Bladder Infections
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural UTI Remedies for Quick Relief

Posted by Aaron24 (Ascencion, Chihuahua) on 08/23/2012

Hello there! Im a male 24 yrs old and I wanna share my natural cure with the world because I also suffered from UTI last year. So I decided to post this information to help the many people that suffer from this problem, I cured my UTI by drinking 8 glasses of water a day, water helps to flush out the bacteria that causes the burning sensation when urinating, so that all you got to do just drink 8 glasses of purified water (not tap water) minimum a day. Before I had tried many powerful antibiotics that did not worked, so try it out it easy and simple, 80% of the body is made up of water so it is that significant, you must eat plenty of water to be in good health and cure yourself of UTI, I wish you all good luck.

Sea Salt
Posted by Darlene (Otto, Nc, Usa) on 08/23/2012

A couple of nights ago my 83 yr. old mother was complaining... Whenever she went to urinate she was burning very badly, and felt she had to go constantly. I looked up Ted's sea salt remedy and made her a glass (1tsp. Sea salt in glass warm water) to sip on before bed; the next morning she said there was no more burning, and she felt much better... And not having to constantly go to the bathroom. Thanks Ted! So thankful to have you and earth clinic.

Posted by Giuliana (Sacramento, Ca) on 08/13/2012

So I've read a lot of responses about UTI and D-Mannose. Ive had reoccuring UTI's for four years now and recently antibiotics stopped working when they were successful before.

After doing some research and talking to my family it turns out my entire moms side has been dealing with Candida for years. My Grandfather has been on a candida diet (gluten and sugar free) for 20 years, my cousin couldn't eat anything with sugar or gluten her entire childhood and my Aunt has had numebr after number of UTI's and had to change her diet. My mom has been dealing with UTI like symptoms for several years and has just been diagnosed with a kidney infection, close to kidney failure, because antibiotics wont work and the doctors dont know why.

I was just unsuccessful with my second bout of antibiotics. I was ready to tear my hair own when I read about D-mannose and candida. I have been gluten and sugar free for a week and I feel more awake than I have in a year.

About 10 months ago I had a period of 3-4 months where I was CONSTANTLY fatigued, I mean, I couldn't keep my eyes open at 7pm and couldn't wake up in the morning, my whole day was foggy. During that time I was eating a ton of bread, sugary stuff and drinking a lot of beer and liquor. Since I've cut it out I feel like a new person.

D-mannose or whatever you try may not work as well if you're not adjusting your diet too. I feel like the supplement's have been helping a lot, I don't feel the urge or pain anymore, and I'm not eating anything that fuels the bacteria.

It's worth it to eat right for a couple weeks if it stops the frustration for a long period of time.

Red Fruit Herbal Tea
Posted by Leah (Jerusalem, Israel) on 08/05/2012

During the last year, I've gotten several very painful (with blood also) Urinary Tract Infections - I've never had them in my life before this year.

I have found a GREAT way to prevent them. When I start to get the symptoms, dull pain during urination, totally *clear* urine - I IMMEDIATELY drink a hot glass of red herbal tea - cranberry tea is the best, but any red fruit herbal tea does the job just as well. It's really a race against time because the infection comes on fast, so I always carry the tea bags with me in my purse. I only use 1/2 glass of boiled water so that the tea gets more concentrated and I drink it down as fast as I can. It stops the symptoms right away. Amazing. Hope this helps you also!!

P.S. - This site has *literally* saved my life and I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I really feel the love coming off these pages. You really do care about saving your fellow human beings. May God bless you all with only good things in life!! Shalom from the Holy Land. :)

Coconut Milk
Posted by Bern (Sydney, Nsw) on 07/14/2012

To the person who posted the email regarding the coconut milk and her friend who was hospitalised with kidney infection, I cannot thank you enough (so thank you, thank you, thank you). About three months ago I had a uti (urinary tract infection) that I could not shake - the usual symptoms being the feeling of a constantly full bladder, a nagging pain in my tail bone/coccyx/rectum, hot and cold sweats causing quick flushes. I was on my third set of antibiotics (keflex, norafloxacin, macrodantin (nitrofurantoin family of drugs) and fast losing hope of a remedy.

Then I consulted earthclinic. I tried the sea salt, the apple cider vinegar with organic cranberry concentrate and lemon juice, morning and night for about three days. Nothing. I still felt just as bad. Then I tried two tbspns cold presssed organic coconut oil with a cup of low fat coconut milk first up on the evening of the fourth day and then drank two cans of low fat coconut milk for the next two days. This was followed by a can of coconut milk mixed with a can of coconut water (refrigerated) each day for the following three days. I am now cured.

