Natural Remedies

Heal Boils Naturally: Effective Home Remedies

Baking Soda
Posted by Jennifer (Milwaukee, WI) on 08/01/2006

I have had boils on and off for a year or so, but this one was SO incredibly painful! I literally could not sit or walk without extreme pain for 3 days. I found your site when searching for a natural remedy, and the only thing I had on hand was the Baking Soda. I immediately tried it and felt a lessening of the pain within an hour or so. By the next morning the pain was almost nonexistent! I now have no noticeable pain. Thank you so much for providing such a valuable site!

The Bottle Method
Posted by Vanessa (Missoula, MT) on 06/17/2006

Pour boiling water into an empty glass bottle. Pour the water out and place the bottle's mouth over a boil. Do not move the bottle as this will break the suction. The cooling air will draw out the puss and gunk of the boil!

Baking Soda
Posted by Gabi (Jacksonville, FL) on 06/02/2006

Baking soda combined with some essential oils like lavender and lemon as well as some vitamin E and hot compresses seemed to help bring it to a head, but at the time i had no insurance so i was trying anything. But now 7 months later i'm starting to get one again or its coming back. I saw my doctor this time and she just said to start the hot compresses again. so i'm doing that and i'm trying ichthammol.

Baking Soda
Posted by Lorik (Riverside, Ca) on 12/27/2010

A small pimple turned out into a large boil and I wanted to just let everybody know that do not try to do a home remedy-especially when the boil gets bigger. I had tried to put hot paper towels and compress them on the boil and also put 91% Alcohol to dry out the boil however; it was getting larger than a golf ball. Finally, I went in the emergency and had them lance it and drain the pus and turned into a staff infection. The boil was on my bikini line!!! Of all things where I shave on a consistant basis-this time got infected-next time I will clean with alcohol. Now I know why men use aftershave-it has alcohol in it. I just knew that if it wasn't getting better that there was immediate attention and not to take chances and allow your body to heal with that big of boil to pop on its own is crazy and also taking chances with getting admitted into the hospital. Please go to a doctor, it can be very deadly and also, if you have diabetes, more severe chance of recovery. I don't have diabetes however; was worried when they tested me for it instantly. I am on Kfex and some other antibiotic including a pain reliever.

Baking Soda
Posted by Citygirl27 (Richardson, Tx, Usa) on 10/19/2012

re: countertops - I use Borax on my countertops. Use it like "comet", but it won't blanch your clothes like bleach will, and no horrid smell or toxicity. As a bonus it will get rid of any "house" that bugs have that are pestering your kitchen. Just use it like you would a normal abrasive. PS baking soda will make your sink shine like no tomorrow.

Posted by RP (USA) on 03/02/2021

Turmeric can cure very serious cases of boils but one would have to take a teaspoon of it in a glass of water several times a day. And, of course, eat only foods that are recognizable as coming from Nature and no sugar, white flour, fried or processed food, and lots of water each day

Posted by ivybridge (TN) on 07/19/2021

It is possible that your hormones are out of balance. Here is a list of steroidal hormones that I would check.

Steroid Hormones:

Testosterone, Free with Total
Estrogens, Total
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Rp (Usa) on 06/13/2018

The boils (though painful) will come to a head and empty themselves so there is no need to lance them. Turmeric taken in water several times a day will cure many, but one has to clean up one's diet only eating food that actually looks like food items and cook it yourself (no restaurant food which often has sugar in many dishes and other chemicals, nor processed or fried food of any sort, nor alcohol, sodas, etc. just pure water or herbal teas and juices)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Khadijahsfarmer (Pennsylvania) on 06/27/2018

🌻 I have seen better results with taking the turmeric, ACV regularly and will let them come to a head instead of having them lanced as I have learned here, thanks all praise due to GOD. Smile, it's an act of charity.

Raw Potato, H2O2
Posted by Bebe (Elkhart, In) on 02/08/2016

Raw potato diced up or shredded up, raw only, will pull out the infection, then use hydrogen peroxide to finish pulling out any leftover infection for that week, you will heal, my grandsons boil on his butt was very big and sore I put on the raw shredded up potato into a gauze and taped around the edges so the gauze would breathe, overnight the shredded potato pulled out the core, he felt it hurt at that point, then I checked it the next day and the potato was blackened afterwards, I then proceeded with hydrogen peroxide to keep it cleaned and it healed.

Then my husband had 4 toes on his foot that would not heal, so I did the raw shredded potato again with a big gauze to cover them overnight, then the next day the shredded potatoes in the gauze was black, so I took it off and cleaned with hydrogen peroxide, he healed in two weeks, just keep putting the peroxide on it til it healed up well, the first day I did this the potatoes had pulled out puss and it looked awful, I just cleaned it with the hydrogen peroxide and it healed, every day for two weeks was sufficient.

Posted by Katzie (Calgary) on 10/17/2015

I used to use an incredibly awesome turmeric/manuka honey combination for most boils. Turmeric is a miracle substance, but it stains everything. So, about a year ago I started using silver gel on a boil as soon as I detected it ; that, combined with a non-stick medical pad, and that boil would soon disappear. The neatest thing is, is that it seems to have diminished the frequency of the boils, as well. I also use it on my teen's pimples and it zaps them as well. I also use silver gel and/or manuka honey in place of polysporin now. Good health, everybody!

