Sinus Infections
Health Benefits

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Treat Sinus Infections Naturally

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jem (Clueless, Il) on 05/16/2012

Since Oct 2011 I've been ill. Sudden confusion and weakness took over and panick from not knowing what was going on. My vision gets worse, liteheadedness, and balance was off. Even tremors would happen and this extreme pressure in my head. I do remember getting sick later on one time which was very odd. Seemed like a cold but sooo dry and painful. It took so long to get a little better. But even after I still had these strong symptoms occuring almost everyday.

I've been to ER over 7x with no answers. Seen doctors who'd only try to give me depression pills. NO THANX! I've tried everything from stores. And finally I've come to think maybe it's a sinus infection? I've never had them b4.

Found this site and decided to try ACV. The 1st day I did my vision blurred up. I didn't feel good at all. (Yes I made the mixture correct. ) I felt soo tired and just went to bed. The 2nd day I drank it 3x I was finally feeling pressure release from my head. I couldn't stop sneezin and my nose was runnin all day. I even had a fever. And today I feel like I can see almost perfectly. Still sneezin and whatever but I feel a bit better. Just can't figure out why my legs are cold to the touch.

Gona keep drinkin it but my guess is that if it is an infection it's pretty bad. Probly take awhile to get through it. I've lost my job in 2011 cuz of this. I can only work 3days a week now due to how this has taken over my body. I'm close to losin this easy job 2cuz I can't function normally. I've gained weight cuz how weak I am. IT SUX BEIN ME!!!! I'm only 28yrs old.

Hopefully this is the answer to my problems. If it is I'll be in touch. I'm so desperate for my health to improve I hardly even remember what it's like to feel like my old self again. I never had problems b4. Pray for me please!!!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Karatelady (Gainesville, Ga) on 05/26/2012

I'm trying the ACV today for the first time. It is so delicious with the recipe mentioned. Constant sinus infections and many other issues have been a mystery to me until I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease. It has so many symptoms its a hard one to figure out. Even testing isn't that good. I'm not well but at least know the root cause of the sinus issues.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sailchoc (St. Clair Shores, Mi - Usa) on 09/12/2012

With all your health problems and being so young, I would suggest incorporating some raw foods into your diet. You can look it up on the internet.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jennifer (Sunrise, Fl) on 04/27/2012

George, check out the "Tomato Tea" remedy on the EC site too - another fantastic EC remedy for sinus congestion! I did both the Tomato Tea and ACV and my horrible sinus infection went away in a record-setting 2-3 days. Couldn't believe it! Hope you feel better.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by 2Q&Learn (Southern California) on 12/04/2020 137 posts

Just wanted to note that Vitamin C is a acid, and hard on teeth when chewed.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Geoff (Bakersfield, Ca) on 04/18/2012

After one month and countless over the counter and even my trusted herbal remedies, nothing broke my sinus as this did. Raw local honey is the key, but be sure not to mix when the tea mix is too hot, this can damage the healing properties of the honey. Better to take it at room temp before or after sipping the tea. Enjoy!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joel (Aliquippa, Pa,) on 12/20/2011

I came across this site earlier in the week, and I found lots of good information, especially about apple cider vinegar! It is working! 20 out of the past 30 days I have been on antibiotics, and now I am fighting off my sinus infection (albeit slowly, but still... I am making progress without antibiotics).

Here are the following ways I have been taking apple cider vinegar (about a total of 3 TBS a day):

1. Add 1 TBS of vinegar to a water bottle and sip all day.

2. Add 1 TBS of vinegar to steamed, chopped spinach.

3. Add 1 TBS of vinegar to a cup or two of steamed peas (this was a family favorite of ours growing up - for some reason peas and vinegar taste great together).

4. Take 1 TBS of vinegar as a tonic. You have to like vinegar (which I do) to tolerate this, although even I find it hard on my stomach when I do this.

5. Add 1 TBS vinegar to a fresh salad with dark greens.

I also have been drinking this tea at night and it has helped immensely with releasing sinus pressure and chest congestion before I go to sleep. It also has been helping my cough:


I boil all of this together. The cinnamon won't dissolve in the drink (it will collect on the bottom), but it really helps with the taste. This tea isn't bad tasting - I also would say it isn't the best tasting. But it is POTENT and has immediately effect for me. I think the ginger especially has been helping me mixed with the honey and vinegar.