So this is what I think. The sea salt, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice and cranberry concentrate might have all worked had I been at a minor stage of this illness. Past this initial stage, there was no effect. The first cup of coconut milk gave instant noticeable relief. I'll admit that I did sick up after the fifth cup (so it might have helped if I'd diluted it earlier with coconut water). If you're prone to uti (as I am), I have been drinking wheatgrass extract for eight months and never caught uti during this period, so providing an alkaline environment in your body inhibits uti. Also, coconut water is said to inhibit uti. (I cannot comment on providing an acidic environment because I'm not a regular drinker of apple cider vinegar). I heard somewhere that taking daily 2 tbspn organic cold pressed coconut oil assists with alzheimers. After curing my uti with coconut milk, I can only say, WOW, coconut appears to be one of these "super" foods.

Posted by Amber (Little Rock, Ar) on 07/10/2012

I took over the reccomended amount every 3 hrs for 2 days and it didn't work I had to get on antibotics. I kept taking it while on antibiotics and the bladder infection still didn't go away. I took the powder and pill form. My mother tried D-Mannose as a preventative and it didn't work for her either. It helped with symptons but didn't cure the infection. Cranberry and ACV didn't work for me either. Next time I get an infection I'm going to try colloidal silver.

Posted by Maximac (Trussville, Alabama, Usa) on 06/15/2012

I will have to try the cranberry sauce. I awoke at 3:00am with horrible pain with my trip to the bathroom. I knew exactly what is was as I am prone to the uti. As the morning progressed, the pain got worse and I also noticed blood in my urine which I haven't noticed before. I could hardly leave the toilet the frequency and pain was so bad. I eventually came here to EC to see what I could find out. I read the things I already knew, baking soda, aspirin/alka seltzer (haven't had that in years), ACV, etc.. I didn't get any relief even after some popular OTC medication for this I had. I knew I had to go to the Dr. Since there was blood in the urine and I'm missing a day of work which I would recommend for anyone. The Dr gave me the usual but dreaded antibiotic and said that my case was quite moderate approaching severe. I am now home and resting and hope to be pain free this afternoon. I am following up with the probiotics and cranberry. 2 times a year for this stinks.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jamie (Lake Worth, Fl) on 06/14/2012

At the health food store I get cranberry capsules. You dont have the calories or other ingreedients from juice. Its also just seems easier to take.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Maria (Frankfurt, Germany) on 06/13/2012

Try purple or red grapes juice without sugar. It helped me a lot in clearing my UTI during pregnancy but I also took Ted's sea salt remedy and after one dose of one ts of sea salt in one glass of water drank water with 1/4 ts of sea salt in one litre water regularly. According to Ted' s instruction drinking more water without sea salt makes the UTI worse. You must more drink water but with sea salt. I am now almost eight month pregnant. I never have further UTI during my pregnancy. Whenever I visit my doctor every month I start drinking red or purple grapes juice and water with sea salt four days before and my urine report is always clear without any infection. So I am thankful to Ted and Earth clinic for treating my UTI with natural remedies as I don't want to take antibiotics during my pregnancy. I hope that it will help you. Good luck.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Chuck (Calgary, Alberta) on 06/13/2012

Drink 100% cranbery juice 3x a day, take d-mannose at least 3x a day and in 2 weeks you most likely gonna be good as new.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Chuck (Calgary, Alberta) on 06/13/2012

Cranberry juice works perfect for UTi especially with d-mannose combined, works like a miracle.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 06/12/2012

The real cranberry juice treatment worked for my chronic urinary tract infection when NO antibiotics did. You need to buy the real cranberry juice and NOT the cranberry juice mixtures sold at grocery stores wich have very little real cranberry juice in them.

I was prescribed this treatment by a urologist when all the antibiotics failed to work. You drink three cups of cranberry juice per day preferably on an empty stomach. If it works it works fast. It did for me in about 2 weeks when nothing else did....Oscar

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jfrost231 (Hackettstown, New Jersey, United States) on 06/11/2012

Well, not to be rude, but I simply can't go to a clinic or a doctor. My family doesn't have the money right now, I have the choice between going to the doctor or not eating for an entire month, that's how my financial situation. And anyway, my mother who is a nurse told me that the infection would have traveled to my kidney's by now, and she said the symptoms would be very bad back pain, a fever, blood in my urine and extreme pain during urination. I don't have any of the symptoms of a kidney infection, my mother is going to check me to see if I have any cysts on my or near my urethra that might be causing discomfort.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jennifer (Sunrise, Fl, Usa) on 06/11/2012

A bladder infection is nothing to play around with. I've had a kidney infection before from ignoring a bladder infection and let me tell you, it is not fun. A persistent bladder infection can cause serious damage to your kidneys or scarring of the urethra if untreated.

Usually, when I feel a bladder infection coming on, I take ACV and it goes away. Some people have success with using probiotics. All the remedies I would suggest to you it seems that you have tried already. If you've tried everything and your bladder infection hasn't gone away, you should really go on antibiotics. I know that's probably not what you want to hear, but a bladder infection can cause some serious complications if not treated quickly and properly. If you are still having some discomfort, it means your bladder infection is still hanging on (or you've caused some damage to your urethra by not treating it properly). If you are worried about the side effects of antibiotics, take probiotics to replenish the "good" bacteria in your system.

