High Blood Pressure
Natural Remedies

Apple Cider Vinegar for High Blood Pressure

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ali (Bursa, Turkey) on 03/27/2009

ACV for blood pressure: I have been having high blood pressure, for the first time in my life. I am 56 and have Type 2 diabetes. At the doctors, I had consistent high bp measurements for a few times, and the doctor decided to monitor it for a week and put me on medication depending on the results. My son told me about earthclinic and ACV and one night I decided to give it a shot. I measured my bp at 15.9/10.1. I took ACV (about two tbsp and some water) and measured it again 30 min later. Voila!!!! It was 12.2/8.5. I have since been on ACV and have my bp has measured normal, no more high bp. Thank you earthclinic and ACV!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rebecca (Aurora, Illinois) on 03/12/2009

I started to take the ACV for my HBP and I want to know if anyone can tell me if they will react to other vitamin supplements I am taking. I am taking HBP vitamins, glucose health, Leutin, and Omega 3-heart health also a hair skin and nail supplement. Any feedback will be appreciated.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Pamela (Atlanta, GA) on 02/26/2009

ACV - My blood pressure dropped 20 points in 2 hrs.

I was at work last Friday and suddenly started to feel light-headed. My co-worker suggested that I take my blood pressure using her unit. To our surprise my blood pressure read 168/99. Never have I had a reading that high. Another co-worker who lives close by went home and returned with a small plastic cup with ACV. I took two tablespoons approximately and drank it straight. No too bad! After one hour it went down to 144/88 and then one hour later it read 127/84. I was feeling alot better... so ACV WORKS.

Question?? Should I get the organic brand or will any brand work for weight loss? I am taking two tablespoons in the morning and is mixing ACV with water to drink during the day. Now I am trying to see if the weight loss thing will work. Will keep you posted.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ron (Chula Vista, Ca) on 02/25/2009

the apv does work i have borderline high blood pressure and have been doing it for 4 days and my blood pressure ranged from 150/90 and thats with atenonol and lisinopril and now i quit the atenonol and still take the small does of lisinopril and now my blood pressure is 133/67 to 125/75 thats wonderful . so the doctor can take there medicine and keep it. i hope soon i will be able to get of the lisinopril. by the way i am exercising and watching salt and watching what i eat but i know its the ACV. All i know its working for me. best wishes

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Trish (Kansas City, MO) on 02/24/2009

I know how frustrating it is to try a remedy that is praised by so many people but doesn't seem to work for me and only me. I have had minor successes with ACV, but nothing miraculous as some have claimed. I use it to keep my body's pH levels in check and to assist in digestion. As for your high blood pressure, try checking with someone who practices Traditional Chinese Medicine. I don't have BP issues, but I have used TCM for many problems such as hormonal imbalances and sluggish liver and have had nothing but positive results. My female issues have improved greatly. It is worth looking in to.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dwayne (Ontario, California) on 02/18/2009

I have read many blogs regarding apple cider vinegar and how it reduces blood pressure. Well I'm convinced that it works well on blood pressure. I don't care what other blogs say (mostly medical websites) regarding inconclusive evidence. Apple cider vinegar has worked better than the Norvasc I have been on for (4) years. My bp was averaging 140 - 160 over 91 - 97.

Since I began a regiment of simply taking a 16.9oz bottle of water and drinking about 1/3 of it. Then refilling the 1/3 with apple cider vinegar (From Stater Bros) not the distilled but the 64oz plastic jug. It has a picture of vegetables just above the size of the bottle. To end all of the hype regarding it being too acidic the Stater Bros brand states on the bottle "Reduce with water to 5% acidity." By the way experts that's less than a soda beverage. The light warming sensation you feel is similar to drinking wine.

By the way since I mix it in my water bottle (1/3) the acidity is reduced even less. If you stay with it for a week you will see results. I use to suffer from Hyperglycemia as well but the sugar content in the apple cider vinegar kept me from getting the shakes. I was even able to fast for three days with no issues. I drank 1/3 of the 16.9 water and apple cider vinegar buring the course of my day. Each time I drank 1/3 I followed up with drinking another 16.9oz of plain water.