Glass Bottle Suction Technique
Posted by Lady Mars (Florida) on 07/12/2015

When my husband was younger, he got several boils and carbuncles over the course of a year. The hospital lanced them each time and they usually came back. He also got antibiotics and perhaps other drugs. The worst one was a carbuncle, an infected boil with several heads. Finally his father suggested an old remedy and the doctor agreed to try it.

Find a bottle with a mouth just large enough to fit over the boil. Fill the bottle with very hot water. In a minute or two, dump out the water. Place the hot bottle over the boil and a suction will form, pulling out the "gunk". In my husband's case, the boil never came back.

Glass Bottle Suction Technique
Posted by Richard (Philippians ) on 07/25/2020

As long as the boil isn't on my face or neck or some place where a scar will be seen. I don't care if there is a scar! The bottle method will pull the core of the boil out, it works! The boil will not come back!

Rubbing Alcohol
Posted by Michelle (New York, NY) on 07/16/2013

As soon as you feel a boil developing, it helps to swab the area with rubbing alcohol. Once it is already basically formed, soak a cotton ball in rubbing alcohol and tape it to the boil using a bandaid. Do this until the boil is dried out. Also make sure to change the cotton ball at least twice a day. This has helped me several times. Good luck!

Posted by Anon (Nc) on 06/28/2013

Tomato paste does work for boils! My pain was horrible and even on antibiotics it felt like the boil was too deep in my skin for it to come up I got desperate and as my husband laughed at me I put the tomato paste over it and then covered with a bandage. Slept with the heating pad on my leg and the next morning it opened. So relieved from the pain. I will do this immediately if I get another one.

Staph- Related
Posted by Francesca (New York, Ny) on 12/27/2012

Have the inside of your nose tested for staph!!! I suffered from staph infections on my legs and butt for years in the form of boils and abscesses. I went to numerous doctors, western, acupuncturists, and naturopaths. I tried every recommendation I heard, I even only ate alkaline food, cut out sugar, wheat, meat, and dairy. Last month I saw a dermatologist and he asked if my nose had ever been tested. In none of my countless doctors visits and online forums did I hear/read anything about this. But he tested my nose, found staph, and then gave me bactroban cream to put in my nose every night before bed for two weeks. After the two weeks of putting the cream in my nose, I was retested and I no longer have staph!! I used to get abscesses when I didn't get enough sleep or was stressed out. I just completed my third, and most stressful, semester of graduate school and am fine! I cannot stress this enough, the dermatologist changed my life!

Drawing Salve
Posted by Eaglez (Waldwick, Nj) on 09/09/2012

Here is a home-made remedy that I have used for many years to draw out foreign objects from a body including the spores from poison ivy, metal and glass shards, splinters of all kinds and even infectionous erruptions on the skin. It works. Its simple to make and easy to apply without a mess.

Get yourself a bar of 'brown soap' from Walmart, Walgreens or your supermarket. I have two brands that I have stocked up on: Octagen and Felsnappa. Either will work just fine. Now, place a small plastic bag flat and un-opened on a table. Place the bar of soap on the plastic. Take a butter knife and begin to shave off thin slices of the soap onto the plastic. If the bar of soap you are using has been around for awhile it may be a little dry and will slice off harder than a freshly unwrapped bar of soap. Either will work just fine. Okay, when you have an amount that will cover the intended area of concern remove the bar of soap and then, using your fingers, mush the scrapped pieces of soap together making something that resembles an upside cone or pyramid. Now get some household white sugar and, using a spoon, make a pile of sugar next to the shaved soap. Add enough white sugar so that it is about the same size as the soap. When done simply mush together the soap and the sugar with your fingers. Now you need to add water, a drop or two at a time to make a paste that is not runny or too think and lumpy. Be careful not to add too much water as it will render the paste to a watery mass and become difficult to work with when applying it. When the paste is tacky to the touch, or close to it, apply it to the area(s) of your concern. I use the plastic bag that I mixed the soap and sugar on as a cover to which I also apply some thin padding such as a piece of inexpensize gauze. If you are out in the woods or away from civilization use your best guess as to what to use that would cover the mixture and hold it in place for about twelve hours. About twelve hours after applying this mixture you can take it off and make another application if needed. I've used this to draw out pieces of rust from a terribly corroded nail, pieces of glass, snips of wire and gravel (sliding on a road surface after a fall from a bike). It works well. Someimes a second or even a third application will be needed to do the job - it definitely works. Hope this helps someone.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Jesuslover (Minneapolis, Minnesota Usa) on 01/26/2012

Hi, I just wanted to say thank you for the individual testimonials and great information on this site! I contracted a staph infection shortly after surgery and also a bad cut on my finger, not sure exactly which was the cause. The infection resulted in a boil which my doctor prescribed antibiotics to treat. I was on the antibiotics for almost the full course of treatment, and while there was some improvement, it did not quickly cure or alleviate the uncomfortable condition. I started taking two capsules of oil of oregano a day, which I just happened to have in the cupboard since a friend gave them to me. The same day I began taking these my condition began to improve much more rapidly! I know it was because of the oil of oregano and I thank God for this "miracle herb". I have never really been one who put much stock in herbal remedies but I will definitely do more research in the future before only depending on presciption medications for every affliction. Thanks again for sharing this valuable information! God bless :)

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Sally (Melbourne) on 08/04/2016

Hair is actually helpful, it helps keep pores open and helps sebum leave the pore... pores with hair in them depend on the hair to help the pore function. This is why shaving leads to clogged pores, and folicilitis. I would encourage you to research issues that have resulted from permanent hair removal before you take this step, to make sure it is right for you.

