Bladder Infections
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural UTI Remedies for Quick Relief

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Trudy (Netherlands) on 10/09/2006

I tried everything for bladder disease. The regular doctor prescribed Nitrofurantoin... so bad.. it causes even bladder disease... so I became very very ill ONLY COLLOIDAL SILVERWATER was THE REMEDY( for E-coli). Bladder disease was gone. Afterwords I took DMannose...very pain anymore...also good for interstitial cystitis...really true. I have to tell this for the doctor did not know that Nitrofurantoin causes bladder disease. read: Natural Medicine Encyclopedia C.Norman Shealy.

Posted by Jennifer (Fort Smith, AR) on 09/20/2006

At the first sign of a bladder infection I take a couple Acidophilis pills and drink lots of water. This really helps. It also helps to take Acidophilis when your taking your Dr prescribed antibiotics because sometimes when the bad bacteria is killed so is the good resulting in a yeast infection and the Acidophilis stops that from occuring! I like it best in pill form but it can be bought in milk and it is naturally in yogurt.

Watermelon Seed Tea
Posted by London (Sandusky, Ohio) on 04/28/2009

Watermelon seed tea works for Bladder Infections. Just sprinkle about a half teaspoon in a mug and a cup of hot water. Take about 3 times a day, everyday until the pain is gone. Very effective. It has a bland taste.

Posted by Michael (Peoria Az)

I have used Lugol's internally for years. My wife had a major bladder infection and had 2 bio's performed and all kinds of drugs prescribed including a Dr. stating we were passing a virus thru sex back and forth. I refused to take the chemicals. Finally she wanted to try the Lugol's and within 2 weeks began to walk with no pain. I placed it in the water containers of my 2 dogs. My 3 pound 10 old dog came alive once again. I feel it killed all the worms in her that were bleeding her of energy. I believe in Lugols for everything. I purchase it by the 500ml's and give it away to people who are real ill or sick.

Posted by Gary (Kitchener On) on 01/17/2022


The best fix for U.T.I. is 1/2 tea spoon of Keltic Sea Salt

in a glass of water. Once a day for 2 days, it works for me..


Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Elena (Dallas) on 12/24/2023

Since you have UTI regularly, always keep D-Mannose and Urolesan in your medicine cabinet.

Lemon, Cornsilk, Oregano Oil
Posted by Lisa (Claremont, Ca) on 06/13/2023

Once again, I got a UTI. I'm older and seem to be getting them more frequently. This time after I had an illness (was told by a cupping practitioner I'd had COVID) and I had had diarrhea for a couple of weeks. This gave me the UTI, even though I clean always with water and soap after using the bathroom and am careful to not do the things I should not. I got it anyway.

I'd gotten other utis in the past couple of years and never want to go on antibiotics but I could never get rid of them on my own. Cranberry never worked for me, I tried D-Mannose without success.

Then I read two solutions that worked for others that also worked for me. I'll post this under each solution.

The first is lemon water. One person said cranberry never worked for them (me neither) but lemon did. Hot lemon water 2x a day. It was so much reduced at the end of the day, I was so surprised! I did it for two more days but I still felt twingey.

I had a doctor's appointment the next week, and I thought I'd have to go on antibiotics because even though lemon helped tremendously and immediately, I could still feel it.

So I came back here and started going through every cure. One woman posted about oil of oregano and cornsilk tea, and that she'd had a bad bout of diarrhea and got the UTI right after that, like me. It helped her so that she did not need antibiotics.

I have both cornsilk tea in the house and oil of oregano and made it right away. This was the solution that kicked the final bit of it out of my system. I had to do it for several days. By the time the doctor appointment came days later, I didn't need to say anything to them about it. I felt a little twinge about three days after I stopped taking it. I took two more cups on two more days.

This is the first time ever I have not had to go on antibiotics for a UTI. I hope this helps someone else.

Also the practitioner I saw said if you have diarrhea and UTI, after using the bathroom, first rinse the area with water, then wash with soap and water. Then mix a teaspoon to a tablespoon in a small container of warm water (like a handheld bucket, mine is maybe four cups max). Use that to cleanse the area well. Don't do it frequently because you don't want to kill the good bacteria in the area, but this can be done as a cleanse on a short term 3days or so basis to keep the area clean to help heal. It helped me feel better right away. It doesn't heal the UTI, but does a great job of sanitizing the area for you.

  • Thank God for this website. May our Creator bless and heal everyone who comes to this site looking for cures, to those who post their solutions and give all of us hope, and blessings to the developer and people who work on this site.

