High Blood Pressure
Natural Remedies

Apple Cider Vinegar for High Blood Pressure

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rachel (Bronx, NY) on 04/06/2008

Hello I want to say that apple cider vinegar really works for high blood pressure. I went to the doctor and my blood pressure was 150/110 and after taking 2 tbps of apple cider Vinegar 3 times a day for about 3 weeks on and off my pressure has gone down to 132/90. It works give it a try!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sarah (Simi Valley, USA) on 09/08/2007

Ted, I am 45 years and I have been borderline high blood pressure for 5 years. At my last Dr visit he said I was now in the 1st stage of High Blood pressure and he wanted to put me on medication. He gave me three months to try and get it under control myself. I found this sight three weeks ago and began taking 2 TBL spoons of ACV in 8oz of orange juice every morning. I really have had good results with my diastolic pressure but my systolic is actually higher. Another nice change has been more energy and my skin is nicer...

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joel (Ottawa, Ontario) on 06/02/2007

I am a 49 year male that has bordered on high blood pressure for some time. I do not smoke, am not overweight and have always done some level of exercise. I do have a family history of HBP. My last visit to the doctor I had a BP of 157/101. My wife (an RN) confirmed this over the next two days. The instant solution was to put me on drugs. I refused wanting to do some research and see if there was some way I could take control of this problem. I found this web site and with some other info I gathered, I changed a few things: 1. I have been taking ACV - 2 tablespoons with 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and a bit of water 3 times a day for 3 weeks - hint: plug your nose with your fingers, drink up and don't let go of your nose for about 10 seconds; 2. I have been taking one 6000mcg allicin Garlic pill per day; 3. I take one low dose 81 mg aspirin when I go to bed; 4. I have been walking 30 minutes per day; and 5. I cut salt right out of my diet. I went out bought a good automatic BP monitor and have been keeping a log of my BP with 3 readings per day at my doctors insistence (to prove I should go on medication). My BP as of 10 am this morning is 121/78. I am sure it is a combination of things but thought I should let other skeptics like me know that there is something real about this natural black magic, but you must commit to making a few changes. I will return to my doctor in a month with my BP log and we agreed at that time we will decide if I should go on BP medication. I hope to continue on this path and have one heck of a surprise in store for him. I'll keep you posted.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joe (Beaumont, California) on 08/10/2007

Wow! I do not believe it! Had a double by-pass in 2004 and have been on blood pressure medication and medication for acid reflux for years. After I had some side effects from both medications decided to try ACV and garlic pills. Although my blood pressure without medication was only 135/85 my doctor wanted it lower than that because of health history. There was no doubt in my mind that ACV and garlic would not work! Well, dummy me! It worked and worked big time! I have waited 2 months to post my story because I wanted to be sure. Had appts with two of my doctors yesterday and my blood pressure wast 110/72 and later that day 106/70. The big bonus for me was my acid reflux disappeared. I take 2 tablespoons of ACV in a glass of water and a 6,000mg pill of garlic every morning. Try it! You have nothing to lose. It worked for me and hopefully it will work for you.I also should add that I monitored my blood pressure several times daily to make sure it was working. Good luck

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mike (albany, new york) on 08/16/2007

I'm trying to lower my blood pressure without using medication. I made a tonic using 1 cup apple cider vinegar, 1 cup honey, and 5 garlic cloves. I take 2 tbsp in the morning with juice. Initial results were almost immediate and dramatic. Within days my blood pressure dropped from 150/90 to consistently less than 140/85 . I was thrilled, but the lower readings only lasted three days. Now, three weeks later, my blood pressure is frequently back at 150/90. My diet, exercise, etc have all been reasonably consistent throughout the period. Sure wish I knew what caused the good results and subsequent reversal. Natural variation? Tonic aging? Me aging?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by BJay (Manila, Philippines)

im 25 from Manila Phils.. I have a HBP 160/100 (sumtyms its stable) i went to several lab works (crea, lipid profile, fbs urinalysis) and found out that i have a high triglycerides..1.98 (.68-1.88 normal values) then my doc gave me prescriptions & BP meds.. im very scared to take man made meds. he also told me that i must undergo for a ultrasound to see if i have a fatty liver but then i refused.. i do some research & found this site. i used ACV 2-3 times a dya with honey and cayenne pepper.. and took BP monitor and still 160/100 under extreme nervouseness.. and after 10-15 mins with relaxed mind 140/80 or 140/90.. iam very exhausted in thinking on how can i come up into a natural way of curin my HBP..ive been taking ACV for 3 weeks & i think i benefited in some ways but not relly in my HBP.. can u give me any suggestions or advice?? and im still thinking that i must still give ACV more weeks to fully work on me.. thanks and hope to hear frm you guys soon. more power!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sarah (Simi Valley, USA) on 09/08/2007

