YEA for MMS. I had a longstanding case of epididymitis and prostatitis for almost three years, that I suspect came from a case of Chlamydia that I contracted years ago and never fully got rid of. It got to the point where I had a constant pain in my left side (where my testicles meet my leg) and my left testicle was extremely sensitive all the time.
A urologist gave me a course of doxycycline (back when I still trusted doctors) which seemed to bring the pain under control, but a month or so after I stopped the antibiotics the pain crept back and became as bad as ever. After giving up on doctors, I began to try alternative remedies, the first one being colloidal silver (a common brand sold at Vitamin Shoppe). To my great joy I immediately began to notice a decrease in pain from taking 5-7 tablespoons of colloidal silver a day. After a couple of weeks taking colloidal silver the epididymitis and prostatitis was 80-90% gone. I figured that was as cured as I was going to get, and I was happy with the lack of pain, so I stopped the silver.
After the silver I began taking MMS for other lingering health problems I had. I began with 5 drops of MMS twice a day on an empty stomach. After one day I noticed my urine was suddenly cloudy with white blood cells. This told me that my body was fighting something in my urinary tract area. At the same time, I noticed that my epididymitis/prostate pain had disappeared--and I mean 100% GONE, almost overnight. What this told me was that the MMS had basically kicked the living heck out of whatever bacteria/parasite was causing my crotch pain. Needless to say, I was thrilled.
After less than a week on MMS, when I reached 9 drops twice a day, I started to notice something else--I was passing WORMS with my bowel movements. Needless to say, I was simultaneously disgusted and happy that the MMS was killing these parasites and that they were now leaving my body. I will continue taking the MMS and increasing the drops until I feel that I am free of these disgusting parasites.
Finally, I would like to add a note to readers not trust any so called "quackwatch" or other sites calling MMS poison or a scam. I gave MMS a chance because I felt I was at the end of my rope with a laundry list of health problems that seemingly nothing would cure, and so far MMS has surpassed all expectations with no side effects except for a couple of instances of mild nausea (which I suspect was the worms being killed by the MMS). Why are there so many (dishonest) people online who don't want to see others get well??
I started taking mms 3 days ago and last night I went up to 3 drops which I took at about 1am, following the proper protocol of coarse. I had a bit of green and blacks dark choc before I took the mms, which may or may not have reacted badly. Anyway, ive been up all night vomiting and having diarhea which I have heard can happen, but what worries me is, I am getting bad stomach pain and cannot get to sleep, its like massive cramps that come and go and seem to be worse depending on how I lay, sit etc. Im just so bloody tired and weak now it's insane. Im gonna jump back into bed and try to sleep again. If anyone has any ideas why this happened or any tips to stop it happening again, id really appreciate it. Thanks.
From the comment that has been posted is correct. Also make sure she is not taking mms with her medications. Have her take mms with some food in your stomach. And then a hour later have her take her medication.
I don't have allergies I am sorry.. But I know a lot about them. Do not spray MMS on your skin. Take it orally. Because MMS goes into your body and gets rid of the pathogens that does not belong in your system. If you have allergies find out what you are allergic to.
Try this- Buy some soap nuts use it in your laundry with lavender essential oil and heat essential oil in a burner with some water. Example. My daughter has allergies with dust real bad. I started using lavender essential oils with her and now she does not have a problem with them. I hope this is helpful.
Sinus Infections
I'm the mark who had the sinus infection problems in may of 2008. I don't smoke or use cologne etc.. I live a healthy lifestyle & am an athelete. I am still healthy, in fact I never get sick now. When I feel a little down I take a 2-3 drop dose. This experience has made me very skeptical of our modern medical system in this area. The Dr. was so mad that I decided not to have surgery & that I cured myself , for a $25 investment, it's worth a try!
Thanks... Mms & Jim Humble
MMS Side Effects
I have used MMS quite a bit and I thought the protocol was to use 5 times as much citric acid as MMS - so 5 drops of acid for 1 drop of MMS.
