Sinus Infections
Health Benefits

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar to Treat Sinus Infections Naturally

305 User Reviews

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Posted by Isa (Guatemala) on 02/15/2009

hi, thanks for all of your comments. my son had a chronic sinus infection and after many antibiotics we decided to give it a try. he drank the acv three times a day, with 4 drops of oil of oregano. also he took propoleum for two week, in addition to his nasal flushes. it worked wonders and has been feeling well since. (4 months)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lisa (Puyallup, WA) on 02/10/2009

Apple Cider Vinegar cured my sinus infections.

A sincere "thank you" to everyone who took the time to write comments on this remedy. I'm not one to believe everything I read on the internet, but the strength of your numbers gave me the courage to try. Last November I was suffering from a dreaded sinus infection. I'm fed up with antibiotics, so in desperation I googled and found you guys! I put one to two tablespoons ACV in warm water, added a little honey and drank it. Within 30 minutes, I was feeling better. I repeated three times a day over two days, and I was cured! I just repeated this last week when I was suffering from a cold that wouldn't let go. Everyone at work was getting sinus infections with this one, but not me! You folks are the best. Thank you thank you.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by April (Gaffney, South Carolina) on 02/03/2009

I've been suffering from a sinus infection for about a week now. I had pain in the right side of my nose, ear pain, and my upper teeth would ache. I could not breathe at all, so I was losing sleep and feeling really bad through out the day. So I googled home remedies for sinus infections and clicked on the earth clinc site. I read lots of feedback on how ACV helped tons of people, so I thought why not try it. I happend to have some in the fridge so I mixed two tablespoons of ACV with some water, and 15mins later, I can actually breathe through my nose! The pain in my nose is less. Thank you earth clinic! You've saved me a trip to the doctors office that I really could not afford. I strongly recommend everyone use this for their sinus infections!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Debbie (Dallas, TX) on 02/01/2009

All I have to say is wow! I have been suffering from this sinus infection for awhile now, and taking antibiotics. I was up all night and i just could not sleep and needed some relief......This ACV really really works. I take two shots one at night and in the morning when I awake. I have nine year old who suffers as well; well not anymore thanks to ACV and earthclinic.

Replied by Jan
(Seattle, WA)

I can vouch this is true. I started oil pulling and 2T vinegar in qt of water morning and night and suddenly after battling three months of sinus infections/colds, I got this incredible amount of mucous 24 hrs after beginning the above and my head is clear first time in months. Thank you again contributors to this site. I'm discovering all kinds of amazing simple but powerfully effective remedies here.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Doreen (Virginia Beach, VA) on 01/25/2009

I just tried this with a combination of yogic alternate nostril breathing: breath IN first nostril (block the other) and OUT the second, then breath IN second nostril and OUT first. One side is usually more blocked by mucus than the other so I found it more effective to help unblock it: while breathing in put fingertips on cheekbones and pull the flesh away from the nose. I repeated this over and over, with a towel over my head. I stop often to blow my nose and massage my face (sinus cavities). I also put the pan back on the heat a couple of times. The hotter the solution (1c water - 1 c ACV) the stronger and more effective the vapors. I will re-use the solution.

I also use my neti pot every morning. (2c warm water - 1/2t sea salt). I've added one drop of baby shampoo on occasion, and it stings. I've also sniffed saline solution and used the steam from a bowl of plain hot water (with the towel). I read the article on the Link between Sinus Infections and Allergy medications. There is so much contradictory information.

Drinking vinegar or snorting Cayenne does not appeal to me, but we're all unique. Maybe we just need to take the time to help ourselves instead of quickly popping pills. Our bodies are a system - all the parts are connected - and with the cost of healthcare and medication today, I'd rather try something preventative.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kathy (Edmond, OK) on 01/22/2009

I have had a recurring sinus infection now off and on for a year. I am so tired of taking antibiotics for this to return within a week. I finally searched the internet and found this site. I immediately called my husband who was at the store and had him buy ACV. I sipped a couple of tablespoons last night and again this morning. I also swished with Olive Oil for 15 minutes (all I could handle) and immediately upon spitting it out, I got the "heaves" and so much congestion came up! I can't say the oil left over in my mouth wasn't the culprit of me gagging but I think it was the combination of both. I am going to try this over the next several days and will report back with the results. I am quite excited and expecting it to get worse before it gets better.

Replied by Lisa
(Plumas Lake, Ca, Usa)

I used to be sick all the time--I would get 4-6 sinus infections per year. I do drink Apple Cider Vinegar occasionally, I know it helps. But I also started taking a Probiotic everyday and eating a yogurt everyday is also very beneficial. I feel that what we eat is paramount to good health. I'm going to resume taking ACV with some honey (kills bacteria). Honey is good for skin infections, too.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Michelle (Rapid City, SD) on 01/20/2009

I was on your website earlier today researching for natural ways to help a sinus infection. I came across the use of using ACV, and since my boyfriend was at the health food store for me anyway, I texted him and asked him to also bring home some ACV. He mentioned this to the lady at the store, and she said she SWEARS by ACV, for a multitude of things.