I know it's expensive to go to the doctor, but depending on what state you live in, pharmacies like CVS, Walgreens and Target have walk-in clinics that will treat you for UTIs/bladder infections for under $80. Generic antibiotics are also usually not very expensive. I think you should go and not wait any longer. Home remedies are good when they work, but if they aren't working for you, you shouldn't put off seeking professional treatment.

Best of luck to you, Jennifer

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jfrost231 (Hackettstown, New Jersey, United States) on 06/10/2012

Okay, so I'm not sure if I even have it anymore, though I still feel some slight discomfort during urination.

So if I still have this infection, I'm going on week number 3 of having it. I really dont want to take antibiotics, plus I can't really afford going for a doctors visit plus a prescription. So week one, I chugged lots of water and cranberry juice, drank apple cider vinegar 2tbsps a day, took cranberry supplements, vitamin c, echinacea, acidophilus and the apple cider vinegar seemed to help me. But I was still having irritation, then last week, I was still chugging water and cranberry juice, still doing vitamin c and all the pills I listed above, only I was taking 2 tbsps of apple cider vinegar 3 times a day.. And it helped at first, but then at the end of last week it started to hurt a lot more.

Then this past monday, I got Kidney Bladder remedy, I researched beforehand on how Uva Ursi is really can help get rid of the infection, so I went to the local health food store to get it, but then saw the blend for Kidney Bladder which contains Uva Ursi, but also contains Juniper, Parsley, Ginger, Marshmallow root, cramp bark and goldenseal root which I hear are all awesome things to help get rid of a bladder infection. I cut out the cranberry juice this week, and have just been drinking water. Your supposed to take this blend twice a day, so I did for monday and tuesday. But I later read on tuesday night that cranberry and vitamin c make my blend pills pretty much ineffective. So I stopped taking the cranberry supplements and vitamin c, and have just been chugging the water, taking this blend with all this stuff in it, echinacea, and acidophilus. So I feel like I've really improved, it's a lot better. But I'm still feeling irritation, it hasn't moved to my kidneys, thats for sure. But it's been like 4 effective days of taking this blend, and I can only take it up to 7, because past that is dangerous.

Though my mom who is a nurse, said that maybe the infection is gone and that there is more to it, that I possibly could have irritable problems with my urethra that's causing me discomfort/irritation while I urinate. So what should I do? Does it sound like I'm on the right track to being cured? What else should I do if not? Could my mom be right?

Uva Ursi
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 06/04/2012 2063 posts

Jfrost231, Uva Ursi is definitely the master herb for Bladder/UTI infections, but as you are advised cannot be used in excess or by pregnant or nursing women. Also do not take Uva Ursi w/ (at the same moment or hr) vit-C or Cranberry as it decreases effectiveness. About 5 days use will provide much relief and by that time side effects of vasoconstriction will begin w/ itching or painful veins or possibly numbness in hands and feet. Must discontinue for at least 2 weeks before resuming (if necessary).

Another nutrient extremely beneficial for Bladder/UTI infection is the simple sugar D-Mannose. And for your insufficient immune response, Vit-A & Zinc at recommended dosages daily for 1 month or more.

Uva Ursi
Posted by Jfrost231 (Hackettstown, New Jersey, United States) on 06/03/2012

Hi, I currently have a bladder infection that i've had for about two weeks, and you know how bladder infections are, they are stubborn. I've tried a lot of things so far, I've been taking high doses of vitamin c, been drinking lots of water and cranberry juice, I've taken apple cider vinegar for about 2 weeks straight and even though it makes urination less painful, it hasn't cured my bladder infection. I've also been taking acidophilus, echinacea, and a cranberry supplement. So none of this is CURING my infection, I need to get rid of it, I don't have the money or insurance for a doctor's visit and antibiotics.

So I heard about uva ursi, and it sounds like a good idea. But my mom who's a nurse told me that it can be dangerous taking in high doses, so is it safe to take the capsules up to 4 times a day? I don't plan on doing this past a week.

Posted by Angie (Seattle, Wa) on 06/01/2012

For those of you exeriencing UTI's after intercourse consider that the contreceptive you use may possibly be causing it... I would always get a UTI after using a latex condom, regardless of peeing and washing afterwards... once I switched to the non-latex ones, I've never had another problem.

Posted by Shampoo (Los Angeles, California) on 05/28/2012

Update:::: ok, guys. The D-Mannose was helping tremendously, and I really felt I was making progress with it, but it didnt actually cure, and Im almost done with my second jar. I even spent two days doubling up my doses, but by the third day, it was back again full force.

Its almost like, whenever I try something new, the bacteria gets blasted, and feels almost gone, then, after a fews days, it like, adapts, mutates, and changes form like a scary Sci Fi Movie, and its back again with a vengeance!! I was still in Pain, and truly desparing, since Ive done hours of tireless research on the internet, and I really was beginning to believe I had some kind of incurable medical condition, and I was in deep Poop!!

