Natural Remedies

Easy Home Remedies for Constipation Relief

Posted by RRR (Virginia) on 02/19/2021

I've been eating 2 or so slices of pickled ginger a day the last few days and have had constipation disappear. I can't say for sure that ginger is the cause, but maybe.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 02/14/2021

Hi Jessica,

On the issue of constipation treatment....

Liquorice / licorice is defined in my dictionary as: "The dried, black root of a Mediterranean plant used as a laxative and in confectionery". Also "A chewy black sweet with a strong flavor".

I seldom get constipated but if I do, I go straight for a couple of sticks of Licorice (which I rarely eat because of the sugar content! ). Also, increase the water intake, especially in summer and more walking/ activity really helps.

Seems to work fine for me.

Not too good for persons with high blood pressure though!

On another (related) matter:

I have recently given up cheese and butter in favor of coconut oil spread on bread in an attempt to ease sinus congestion but even after five weeks there is no discernible result. Pity, but I intend to stick with the CO as I think it is beneficial on a number of fronts anyway.

Readers could do worse than research the multiple benefits claimed for CO.

Cheers from Down Under (where the drought seems to finally have broken! )


Epsom Salt
Posted by David (Chadron, Nebraska) on 04/06/2018

Respectfully, for internal use you'll find clear instructions given on virtually all Epsom Salt packages.

Epsom Salt
Posted by Gord235 (Vancouver, British Columbia) on 04/30/2018

I take one heaping teaspoon mixed into one large cup of warm water, then sit back and wait. Within an hour I can feel my bowels starting to rumble and once I feel my sphincter starting to tighten I make sure I am positioned on the toilet. Soon there is a big woosh and relief arrives; maybe a couple of wooshes but in any event the problem is gone. I have tried several of the common fibre laxatives and have found Epsom salts to be the cheapest, fastest and best solution. It is great for those times when you long for a total evacuation after a few days of not going. I purchase it at my local drugstore, store it in the cupboard and only use it when the usual remedies don't work. Caution: make sure you are close to a toilet when using.

Posted by Rw (Southwest Virginia) on 12/17/2017

P.S. Just be aware that if you have candida, this can kill the candida and cause unpleasant die-off detox symptoms. Maybe go slow with it until you know and if you have symptoms, back off a little.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Dan (Seattle) on 03/17/2017

Uh, there's no aluminum in baking soda. It's sometimes in baking powder however...

Dietary Changes
Posted by Michael (Sacramento) on 10/01/2015

I got severely constipated from eating baked cookies and cake that contained whole oats and flax seeds. Now I cook or soak the oats and the flax seeds in water prior to baking. I also make sure when I make legumes like black beans that I cook them thoroughly until very soft. Carbs in general take a lot of water to digest so daily water consumption should be increased accordingly with a moderate to high carb diet.

Posted by Elli (Utah, US) on 06/04/2014

Try drinking about 1/2 cup cold water. Let it sit for about 2-3 minutes, Drink a huge glass of water with 400 mg magnesium and 1000 IU Vit D. And then don't eat or drink anything for about 20 minutes.

Works like a charm. Thank Heavens

Posted by Marisa Bell (Detroit, Mi) on 02/01/2014

I was on a low carb, high protein diet for a while, about a year. During the course of that year, I developed really bad gas. IT always happend at night and I had NO IDEA why it was happening. Come to find out, my stools had hardened and I was having chronic constipation! It was horrible! I first used magnesium as a supplement, but that gave me terrible gas! Then I started trying to do more grains and oats and that made the constipation worse! I tried prune juice which worked, however, gave me really bad gas. So finally I did some research for high fiber fruits and came across mangoes! They have been a life savor. I now eat half a mango twice a day and have been regular finally! It has really helped me with no side effects of bad gas or loose stool. AS with anything youre using to fight constipation, you have to play around to see how much your body needs to be regular. But try it!

Apple Juice, Warm
Posted by Pat (Oakville, Ontario) on 09/21/2013

I have been feeling very plugged up lately, so much so that my bra was too tight to wear! I read about drinking a warm cup of apple juice and thought, why not? I heated about 6 oz in the microwave and sipped it after dinner. About a half hour later I felt a slight urge to go to the bathroom and with little effort and no discomfort I had a very rewarding bowel movement! I eat a fairly good diet, with lots of fibre but I can be lax in my consumption of water so using apple juice to move more fluids to my lower bowel was perfect! I will try to increase my daily consumption of water but also include warm apple juice too!

Dietary Changes
Posted by Nat (Brooklyn, US) on 08/13/2014

Update: strictly avoiding milk products caused insomnia.

Maybe using small amounts of milk or cream (or maybe milk from baby formula since the curds are broken down).

Castor Oil
Posted by Milos (MA) on 12/12/2020

Wow, this, for me, has been the best method. I have tried all the previously mentioned methods to no avail. And you are right -- stay close to the commode. lol. Castor oil is best. I did 4 tablespoons today and will reduce to maybe 2 tomorrow.

Chia Seeds
Posted by Nat (Brooklyn, Ny) on 04/29/2013

Recently, I read on another health Site about the benefits of Chia Seeds for helping heal constipation. The writer wrote that she came across an article about Salvia (Chia Seeds) ending constipation. She wrote that it sounded almost miraculous. She ordered the seeds, made the gell, and took two heaping tablespoons every morning. (1/3 cup of seeds in 2 cups of water, stir, wait 5 minutes, stir again, and store in the refrigerator - for some people it is best if soaked overnight, especially for intestinal comfort ) At first it took six days to help, then two days, then every day, all without any strain. The seeds can also be more diluted - ex: one tablespoon in a cup of water - immediately stir a few times, then a little while later, pour back and forth between two cups - this way of mixing prevents the gell from breaking up, which might increase the benefit. The seeds must be soaked in water. If taken dry they can swell up in the intestines and cause a blockage. The Chia Seeds really help in a natural way.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Kathy (the USA) on 04/05/2013

AMEN to your report on wheat. My husband is affected the same way. He doesn't believe it but maybe if I show him your post it'll give him something to think about! THANKS!!