I've had a terrible head cold/sinus infection, just on my right side... have had it nearly 2 weeks. I've tried OTC things like Benadryl and Tylenol, with no relief. Maybe it's the German in me, but I LOVED the taste of the ACV!! (I drank it straight from the bottle)
I also tried the warm water/salt nasal and sinus rinse this afternoon, and between that and the ACV, my nose is CLEAR!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ana (Huntington Beach, CA) on 01/10/2009

My sinus infections had all but gone away with dietary changes and other natural remedies. However after indulging in dairy and wheat, chocolate, etc. over the holidays I have a whopper of an infection. Apple Cider Vinegar usually helps but not this time. The problem is that it helps the congestion a little, but then causes the post nasal drip of mucus into my throat and lungs. So, to get the nose relief, my throat and lungs get worse. Any ideas on how to get rid of the congestion in my throat and lungs. Nothing is working for that at all. I've tried many natural products, homeopathic, herbal, compresses, steam, etc. Nothing, Yikes!!! Help!!!

Replied by June
(Wichita, Kansas)

Hi, Ana. Two things that have often help me:grapefruit seed extract to clobber the sinus infection, then the hydrogen peroxide inhalation cure to clobber the congestion (if you're talking about congestion from a virus). Also high doses of vitamin c. Might still take a couple of days at this point, but maybe worth a shot.

Replied by Barbara
(Cocoa Beach, Florida, Usa)

For chest congestion I use herbal tinctures. Cats claw and Pau d'Arco - when in severe distress I use a dropper full of each (dropped directly into my mouth or in a small shot of water) every two hours and in addition to an herbal expectorant. I have cured myself of bronchial pnumonia with this remedy.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Linda (Manning, SC) on 12/23/2008

Love your site. Many tout vinegar and water as sinus remedy. I've seen vinegar honey and water many times before. Do you know if the addition of honey changes the effectiveness for sinus remedy?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mich123 (Batavia, Illinois) on 12/04/2008

I have had a sinus infection on and off for the last month and on Monday I was so upset because both nostrils were glued shot with thick mucus, I couldnt breath and even Afrin (I try not to use) wouldnt work for more than a few hours. I came on line and read about the ACV and had 2 Tbl in a glass of warm water and some honey and within a half an hour my throat was cleared of the mucus and one side of my nose opened. I was able to sleep for the first time in weeks! I have drank this tonic twice a day for the last 3 days and my sinus feel about 95% back to normal. I am soooo happy I found this site and learned about ACV. I cant wait to check out the rest of the helpful advice. Thanks to all!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by MoOf (Englewood, Colorado) on 11/10/2008

After two days of feeling like a zombie from a sinus infection I stumbled across this site and the ACV suggestion and decided that I had nothing to loose as I had some Apple Cider Vinegar in the house already. I decided to try mixing 1 tablespoon ACV with about 8 ounces of warm tap water. I was a little hesitant to drink it as I thought I would more than likely vomit from the taste. But after sitting there with the cup under my nose trying to get up the guts to just drink it, I felt my sinuses starting to loosen from just breathing in the vapors. Still afraid of the taste I decided to drink it as fast as I could to just get it over with. I must say that the taste is something I will never get used to but the results were wonderful. Instantly the pressure in my head vanished, and the mucous stopped flowing from my nose. A few minutes later it felt as though my sinuses were completely dry and free of mucous. Though this feeling did not last, the amount of mucous had decreased considerably. Three hours later I was still feeling a lot better but still had the scratchy feeling in the back of my throat, and some mucous and pressure returning I mixed up another glass at the same ratio and this time drank it slowly. I can still say that it is a taste that I don't enjoy but after drinking it slowly my throat and nose are completely cleared and it has been about 4 hours since my last dose. Thank you for taking the time to host a site such as this. I have not tried the oil pulling yet but definitely intent to.

Replied by Rochelle
(Philadelphia, PA)

Be sure that when using the ACV you use the ACV with the mother. This can be purcahsed at any health food store. The ACV is also used to heal a varielty of other ailments. Please read up on it.

Replied by Arlene
(Meredosia, Il)

To MoOf from Englewood, Co. I also couldn't take the taste of the acv, but my husband suggested putting it in tea with some honey, and that is quite good, if you're a tea drinker. Since the honey is quite high I now just use sweetner but it's still quite good. I've gotton so used to it that I don't like plain tea. I've also been using the distilled, but my acv with the "mother"in it is on it's way,but even the distilled has helped so much, I can breathe again.

Replied by Dixie
(Seattle, Wa)

This is my 1st time on this web site and I am reading all kinds of things I've never heard of. Oil pulling, ACV with "mother". What do they mean? I have had a sinus infection since January 1, 2010. It started with a cold and a very running nose and progressed from there. My breathing is fine, not much drainage, no sore throat, but what I do have is when I cough, sneeze or bend over it feels like the right side and the top of my head is going to come off it hurts SO BAD. Sometimes the sinus across my nose aches and behind my eyes. I've tried everything, neti pot, steaming my face (which does help, temporarily), OTC nasal decongestants, without it getting better...I finally went to the Dr. for an antibiotic, which I have been taking for 5 days with no change, so far, with my symptoms. I found this web site tonight and have had my first acv/water drink. Right now the pain in the right side has stopped hurting when I bend over (I haven't coughed or sneezed for a few hrs), so hopefully I am on my way to recovery. My question is, has anyone else every experienced anything like what I have described? I don't get sinus infections all that often, and never like this! Any response will be appreciated.