MMS Side Effects
I wanted to try MMS for myself, I had no illnesses or discomforts but needed to know what it would do to a healthy female aprox 115lbs 5ft 3in. My first dose was as per the protocal (1drop mms per 2drop of cit acid) pure lemon juice. I only used 2 drops because I didn't want to dilute the solution too much. One drop did nothing, I felt nothing at all, no effect. So I waited about 35-40min and did it again, still nothing. I didn't want to overdo it so I went to bed and the next morning took 3 drops w/the six drops of lemon juice (fresh squeezed. By the way on all tries I did wait the 4 min before adding the water and drinking. It turns a deep yellow. Anyhow, 3 drops did nothing so I kept adding drops till I got up to 6 and still nothing, so I got anxious as to why I still had no effect ie: heat, nausia, diareaha (spelling)dizziness.. Nothing.
So I jumped to 9drops impatiently and thats when it hit me. I felt miserable almost like getting the flu. My head ached (not hurt) my body was weak.. The whole day went on like this with a little diareaha (spelling). I did not eat dinner I went to bed w/a headache and in the morning felt brand new, like I could outrun my dog and I am pushing 44. I kept going without ill effect untill I reached 15 drops and still no ill effect. That one little spout of found germ or whatever and it was over. I only take it on an empty stomach and wait the 4 min before adding water. I am still doing 15 drops 2x s a day. I even give it to my dog. She did not get sick up to 3drops. She is a pit and about 65lbs.
You are supposed to wash mms off your skin after about 30 seconds, otherwise it burns you.
I'm wondering how to take mms for allergies. Does anyone have any experience with it? I've read about sinus and colds and how helpful it is. Thanks
To Alta - Is your daughter getting enough magnesium? I recall Adele Davies emphasising it for epilepsy. Can't hurt and may help. Good Luck.
MMS Side Effects
Please read this article if you are using or intend to use MMS. I don't even quite know what this product is but after reading what the letters stood for on this site it somehow didn't feel like something I would be willing to use. I have read quite a few postings about the side effects of MSM on this site. Aren't people maybe mixing MSM with MMS? MSM seems to be quite safe.... I would like to try it for my allergies but to be honest I am afraid after reading the experiences other people had. Still... People might be mixing up the two, or maybe not, I don't know! I am about to read a book about it. Here in Europe MSM is commonly sold in health food shops, no idea about MMS.
Reply to: "Can anyone mention how long you take a 3 drops MMS dose... ? One gulp? or sipping over an hour?",
Well, I too had sinus problems in the past, and I don't smoke and don't wear cologn. What I have found that taking MMS as one gulp is best. It's harder to get down just sipping it. I also found out that if you mix it with apple juice vs. water it goes down a lot better! After a few days my sinus are clear--
Also, I have used MMS because of my teeth. We need to all brush better and having healthy gums is very important. I used MMS 3-drops for 3 days and it cleared up a problem that was starting. MMS did not turn my teeth Black or another color because I also brush my teeth with Arm & Hammer - Complete Care tooth paste afterwards. I feel the key is not to take to much MMS or you WILL see side effects like anything! If your making many trips to the bathroom, have sick feelings, like the Flu, then you should think that you just may be taking to much and should STOP till things settle down. To MUCH of anything is not good! Do you really want "nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, which can lend itself to dehydration. " So- for myself at 190 Lbs, I try to stay in the range of 3 to 7 drops max a day when I'm getting sick or having issues. Otherwise- I suggest looking at ways of staying healthy, happy, and rested. Note: This is not to replace a Doctor's visit but- It helped when everyone was sick in the house and the Doctor kept seeing four of us one at a time and then round robin we would be back! A true cash machine for the Dr! It took MMS to truly break that cycle.
So, I would like everyone to consider using MMS in times when they are actully sick and don't want to get a Flu shot because of what's in them! The best thing is to stay healthy, by having a good digestive system, make & eat foods that contain Salba - aka Blanco Saliva - Rich in antioxidants, Omega-3 and Fiber, have some Yogart, and of course have a glass of Resvertrol each day.
