is cold outside, just soak it up through the window. a great natural way to ease depression!

Posted by Renee (Pontiac, Michigan) on 05/03/2007

When i'm feeling stresssed, irritable, or so sad i want to die, i just drop everything and go for a walk! It's okay to stop thinking about everything all at once! I don't even think about where i'm walking to, i just go. Taking deep breaths along the way and just enjoying the control is the best way to go. I used to suffer from anxiety and bi-polar disorder, but walking, healthy eating, and love for myself and everyone else have cured it!"

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Lila (London, England) on 02/18/2007

Hi ... I started taking 2 tablespoons of acv mixed with about a quarter of a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda mixed in about 8 floz of wa ter(250 mls) for about a week now.I do not suffer from any illnesses so I'm just taking it for general well being. Verdict: I have a lot more energy and feel less tired towards the end of the day, and I have more regular bowel movements, I have increased saliva production(is this something good?). Also I feel that it has improved my mood as I feel much happier and cheerful now.I dont know maybe its all psychological or maybe it's the acv working.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Berry (Washington,DC) on 08/29/2005

a tablespoon of vinegar in a half glass of warm water is good for calming my emotions. if i drink it when something has gotten on my nerves. It takes effect immediately. Try it.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tawnya (Ogden, Utah) on 11/23/2005

I have been using ACV for about 2 years. It was around the time I was told that I had cancer. I had suffered a long time with depression, headaches, and 2 premature babies. When I started taking ACV, within weeks I could feel a difference in the way I felt. My headaches were gone, and 5 months later my cancer was in remission. I believe ACV has made a large impact in my life. I now give it to my children and husband, and we are very healthy and happy.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jen (Ann Arbor, MI) on 12/29/2005

For several months, I have been taking apple cider vinegar in the morning (2tsps w/a glass of water) and I have seen a HUGE change in mood swings and down periods. I exercise regularly and done so for years to help my mental health. But my mood swings were really in the way. I would experience irritability and then despair and on several mornings each month, I would not want to get out of bed. Not so anymore. I started taking apple cider vinegar to get rid of parasites and then realized from reading that it has all kinds of other positive effects. The disappearance of mood swings was a pleasant surprise for me. Also, I think it may work for seasonally related depression. I usually experience melancholy when fall comes and then have a strong down period in the winter. I have experienced none of this for this year and I live in Ann Arbor which is super gray in the winter time. And--one more thing--my skin is much much better with apple cider vinegar!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Connie (Portland, OR)

I suffered from depression and anxiety for many years. I tried at least six or seven medications over a five year period but nothing worked. They all were just expensive and had bad side effects. A naturopathic biologist told me to take ACV and after a couple of days I felt much better for the first time. I believe there are people who need the prescription medications -and counseling is a great help to most of us- but for those of us suffering from occasional recurrent depression/anxiety I believe it is a fantastic cure. I have only taken it when my depression pops up and found relief every time. After reading the benefits for weight loss though, I believe I will begin taking it daily - and brushing my teeth afterward!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Suzi (Dayton, Ohio) on 11/19/2006

Apple Cider Vinegar cured my sore throat, sinus infection, loose stools, gas, lack of energy, depression, decreased my appetite, cleared up a dermatological problem. My sister got me started taking _______'s organic ACV 1 tsp in 8 oz spring water 3 times a day. At first I tried it because I had a sore throat that was immediately gone, my sinus infection went away within 24 hours or so. I have IBS and have been battling foul-smelling loose stools for years. Within a couple of days my stools were formed with almost no odor. I feel 100% better. My appetite just dropped and I'm not getting fatty food cravings like I used to and I've lost 22 pounds so far. Also, I have had big painful butt boils off and on for years and my hindquarters cleared up within a couple of days.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cathal (Canberra, Australia) on 10/01/2007

