High Blood Pressure
Natural Remedies

Apple Cider Vinegar for High Blood Pressure

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by DJ (Bradford, USA) on 10/22/2008

I have been taking 2 teaspoons of acv in 16 oz of water for one week now. My blood pressure has gone up. How long does it take to see an improvment?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Randy (Santa Cruz, CA) on 10/13/2008

Hi everyone. Great site for health issues. I have been taking ACV every morning and night 2 Tabl. to 8 to 12oz of water. During the day, I mix a quart bottle of spring water with about 4 tabl. of ACV and drink throughout the day. Anyway, my blood pressure that has always been high for over 25 years is now down like never before.

Prior to any meds: 160/96
With meds: 130/86
NO MEDS and ACV: 110/60
Throughout the day my blood pressure has found a new home of 110/60.
I discontinued my medications because my blood pressure with ACV and MEDS became too low: 98/56
No Meds...ACV alone: 110/60 like clockwork.

I feel so fortunate to find the ACV recipe here at earth clinic. I go in for a cholesterol reading in about 2 weeks...I will let you know the results without statins.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Alison (Levittown, PA) on 10/04/2008

Blood Pressure -- Here is my first report: I started on the ACV and have taken it religously. I also am taking a vitamin suppliment that is supposed to support a healthy heart. I have not had caffeine for 2 days and I am watching what I am putting in myself for fuel. I am trying to eat colorful healthy, low sodium, low fat foods. I have not eaten any fake sugars such as sweet n low. I have not had soda or any caffinated beverages. I do like lemon with my water that has been helpful. I was at the pharmacy today and I took my bp with the in store monitor, that will have to do until I am back as school on Tuesday. My bp today was 147/84. That to me is significant. I was wondering if any had noticed a slight difference in the odor of their urine. Please let me know.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bryan Turner (Fenwick, Ontario, Canada) on 09/29/2008

I would suggest you get off SOY. SOY is not good for you. Check out the literature on this product. It is used far to much and is in everything. My wife and I have removed SOY from our diet completely (that is a real challenge becuase it is used as a filler in everything, cereal, meat, bread etc) and feel much better. Bryan

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Child of God (Alabama) on 09/13/2008

my heart went out to you after reading your profile. i've read were himalaya pink salt cures high blood pressure. important note -- clean and protect your intestines.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mary (San Bernardino, CA) on 09/05/2008

I found this site just over a couple of weeks ago while searching for a natural remedy for high blood pressure. I am extremely overweight but was having trouble exercising because of the effects of the medicines my doctor put me on. I did not want to go back to that doctor, nor do I want to stay on these medicines any longer. I can tell that these medicines are poisoning my system.

I had found several remedies that would cost more than my prescriptions, and was about to order one of them when something told me to keep looking.

That was when I found this site. I read through all of the comments and decided that it wouldn't hurt to try the apple cider vinegar. If it didn't work, I could always try one of those expensive remedies.

I have been taking the apple cider vinegar for just about two weeks now and I have noticed an incredible change in my energy levels. Before I started taking the apple cider vinegar, I was always feeling sluggish and had no energy. I was constantly falling asleep at church and at home in front of my computer. Now the sluggish feeling is gone, I have more energy, and I do not have the problem of falling asleep all the time. I am also exercising now.

Yesterday, I forgot to take my afternoon dose of medicine. I wasn't feeling right (I feel 'off' when I don't take my blood pressure medicine) so I took my blood pressure. The average reading was 145/96. Normally when I forget my medicine, the average reading is 165/101. Today, with my medicine, the average was 123/77 (this is after drinking a couple of glasses of cola!) - normally it is 130/85 or 140/90 if I have had any kind of caffeine.

Not only is my blood pressure beginning to come down, but I have also lost 10 pounds in two weeks! Hopefully, I will be able to come off of the medicines soon so I can finally get healthy again. Thank you so much for this website!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Judy (Norwich, Ct.) on 09/01/2008

????Do you have to take the vinegar with liquid or can you just use it in your food like salad dressing? Does how we take it effect its benefits to our bodies? Should you take the vinegar at meal time or inbetween meals?

In 2006 I ate raw organic salad every day for lunch with olive oil and _____s ACV on it and was off my BP meds for months.Then I moved and didnt have the energy to wash and make the salad every day so went to something easier. After reading this site Im wondering if it was the vinegar in my salad that controlled my BP. Every post Ive read says they add it to liquid and drink it.

I quit using all vinegar because of an acid reflux diagnosis. Now you tell me it helps not harms. I have the acid reflux under control with aloe juice but need to find better control of the dry throat.