Ive tried everything, every herb, Uva Ursi, marshmallow root, dandelion tea, and consilk tea. Echinacea, Goldenseal, Grapefruit seed extract, and oregano oil, and tons of it all, Ive also tried Olive leaf extract before, and ofcourse, Cipro and macrobid. I dont kind of viral bacteria this is, but its awful.

By now, Ive drank tons of water, and its been 2 months with this damn UTI!!!!

I read somewhere on here that a women said you can knock out a UTI with one drop of lavender essential oil, in a coconut oil ovul base, or something. I have a bottle of Aura Cacia lavender oil , and some empty gel caps, so I figured what the heck. Put one drop in an empty gel cap. Swallowed it, Waited a few hours. It was cool, no horrible stomach pains and I didnt poison myself, cuz Ive always been leary of essential oils for that reason. You have to be careful. A few hours later, I tried 2 drops in a gel cap, and that was cool. I then did some research on essential oil therapy, and I read you can cure UTIS with peppermint oil. I have some, so by evening, I took another single drop of lavender and one drop of peppermint oil in the gel cap, and did that. I did have some stomach pains, not bad at all, and some pleasant minty fresh burps, and it was all good. I seem to feel a rush of energy, and very alert, I also read peppermint oil is taken for clarity and mental alertness and that seems to be true.

The next day I went Gung HO!

I put a drop each of rosemary oil, lavender oil, peppermint oil, and clove oil, in an empty gel cap first thng in the morning along with my d mannose and 2 glasses of water. All good!!! Then every two hours, one to two drops pepermint oil or rosemary, in a capsule, Id alternate. Then, at nite, the multioil capsule, and the d mannose. Lots of water thru out the day. I also rubbed the clove oil on my stomach area where the Bladder and pelvic bone is, and it gave me a nice, pleasant, warm, happy, sensation for 30 minutes. It was comforting cuz I actually felt it was doing something!! And it helped with the pain.

Now with clove oil, you must be very careful. Only 6 drops can be extremely poisonous. All essential oils can be poisonous if not used with caution, but clove has been known to melt plastic, it is so strong!! I would never exceed more than 2 drops clove oil a day. The peppermint and rosemary I do alot of thru out the day, depending on how Im feeling, plus I was ultra desperate to get rid of this UTI, and if I had mild stomach pains, or slight headaches from the stuff, It was worth it to me, cuz this really is working!! And I thought I had interstitial cystitus.

It feels almost gone. Id venture to say it is gone. I had mild pains last nite, very minimal, compared to pain thru out the day, and everytime I used the bathroom. I have hardly any pain now when I wee. It really is working. My mother also, is dealing with a resperatory infection, and she has COPD, and I also started her on the oils, and it seemed to clear her infection rite up.

Ive been doing some research on essential oil therapy. Ive heard alot of good things about "THIEVES OIL" Ive read some posts on different forums about people being able to cure UTI's among other things with Thieves oil. and the story about thieves oil is very interesting.

I guess its a combination of oils:: Lemon, clove, eucalyptus, cinnamon, and rosemary, that a group of thieves in the 1800's concocted and rubbed on their hands and bodies to rob plague victims, without catching the plague.

People use it for all kinds of things.

Anyways, I figure oils are great, because Ive read online about gals who have been able to cure themselves by taking multiple herbal supplements, and alot of them, so I figure the oils are the essences and stronger, so it works just as good, and cheap!!

Baking Soda
Posted by Mark (Warsaw, Poland) on 05/21/2012

My sister had a bladder infection for a while with pain and constant going to the toilet. She avoids going to see her doctor if she can help it and certainly hates using antibiotics. However, her condition worsened to the extent that she couldn't function properly, forcing her to see her local GP - she lives in the UK. It happened that another doctor was covering her GP, who had worked in Africa for a number of years and where doctors rarely have access to antibiotics. Often they have to rely on natural remedies. He advised my sister to take half a glass of soda water and half a glass of unpasteurised milk, mixed together. The mixture should be consumed first thing in the morning and then 2-3 times during the day. My sister's problem disappeared within 24 hours. Best of luck. God Bless.

Posted by Shampoo (Los Angeles, California) on 05/19/2012

I got gas too the first time I took it. Only once tho, and it was pretty bad gas, I was in bed cramping all nite, and in pain. I think I read thats normal. And you have to take ALOT of d mannose, Like in two days Ive finished half the jar, but its actually working for me this time, where in the past, taking smaller amounts, I actually threw it away cuz it didnt do anything. Thats why I ordered another jar. Id say to treat a really bad infection you need to take two jars of d mannose, Im serious.

Posted by Shampoo (Los Angeles, California) on 05/19/2012

UPDATE::: Ok guys, the vitamin C cure DID not work, as the cream of tarter in a few inches of water, DID NOT WORK EITHER. Baking soda didnt work, and I got sick and could have possibly poisoned myself, (i just read about the dangers of taking toom uch baking soda online) UGH....