Posted by Ginkobiloba (New York, Usa) on 06/30/2011


After reading about garlic as a strong antibiotic I put crushed garlic on a staph boil (I think that's what it was. I had one many years ago in the same place and went to the doctor and that's what he called it- he gave me antibiotics)

I would hold the garlic in place with a sterile pad and an ace bandage, leaving it on for hours at a time. WELL, the boil opened but it also spread! It got worse! I switched to drinking vinegar and tumeric and also rubbbing Caledula oil on it. Immediate improvement. I even did the baking soda a couple times which was cooling. I made a Shea butter salve with Calendula, Usnea, Wormwood and Comfrey. Large red inflamed area almost gone, but it has been almost 10 days (since the garlic). Thanks everyone...

Flaxseed Poultice
Posted by Cj (Elk Grove, Ca, Usa) on 05/25/2011

Another remedy for boils if bacon does not work is to make a poultice out of ground flaxseed. Add enough hot water (as hot as you can stand it) to make a slightly soupy paste. Apply to skin and cover with a clean cloth. Allow to dry and then soak it off. The flaxseed causes it to come to a head. We used this when I was a child and suffered from carbuncle outbreaks.

Flaxseed Poultice
Posted by Trawhe (Glenwood, Md) on 10/22/2012

The flaxseed option worked within hours. I mixed flaxseed powder with very warm water and put mixture onto a clean cloth then put against the boil, then placed a heating pad underneath and the boil started to go away and took the pain away. This was after I tried the bacon for eight hours that did not work for me. Thanks a bunch for this method. I can get some sleep tonight.

Boil Treatment Warnings
Posted by Tina (Princeton, New Jersey) on 01/09/2011

Amen to that. Could't have said it better myself, Lisa.

Boil Treatment Warnings
Posted by Carly (Seattle , Wa - Usa) on 01/09/2011

Well said Lisa... Well said. While I totally agree with you, I will say that if anyone does have a very large (and hot to the touch) type of a boil, and feels generally very ill -then they should probably seek mainstream medical attention to be sure that they are not dealing with a serious sepsis / blood infection. (MO)

BUT - for people with average to large boils, who get them all of the time...

Taking tumeric (internally) daily at 1/2 tsp twice a day will stop them in their tracks within a week. Just read the turmeric section on here. It is TRUE - I am sold on turmeric for it's MANY healthy attributes.

To clarify - If you are in a crisis situation, err on the side of caution and go to the doctor...if not.... Take TURMERIC. Is it amazing stuff!

(Had to try out the now BOLD font! Love it! )

Best to you all. :-)

Boil Treatment Warnings
Posted by Maymuse (St Louis, Mo) on 09/08/2011

Dmontg: I too have had recurring boils (which eventually led to a 5-day stint in a hospital), after I allowed a golfball sized boil grow in my neck - turns out, it was in my gland!

The hospital pumped me full of antibiotics and fluids; and warned me that it was MRSA. Ever since, I have had many boils which seem impossible to relieve - most of them have been on my face and neck, with the occasional buttock boil (awful, you can imagine).

I've found that I'm prone to getting these after eating certain foods: just like Elle from Austin TX, cheap chocolate pudding seems to provoke an attack. Also certain nuts, like almonds, seem to be a cause. My menstrual cycle may be an indicator. However, I don't get boils every month...?

Not sure of any other commonalities amongst us with recurring boils, but I have O-negative blood. I had a bad outbreak of shingles, followed by a severe case of mononucleosis a few years later, and was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia about 5 years ago, after suffering years of widespread pain.

I really prefer natural home remedies, and avoid taking prescription medication - especially since my body seems to be resistent to most antibiotics at this point.

Thanks to the generous people shared comments on this site, I've discovered that ACV (apple cider vinegar) and tumeric are essential parts of the diet in order to keep these at bay. I also use tea tree oil, and lavender oil on the site of any boil.

Draining a Boil
Posted by Ebby (Toronto, Ontario) on 07/01/2010

Just a quick note. This may sound strange but after not having much success draining a boil with wet heated cloth I decided to try a heavy duty paper towel and presto, the boil began to drain for over an hour. Change towel regularly and rest. hope this helps. Also, i too have found the turmeric cure helpful and use oregano oil as an antibactial.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sandy (Mebane, Nc) on 06/30/2010

Apple Cider Vinegar has definitely helped my boils. I drink it at least 2 times a day with water.