I spread out my 1/3 as follows:
1/3 in the morning, 1/3 at lunch, and 1/3 prior to dinner. You will urinate a lot and your colon will be cleansed as well. I'm no expert in anyway but I know that it it worked for me. Don't worry I didn't forget to tell you my current bp. Well I am happy to report that it ranges from 114 over 77 to 106 over 64.

By the way it doesn't have the "mother" in it as well which some sites and vendors claim is the only kind that is effective. Just don't use the distilled white vinegar as it has been stripped of it's nutrients the same as white flour, white rice or white sugar. During my fast I substitued my breakfast, lunch and dinner with 16.9oz of water mixed with spirullina for three days. I lost 13 pounds and I walked 1 mile a day.

To all of you doubters that would say it was the exercise and walking that lowered my blood pressure it helped. However, I was doing 3 miles a day on the treadmill for 30 minutes and drinking water and the blood pressure drop was minimal. In addition, my cravings for sweets went away as the colon was cleaned and the candida died off during the fast. Lastly, but firstly I paryed to God during my fast for my own personal strength. Now if you want to tell Him it doesn't work then I leave that up to you. be blessed and stick with it and you will see results.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dean (Los Angeles, Ca) on 02/06/2009

Ok its been 1 day and so far I have stopped taking my Medication and am just using the ACV. My BP is 145/81 (same as it was on the pills) so I am very happy so far, no spike and it has not gone up. I hope that with continued use it will start to drop.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Darryl (Joliet, IL) on 02/06/2009

Hey Dean keep your spirits up, I too just found this site a few days ago, normal bp for me is around 170/120 or so. Just started my daily routine (two days ago} of ACV the organic kind (mother on the label), 3 shots a day with a glass of water (normal shot glass). I had my bp checked today 164/100 still high but hopefully going down. I know for people like us who have high bp it is going to have to been a lifestyle change also, exercise,l ow stress, diet, etc. But I do not like prescripition drugs, ACV will now become stocked in my home from now on.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by BILL (MEMPHIS, TN) on 02/05/2009

You really have inspired me. The drs telling me that I will have a stroke that this is in my family and that i have to, no must take hbp medication. I have been taking them and now i am not anymore. I have been doing garlic and acv and now from 178/90 to 124-138/65-84. I read your comment and today i am inspiring again. Thank you and god bless.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dean (Los Angeles, CA) on 02/04/2009

I am 44 years old and have had High blood pressure for 9 years now. Last week I was at 140/110 and really felt bad. I have been on 3 different medications and am on 2 currently which do not seem to be working. I ran across this site today and I will be goibg to the store right after work to get some ACV, there seem to be so many positive responses I will give it a try and post back with my results. wish me luck!


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jerry (Miami, Fl) on 02/01/2009

For folks that are having problems with high blood pressure look up the following device/program. Resperate - it is a music and breathing technique that is supposedly proven to reduce blood pressure WITHOUT meds. I did not purchase it but noted the technique and implemented it. It works.

Of course most people in this country just want to pop a pill. Go ahead...make "their" day (drug companies)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by S (Los Angeles, CA) on 01/30/2009

sometimes sleep disorders can cause blood pressure issues as well as headaches, may be worth looking at.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Iuemhotep (Monroe, Louisiana) on 01/29/2009

I have been taking ACV for 3 or 4 weeks and my Blood Pressure is still 155-168/90-100 and is scary. I have headaches and I don't like that. I am Vegan and I exercise 3-4 time a week. No other health problems. Last week I had a Chelation therapy done and it have not help. I will do more.