I was beginning to despair, so NOW, Im feeling great, and for the last week or so Ive been taking massive doses of Echinacea, (4 4oomg pills 4 times thruout the day) but altho I was feeling better, it wasnt really nipping my problem in the bud, as I was beginning to have excrutiating pain at night, and by now I starting to feel fully convinced I have the dread, interstitial cystitus!!!

Guys, D MANNOSE!!! I have tried D mannose TWICE before in the past and it seemed to do nothing for me. It was like drinking sugar water, it seemed to be the most rediculous cure ever!!!!! However, after tireless internet google research, all these women were swearing by it, (even saying things like, 9 out of 10 women are cured by D mannose, and I have interstitial incurable bladder disease and this cured me) so I decided to give it another go.

I tried a really cheap brand of D mannose before, and some women claimed that it DOES make a difference to go with a high quality more expensive brand, and that not all d mannose are created equal, I guess, so I spent about $25.00 for a little jar.

It says on the jar to take a teaspoon every 4 hours, (like 4 times a day) and double for a raging case, (like mine) I took a teaspoon and a half every 2 hours like SEVERAL times a day, and by the third day, I really almost feel normal again, I feel great. I ordered another jar, I really think its working!! Its pricey but worth it.

I suppose the d mannose receptors attract e coli to them and then they attach off the wall and get flushed out of the bladder. Ive also read the d mannose can do this to sperm! So be careful ladies, if your trying to conceive, I read d mannose might interfere with pregnancy. They are even trying to patten a contraceptive using d mannose, lol! I was thinking of using d mannose as a preventative, as many women have had success doing that, but since I want to have a baby... I'll have to try something else when I dont have an infection. Im gonna try a brand of herbal cranberry supplement sold on amazon. One women claims after intercourse she takes 2 pills and a full glass of water and she hasnt had an infection in 10 years.

Im going to continue the d mannose for another week after my symptoms have fully gone. A teaspoon three times a day. Good luck ladies, and I will report back with my progress!!

Baking Soda
Posted by Shampoo (Los Angeles, California) on 05/19/2012

UPDATE::: Ok guys, the vitamin C cure DID not work, as the cream of tarter in a few inches of water, DID NOT WORK EITHER. Baking soda didnt work, and I got sick and could have possibly poisoned myself, (i just read about the dangers of taking too much baking soda online) UGH....

I was beginning to despair, so NOW, Im feeling great, and for the last week or so Ive been taking massive doses of Echinacea, (4 4oomg pills 4 times thruout the day) but altho I was feeling better, it wasnt really nipping my problem in the bud, as I was beginning to have excrutiating pain at night, and by now I starting to feel fully convinced I have the dread, interstitial cystitus!!!

Guys, D MANNOSE!!! I have tried D mannose TWICE before inthe past and it seemed to do nothing for me. It was like drinking sugar water, it seemed to be the most rediculous cure ever!!!!! However, after tireless internet google research, all these women were swearing by it, (even saying things like, 9 out of 10 women are cured by D mannose, and I have interstitial incurable bladder disease and this cured me) so I decided to give it another go.

I tried a really cheap brand of D mannose before, and some women claimed that it DOES make a difference to go with a high quality more expensive brand, and that not all d mannose are created equal, I guess, so I spent about $25.00 for a little jar.

It says on the jar to take a teaspoon every 4 hours, (like 4 times a day) and double for a raging case, (like mine) I took a teaspoon and a half every 2 hours like SEVERAL times a day, and by the third day, I really almost feel normal again, I feel great. I ordered another jar, I really think its working!! Its pricey but worth it.

I suppose the d mannose receptors attract e coli to them and then they attach off the wall and get flushed out of the bladder. Ive also read the d mannose can do this to sperm! So be careful ladies, if your trying to conceive, I read d mannose might interfere with pregnancy. They are even trying to patent a contraceptive using d mannose, lol! I was thinking of using d mannose as a preventative, as many women have had success doing that, but since I want to have a baby... I'll have to try something else when I dont have an infection. Im gonna try a brand of herbal cranberry supplement sold on amazon. One women claims after intercourse she takes 2 pills and a full glass of water and she hasnt had an infection in 10 years.

Im going to continue the d mannose for another week after my symptoms have fully gone. A teaspoon three times a day. Good luck ladies, and I will report back with my progress!!

Baking Soda
Posted by Marla (Los Angeles, California) on 05/12/2012

I feel better but did not fully cure. I got yet another UTI, and it seemed indomitable. I took Cipro, (The God of antibiotics to cure UTI infections and it seemed to do nothing). I tried a million different things. ACV, Cornsilk tea, and asparagus, (2 cans a day for a week), nothing was working. I began to really worry about having interstitial cystitus, an awful and very debilating condition in which your bladder lining has microscopic cuts, ulcers, and damage, and your not able to eat hardly ANYTHING, and be on a strict diet, (basically vegetables and nothing with citurs or acids) as it will all burn you. Not even vitamins, or sugars are appropriate as these women live with chronic pain, even at night, to where they cant even sleep thru the night. I figured I did something to my bladder drinking all that apple cider vinegar for the last 4 years now, trying to control my reoccuring UTI's, lol!