I am 45 years and I have been borderline high blood pressure for 5 years. At my last Dr visit he said I was now in the 1st stage of High Blood pressure and he wanted to put me on medication. He gave me three months to try and get it under control myself. I found this sight three weeks ago and began taking 2 TBL spoons of ACV in 8oz of orange juice every morning. I really have had good results with my diastolic pressure but my systolic is actually higher. Another nice change has been more energy and my skin is nicer...

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Becky (Orange) on 03/20/2005

i use a shot 1oz. shot glass. with a little water (chaser) I started using a shot of Vinegar-a vitaminC tab - & garlic gel cap for elevated blood pressure & to lower cholesterol. bp meds had bad side effects. An older gentleman (70ish) that lives in my town told his secret (when asked) to looking great after looking not so great a few months earlier. This was what he had been doing for himself. He was on bp & cholesterol meds that were draining the life out of him. So he went the other route and looks great & more importantly feels. great. So I'm following his advice and also i'm 1 week smoke free.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jaime (Birmingham AL) on 09/02/2005

Had a headache, checked blood pressure it was very high, mixed some ACV 10 minutes later, checked my pressure again it had dropped 10 points top and bottom number THANKS

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Carlene (South Africa) on 11/23/2005

I have tried adding 1 tablespoon chased with water in the morning after breakfast and again in evening after meal to test if any difference in my high blood pressure. In less than one week, I noticed I was very dizzy and feeling rather weak. I took my blood pressure and it was 102/66... VERY LOW after years of 130s/90's WITH medication daily. I have stopped taking my blood pressure medication and checking my pressure 3 times daily to find it's consistently now 120's/70's. I am completely amazed. I'd been taking supplements (fish oil, garlic, E, flax) along with my medication for a long time and have kept that up. The only thing I can attribute this major change is the addition of apple cider vinegar!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tony (Cazenovia New York)

I have been taking apple cider vinegar and honey for approx. 20 yrs. (My teeth are fine) - my blood pressure was low 90's dystolic and was brought down to 70's without medication. Am a firm believer.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nita (Antigo, WI)

1 tsp of organic apple cider vinegar a day reduced my borderline high BP to normal range.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Donna (Lancaster SC) on 02/01/2006

I came across this site looking for natural results in lowering my husband's blood pressure which was 166 over 90 and had 1/3 of his lung removed due to finding lung cancer in stage 1 after we had a vehicle accident. Since we both are American Indians, I wanted something natural so I got it and tried it on him, myself and our 24 year old daughter who has asthma. We started this past Sunday and the next day I didn't feel bloated like usual so I told all at work and they just looked at me so I printed this out. Tuesday morning I had energy like never before so with the paper and they saw me and read this site they all went to get the ACV and about 20 customers were going. My husband's blood pressure is as of 1/31/06 150 over 80 and he claims that he feels like "jumping rope" so with fresh vege and lean meats and very low sodium in his diet with this is working and since Sunday i have lost 5 lbs and my hair is no longer falling out (waist length). It's so nice to comb my long hair and it isn't falling out anymore or see my hair on everything.Thank you all so much. Donna -- Geyatahi Cherokee Indian NC

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ingrid (Fort Walton Beach, FL) on 03/11/2006

Apple Cider Vinegar is a fast and reliable way of lowering high blood pressure. I had a reading of 166/102 about 30 minutes ago, now it's at 143/86 after 3 or 4 tablespoons of ACV with water. Try it, it works.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Edmund (Baltimore, MD) on 05/16/2006

My last physical was in March, my blood pressure was 139/90. After finding this website. I thought I would give ACV a try. I stopped taking my HBP meds about a month and a half ago and have strictly been on ACV and garlic. I take 2tbls of ACV with a little spring water and I take 2 caps of garlic, which I buy loose and cap myself. I went to the nurse's office this morning and had my blood pressure checked it was 124/77. I was amazed to say the least. I try to watch what I eat, but I know It was the ACV and garlic because I had already modified my eating habits when my blood pressure was higher. I send this website to everyone I can think of. I have been preaching the wonders of ACV!!!