I also have taken all dairy out of my diet for the time being as well as caffeine. I think it's making a difference.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mashley (Jackson, Mississippi, Usa ) on 12/18/2011

Apple Cider Vinegar for sinus infections works like a charm. I was a complete non-believer but found myself a bit desprate as I am flying in 2 days and had a pretty good sinus infection going. Major symptoms included: running nose, clogged ears and tremendous pressure in my face. I filled a mug half way full of water and microwaved until hot. I then filled the rest of the cup with several tablespoons of Organic ACV. I added a bag of ginger/lemon tea, local honey and a strong pinch of ground ginger. After the first mug, the pressure in my face began to reduce. About an hour later, I had another mug and the pressure continued to subside. The tonic increased my runny nose and reduced some of the ear pressure. It was by no means a great but was improved. The next morning, I was shocked at how much better I felt. Again, I made the tonic 3 times that day seeing some improvement after each glass. The next day (today) I am feeling about 85% better. Only symptoms being tiredness and slight pressure in one ear. Overall, this is a wonderful way to get rid of a sinus infection quickly. I will add that I am taking a Z Pack but historically, they take 5 or 6 days to work (if it works at all... ). I feel very confident that the ACV is what pushed me back to health so quickly.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kevin (Conyers, Georgia, Usa) on 02/21/2012

Try adding in LOCAL HONEY. It has to be LOCAL or say LOCAL on it. Here is my recipe. 8 oz of hot water in a cup. 2 tbsp of ACV. 1 tbsp of local honey. - Usually completely cured in 2-3 days max. We have lots of trees out here with lots of pollen. It's not uncommon for us to get sinus infections and/or allergies.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lori (Westport, Ct) on 12/04/2011

I am a firm believer in the healing properties of Apple Cider Vinegar. I came down w/ a horrible sinus infection/laryngitis yesterday and today have been sipping on 2 Tb ACV and 16 oz water.... A miracle... What a relief! ~!!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bob Bode (Frisco, Co) on 11/25/2011

I routinely use dilute apple cider vinegar/water solution for ear infections which freguently occur after swimming in pools. I recently started using it very successfully for sinus infections that occur with or without a cold. I taste the solution first. If it is very strong vinegar taste it probable will sting, so I dilute it more. (Bacteria do not like the acid in vinegar)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sean (Bastrop, Texas ) on 11/23/2011

I had been struggling with a very mild but disgusting sinus infection for 8 weeks. It came from a secondary infection after a viral cold. I'm lucky in that it barely bothered me (sticky yellow blob 2-3 times a day, breathe fine), but I couldn't get rid of it. I even took 10 days of antibiotics (thinking it would help) to no avail. I was skeptical (like always) when I saw this, but I went ahead and tried 1 teaspoon in some water. ONLY ONE TEASPOON ANNIHILATED MY INFECTION. It is the day after and I no longer have any discharge at all.

FOR ALL YOU SKEPTICS OUT THERE: You can rule out placebo, this really works, I took both this and anitbiotics truly believing each would work and this did!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tennessee) on 01/06/2012 495 posts

Donna, I have put ACV in boiling water & inhaled it, but these folks are talking about a tea, so it's a pretty sure bet that they are drinking it, not snorting it!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dawn (Edmonton, Alberta) on 11/16/2011

I have tried everything. I am suffering from sinus pain, watery eyes and a running nose. Nothing works. I am going to try this.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bill (Merida, Mexico) on 11/07/2011

I had a sins infection 2 weeks ago, got the usual anti-biotics and was fine for a week and now it's back. I tried the neti pot and it worked great, just feels funny. So I surfed the net looking for something else. I came across this site and thought I'd give ACV a shot. Just made myself a cup before this post. I added the lemon and honey as suggested and it taste pretty good. I don't feel any effects yet but I'm only halfway through the cup. The neti pot cleared out my sinus cavity I just need to get the gook off the back of my throat........ Well my cup is done...... Still no effect.... Oh no wait... There it is, it's breaking it up a little. I will see what it does over the next couple of minutes... Thanks for your help.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Laura (Harrisburg, Pa) on 11/25/2011

Where did you purchase the apple cidar vinegar tablets?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ron (New York) on 10/26/2011

OK... I have to be honest about my results on ACV.

