Bladder Infections
Natural Remedies

ACV for UTI: Natural & Effective Relief

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by teechie (mansfield, ohio) on 05/02/2007

Last year i got my first bladder infection with antibiotic to treat it. But after 1 month it came back, again i got rid of it by pills from the doctor. During the process i told a friend about my painful experience. She suggested a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar every night before bedtime. Since then ive had no more bladder infections! Recently it came back due to not urinating before or after having intercourse. so as long as you do that, and take the ACV, no more painful bladder infections!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Linda (Hollister, CA) on 05/27/2007

I read this site and I'm so glad I did. For a week I have had the sensation of needing to urinate, going often with very little output. I first got the cranberry juice which has worked in the past but didn't seem to this time. Last night I took a soup spoon and a half of vinegar by mouth and within an hour or so, no sensation like I'd had before! Thanks guys, very much! I also must say that I had no stomach pain or back pain or anything else associated with this, it was just the sensation which is very unsettling. I love asparagus, so I will try that remedy or maybe just eat them anyway----you know for extra insurance!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Michelle (Gladwin, MI) on 08/16/2007

I had been suffering from reoccurring urinary tract infections, and reading a lot about ph levels in the body. I found out by using ph strips that my body was at a 4.0 on the ph scale. I started taking the apple cider vinegar to change my ph (which is now stable at a 6.5). My urinary tract infections cleared up, my acne cleared up, my heart burn cleared up. I am completely shocked and grateful that I ran across this home remedy.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lisa (Cape Canaveral, Fl) on 08/22/2007

I used to be prone to constant urinary infections to the point I no longer felt them. One time it had got so bad I actually felt the severest of symptoms. At the time no medical insurance and no money to go to a doctor. So I emailed a friend who had a huge book on herbs and natural remedies. He researched for me and found if I took a bath with apple cider vinegar it would eliminate the urinary infection because the urethra acts as a wick and draws the high ph into the bladder. Well I had no bathtub and no access to one. So we devised this plan. I would take a cotton ball and soak it in apple cider vinegar and place it on my urethra for twenty min three to four times a day. The skin would burn and it did hurt alot. But I persisted. I woke up the next day and had no symptoms at all. I continued to use the acv for three more days. Since then I have not had another attack of urinary infection.

Years before I forgot to mention this. A neighbor told me about acv and honey as a remedy for headaches depression arthritis pain help and lowering cholesterol and high blood pressure. Well i suffered from all of these symptoms. I asked how much to take. She said she took two tablespoons each of acv and honey in enough hot water to melt the honey and drank it down half an hour before she ate. I did the same. The first week I lost ten pounds of excess water weight due to bad diet of too much salt. I sweated alot and peed alot. I lost a total of forty pounds. I had visited my doc before I started and thirty days after. He was amazed at the weight loss and asked how I did it. I told him and he said oh. he wasn't concerned at the amount in that short of a time. I should have been. It is dangerous to lose too much weight in a short amount of time. But I believe in my case it was extreme excess water weight. My cholesterol dropped from 256 to 156 in six months. My blood pressure was below normal and I couldn't gain weight. So acv and honey is my magic remedy. My kids would see me taking the acv and honey for my migraines. They wanted to try it for their headaches. Well after the first time they used it they didn't want tylenol anymore. Ever. To this day they are teenagers they remember it is instant and keeps the headaches away.

I have laxed in my daily regimen of acv and honey and have gained back the weight and the blood pressure. i am going to start it again. Anyways. Thank you for your time in reading its benefits to me. Hugs to you.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Christine (Delafield, WI) on 09/21/2007

I am 55 years old and thought I was developing old-lady bladder. I was having to go to the bathroom at least every half hour, and it wasn't much. I also was getting up once or twice a night. This has been going on for almost a year now, and just recently the idea struck me that I might have a bladder infection. I found this website and tried the ACV remedy. I am so impressed that I had to write a note. Sometime during that first afternoon, I drank a 20-ounce glass of hot water with 4 T of organic ACV and honey to taste. Already the next morning I was feeling improved. I did it again yesterday and I was able to golf 9 holes, go out to dinner and come home and sit for a while (5 hours all together) and didn't have to go to the bathroom once. And as if that were not enough, I slept through the entire night last night without having to get up one single time. I can't remember the last time that happened. It is truly a great thing. Thanks for this website.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Randa W (Mansfield, Ohio) on 02/12/2008

Had a very painful urinary tract infection almost two weeks ago - hadn't had one in 30 years and was astounded at the intensity of the pain and pressure! I could no longer lay down at night (for some reason it worsened in that position). Got online to look around for a natural remedy (didn't have cranberry juice on hand) and found the Earth Clinic site. Read what folks had to say about Apple Cider Vinegar, suggested dosages and mixtures, and decided to try mixing 2 tsp with about 8 ozs. of fruit juice (couldn't tolerate it straight or mixed with water). Skeptic that I am, I was amazed when I felt the pressure lifting in my lower abdomen within two hours and, after several more glasses of juice mixed the same way, was PAIN FREE after two days! I was STUNNED - I'd been in agony for 5 days before I did this! When I kept my appt with my gyn. two days later, I told him about it (and have since been telling anyone who'll listen). Oddly enough, as I sat waiting in the ex. room for him to come in, I was reading a women's magazine and spotted a full page ad touting the benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar - curing bladder infections was on their list. I have since been drinking a tsp of ACV in 8 ozs of juice a couple of times a day because I now believe it's good for the body for a number of reasons. When my husband came down with a cold and started getting congested, I had him drink 2 tsp in 4 ozs of juice (he's tough enough to tolerate the taste) and he thought it helped relieve the pressure. Don't know if it's related, but my skin seems smoother and clearer and I have avoided (so far) the incredible cold/flu virus that has taken my family and coworkers by storm.