Posted by Lil (Europe) on 11/01/2022

Hi, can anyone comment on my experience please?

I'm obviously run-down....don't sleep well at all, over-weight and trying to lose it all the time plus the fact it's been a full-on summer and I'm dealing with a traumatic family I ended up with a bout of cystitis recently, which I've only experienced maybe 3 times in my almost 60 years.

It's lasted 2 weeks and I've been using cranberry juice and bicarb, then I decide I'd go the garlic route, rather than go for antibiotics.

To which end, I sliced up a very large, strong, fresh clove of garlic and macerated it overnight in a pint of water and then drank the whole lot in the morning except for a few bits of the clove which I chewed. As well as this, I made a strong garlic butter and left that overnight as well, before eating it on crackers the next day (and finger-dipping cos I love it so much! ).....

3 days later and I have a large mainly painless lump on my lower gum but no pain in my teeth, and a small painful (when I press it) on the back of my head on the diagonally opposite side to the gum problem.

What I am wondering is, if the garlic is routing any infection and pushing it out of my body by any means? As I sit here typing I'm sucking on a clove of garlic, having found the brilliant post all about infection in the mouth and garlic!

Thanks so much to everyone who has contributed to this interesting and invaluable site.

Thyme Essential Oil
Posted by Lauren (NY) on 07/15/2021

For a UTI, I usually take olive leaf and turmeric caps as per my post under those headings. When I find that my UTI is being a little extra stubborn I draw a shallow bath, but a little olive oil on a washcloth along with some thyme essential oil, with maybe a little tea tree. I feel that the thyme is the most potent. It is important to dilute these with the olive oil. I then press this around the area gently and push out the bacteria into the bath. This really helps to tame the infection or get rid of the remainder of it.

Posted by Charlotte (TEXAS) on 05/07/2022

Thanks for your blessing and info about Lemons 🍋 and UTIs. God bless you and keep you well and safe.

Avoid High Oxylate Foods
Posted by Elsa (New Zealand) on 02/11/2023

You are certainly right, Syd. Almonds and spinach are oxalates foods Not all superfoods are beneficial for us.

Corn Silk
Posted by Terry (Canada) on 05/04/2019

Corn silk works wonders for my dog's incontinence. He was suddenly dripping and peeing in his sleep even though he has never peed in the house in his life. I see that most of the posts have been about female dogs and their spay incontinence but I just want to say that corn silk capsules eradicated my adult male dog's incontinence by 99%.

He is a 70lb dog and I give him one capsule per meal twice a day. I also time when he gets water but not reduce the total amount of water given to him. This way he would not have to hold for as long. In two weeks he went from dripping in his sleep every day to needing to go out earlier than his potty breaks. We listened to him when he would indicate wanting to go and slowly his schedule was back to normal. It has been a month and a half and he stopped having incontinence completely. I will likely give him cornsilk long term since it is inexpensive and effective as incontinence prevention.

Sea Salt
Posted by Arlene (Silver City, New Mexico) on 09/14/2017

Your salt cure helped me so much I can't say it cured me but it helped a bunch with pain..I was able to make it through two twelve hour shift dispite peein blood.. I spent my days off drinking pure cranberry juice with raw honey distilled water and cream of tarter with lemon water ..n pink salt Water.. N vitamin c n eating fruit n plain yogert only ..I douche d with salt water n aged urine ..I'm much better now no more pain no more diarea. No more blood in urine..thanks so much earth clinic is my go to for any I looped my urine till it was clear as water didn't look or taste infected anymore and I almost went to er glad I did not .

Cream of Tartar
Posted by Lisa (TX) on 03/08/2021

did you ever try the cream of tarter? Did it work?

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Mona (Oakland, Ca) on 07/09/2016

I am suffering from recurrent UTIs, probably the aftermath of some antibiotics I have had to use not too long ago after surgery.

Anyways, I had felt some mild burning since a few days already, but only today the pain and need to pee every two minutes, hit me plus tinges of blood when wiping - it was not looking good, and I knew I needed to do something ASAP to try and eliminate the infection, or else it would be off to the ER.

First thing I did, was, heating up some water and pouring it in a small cooking pan, and adding some ACV (I did not measure it - just poured some in). Then, I wrapped my lower body in a big towel and sat over the pot on the floor, to allow the ACV/water steam to penetrate my nether regions. I do not have a tub, so this was the next best thing to a sitzbath. I felt relief almost immediately, though the urge to pee still remained. Hence, after the steam procedure, I took a small teaspoon of organic baking soda, and mixed it in a glass of water and drank this. Now, 30 min later, I feel so much better!!!