I am a 51 year young man, I am in very good health and stay very fit (not obsessed) I just enjoy it. Since I was about 5 years old I suffered from constant sinus infections. Now I know it is not the worst thing , it can be very painful and debilitating, and can worsen and if it happens at the same time you get a cold or the flu.... You feel like you are on your way to the cemetary. Right before I went to Aruba last month I picked up a sinus infection and I was MISERABLE. Snorkeling and diving was awful due to the water pressure... Vacation ruined?

As I sat on the beach holding my head and looking pretty miserable, one of the housekeepers asked me what was wrong and I explained. She said go to the market and get Apple Cider Vinegar and put it into a coffee cup 2-3 tablespoons.... She said breathe it in through your nose then take a sip until you finish. At this point in my life I was tired of the antibiotics and their wonderful side effects.

So I did what she advised and I said to myself "this is silly" But within 8-10 minutes my nose ran like crazy for a few minutes, I sneezed a few times... But that awful throbbing pain, itchiness and stuffiness was gone

It was kind of creepy... But I was giddy with my new found success... I could not thank this woman enough. I gave her a Amex Gift card...

She also recommended fresh ginger, but warned me that too much can cause indigestion. I will stick to Apple Cider Vinegar.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bcb (Traverse City, Mi) on 09/24/2011

I have struggled with sinus infections for the past 7 winters. The winter of 2010 I was sick with colds-turned into sinus infections from January to April 25, when I began having unbearably awful back pain. After 13 days of extremely intense and excrutiating pain, I went to emergency and discovered I had shingles, due to a totally wiped out immune system from being on antibiotics for the sinus infections for the past 6 years. Last winter (2011) I had two sinus infections, with accompaning antibiotics and in May I was diagnosed with Candida.... An entire body yeast infection, with itchy pustule eruptions all over my body, again due to the antibiotics destroying my immune system. I have discovered that sugar suppresses the immune system, so I cut out all overt sugar from my diet, but not when it is in foods like cottage cheese, yogurt, bread, etc. Just the coffee cream, the candy and dessert type foods. I also bought a 3 month supply of Threelac, a probiotic with a punch, and Candex to break down the yeast wall so it can be killed. I haven't had any eruptions in three months, even when I have had some cake and ice cream for birthdays. However, I ended up getting another sinus infection because of a birthday yesterday, and not wanting to compromise my immune system any further, I decided to look for a natural remedy for it, and therefore found this site.

I should have read the testimonials first, because I put 2 TBS of ACV in 8 oz. of water and swallowed it, not liking the burn in my throat and thinking I won't do this again. But I see that honey and lemon or stevia can be added to it without diminishing the results, and since I can't do honey because it causes yeast to grow, I will use Stevia next time. As I have been writing this, I have noticed that I have no drainage down the back of my throat. I never got any sinus pain with any of my infections and therefore was hard to diagnose at first. I just get a stuffy nose and bucket loads of drainage and feel like I've been run over by a Mac truck... No energy, no joy, no anything. I just want to sit at home and hibernate. I'm am hopeful that this will work and I will never have to take another antibiotic.

I see that Oregano Oil and Grapeseed Extract can also be taken to help fight these infections. Can anyone tell me how much should be taken and how often?

As I'm sitting here, I'm feeling a slight pain in my neck and something funny in my forehead area, so I believe that the AVC is working. Hallelujah!! I am forever grateful to whoever discovered this remedy. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jdecarlo (Miami, Fl, Usa) on 10/03/2011

Hallelujah! This remedy works. I prefer not to put it in coffee, though. Warm water or ice water with two tablespoons of ACV and stevia clearned up my sinus infection, the pain is gone and I'm going back to work. Thanks to everyone on this site. =)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Alpen Mom (South, Usa) on 11/15/2011