I finally decided on the 1/2 half teaspoon baking soda in 8 oz of water every two hours for three days recipe. My GOD was this difficult. I drank tons of water, ate very lightly, I DID feel better, and I thought it was working. By the third day, I didnt complete the process cuz I was feeling pretty awful and getting side effects from the constant onslaught of baking soda(headache, dizzyness, just feeling not right, lol! ) I decided to go back to acidying myself again, and I fig, if I have interstitial Cystitus, I will know for sure, if I try this new remedy.

What did work, was taking massive doses of vitamin C. I read somewhere about a women that said this cure was failsafe, and she swears by it.

Take 5 1000mg vitamin C tablets every two to two and a half hours 4 times for one day. So, by the end of the day, you would need to have taken 20, 000mg vitamin c, and lots of water. So every two hours, I took 5 1000mg vitamin c pills for four times all day.

I did this yesterday, and by GOD, I think this has worked. (fingers crossed). The only downside as Ive had burning, acid runs since yesterday morning, but she said this was normal, and worth it if my bladder pain is gone. Fingers crossed I think it mite have worked :)

If it hasnt Im trying D mannose again, and echanacea, as that has worked for me before. OR a new remedy I just read about, 1/2 tsp cream of tarter in a few inches of water, twice a day for three days.

Posted by D (Vancouver, Bc/canada) on 05/02/2012

For all of you who get UTIs after sex - a simple thing like peeing right after you've just had sex will make a big difference. When you empty your bladder the urine flushes out the bacteria that has lodged in the uretra before it can breed and cause the infection. Made a huge difference for me - I never get UTIs anymore.

Posted by Linda (Los Angeles, California) on 05/01/2012

Omg, d-mannose does NOTHING for me. I've tried several times over the years, cuz I'm a chronic UTI sufferer.

This last time, I must have drank a TBSP, in a tall glass of water, every few hours for two days, and no difference, I just got the runs!!!

I wasn't really all that surprised, it's like drinkin sugar water. That's what it is. Some kind of natural sugar that is not metabalized in the body but excreted in the urine. I guess its supposed to bind to the bacteria in the process. I really gave this a good shot, and it didnt work for me.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Linda (Los Angeles, California) on 05/01/2012

Yes! This seems to work!! Its only been three days, but I'm feeling back to normal, and I had another one my SEVERE UTI episodes, to where I thought I would need Cipro again as my usual herbal remedy techniques including just staright apple cider vinegar, were not working at all. It felt the way it did before I got a kidney infection, so this was an advanced bladder infection. What I did::

I've been drinking a TON of fluids, constantly. Fruit juice and ice with dilited purrified water, TEA, water, Apple cider vinegar staight, 1/4th of a cup first thing UPON rising in the morning on an EMPTY STOMACH, (very inportant). Most people cannot do this, and it is, indeed, highly unpleasant, especially if you have stomach/heartburn problems/issues, but this has worked for me and UTI's in the past, but I pretend in my mind that Im drinking at the bar and taking a shot of some crazy strong alcohol, lol!

Then twice a day, I fill a large glass of water, and two capfuls or more, apple cider vinegar, than 1/2 teaspoon baking soda, and drink throughtout the day. The first day, (while you are in extreme and uncomfortable pain) I just chugged it. Once in the morn, fixed another concotion, nursed it thru-out the day, (along with other fluids, juice tea, etc) then chugged another concoction before goin to bed.

I'm gonna continue this for another week, altho I feel completely symptom free. I'm not chugging anymore, I'm just gonna nurture 2 glasses of this thru-out the day, (morning evening) I am so glad to be pain free, my God. I feel like Im going to die, it gets so bad, I was crying!

Also, becuz I'm fighting a cold, Ive been taking goldenseal tincture, and Grapefruit seed extract in empty gel caps twice daily aswell. Ive read before, both these herbs do indeed help with UTI's =, so they may be helping aswell. I feel a dropperful of goldenseal tincture in a gel cap in the morn, and about 6-10 drops grapefruit seed extract in another cap and take that in the morn, and do again both in the evening...

Ball Stretch
Posted by Bony (Austin, Texas) on 04/25/2012

After years of bladder infections dr sent me to physical therapy (????) I could not understand this but since I had my kids thru cesarian section, she said my pelvic muscles were too tight and I had scar tissue etc so this would prevent me from emptying my bladder thoroughly. She gave me a ball which I am to lay on to loosen the tight muscles. I went about 3 times to therapy (it was embarassing because they stretch you ). Anyway, I really never did the exercises at home until today because I got another infection. I'm laying on the ball, have taken cranberry pills, vit c, yogurt, and I had to take antibiotic (have several refills). But I never want to have this infections again. I am also reading my Bible and praying for divine healing. God is awesome! Has anyone heard of this therapy? I'm gonna get probiotics tomorrow. Thank you all. God Bless you!

Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 04/20/2012

I had a chronic urinary tract infection no antibiotitics worked for. The urologist I was seeing at the time told me to drink one cup of pure cranberry juice 3 times a day. The cranberry juice cocktails commonly sold have little real cranberry juice. You need the real thing, pure cranberry juice for this to work. Anyway the infection cleared up in about a week or two of this treatment. I had had this infection for years and it was slowly getting worse. The cranberry juice treatment worked for me....Oscar

Posted by Amy (Los Angeles, California, United States) on 04/20/2012

I have recently had lots of problems with a Urinary Tract infection and a bladder infection. Last night I reunited with an old friend named Gail.

In our discussion I related to her about my woes with my Urinary Tract infection and my bladder infection and how I had tried everything to help my problem. Cranberry juice, Cranberry capsules, etc....

Gail told me to eat CRANBERRY SAUCE instead of the cranberry juice as the CRANBERRY SAUCE is more concentrated. So I started eating a can of ____ Cranberry Sauce this morning and I SEEM TO BE WELL FROM THE BLADDER INFECTION by 5:30 pm!

I am passing this on so others can maybe get relief from this awful illness like I did!

Posted by Krista (Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada) on 04/19/2012

I took D-Mannose to get rid of a bladder infection - I took 1/4 teaspoon every 3-4 hours. I got the WORST gas pains of my life. I kept taking it hoping it would work and it did, however, the next day I was in agony with bladder and kidney pain. It took days for it to go away and I will NEVER EVER take D-Mannose again.

I took the pure powder not pills and I took less than the recommended dose. Afterward I felt like I had a worse bladder infection and kept going to the clinic to get tested for UTI which I do not have - instead I have a painful bladder and kidneys. I have blood in my urine. I got tested for Kidney Stones and I don't have them.

Anyway, for those that notice their symptoms get worse with D-Mannose, it is not your imagination. Some of use just do not respond well to D-Mannose regardless of whether it is a natural product.

General Feedback
Posted by Jennifer (Forster, Nsw Australia) on 04/14/2012

Re UTI infection the greatest thing that I have found is De-Mannose it is just magic. Thanks for the other tips re Grapefruit seed.. Is there a special brand? The other thing is to eleminate sugar and fructose. I have just started on the apple cider vinegar how amazing is that with sinus flu have that twice a day and into my infra red sauna what a difference in a day.. Almost gone. What a great site.. jennifer.

Posted by Mana (Sydney, Australia) on 04/12/2012

I've suffered from UTI's for years and a friend who is a homeopath gave me Apis 30C homeopathic remedy. I still can't believe that after years of monthly UTI's and loads of antibiotics a simple 3 little pills helped me resolve this issue. Give it a go. It worked magic for me especially for that stinging and burning and swollen feeling.... All gone. Now clear for 2 years. If I ever get a remotely stingy feeling, which happened only once, I take Apis and within 10 minutes all clear.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Cranberry
Posted by Jody (Houston, Tx) on 03/20/2012

I just wanted to say thank you. I am not sure if I still have an infection, but I am going to continue this regimen for awhile.

I have been having bladder infections back to back. I've taking anitibiotics for them all and I am just tired of taking drugs and wanted to do something natural.

This REMEDY REALLY WORKED FOR ME. I was so bad that blood and small clots of it was coming though my urine. Yes it was very painful but I just did not want to take any more anitbiotics. It took a couple of hours but following up with the craneberry juice and lots and lots and lots of water, the blood went away, the pain, and finally by late evening even the dicomfort. As I said I am continuing the ACV and Craneberry Juice and Tons of water for a while. Thank you again.

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 03/08/2012

Hi Effie6... For an understanding of what might be causing all your problems, here is an in depth article on something called the Antibiotic Syndrome and how excessive use of antibiotics relate to causing dysbiosis(eradication of the good intestinal bacteria) which eventually causes the rise and dominace of Candida albicans problems in the the body:

Antibiotics, Dysbiosis and Candida

All the symptoms you have described seem to relate to candida problems: low thyroid, low energy, brain fog, memory problems with ongoing intestinal problems etc. The cause was perhaps over-use of strong antibiotics over too long a period. I have also had systemic candida and managed to get rid of it using natural protocols -- but it was a lengthy process.

For natural Candida remedies -- see these links:

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Effie6 (Sheffield, Uk) on 03/07/2012

Hi Ted, I have suffered with recurrent UTI's for years but a few months ago had a particularly severe one which I took 4 different antibiotics some not finishing the course because I felt they weren't working (stupid I know, probably the reason I'm in this mess I know). I don't think it ever really went. But my urinary symptoms completley died down after a course of trimethaprim.

After about a month I became severely brain fogged and tired and weak and couldn't do anything. I thought I had ME. I had strong smelling urine and occasional twinges when weeing but no normal UTI symptoms. Then after a while it transpired I had a UTI. The sensitivity test said it was sensitive to amox so the doc put me on 250mg 7 day course. The symptoms improved but didn't go. I then had a 5 day course of 500mg amox and the symptoms seemed to lift. I was so happy to feel clear again.