Prune Juice
Posted by Bilja (Toronto, Ontario) on 03/10/2013

Prune Juice for Constipation... Not personal experience, but family member, having constipation as taking many different medications and pain killers treating other issues. Tried acv, and olive oil w/ lemon juice, slow results. However drinking glass of prune juice gave relief in shortest possible time, very smooth and easy experience with bowel movement as never before in last 10 days. Just want to share with all.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Lawrence (Fairfax, Va) on 12/13/2012

Can you be more specific. What die-off effect are you referring to? Candida? Thanks.

Posted by Winston (Sf, Ca) on 10/14/2012

Don't know about the juice but a good sized portion on fresh, not frozen pineapple is a very effective natural acting laxative.

Posted by Candy (San Francisco, Ca) on 04/24/2012

I have found that taking molasses regularly really helps with constipation. It also gives me increased energy, and my hair gray is darkening. I take it in almond milk smoothies. Basically, I mix almond milk, some raw almonds, and molasses in the blender, and perhaps add a date or a prune to the mix. its' just delicious.Thanks!

Epsom Salt
Posted by Debbie (Melbourne, Australia ) on 01/22/2012

For severe constipation, the best remedy is epsom salts (magnesium sulphate) because magnesium in high doses is a natural laxative. If you don't get relief from the constipation it merely means that you have not taken enough epsom salts. I would not take sea salt as something to relieve constipation.

As I said, if the epsom salts are not working just keep increasing the dosage (in not too large increments) to see the amount needed to induce a bowel movement.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Catrina (Waldorf, Maryland/usa) on 10/22/2011

Four weeks ago, I cut out all dairy substituting almond milk instead of cows milk and began eating a vegan diet. I have been having a bowel movement everyday with no straining! For 47 years, I suffered from chronic constipation, IBS, chronic pain and bloating. I've tried conventional and non-conventional remedies. I am writing to say I have found something that works. Try cutting out all milk products or items that contain diary and see if it makes a difference. In the beginning, as my body adjusted to my new diet, I had gas pains for about one and a half weeks. Three weeks ago, I began acupuncture treatments and after two sessions, my gas pains are gone and I am not as bloated. I have four more acupuncture sessions to go to complete the series, but I attribute the bowel movements to the lack of dairy in my diet.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Tina (Houston, Usa) on 09/21/2011

Please try these cheasp remedies for constipation...

Magnesium upto 1000mg daily (pref bed time) since it will make you very relaxed.

Vitamin C (upto 5000mg daily) which is brilliant to reset the body and allow your bowels to move.

Prune juice 1/3 cup upto 2-3 daily.


Spirulina and chlorella which clean out the toxicities in the liver and allow bowels to become regular.

Include veggies like cucumbers and celery to diet which help with retaining water to avoid dry stools.

Chia seeds

Aloe vera juice

(You will become regular in no time).

I went through several MRIs, colonoscopies and traditional meds, but the above intake along with daily exercise (1 hour brisk walk) eliminated the constipation completely. Please ask if you have any specific questions, since I am well versed with this topic.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Figment (Co) on 12/19/2013

Eliminate gluten is right. Add to that, no dairy and then get a squatty potty, a great tool. I just added this to my home, bought 2 and they work GREAT! I wish I had read about it earlier. Anyway, it works to position things correctly so your GI system works as nature intended. LOVE MINE.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Anne (Dallas , Pa) on 01/23/2011

I have suffered from chronic constipation all of my life (47years), however my constipation was elevated to a whole new level of difficulty after a difficult child birth that required a surgical repair of my rectal wall - no pushing power. I tried everything: stool softeners, psyllium fiber, M---lax and a prescribtion medication for IBS. I eat a high fiber diet and stay hydrated But nothing worked. If you are reading this I don't have to tell you that this is really bad for the female self image. Constipation is not sexy!

This past summer I stumbled on what has been a "miracle" for me: oat bran. 100% oat bran is prepared as a hot cereal that I eat daily for breakfast (not to be confused w/ oat bran). It took a week or so, but for the most part I have been constipation free for the better part of 6 months. I have a normal BM almost daily and sometimes 2 times daily. Sometimes I might get a touch of constipation and to my amazement a single stool softener will now Do the trick, if I stick w/ my Oat bran regime. And best of all it is delicious w/ a little Spoon of sugar and some butter, Raisins and a few walnuts-yummy. I Love it! And it good for Controlling cholesterol as a bonus.

May be hard to find in a conventional grocery store, but most health food sections Of a store will have it. Some stores carry it in the loose bulk section. Any good health food store will have it. It's usually pretty cheap, but shop around if price is a consideration. Should be less than 3.50 for a small box that will last me at least 2 weeks.

I was able to rid myself of constipation. Now I will try the ACV for my Interrmitant abd pain. Good luck friends.

Castoria, Syrup of Figs
Posted by Brooke (Montgomery, Tx, USA) on 12/05/2010

One day Castoria the next day syrup of figs. From a few drops taken all day long, to a half tsp taken once a day. It all depends on your body and how constipated you are.

Baking Soda
Posted by John (Greenport, New York, Usa) on 09/16/2010

For chronic constipation, it helps to drink a glass of water mixed with a teaspoon of pure baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) before bed every night. Be sure it's pure baking soda (no aluminum).