Honey is naturally antibiotic, antifungal, antimicrobial. No, Stevia doesn't have any of these properties. Even for those avoiding sugar, one spoon of honey has many benefits and less affect on blood sugar than a spoon of sugar. Unless type 1 diabetic or poorly controlled type 2, small amounts of RAW honey are very good for you.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Deborah (Coeur D Alene, Id) on 02/04/2012

Raw honey is a natural antibiotic, so it is important to use it in conjunction with the ACV.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Delila (Tel Aviv, Israel) on 03/22/2012

After using all the treatments for sinuses, including Apple Cider Vinegar and Apple Cider Vinegar with steam and nothing seems to help consider reading up on systematic candida, with tons and tons of symptoms including foggy head and headaches!!! And by the way sugar and antibiotics aggravate the condition makes it ten times worse!!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Shawna (Wakeman, Ohio, Usa) on 08/13/2011

I have spent the past hour reading through testimonials and directions on your site. I started having terrible sinus pain yesterday, so much that the pain was waking me up throughout the night. I used my sinus rinse but to no avail. So I thought I may as well try the ACV. Holy moly! I heated a coffee cup full of water, added 2 TBSP of ACV and a bit of honey. Halfway through the cup (sipping... Not a bit fan of the taste of vinegar! ) I could literally FEEL the gunk in my sinuses loosening up. I cannot believe how fast this works. I read many of the testimonials on ACV/sinuses but thought it really could not work that quickly.... I admit, I was wrong! I am absolutely and undoubtedly a believer.... Off to finish the rest of my cup :)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Fit Chica (Redondo Beach, Ca) on 09/07/2011

Just finished reading the post that ACV w/hot water, lemon & honey works to clear up a sinus infection. So, since I have one and I feel like crap, I decided to try it. It's 5:40pm 2 mins after my first sips... I love the taste of ACV. I must admit, I feel a little less congested. I took 8 oz water and put in the microwave mixed it with 2 TBSP ACV, 1 pkt stevia & a few squeezes of fresh lemon. I'm wondering if 1 tsp of cayenne pepper would speed the process up... ? Will definitely have to try with the pepper and let you all know.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dln (Forty Fort, Pa) on 08/27/2011

This will probably be my last update as the sinus infection is on its last legs - finger crossedXXX.

I did start the ACV again, and once again it worked on a limited basis. It worked right away the first time I took it - same mixture I used before - 2 tbsp of ACV, 1 tbsp of lemon juice and 1 tbsp of wild flower honey. But the longer I used it the effectiveness wore off. I got about 4 days of usefullness out of it, then it did nothing to relieve the pressure any longer.

So I did some more research and had another visit to the ENT and think I have found a combination of vitamins, OTC and prescription drugs, and home remedies that seems to have finally led me to a viable solution to a dry sinus infection.

Here is the list of stuff I have used since my last update to get to the point of 90% cured.

1. Avelox antibiotic - not as harsh on the system as some antibiotics.

2. 500 mg of Vitamin C chewable tablet, 4 to 8 a day.

3. 400 mg of Acai berry extract a day

4. Predisone - to reduce inflamation and promote sinus drainage

5. 400 mg guaifenesin tablets - up to 2,400 mg a day - this was the missing part of all my previous attempts - the ENT agreed this can be very helpful in certain cases. It thins mucus, not only in the lungs, but all mucus and I was finally able to get drainage out of my sinus. I did not get any of the colored mucus as drainage, but I can feel the sinus drain into the back of my throat and the pressure just disappears within 15 to 20 minutes of taking the tablets. I chase the pills down with a softdrink containing caffein to speed the process along.

6. 1/8 tsp Sea salt - dissolved with saliva in your mouth, then swallowed and chased down with a 8 to 12 oz glass of water - do this a couple times a day, say morning, mid-day and evening. This sounds crazy, but it works wonders. Details and testimonials can be found at "Watercure2. Org". Some of the claims and testimonials do seem to stretch reality a little, but, I can honestly say this works, at least for me. No increase in bloodpressure, no serious side effects, unless you consider clear urine a bad thing - LOL I think this helps with the sinuses because it increases the volume of water/salt in the body, which increases the mucus, but thins it, along with the guaifenesin. It is like doing the neti pot on an internal level.