An amazing site. Ive been without a computer for 2 years and finally was able to get hooked up again.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Diane (Houston, Texas) on 08/29/2008

Hi my name is Diane and I think this is a great website. It is a blessing that people can help & share some the most important things in life which is health. Please email me at anytime [email protected]. I stay in Houston, TX. I've just started the ACV but my blood pressure is very high when I wake up in the morning. 160/110. I am taking 3 tablespoons of ACV with a half of teaspoon of baking soda with one pack of stevia in a half of glass of water at bedtime. In the morning I'm taking 3 tablespoons of ACV with 1 teaspoon of cinnamon, and a half of teaspoon of cayenne pepper in a half glass of water. I like the cinnamon because it helps keep my sugar down. The first morning dose lowers my blood pressure to 130/88 and that good for me. In additions, I am taking Michael's Blood Pressure Factors but I think it has stop working because my blood pressure has been on the rise since July and I've been searching for a natural remedy. High blood pressure runs in my family and I stop taken medication a year ago. I'm 48 and my body is going through a change. I walk 2miles everyday and I watch what I eat. I try to drink a green soy supplement in the morning and eat fruit. For lunch I eat a tuna sandwich or green salads and for dinner I eat soups, salads fish, chicken, or beans. I need help now, I'm gaining weight and my blood pressure is as higher than ever and I need to lose at least 20 pounds. I'm weighing 150 and seeking ways to keep the pounds off. Also, seeking referring doctors in Houston, TX that can help.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by John (Okeechobee, Florida) on 07/29/2008

I have high blood pressure and have been taking medication for years, but doesn't really seem to work and I was at a point 3 weeks ago where my blood pressure was high (195/110, causing me dizziness, headaches, etc. My daughter was worried, so she went on the computer to research remedies for HBP and came across this website. She wrote down the remedies that can possibly bring my blood pressure down and looked in our refridgerator and the first thing she found was the Apple Cider Vinegar and told me to take a shot of it and I did. Immediately I felt a little difference, so to make a long story short, I have been taking a shot of the Apple Cider Vinegar ever since. I take it first thing in the morning, Mid Day and at night and it has worked miracles because my blood pressure went down to 130/87. and I have NEVER had my blood pressure this low for YEARS. Thanks to all who have provided feedback, along with the person who has created this website. It has provided more than enough information for me. Thank again, John.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 07/24/2008 391 posts

Actually I have a couple of my relatives who had low blood pressure from drinking too much beer and one drank liquor. The last almost died of liver cirrhosis, but in the end he died of liver cancer.

The effect of alcohol has the effect of reducing blood pressure and blood sugar and in some cases leads to hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. Its the effect of lower blood sugar that leads to low blood pressure. The same effect can be done if I accidentally take higher than usual dosages of chromium chloride, such as 10-25 mg, which in excess can lower the blood sugar. In dogs, if xylitol is given, a dog can go unconscious with low blood sugar leading to low blood pressure. Blood pressure can come from metabolic acidosis, higher blood sugar, excess fat, or even excessive protein (which leads to thickened blood leading to varicose veins).

Therefore the best remedy to lower blood pressure, where the cause of high blood pressure is due to higher than average blood sugar is more like for example, B1 thiamine mononitrate 250 to 500 mg, and perhaps B6 at about 250-500 mg, granulated lecithin one tablespoon before meal, 3 three times a day, 1000 -1500 mcg of chromium polynicotinate, and avoiding eating sugar, artificial sugar which leads to high blood pressure. Therefore, an obese person may have high plaques and fats that cause high blood pressure, while a much more skinny person may have higher blood pressure from excessive lipid peroxidation or high blood sugar, too high of sodium retention from excessive chlorine intake, initially at least.

A high blood pressure is also reduced by the fact that alcohol may have dissolve some parts of the fat the clogs arteries that leads to higher blood pressure, but I prefer to use a much safer fat emulsifiers such as granulated lecithin to lower the fat. Obviously fat cause high blood pressure, 75% of the plaque comes from lipid peroxidation of polyunsaturated fats, where the source is from vegetable oils. The other 25% comes from saturated fats. Therefore the avoidance of both beef, pork and chicken will reduce the saturated fats. The cholesterol content of beef, pork and chicken are fairly close and those leads to high blood pressure also. However certain sea food has a much higher cholesterol contents such as shrimps, oysters and clams.

The fact that alcohol dissolves fat, leading to lower blood pressure, may also reduce fats in the brain where normal brain function is vital, can lead to brain damage from strokes. Brain needs a normal fat and below normal can lead to learning disabilities and coordination problems. Therefore, a much safer alternative that doesn't destroy the neural system, but is a food includes apple cider vinegar, which also dissolves fats also and is safer than the use of alcohol.

A common cause of blood pressure is excessive dietary oils and fats in the diet, free heavy metals that lead to lipid peroxidation (leading to plaques in the arteries), eating various meats high in cholesterol, common table salt, acid forming foods, chlorinated water, brominated wheat and wheat flour.