Consider this: A lot of people don't follow Doctors advice and get sick and Die! Now- If you OD on MMS and get sick you want to sue- See: lawyer working for consumers and injured people and is pussing for the FDA to pull MMS off the shelf! Why- Because people don't READ and FOLLOW directions and STOP if something goes wrong and let things settle down. The bottom line is to have some common sense when you eat, take medication, herbs, or anything else. The FDA approved Aspartame and I knew two people who drank diet pop with it, both died from GBM Grade 4 Brain Cancer, others have MS and other Neurological problems. So, have some common sense- don't go crazy with anything.
Where to Buy: Canada
Hi Tish, I'm also looking for it in Toronto. I was very skeptical about it before but After reading one article about water treatment with ClO2 and that it kills even the cysts of the protozoa, I'm thinking about giving it a try for my entamoeba hartmanni infection. If you get any information where you can buy in Toronto, please feel free to tell me.
Where to Buy: Canada
Hey friends, can someone kindly tell me where in toronto can I buy MMS. I have read nothing but good abt it and would really like to try it. This is the best website and though I dont post very often but I'm a regular visitor of this site, why my sister in dubai is crazy abt this site too. The vinegar and Virgin Coconut Oil is doing wonders for her and she is so grateful. Take care everyone.
Robertson, from Columbus - what is Herxheimer pains? I have gotten up to 4 drops for 6 days and have diarrhea (5x times in the morning) and then have different types of pains going on in my stomach. Each time I get up to 4 drops for a few days, I get this diarrhea/pain schedule. I have stopped it for the last 2 days and am afraid to go back on it, even though on 1 and 2 drops I feel fantastic. I have been told by a few practitioners that I have overgrowth of bacteria, some parasites and a worm infection. I really want to stay on this stuff, but I could use all the support I can get right now, I feel pretty bad in the bathroom department (lots of intestinal gas, too) although I have great energy otherwise. Thanks for any responses.
MMS Side Effects
People need to realize that mms taken the first time will do a cleanse. Also the bee keepers in the USA with colony collapse should give some mms to their bees to boost their immune system. Tomstyn
General Feedback
I made my own zapper from Dr. Clark's book years ago and used it sporadically. But recently I had a major illness due to mold in my workplace HVAC system which created lumps, seemingly in my lymph system, the last of which were extremely painful. I left the job and started zapping and the lumps disappeared along with the lethargy I also experienced during this time. I mean it was an effort to open my eyes, just move my eyelids! But the lethargy vanishes after a zapping session. I firmly believe in zapping. At least for me it worked. I guess one could question whether just leaving the workplace might have resulted in lump disappearance, but I don't think so, just going by how I felt. Happy Healthy Trails to all of you.
Heavy Metal Detox
Hello Jake In Chicago,
We both have severe and obvious problems of mercury poisoning so this may interest you. First, you can visit the site of rather excellent doctors which is the ACAM group that was started by Linus Pauling, PhD with some physicians. That great doctors' organization will allow you to enter your city, state or ZIP code and receive a list of the ACAM member doctors in you area, if any. Be advised that many of those ACAM doctors do NOT publicize that they are "alternative" ACAM kind on-line. So you can leave your e-mail address or your phone number (maybe?) and you would be sent a private message on which doctors in your vicinity are qualified ACAM member doctors.