I prepped myself another glass of the water and baking soda mix, and will keep it next to my bed to sip on should I wake during the night.

I have not given this treatment 5 stars yet, as I still have to see how I will feel in the morning, but if I continue to feel better (and I will def repeat the steam procedure and water/ baking soda drinks for a bit), then this is an amazing home remedy. Thank you all for sharing!

Lemon, Vinegar and Olive Oil
Posted by Arizona Mom (Prescott, Az) on 06/12/2016 4 posts

I am 66...6 yrs ago the bloody uti's and out of ER for years and on 3 1/2 years of antibiotics.

Cure: I think it was Dr Grisanti site, an article on uti.... Can't remember exact title... but women are routinely false positive on utis. Turns out it was kidney stones. Years of horrible pain like 1,000 razor blades in the bladder. Once in ER, I saw sand-like stuff in bottom of my urine cup and I asked "Is that kidney stones"?

Dr said, "I don't know. If it is, the lab will pick it up." They did not pick it up~

Years later, all I did was start lemon water 1 qt morning and at night night fresh lemon vinegar and olive oil on food lemon dissolves the kidney stones! No more problem!

Thousands spent trying to get to the bottom of this. Also I suggest you get Dr. Hulda Clark book the cure for all diseases free pdf online or buy on amazon used for $4.

Enterococcus UTI Remedies
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 08/14/2015

Moka (NY) --- try ozonated water. Namaste, Om

Enterococcus UTI Remedies
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn.) on 08/14/2015

HI U MOKA, , , , , , , , , , , have learned that ozonated water will handle most UTI infections including cancer . Suggest you invest in a cheap non medical device and try. Gas (ozone) dissolves best in ice water. See u tube.

All would appreciate your response.

Wish you the best. ======ORH======

Enterococcus UTI Remedies
Posted by Bekah (Nc) on 02/08/2016

Hi, if you're still suffering, I recommend cayenne pepper, and grapefruit seed extract.

Enterococcus UTI Remedies
Posted by Tina (Ontario ) on 11/18/2017

Hi Monka, I just read your post and I do realize is from a while back but I am experiencing the same issue. Any luck in getting rid of the enterococcus uti? I was diagnosed about 3 months ago with enterococcus UTI when they did a urine culture. I experience extreme urgency and frequency, no burning, no pain. I was on 3 rounds of different antibiotics: macrobid, amoxicillin and septra or bactrin 10 days each based on sensitivity test but it didn't clear up. At the end of the antibiotic treatment I feel good and the lab count shows lower bacteria but then slowly I start experiencing the symptoms again and the count goes up. I tried everything including natural treatments: uva ursi, colloidal silver, garlic, juniper tea, grape seed extract, oregano oil, tea tree oil, sitz baths and I take probiotics and vit C every day. My doctor wants to put me on another antibiotic which I am very skeptical now to take. I eat healthy and I drink lots of water. I am desperate and frustrated, this is impacting my life terribly, I don't know what else to do. I always follow personal hygiene and live a healthy lifestyle, I am otherwise very healthy female 39 yrs old. Reinfection is not the case as it would be technically impossible. I want to try another natural treatment while I wait to see a specialist. Please let me know if you managed to treat it.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by L J (Los Angeles ) on 03/21/2015

I just read your comment on taking various remedies for what u think is a bladder infection. To begin with the bladder is not located under your right rib, that's where the liver is located the bladder is on the lower left side of the body down below your stomach..I think you had a gallbladder attack and should definitely seek medical help. Or at least take something for Gallstones.. Xoxo

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Katrinab (North Vancouver, CA) on 03/22/2015

Thank you for your feedback. I can assure you that it was not gallstones as I have no gallbladder. I had been having bladder pain after voiding for a few weeks before it developed into an infection. My right side was were the pain was radiating, not where it was localized. Sorry if I was not more specific.

Corn Silk
Posted by Schwabbie (Los Angeles, California) on 02/09/2015

Corn Silk Tea: Since I did not see this as a remedy, I thought I would post. A friend recently had some bladder pain and she went through 2 rounds of antibiotics with no success. She tried other holistic remedies, but in the end her mother boiled the silk from the outside of corn into a tea and that did it for her. I don't have a recipe, but if you search on "corn husk tea medicinal" you will find it.