A high intake of sugar causing spikes can lead to hypoglycemia as these sugar spikes causes excessive insulin production leading to very low blood sugar that may also cause temporary low the blood pressure, leading to fainting spells. A sensible diet without sugar or food added with pectin will act as an insulin to protect against blood sugar spikes leading to temporarily low blood sugar and in extreme cases, leads to stroke. Low glycemic diets maybe helpful, but certain fats needs to be avoided, such as meats including pork, beef and chicken. While ocassional supplements of omega 3 may help reduce such insulin spikes from reduction in brain and neural inflammation as a result of blood sugar spikes. An inflammation in the brain can also trigger sudden drop in blood sugar by overeaction from lack of omega 3 fish oils.

Lipid peroxidation is made worse with heavy metals, and lack of selenium, which protects the body against lipid peroxidation. I would much prefer to avoid potatoes, french fries, fried foods, cheese and other fatty foods and eating a larger portion on the vegetables, but not vegetable oils or meat.


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Asmai (Houston, USA) on 07/23/2008

Hi, Ted:
This may sound strange, I started using acv mixed with v8 low sodium and tabasco sauce and a 12oz can of beer. Not the healthiest formula. My blood pressure even after madication used to be 145/92.i am aregular 6 to 8 beer drinker. After a week ichecked my bp, it was down to 128/80 range.after about 3 wks it in the 117/75 range.also my heart rate used to 88-92,its down to 68-73. Needless to say I am amazed.
not to look a gift horse in the mouth, but I am very curious as to how this has happened? Any feedback would greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Asmai.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anil (Hammond, Louisiana) on 07/21/2008

After two months of ACV twice a day with honey, I had no loss of any weight but with new blood work my glucose went up, maybe because of honey? However, my blood pressure went down from 130/75 to 122/72. I have stopped taking ACV with honey because of elevated glucose 119. I am 65. Bye and good luck to the rest.

EC: We are not big fans of adding honey to ACV for that very reason (i.e., elevated glucose levels).

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 06/17/2008 495 posts

Sorry you're having a bad time with your blood pressure. Yes, there is something else you can take. Ask your pharmacists for Beelith tablets and take 1 tab 2 x d. These tablets are a combination of magnesium oxide and vitamin B6. No prescription needed.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 06/17/2008 495 posts

To Marc from Pocatello, Hi Marc, you said you've been hypertensive since age l7 but you didn't mention your age now, but I am betting you've had a lifetime of eating processed foods heavily laden with monosodium glutamate (MSG) and possibly its equally toxic amino acid aspartame, well known as Nutrisweet. Boy, what a misnomer - nothing nutricious there, quite the opposite. If you do an online search on excitotoxins, you will find that these two are the major excitotoxins our processed foods are loaded with. You will also find that it follows the line of progression in Metabolic Syndrome X (otherwise known as insulin resistance) from excessive insulin production, wt. gain, hypercholesterol, hypertension, on into full fledged diabetes mellitus type 2 and all its complications of heart, kidney problems - also into a lot of brain and central nervous system problems like Parkinson's disease, ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease), epilepsy, Alzheimers disease, and a few others from killing off your neurons.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Marc (Pocatello, Idaho) on 06/17/2008

High Blood Pressure and Vinegar. I can't say yet as fact; for just finding the news about possable alternatives to prescribed medication for the treatment of hbp: using vinegar to actually work. In the past month I have had an insatiable appetite for vinegar of all kinds mainly to marinate the other craving of veggies. I have not payed much attention to the status of my affliction but I can certainly tell you that I've had extreme high blood pressure since the age of 17. Well after reading this article I ran down out of my office and hooked myself up the the ole' BP monitering system just to see if ther was any validity to this. Holy sheeet; I can't believe my eyes or the machine; it read 130/78. This is way not normal at least for me. my normal BP this time of day is 160/105. I'll start monitoring on a daily basis and keep up the regiment and keep you advised. marc

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Teresa (Northern Indiana, IN) on 06/15/2008

Perhaps it wasn't a good idea to completely quit your meds before starting ACV. Tapering them down while using the ACV may have been more successful. I imagine it takes awhile (a few weeks) for the full benefits of ACV to start.

Also, have you considered adding baking soda to the ACV. I trust Ted, and he is an advocate of this formula - 2 TBS ACV and 1/4 tsp baking soda in 1/2 glass of water.

Some people don't like the baking soda added, but I would think in your case with all those meds you were taking, you may be rather acidic.