Dr. Detrich K. Klinghardt who may be both an MD and a PhD advises we ought to take approx. 3 grams of the algae chlorella about 30 minutes before we eat the cilantro. Klinghardt is an ace physician who is an expert in detoxification, especially of the brain. He has delivered lectures at international symposiums in Europe, including Switzerland, Germany (where he was born and educated) and London. Dr. Klinghardt states that the approx. 3 grams of chlorella we would eat before ingesting cilantro will combine with the mercury which gets flushed out of the liver. The chlorella apparently 'locks' onto the mercury that is carried into the intestines after one eats cilantro. Klinghardt and others state that approx. 80 percent of the mercury which gets "shaken loose" from the body cells by the action of cilantro will travel from the liver in the bile and go into the intestinal tract. Unless we use chlorella to 'capture' that mercury as it enters the intestines it will be ABSORBED all over again and will then be returned to our bloodstream! Therefore it's a great idea for us to take some chlorella 30 minutes prior to eating cilantro. Klinghardt also recommends a concentrated cilantro liquid one can be bought on-line. He says it is much better to apply those liquid cilantro drops to the skin on the wrists and the skin of the ankles. Doing that allows the concentrated cilantro liquid to directly enter the bloodstream and to bypass the entire digestive system. That way the chlorella can combine directly with the mercury liberated by the cilantro we've eaten and lock on to that mercury and take it out of the body. In addition it was read that by taking the substance "zeolite" one is able to have that zeolite LOCK onto many kinds of toxins and take them out of the body. It's said that zeolites is a natural mineral which has been stockpiled for years to be used my the government after we have suffered with nuclear war. There are numerous kinds of zeolites available and I've used several of them and they definitely have helped. Whenever I've removed some of my major load of heavy metals (especially the mercury! ) I will get powerful Herxheimer reaction pains. So when I use one of the better kinds of zeolites those 'Hex" pains the DO become quite strong indeed. That result basically proves the zeolites I've been ingesting is taking out such nasty toxins as mercury.
I've been badly poisoned by massive exposure to mercury and also to lead as a kid and even more later in industry. As I began taking out a lot of that mercury I also experienced very strong infection pains. That was a result of Herxheimer pains that occur whenever the body's immune defense discovers a powerful infection. Part of my infection came from getting a "dirty" blood transfusion. After I had that operation I felt terrible and my heartbeat began skipping real bad. Then an electronic MSA test was performed which showed I've got Lyme Disease from my transfusion. After my healing progress stalled I began to take small doses of MMS and worked on up. I got as high as 12 drops of MMS twice each day in 60 drops of citric acid mixture. After about 2 months of doing that in approx. late 2008 I quit using any MMS after my heart STOPPED skipping altogether. After 3 or 4 more months passed that heartbeat began skipping again, but not nearly as bad. Then I took the same 12 drop doses of MMS mixed with citric acid drops for the final 3 months of 2009 and that STOPPED my heart skipping once again. Now a massive amount of heavy metals have been removed so I started to take MMS some more now in July 2010. The Herxheimer pains I'm now having after taking only 8 drops of MMS twice are now very STRONG indeed. The MMS is now getting to my infections and killing them which causes those pains. The mercury in me has been sequestering, or hiding, these infections so my immune could NOT have any affect and wasn't able to cure them. That's why mercury was being administered by doctors to patients in the 1800s who had syphilis - because mercury in the body will lock those infections within a matrix of mercury ions and that causes the infection symptoms to be milder.
Can anyone mention how long you take a 3drop mms dose...? One gulp? or sipping over an hour?
General Feedback
Forestnfama; I very much agree with you on why people would comment badly toward MMS. I would say it's because they are not educated properly in the use of it. All the information necessary for the proper usage of MMS is found at Jim Humbles site. He has everything there one needs to know about MMS1 and MMS2. MMS is exactly what it stands for MIRACLE MINERAL SOLUTION. It is a GOD send! People have been 'stuped' for so long by the fluoridation, hormones, pesticides, chemicals and soy in our foods, water and air that they haven't the 'sense' enough anymore to make the right decisions. This is exactly what Big Pharma wants. They need us stupid so we will follow their dogma like sheep. This gives them power over us,telling us how to live our lives, making up laws to suit their pocket books etc.! We need to wake up! Anyway, back to MMS :-)
My hubby and I began taking MMS almost a year ago and it is EVERYthing it's supposed to be. People forget the basic premise of this wonder mineral and that is it KILLS all pathogens! Any bacteria or virus in your body WILL BE eliminated from your body. However, people think that is all they have to do. You still need to ingest the right foods and take the right supplements to keep your immune system in peak performance. Once the serious ailments are taken care of, a weekly maintenance dose of MMS will keep you clear of low ph pathogens that are everywhere!