Like I said above, I am not 100%, still get a small flareup every other day or so, like tonight, but it is easily shut down by 400 mg tablet of guaifenesin and taking the 1/8 tsp of sea salt and the glass of water. Takes about 20 minutes and the pressure goes away, the sinuses and nasal passage feels soothed, probably from the increase in thin mucus, and air flow thru the nose is increased. If you lay down at the 30 minute mark, you will feel the drainage in your throat. It is not an excessive amount to cause gagging, but more of a dripping/leakage feeling as the mucus just kind of slides down your throat, but there is no irritation associated, and no sore throat the next day.

I really think it is the combination of sea salt and guaifensin that is making the difference. Any sinus infection needs to drain, and the thinner you can make the mucus the better off you will be. My ENT thought I might have a partially plugged sinus and was thinking surgery if it does not get better. Well, the hell with surgery. I don't care if the sinus drain hole is 1mm in size, I will thin the mucus until it gets out of the hole. I am not going to have surgery, period!!!

I am hoping that in another week I will be back at 100% and this will all just be a bad memory. I wish my fellow sinus sufferers the best of luck. What seems to be working for me may not work for you, but don't give up hope. Keep trying different and varied things, different combinations of remedies, you will eventually find something that works.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Shiverling (Mackay, Queensland, Australia) on 06/13/2011

Last week, after having bad pain in one sinus(maxillary) and green disharge, I thought that only a trip to the doctor and antibiotics would sort this out. But I read everyone's tips here on apple cider vinegar and decided to try it (with scepticism). After sniffing the steam of hot half apple cider vinegar and water, the next morning I woke to no pain and only a slight clear discharge and have been better now for days. These home remedies here are worth their weight in gold and I'll be happy to hang around and hear even more :).

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Shiverling (Mackay, Qld, Australia) on 06/14/2011

I hope that it works for you too Jen, please let me know how you go with this :)

It wasn't the nicest thing to do-sniffing such a strong-smelling concoction and the steam left a little burning sensation in my nose, but I was able to blow out so much gunk afterwards. Now I'm also trying other remedies for better health including eating 1 or 2 cloves of raw garlic each day & have also started oil-pulling.

After being so fatigued over the years(no energy & need at least 9-12 hours of sleep per day just to function), this morning I woke at 6. 30am, got the kids ready & off to school, myself off to work and I felt so energetic.. Am hoping that this isn't a fluke(or placebo effect), that perhaps these remedies are doing something for my constant tiredness.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Angela (Ny, Ny) on 06/06/2011

Good Day!! I want to thank everyone on this site... I had a sinus infection... Or what I believed was a sinus infection cause I did not go to a doctor.... I had a lump that I first felt inside of my nose about a week ago... Then I was able to feel the lump on the outside of my nose and I got worried. I was told by a friend it could be a sinus infection. So I looked for a natural cure and came across this website... I did the ACV.... Wonderful!!! With the honey added for 3 days.... Also got the neti pot!!! I will tell you after the first use the lump inside my nose was gone!! After two uses I was lump free!! I do no that it has something to do with pollen, dust, pets, and other things... All which are in my life... My job is so dusty its crazy... I have made the neti pot a part of my life now!! Thank you to all of you!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Evelyn (Riverside, Ri) on 12/18/2011

I was down all week with what the doctor said was a sinus infection (terrible pain all over my head and in my face and eyes, so bad it made me vomit) all week. He gave me azithromycin, which gave me some really uncomfortable body aches. I'm a firm believer in natural medicine, but because this thing was so nasty and because the course was only three pills, I took the antibiotic. I've been reading all the great posts on ACV and am sipping some right now in hot water and honey to make sure this thing doesn't come back. I don't mind the taste, though I worry about the effect on tooth enamel, so a few months ago when using the ACV for something else, I bought some glass straws (if the ACV can eat tooth enamel, I don't know what it'll do to a plastic straw) and will just rinse with water. I used to make salad dressing out of ACV - guess I'll start doing that again too. I might even try a little in my neti pot just to make sure! Just as an aside - cold pressed castor oil - not the one you buy in the drug store for constipation, but the one mentioned here used to heal the eye problem, should NEVER be taken internally, so please don't do that. This type of castor oil is for external use only, and it says so on the bottle. I will tell you that when my son was little, he used to get a chalazion-like thing on his upper eyelid, and I would saturate a four-fold piece of clean, white flannel soaked in warmed castor oil and keep it over his eye for a few hours off and on over a couple of days. When taking it off, I soaked his eye with warm water. Within two days the infection drained and was always better. That stuff is great too.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dave (Earlton, Ontario Canada) on 06/15/2011

Unreal, My wife gets bad sinis bowts twice a year. Each year she goes to the doctors and they give her pills and crap that take weeks to get rid of it.