2 weeks later the symptoms have slowly crept back and I am now brain fogged again and have strange urinary symptoms-slight stingy twinge on weeing and lower abdominal pain/gripes but without the fatigue. I got drunk with my friends a few days ago and that seemed to make it a lot worse. I have now just started another course of augmentin. I am a 5th year dental student approaching my finals and I can't think straight. I just failed a practical exam and my tutor said I just didn't seem with it. She was right I never feel with it at the moment. It is making me so sad. I feel like I have a super infection. Oh and now my urine test has come back negative apart from slight white blood cells and the docs keep telling me I am making the symptoms up. I have tried ACV and cranberry and d-mannose. Nothing but the antibiotics seem to make a difference but even they don't seem to keep it away.

Should I ask to be put on long term antibiotics? The brain fog affects me so much I hate it, has anyone ever experienced anything similar or have any suggestions as to what I should do?

Posted by Laura (Rochester, Mn) on 02/17/2012

All I can say is D-Mannose, D-Mannose, D-Mannose!!! I suffered for years with UTI's. Antibiotics were a temporary fix. Finally, I got a really bad UTI. After yet another round of antibiotics, I was still suffering. I kept going back for testing & the tests came back negative. Well, SOMETHING was wrong, for I was suffering. Drowning myself in cranberry juice did nothing.

Finally read about D-Mannose. Hit it hard for a day or two & it was gone!!! I continued a maintenance dose for weeks to be sure it was gone for good. Knock on wood, that was several years ago & all has been fine since. If I do feel a bit "off", I just take D-Mannose for a day & all is good. It truly is a miracle.

I have also used it on both of my dogs with raving success. With just one day of intense dosing, they are back to normal (though I continue them on a low dose for about a week).

Posted by Stacey (Mesa, Az) on 02/14/2012

D-mannose is the only thing that works for me. Now 3oz powder from Amazon is the cheapest. I always have a bottle on hand. One bottle is about 13 bucks and it takes about a bottle to cure, most of the time a little less than a bottle. If you go to the health food store, it will be triple the price, easy, but still a better option than anything else.

Posted by Marina (Chicago, Il) on 02/10/2012

I am responding to a general thread on bladder infections and uti- to say that we keep coconut oil ovules made with a drop of lavender essential oil in our women's health care clinic, and they seem to knock out bladder infections - best to address at the earliest symptom, which is generally a slight burning upon urination. Taking a few glassfuls of water to which 1 t. of cranberry concentrate (unsweetened) is added is also a helpful adjunct to this treatment- along with rest!

Baking Soda
Posted by Ragsie (Lower Hutt, Nz) on 02/03/2012

This is the best advice I have read and tried for UTI. It went away very quickly. Thanks for posting and hope others can benefit from your extremely useful post!

Posted by Kloon (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 02/03/2012

I have currently beeing going through something similar. Tried to get rid of the UTI on my own, but ended up taking the antibiotics. For a few days after I finished the anti's, I felt fine/normal. Then I kept getting this pressure feeling, which I had for over a week after. However, I had no other symptoms of a UTI. My friends parent is a pharmasist, and he said that that feeling could actually be from the antibiotics and nothing to do with the UTI. I started taking probiotics and after about 5 days on those the pressure feeling has gotten much much better. It could have actually just been an after-effect of the antibiotics. I have heard great things about d-mannose from a doctor I recently saw and I am going to start taking it everyday as per his directions to help prevent UTI's in the future.

Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda
Posted by Tupelohonee (Tupelo, Ms) on 02/02/2012

Thank you for this site! I don't take any prescription medicines unless absolutely necessary (pain med for tooth extraction - only needed it for one day), so I really didn't want to have to do antibiotics for a bladder infection. I was having painful urination, and there was mild discomfort before and afterward.

I tried the baking soda in the morning and noticed that my frequency cut down first, from an hour to two hours between bathroom visits. By that afternoon the discomfort that stayed with me after a "visit" had diminished. I took another dose in the afternoon, and this morning there are no symptoms at all! I can imagine the acidity in my system came from too many desserts. I'd also had a shot of ACV mixed with lemon juice, water, and Stevia after something sweet yesterday, to keep my blood sugar from rising. I hadn't been doing that for a while.

Today, I'll continue both, since I've seen sites since then that said to mix the two. I'll rinse with water afterwards, (to protect tooth enamel), and skip two days after 5 days, as suggested on one of these sites. I need to make sure my ph level is more alkaline.

Thanks, Earth Clinic, for having such a great place to go for natural remedies. I'm adding you to my favorites bar!!

Posted by Madiney (Portland, Or) on 01/31/2012

I started getting a bladder infection every month. I got on antibotic and it came back. I then cured it naturally and sure enough a month later it came back. I tried to take it out again naturally but nothing worked. I was ready to get back on antibodics and a friend gave me a box of suppositories yeast arrest. It worked in 15 minutes and has changed my life along with acidophilus. I take 2 a day for maintenance and my life is changed.