Just my two cents . . hope things are better for you.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by David (Chino Hills, CA) on 06/08/2008

your blood pressure monitoring device may be innaccurate....they can be iffy...take it to your doctor next time and check it against their equipment!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sue (Choctaw, Oklahoma) on 05/31/2008

To all, I have use ACV for several months now and have been able to go off all blood pressure medication. I started to use ACV for Gerd (Acid reflex) blood pressure was 150/90 down to 112/60 in two months. Started to use baking soda in ACV and started to have several joint and leg pain. Stopped baking soda, leg pain is better. Forget baking soda - it will cause joint pain in some people so be very careful of it.

ACV will also cause anxiety in some people if used to often. Changes the PH of the body. I have to be careful not to do over one to two teaspoons at a time. Has anyone taken the tablets and do they work ? I also am a R.N. for 22 years and so sick of medication that D.R. put out like candy always looking for alter cures for problem. Most medication is short time cure to more medication.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Xavier (Chicago, IL) on 05/18/2008

HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE REMEDIES: I just came across this site early this morning. My father has hbp and High cholesterol, reading all of these comments made me excited. I went out and bought him a bottle of the recommended acv (with the mother). I have been giving him 3 tbl spoons of acv with 1 tbl spoon of honey and about 3-5 tbl spoons of warm water, 3 times today. This is just the first day and he is taking it with his hbp meds. His meds are not working and he hates doctors, he thinks they are a rip-off. I'm glad he is trying the acv. I'm going to wait 1 week before I post again to let you all know how it goes. His average blood pressure is about 200/118. I took his pressure a few hours after giving him the acv and it was 148/105. I don't know if it was his meds, the acv or a mix of both that got him that low. but tonight he was back up to 198/114.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Julie (Berlin, Wisconsin) on 05/08/2008

I actually found this site yesterday. I just found out I have high BP and decided to take the advice and try the ACV. I have used it for acid reflux in the past and knew it worked for that...so why not. I was amazed!!! I also suffer from anxiety. I took it yesterday after reading the site and had a physical today. You would not believe the results. First, about five minutes after taking it my anxiety was gone and when they took my BP it was sytolic was down twenty point and distolic was down ten..!!!! Can you believe it..if not try it.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Fauzi (Bangi, Malaysia) on 04/23/2008

I have been on a regiment of ACV for my high blood pressure over the past seven days. My bp plummeted from 188/110 to now being 132/77 thru those 7 days via serious brisk walking (1/2 hour morning, half hour late afternnon everyday), changing to non-fat diet, and that good old ACV. My dosage is one tablespoon of ACV and 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water, 3 times a day. Somehow I am pretty confident I can achieve the 120/80 level or lower within the next few weeks. For those out there with high bp ( or high cholestrol, or high sugar), do not hesitate to try ACV!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anita (Augusta, GA, USA) on 04/20/2008

Since the use of apple vinegar my bloodpressure went down to 112/80 and I have been taken of the bloodpressure medication.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Charles (Willingboro, NJ USA) on 04/12/2008

Hi, I read about the great results people have been getting from ACV and had heard about its beneficial effects in books, etc. over the years but never really stuck with it. Well I've had high blood pressure for the last 10 years or so and its been getting progressively worse. I've been put on a wide variety of pills by my physicians whom I've come to believe are concerned and try to help (maybe), but nothing they have done has been of any real benefit to my health. Nothing. This past December I went to the emergency room because my pressure was reading 210/160. I was in excuriating pain, my head, neck, back, and eyes all felt as if they were put into a vice or hit with a sledge hammer. No exaggeration. The pain was unbearable. I left the emergency after five and a half hours without being seen by anyone other than the intake nurse and that's when I decided to take my health into my own hands. I began a regime of two tablespoons of ACV in water 2-3 times a day. After two weeks I was tempted to give up because I didn't see any results but I read a comment that said results sometimes take time and to keep going so I did and after my third week there was a breakthrough. My pressure had come down and I haven't taken any medication since December. I've modified my protocol as I've been going along and this is currently how I take my remedy.

3 tablespoons ACV
1 teaspoon cinnamon
half teaspoon cayanne pepper
in a half glass of water

No more headaches
No more high blood pressure (it may rise occassionally-then I take an additional dosage of ACV and it goes right down)
No more pains in my joints
No more sinus problems

ACV may not be a miracle cure but it is second only to the grape cure (a regime of eating only grapes) which is extremely hard to follow for any length of time. I posted this really because the tendency is for websites to really discount the "folk" remedies and alternative medicine, because its not scientific or FDA approved. I do feel that rational intelligent people can report accurate results of treatments that we've tried. We don't need a degree or title or government position to state a truth. I'm insulted that we are bombarded on these expert medical sites with don't try this or that without first consulting your doctor. Or stating the these "cures" can possible be harmful! Any so called side effect (if there are any) are far less harmful to your body than any drug on the market. I could go on put I'll just stop at that. Keep posting what works for you by sharing your results we can learn and try to educate each other to break through this maze of medical jargon that is used to obscure facts and present half truths.