I'm VERY glad I found the Earth Clinic site and wish I'd found it sooner. I use it to research natural remedies and I tell everyone about it (when the subject of illness or nutrition comes up). What a resource!!!! Keep sending in your feedback, folks. Knowledge is power!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mary (Nevada City, CA) on 02/06/2007

I had great luck last year with d-mannose - and when I told my friends about it, they tried it too - ext me they needed it. They were also amazed at how quickly it worked. But I gave so much away that I didn't have any left when I felt a UTI coming on today. Normally these haven't reversed themselves and I was concerned - so I came back to your site wondering about ACV for a UTI. I have had a few doses today (2 TBL in water) and I think the problem is almost completely gone!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by collette (gaway, ireland)

hi,this is a great site,just found it yesterday as looking for a relief from recurring sinus problem including painful sores on inside tip of nose...not nice! also had just finished taking medicine for cystitus and was all clear. took the 2 tblsp/8oz water and honey last night....loosened mucus almost immediately. but woke at 5 this morn with that burning urinary pain and wonder did the acid in the vinegar trigger the problem again? drinking cranberry juice now..... would really like to give the acv a good go but dont know what to do now!!! please help and god bless

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Christy (GA) on 09/21/2007

I've been waiting until the end of the week before writing in just to make sure I had a true cure for a bladder infection! Details: Woke up Monday morn with full blown bladder infection. I went onto Earth Clinic and found a bunch of remedies. I drank 2 tablespoons of ACV in water first. An hour later I drank 2 teaspoons of sea salt in 8 oz of water. Then I went and soaked in a bath (per Tammy from Springfield, Missouri's recipe) of powdered ginger, baking soda and sea salt. I stayed in the tub until I had no more pain and burning: took about 20 minutes (thanks, Tammy!). Then I took another dose of ACV, this time with baking soda. All the pain was gone after that, or so I thought... Certain I was back to 100%, I didn't bother to take another dose of ACV before going to bed, and this was my error! I awoke at 2:00am with even worse pain and burning than the day before! So then, berating myself for not following up with the remedies, I went downstairs and took more acv with baking soda. Then I did the bath again for 20 minutes and went back to the toilet seat. An hour and a half went by, no change in the pain and intense desire to pee every 10 seconds. Then I took ANOTHER bath, but this time with 1 cup of acv only. The pain and burning went away in 20 minutes and I was able to get back to sleep. Not wanting to mess around, the next day I went to Whole Foods and bought Cranberry concentrate, homeopathic drops for bladder infections, ph testing strips, and D-Mannose supps. Overkill perhaps! I felt about 75% better before I went shopping, but was back to 100% in 24 hours and that was 3 days ago now.

A few notes to mention to those suffering with bladder infection: I think the reason why the bladder infection came roaring back in the middle of the night was that my pH plummeted from alkaline to acid. So I suggest that people do test their urinary pH and take the remedies according to their pH levels. When you have a bladder infection, you can swing from alkaline to acidic very rapidly!

Finally, after reading those D-Mannose testimonials on the bladder page, I have to say that most are FOR SURE written by an outside company and not readers of Earth Clinic. They often say the same thing over and over! But I still went with it and bought the supplements nonetheless. I think they did help overall.

Sorry for the lengthy email, but hopefully this will help someone going through the excruciating pain of a bladder infection in the middle of the night!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kay (Knoxville, TN) on 10/25/2007

I'm an RN and don't have health insurance, go figure. But I did have a bladder infection that had been nagging me for 2 weeks. I knew I couldn't afford a doctor visit and UA culture, so I've been guzzling cranberry juice (and borrowing antibiotics) with no success. Yesterday, it became unbearable and I found this website. I went through ALL the testimonies, made a list of what I needed from the store and spent less than $10 on everything I bought. First I drank ACV in water. I waited an hour and drank sea salt in water as prescribed here. I was already feeling immediate relief. Next, I took a bath in ACV, baking soda and sea salt. I ate a can of asparagus and drank the juice. By now, there is NO pain. For the rest of the evening, I drank cranberry juice diluted in filtered water. Drank more ACV and baking soda before bed. Slept through the night and awoke with absolutely no symptoms. Am going to stay on ACV and the baths for a couple of days, then do maintenance of one glass of ACV in water/day.

This truly works. I should have known there was a 'natural' cure. Eight years ago I was told I would only live a year if I didn't undergo chemo/radiation for breast cancer. I refused and instead, I juiced myself into total remission. This bladder infection is the only "illness" I've had in 8 years and still didn't need a doctor! Thank you for this website.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Karyn (Lindenhurst, NY) on 11/20/2007

Hi I was hit with a really bad UTI one night, I was urinating blood every 2-3 minutes for hours. I don't have health ins. so I couldn't go to the ER and was frantically looking for a homeopathic cure when I stumbled on your site. I used the ACV remedy [Ted's recipe] and an hour later drank sea salt water. Throughout this 2 hour process I was drinking tons and tons of water probably a gallon or more to flush the bacteria out [which was very unpleasant] I had to take advil just to sleep because the pain was so bad. I woke up this morning and I am absolutely fine, no blood, no urge to urinate, all thats left is a slight feeling of pressure in my abdomen. I am concerned it will come back so I am doing another round this morning and I am going to take the cranberry pills just to be safe.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Michelle (Gladwin, MI) on 08/16/2007

I had been suffering from reoccurring urinary tract infections, and reading a lot about ph levels in the body. I found out by using ph strips that my body was at a 4.0 on the ph scale. I started taking the apple cider vinegar to change my ph (which is now stable at a 6.5). My urinary tract infections cleared up, my acne cleared up, my heart burn cleared up. I am completely shocked and grateful that I ran across this home remedy.

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