Any other Remedy. I take Zinc, herb, potassium, Mag. I am tired of taking all this stuff thoughout the day. I think that I am going back to the Dr and start taking the BP medicine.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Giovanna (San Jose, Ca) on 01/27/2009

I have had high blood pressure for the last 2 years since i had my baby. Well I recently checked my BP and it had soared to 188/98 Oh my goodness I freaked out. After reading these wonderful reviews I decided I have nothing to lose but HBP. So i ordered organic ACV over the internet had it delivered to me. and after 2 days of taking 2tablespoons of acv and water I checked my BP today and it was 111/84. Since i was in shock. I checked it again a half hour later and the exact same number came up again. I am in total disbelielf. I will continue to take ACV and checkmy BP again in a couple of days but i am so excited about this. Thanks so much for all these wonderful reviews. I am convinced that ACV does work. The numbers prove it!!!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Candy (Fort Madison, IA) on 01/27/2009

this is for rosemary with high blood pressure. you might try magnesium. you can get a transdermal form that is easier to absorb into your system. just do a google search for more info.of course, the applecider vinegar will help too.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rosemary (Dallas, Texas) on 01/25/2009

i have been taking 2 TBS ACV with 1/4 tsp baking soda three times daily for high blood pressure. it is 145/90 and i desperately need it to be 135 or lower by 2/4/09. do i only take it 5 days a week and off two. how long does this take to work? i started taking it 6 days ago. my husband has been taking same amount morning and night only for acid reflux. thank you very much and i am so grateful i came across this site.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Marqueze (Nashville, TN) on 12/16/2008

Where do I begin.....130/77 from 159/100 in 1 week...NO MEDS Just ACV twice a day, 2 tsp with water. I can't believe it like I really can't. I never buy into the internet crap cause people lie but I am really telling you folks that it works. Its nasty as he** but it works. My Dr. was like wow...No BP meds only good ole ACV in me baby! Yes! Thank God for his creation. I really think there are cures for everything right in the earth...We just have to keep researching and say screw the DR'S who charge us all the money for meds. Long Live ACV!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by NICOLE (EMU HEIGHTS, NSW AUSTRALIA) on 12/06/2008

RE: Hello Thealth in regards to your questions i use the brand _____ - organic apple cider vinegar. I take my mixture breakfast, lunch and dinner.Cheers nikki anymore questions please email me on my email address

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by THealth (LOS ANGELES, CA) on 12/05/2008

Hi Nikki,

Thanks for your wonderful feedback regarding apple cider vinegar. I also have high blood pressure and would like to try this Apple Cide Vinegar. What time do you take ACV and how much? What is the brand of ACV you are using? I would appreciate if you can please let me know the same.


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by NICOLE (EMU HEIGHTS, NSW AUSTRALIA) on 12/03/2008

APPLE CIDER VINEGAR Has Lowered My Blood Pressure 15 weeks of a high blood pressure was told by my doctor that i would have to go on medication if it didn't come down.October 31st have fallen pregnant and didn't want to be on meds so i decided to do ACV 2 tablespoons to a cup of warm water 3 times a day.Went to the doctor today after 2 weeks on ACV.Previous reading 140/98 my reading today was 120/85 i was amazed how quick it really does work.I have taken ACV over 7 years on and off and have decided to stay on it forever as of today :-).It really does work give it a try i'm glad i did it again otherwise i would be on medication to lower my blood pressure.If anyone would like to contact me in regards to ACV and share your personal results please do Nikki

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jana (Midlothian, Virginia) on 11/24/2008

Wow! I stumbled om this site to find a natural cure for HBP. Mine has usually been 120/70 for years. It has steadily crept up. In July '08 my pressure spiked to 160/96. I was put on medication for 15 days and then was taken off after it returned to normal. I checked my BP 11/20/08 and it was 176/101! I decided to try the ACV recipe of 2 TBS with 8 oz of water 3 times a day. I also kept a bottle of water with me with 2 capfuls of vinegar. Today 11/24/08 I went to the same place to check my BP and it was 127/82! Not bad for only 5 days! I plan to continue with this for the rest of my life. Thanks for all your posts and your help!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jeremy (Ocean Springs , MS USA) on 11/18/2008

I was looking for a HBP medication alternative and the most common thing I have seen is with ACV, my BP consistently checks in at the 180/90 range and at age 31 I am quite concerned with the threat for ed and other complications....hope this works 4tbsacv/8ozh20 2x daily

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Pat (Brookings, OR) on 11/16/2008