On Friday 14 September 2007 I went to the doctor. I'm 63. While there I asked him to take a look at my Knuckles on my left hand, which have had a rough dry scaly bumpy patch with a yellow white crust, which I have had for several years making my hand look pretty ugly. Nothing that I have tried could ever shift it. He said that it was Solar Keratosis (also known as an actinic keratosis) and gave me a computer print out article. He said that there was a slight chance that it could eventually turn into a skin Cancer called squamous cell carceinoma. I asked how to get rid of it and he listed: freezing it with liquid nitrogen, cutting it out or scraping it off under a local anesthetic, or using a creme or gel that could take up to three months to work and which may cause inflammation and blistering, or I could have Laser surgery or he could cauterize it with a searing hot iron or an electric current or use caustic burning substance. Uh-oh! When I got home I hit the internet quick smart and looked it up the malady on this and other sites. I then looked through my cupboards and found some Apple Cider Vinegar that my deceased wife had bought over 12 years ago. I tried some right away topically and went to the Health Food store and got some "fresh" ACV (imported from the USA) with the "Mother" in it. Today is the first of October (about two weeks later) and with 2 or 3 glasses a day of a 'splash' of ACV, bit of local honey and spring water from the supermarket plus a cotton bud tip as a device to put some of the old ACV on the knuckles, they are now completely clear! The skin is smooth, there's no roughness and some other assorted skin irritations have cleared up as well. My usual 'aches and pains' are far less prevalent. I am also less "Down" and feel generally quite a bit more positive. Sleep is deeper and less disturbed with getting up in the night reduced to once or twice a night with some nights being slept all the way through. I also seem to have more energy and less appetitie (which is good as I am getting more girth with age)! I also have far less indigestion. The only "side effect" was a few whitehead pimples at the beginning few days, which I took to be my skin generally throwing off some bodily toxins. If I am having a so-called "placebo effect" or if some learned academic says that this is really only "mind over matter" or the "power of suggestive thinking", or if someone says that my doctor "mis-diagnosed" me, well, I don't care! The damn unsightly thing has disappeared, leaving me feeling much better all 'round! It is the cheapest and most effective alternative I have ever tried and I am pleased that I don't have to undergo any painful or expensive chemical or surgical procedure (even though medical care is free for everyone in Australia). The ACV works for me! And for only a few cents a day of natural healthful ingredients. I can now gladly put my hand up as a happy ACV customer!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Laura (Orlando, FL) on 12/06/2007

About 6 months ago, I suddenly woke up with severe nausea and constant burping. Everything I ate and drank made me feel sick. I woke up nautious and went to bed nat ious every day. My quality of life started changing. I did not want to go out anymore and do things because I constantly felt sick. Being newly engaged, this really put a damper on my relationship. Who wants to be around someone that feels sick everyday and to be honest..when you are sick everyday you reach a point where you just want to be alone. I am only 27 years old and I felt like I had put on 10 years or more in the last 6 months. I even told my mother if I had to live the rest of my life like this I might kill myself. Everything made me sick. Even riding in a car. I had a colonoscopy which came back fine. I then had a scope done and showed that I had erosions all in my stomach, throat, and esophogas. I have been on prevacid and aciphex, which did not seem to help at all and the constant burping was just nasty and embarrassing. I got online and found this site and figured I would give the ACV a chance. This is only my 4th day and oh my goodness thank you god!!! I am not nauseous anymore. Riding in a car no longer makes me sick. If I burp it is one good one instead of a million tiny ones and I have energy like I haven't had in years. I have lost 3 pounds in a few days and I am not having bad cravings. I also notice my skin looks better. I also have battled depression for a long time and I actually feel happy. I woke up at 4a.m smiling thinking why am I so happy. This is truley amazing and I can't wait to keep taking it and see what else it does. If you have battled acid reflux believe me I know how horrible it is. Please just try this and you will not regret it!!

Black Tea
Posted by Michael (Adelaide, Australia) on 12/17/2006

L Theanine in Black Tea cured my Chronic Anxiety and Minor Depression.

I have suffered the above symptoms for a large part of the past 15 years. Have been prescribed a host of SSRI's and other drugs during this time. For the past few weeks I have been drinking a lot of black tea (6 cups per day) and the results have been amazing. The depression has lifted and i am more relaxed than i have been in years. I drink the tea straight (no sugar or milk) and let it settle well before drinking. Interestingly i used to drink a lot of green tea but did not get as good a response. I'm very encouraged by my experience of black tea and hope it continues to work.