Clove Oil
Posted by Jenn (Arizona) on 02/06/2015

I just took 2 drops of clove oil in a glass of water for a bladder infection and I feel 50% better in just a couple of hours. Was in terrible pain. I also took some cranberry extract pills with it. But I think it was the clove oil that worked because the cranberry didn't work prior to adding the clove oil. I also inserted a fem-dophilus pill into the vaginal area because a scientist I worked with said that if I want something to get into the bloodstream fast put it on the vaginal lip area. This didn't take away my infection until I added the clove oil. I have found that clove oil is the best thing for bacteria infections, I have injected it into my gums for a gum infection I could not get rid of for years after 2 unsuccessful surgeries. It works better then any other natural antibiotic I have tried.

Aloe Vera and Cranberry Juice
Posted by Jhlife (Atlanta, Ga) on 12/14/2014

I just wanted to add in regard to BV, I had it a couple of years ago and it was recurrent no matter what my Dr. gave me. Finally, I ask a friend of mines who is well versed with natural cures what I should do and she simply said, "2tbsp of natural aloe vera to 8oz of unsweetened cranberry juice. Not only does it get rid of the BV, I have also found that it works well with balder infections. Pray this helps someone as it did me.

Hotep (peace)

Corn Silk
Posted by Jean (Ohio) on 06/30/2016

Does corn silk tea is commercial or fresh boil corn silk? Does it bother your stomach?

How much corn silk do you use? How long do you take this treatment?

Thank you.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Cranberry, Vitamin C
Posted by Shannon (Toronto, On) on 12/14/2013

I've been plagued with the discomfort of recurrent bladder infections since I was a pre-teen. I usually get one about every 3 months and they sometimes last for weeks, it's so painful! I've taken cranberry extract before as a preventative, but it doesn't always do the trick at the onset of a bladder infection.

I had a nasty infection sometime last week (most likely caused by a pair of too-tight short shorts that I sometimes sleep in) and decided to try a combination of things to get rid of it faster. I took two cranberry pills (which was about 226mg), 2 vitamin C tablets (1000mg) and washed it all down with 2 tbs. of apple cider vinegar diluted in 2 cups of water. To my amazement, 20 minutes later the discomfort had vanished completely. No more bladder infection! I'm not sure if it was a specific remedy or the combination of all 3 that cured it so fast, but I've decided that I will be taking a tbs. of ACV in my water on a daily basis, continuing to take cranberry extract pills (at 452mg) and increasing my daily vitamin C intake. As long as I stay away clothes that are too tight, I'm hoping it will prevent me from ever getting another one!

Posted by Art (California) on 09/07/2013

A friend of mine had a recurring bladder infection with e coli as the common culprit. His doctor prescribed many different antibiotics over the years and eventually they no longer worked to eradicate the infection and on the last antibiotic, his doctor told him that this was the last antibiotic that he could try for the infection as all of the others were no longer effective.

This last round of antibiotics seemed to work, but two days after completing the course, the bladder infection came back and the symptoms were worse than before.

I recommended d mannose dissolved in a 500ml bottle of water, taken at one bottle three times per day. Within 24 hours of starting, the symptoms had diminished significantly and after 72 hours, the symptoms were gone.

Since this is a recurring problem that the doctor told him he is prone to, he will likely need to use d mannose again, but at least he won't have to deal with the negative side effects of taking antibiotics anymore and e coli will never become resistant to d mannose because d mannose does not actually try to kill e coli, it merely binds to it and then allows the body to flush it out naturally. Also, d mannose has an excellent safety profile and is the ingredient in pineapple juice and cranberry juice that is effective against UTI's, however when you mix it with water, you get the positive effects without all of the sugar contained in the juices and it is much stronger than the small amount available in the juices. D mannose in water is almost tasteless, so it is easy to swallow.

The downside is that d mannose is only effective against e coli based UTI's, but the greater majority of UTI's are caused by e coli, so d mannose is probably a good first choice before resorting to antibiotics. If you don't notice improvement within 24 hours, then your uti may not be caused by e coli and you will have to look elsewhere for a resolution.


Vitamin C
Posted by Elizabeth (Nashville, Tn) on 07/17/2013

I wouldn't recommend a high dosage on a regular basis. I only megadose when I'm sick and I always make sodium absorbate, which reduces the acidity. It's also very important to drink plenty of water. What your body doesn't use in 30 minutes is flushed out via the bladder. Megadosing Vitamin C helped me to overcome 2 months of pertussis this last winter. Two rounds of antibiotics and 3 packs of prednisone didn't touch it but once I added the Vitamin C, it was gone within days. I was averaging about 25,000 mg a day for a week. It's a Godsend!!

You are right about the uva ursi, it's helped me a time or two, as well.