This time it was really bad , she had swollon noise, sore eyes, and a headace that made her cry, so I said enough of these doctors. I came on this site and found the ACV directions and had her try it.

Within 10 minuets she started to feel a little better, and 24hrs later she is almost back to normal and feels great. I dont know if it works for everybody but I, ll tell ya its worth a try.

Thanks alot and keep up the good work.

Your friend Dave

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Wendy (Ontario, Canada) on 03/20/2011

I just wanted to say the ACV made me breathe easier within 2-3 minutes... Totally amazing! Now I just need to keep it on the counter so I remember to take it every day 3x a day!

I did want to mention that I do get sinus infections and they started when we moved into our house- we suspect mold but are afraid to rip open the walls until we can do any removal properly. That was 9 years ago. We ripped up the carpets 7 years ago because my daughter coughed on and off for 3 months. (she is doing it again now despite every holistic remedy in the book) I get about 1 or more sinus infections a year but always after a cold.... the whole shebang, teeth, cheek bones, head pain you name it.

Anyhow, I wanted to mention that I don't consume milk of any kind, yogurt or cheese, and haven't eaten ice cream in over 15 years LOL I also don't have air conditioning in my house and it broke in my car years ago- it makes me feel yukky and tired too so I don't like it on. I live on 100 acres secluded and our woodstove is now OUTSIDE... although we do live 2 km from a 4 lane highway.

We eat a holistic allergy free diet (no wheat, gluten, dairy, soy, corn, refined sugar) and we sprout, eat high raw foods, grow and juice wheatgrass etc.

From what I have read about mold... sounds like that could be the root cause of most peoples sinus issues and can stay in the sinuses for years.

My girlfriend has 4 children. In their old house (where they did have to deal with mold and mice) they had a horrible time. The kids were always seeming to get sick, her one son was snoring and a mouth breather, lots of coughing, she has seasonal allergies etc. Since they moved to their new house they are doing wayyyy better!!! |Wish I could do the same!

I do however look forward to moving out of our house in a few weeks and into our trailer to see if I no longer wake up stuffy and brain fogged in the morning and hopefully this head cold will be gone by then!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by P. (Redondo Beach, Ca) on 02/18/2011

My son (6 years old) has been using apple cider vinegar to treat his chronic sinus infection. I learned it from a web-site(couldn't remember which one) which recommended adult to take it the minute the sinus infection start w/2 tbsp apple cider vinegar w/a bit of honey 3x a day for at least 3 days or more. I think that's the key, the minute you felt you come down w/stuffy nose you should start the treatment right away, don't delay.

In my son case, he took 1 tbsp 3x a day w/1/2 tbsp Manuka honey. Manuka honey apparently has property stronger than antibiotic that can cures many ailments, among them is sinus infection, that's what the researcher claim. Anyway, the combination of these two treatments have been working great for my son. Usually he would get round of antibiotic from his doctor but no more. We've been able to avoid going to the doctor ever since we started this treatment. I've noticed that if I forgot to give him his apple cider vinegar treatment(before he goes to bed at night) then he has trouble sleeping due to stuffy nose, etc. w/apple cider vinegar and manuka honey treatment, he slept good at night and able to get rid the sinus infection w/in few days. I hope this information help.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Barbara859 (Mission Viejo, Ca) on 02/13/2011

Apple Cider Vinegar really helped. I have been suffering from a sinus infection for a few days. First I tried the 2 tablespoons ACV and 2 tablespoons water and heated it and inhaled the steam. It made my eyes water a little. I felt a bit of relief, then after about 1/2 an hour I tried 2 tablespoons of ACV in 8 ounces of warm water and drank it. I started to feel better in about 20 minutes. What a relief!