Hello~ Two weeks ago after a decade of high blood pressure and suffering from the side effects of Benicar to control it I went to this website. I was weaning off the Benicar and literally sick with blood pressure 185/115. I started regimen of 2 tbsps. ACV, 1 tsp. cayenne and 1 tsp. cinnamon in a.m. in 1/2 glass of water. At noon and evening the ACV only. Two weeks have passed and this morning I am at 131/85 with no prescription drugs! In addition, I use ACV (unfiltered, organic) as a toner and my skin is the best it has ever been! I am 51. I will say I haven't lost any weight and when adding the baking soda my pressure went up. So will attack the 10 lbs. I need to lose next. Thank you!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Marion (Riverside, Ca) on 11/15/2008

Hello Alison, The change of smell in your urine might be caused by your vitamin as well. Ever since I started taking a daily vitamin my urine is almost neon yellow and smells like my vitamin...lol..it's some potent stuff I guess!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Marion (Riverside, Ca) on 11/15/2008

Hello DJ, I think that I would give it a real try first before giving up. Try taking 2 table spoons in 8 oz. water 3 times a day before each meal. If you try this can you please let us know if it works? It would help a lot...thanks!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Vicarious1 (Vancouver, British Columbia) on 11/06/2008

Hello its me again. Since I wrote my last post I continued same ACV etc. and have been at +- 125-135 over 80-90 for the whole past week. Checking 2 x per day with an automated machine that takes 3 readings each time and makes a single average and recalls it in memory.

From a vegetarian friend was advised to add a glass 5cm-6cm +-2 inch of pure POMEGRANATE juice 1x per day(as it is quite costly) 13$ for 1.8L with one COD LIVER capsule every morning replacing the SALMON oil. The Pomegranate should have a good body inner cleansing effect. I notices much better body functions. Although with all the ACV etc I have not lost one pound ..but then I am not much overweight. Well good luck to all my dizzy heads are gone for the moment.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Patrick McGill (Wellington, New Zealand) on 10/26/2008

I started taking ACV a week ago. 4 dessertspoons of ACV in a glass of water. My BP has come down from 160/90 to 125/73 over the week. I am on Cardizem 360mg a day as well. I hope to reduce this to 180mg in due course. I hear that ACV being acidic can cause teeth enamel problems. So a mouth rinse after taking it may be helpful.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Vicarious (Vancouver, British Columbia) on 10/23/2008

Hi. 53/1m89.93kg male.Never drink alcohol, don't smoke,not much fat, little salt. Near very healthy, organic veggie patch etc. I near never eat anything like potato chips, fast food, canned soups . etc no much High Blood in my family till age over 80 my grand pa (he drank what I will talk about below) and my dad over 92 now has some high blood also now only.

Suddenly I have High Blood Pressure here in Canada where I live for one year now. Lived in the Tropics last 30 years and swam in a pool every day +-1hr. Now here in Canada a very sedentary life. Too much on my bum I admit but work is by the PC. Anyway I follow this webpage here quite some time now and take ACV 2 x 2 big soup spoon of ACV (organic with mother) not the clear from supermarket, mix it in non sugar added Grapefruit juice with water 1/4 -3/4 1st and last thing every day and it came down from 165 to +- 140.. in one month WITHOUT any other medicine.

I also take one Aspirin per day and the usual Multi vitamin. I am not very "Pro Medicine Pills Person". I also take "Oil of Oregano" for general health 3 x 5 drops per day. That cleared a 4 month chronic / viral office cough of my partner that doctors tried to cure with antibiotics, in 7 days!!! 4got to say he also takes the ACV! It all seem to have improved dramatically his 30 years "GERD, gastritis" also, amazing isn't it?. So maybe "OIL OF OREGANO" may help for High blood also? Now my blood pressure still not normal but will continue. I feel less often the dizzy head.

I recall my Grand father in Austria drinking one month on one off 1L of Apple Juice " with mother" not the clear one made what they call REFORM HAUS/HOUSE. (An old Austrian woman solution) to high blood pressure. But here such Apple juice is like 11$ per liter so.. not $ feasible. Anyone had such a similar story with the Apple juice in America?

Regards Thanks for any story shared. and good health to you all!