EC: Hi Dixie, ACV with the "mother" refers to unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar. More on oil pulling here:

Replied by Monica
(Bostic, N.c.)

I also found this site, symptoms since last November, with one added symptom, whenever I would use the bathroom and have a bowel movement, I thought my head was going to explode, and of course the head throbbing I would get whenever I bent over, coughed or sneezed. 3 days ago I started taking some apple cider vinegar with the mother in it, mixed with water, it has definitely helped somewhat, I have also been taking eucalyptus pills, and I think that has helped too, but they are expensive. I also found this site because I was looking for some help with this sinus problem... Oh by the way I did go to a doctor when I first got this sinus infection, she gave me antibiotics, I took them all as prescribed, It did nothing for my sinus infection, but it did give me one heck of a yeast infection.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cathy (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 10/20/2008

How ACV helped my sinus infection

I searched the web to find out more about mucus color and how to determine if you have a cold or flu. Then found this site that explained the symptoms of a sinus infection which was what I had. Then read up on a home ready that included ACV. At first I was skeptical then I thought what can I lose, ACV is very inexpensive compared to going to the doctor's office, waiting forever and then only to be told to let it clear up naturally! I chose to drink 8oz of water mixed with 2 TBSP of ACV and immediately I can feel it working. You can feel the congestion breaking free from you head and your ears this is great stuff. The first day I drank 3 cups of the mixture and already my voice sounds clearer and I feel less stuffed up. I will continue to drink the mixture to see how long it takes to completely clear. I would and already have recommeded the ACV mixture to co-workers! It's aweseome!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Avery (Great Falls, Montana) on 08/19/2008

First off, I'm a HUGE skeptic with natural remedies. After two rounds of expensive antibiotics I was still having yellow/green drainage and my entire face was so painful, I couldn't lay my cheek against the pillow. I broke down and cried trying to figure out how I was going to come up with more money for another antibiotic.

Instead I decided to do a search and found all of the comments about ACV. I sent my husband to pick up a bottle of it for me because I was so sick I couldn't move. I really didn't have faith that it was going to do anything but with the pain I was in, I was desperate to try. Once he got home, I immediately took in 2 tablespoons in pure water. Within an hour I began draining more little stuff out, and as the hours pass, I kid you not that really bad pain I was in started to decrease in my forehead and cheeks. Even that pain and grinding ache above my teeth was dissipating. Another thing that surprised me was, I felt a little better all over my body. Those aches in my neck and every where had lessoned.
Four hours later, I intuitively poured out 1/4 cup to 12 oz of pure water and drank that down. About 5 hours later, the pain had really significantly decreased. I could talk and smile. I can see that the mucous is changing into a more whitish pale yellow instead of the bright yellow green. It's drying up a little.

I'm reporting this about 14 hours after the first dose. I'm not sure how I'll be in a few days but I can definitely say my pain is surprisingly ..almost gone and I feel much more like my old self.

This is definitely worth a try if you're out there and suffering like I was. Good luck and Good health to you all.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jean (Las Vegas, Nevada) on 08/14/2008

Apple Cider Vinegar has cured my chronic sinus infection.

About 4 years ago a root-canal on an upper back tooth developed an abcess that drained into my sinus. For two years I had a chronic sinus infection on that side and it seemed as though I would never be able to breath through my nose again! Anti-histamines, antibiotics, nasal sprays & saline rinses would knock down the pain and swelling temporarily, but nothing worked permanently until I found this site and started using ACV & baking soda. I used 2 TBS ACV and 1/4 tsp baking soda morning and night in small glasses of fruit juice. Put the ACV in the glass first, then the Baking soda (it will foam up and then subside) then fill with fruit juice.

Almost immediately the sinus started to drain and I can't describe the yucky blod filled mucous that came out at first. Gradually, the discharge became clear and now I feel "normal" for the first time in years. I can even smell the roses again!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by H.T. (Charlotte, North Carolina) on 07/30/2008

I am truly amazed at how effective acv really is. I have been a sufferer of sinus problems for nearly 10 years now. I feel like I have tried everything. Recently, I was down and depressed because I was dealing with another episode for 4 days straight. I could barely make it through the day. And suddenly the light bulb went off...why not search the internet for a home remedy. Well, thank the lord. I am a former caterer so I always have apple cider vineger in my pantry. After reading this site I went down to the kitchen and did a 2 ounce shot. I figured if I could do tequila this would be a cakewalk. In less than an hour I felt relief. I actually slept like a baby without the use of a sleep aid. I did another shot in the a.m. and I felt even better as the day went on. Best day I have had in a very long time. I cant wait to share this with friends and family who also suffer. Oh, it always curbed my appetitie all day. I am trying to shed 15 lbs I picked up this past year. And I am sure acv will be a huge help. I'll keep you posted on the progress. Yippee!