Here's to MMS and keeping it away from big Pharma!
General Feedback
To Jeffism: Very diplomatically put sir! I too have posted similar remarks as I grow weary of people jumping the gun.
Thank you!
Broad Benefits
I'm so glad to see information about MMS! My hubby and I have been using MMS for almost a year and it has and is, everything it is touted to be!
What I am finding though on many sites that talk about MMS, is people are asking the same questions over and over. All distributors and users should refer folks to Jims website where EVERY answer possible for the use, dosage and how much for what type of disease or illness etc. is noted. This site is where the research is posted. Hundreds of thousands of cases are documented. Take the advice right from the horses mouth! The site is well organized with links to every question you have. Enjoy and be well! www.jimhumble.biz It's all there!
MMS Side Effects
my mom says the reason it makes you sick like that is because it's fighting to push out the illness or problem you are trying to cure. It makes you sick for a reason. That's really a good thing. When you are not nauseous anymore you are probably cured of your illness
MMS Side Effects
Did anyone ever determined what happened to Silvie from using MMS?
General Feedback
OK This is my first of many entries. I say this to anyone who is out there posting on this incredible site. Do not comment on side effects when you have not studied the use and protocols for the substance you are using. Heck, the first time I tried methylene blue I took 20 times too much and got a side effect. Of course, I did not post that because it was my bad math that caused the problem, not the substance. You are confusing others by posting side effects when your lack of knowledge is the problem. Study it first, no matter what it is.
The Doc you are mentioning did no study and is making childish assumptions. MMS, when used as directed by Mr Humble, is an exceptional healer in my life and thousands of others. He 100% deserves the Nobel prize for his work with Malaria and instead, you will see his products for water purification only in the next few months and he is at risk personally for doing nothing but good in the world. I have 80 inches of scars from Viet Nam and it so confuses me that ignorance and money still rule the planet.
Stay the course. Healing of most anything is out there. People have tried the MMS with the CC1 zapper from paradevices for HIV and succeeded.
Never give up. We deserve wellness in this life but, as a great healer once told me,
"The whole purpose of illness is to find the answer". Blessings to all....Jeff ism.
Bleeding Gums
MMS works best on an empty stomach, so I'd suggest to wait about 2 hours after your last meal before drinking mms, or do it first thing in the morning as I do. From my experience it takes about 15minutes for mms to reach the bloodstream (I feel like someone turned up the heat inside my body by a few degree, which lasts about 30min). So, I assume to start eating or drinking whatever you want should be ok after an hour or so. Ever since I take mms, I have not been sick whatsoever... fingers crossed :)
To Jack and Alta, I suggest you take the solution with apple juice. If you take the solution with juice that contains vitamin C, the effects of the MMS will be canceled out. I know this from reading either Jim's booklet or from this website. Please check if grape juice contains vitamin C. If it does, then switch to apple juice. Good luck.
Actually, MMS is Sodium Chlorite. When activated with an acid, it creates chlorine dioxide. Sodium Hypochlorite is common bleach. Chlorine Dioxide kills pathogens and purifies water through oxidation, like Hydrogen Peroxide. Sodium Hypochlorite disinfects through chlorination. DO NOT TAKE SODIUM HYPOCHLORITE.
Broad Benefits
Dear Alta; The founder or creator of the "MMS" protocol states the nausea is the result of your body getting rid of the disease's in your body so its normal to have the nausea dear.. and as for the taste mix the MMS, and let it set in a covered cup for 3 1/2 minutes then mix with white or natural grape juice as long as it has no added vitamin C in it. this is how I take and I can't even taste it Alta....GB.....jack
Broad Benefits
My daughter and I started MMS 10 days ago. We started with 2 drops 2 x day. My daughter (grown) had a severe reaction to the citric acid so we switched to vinegar.
Slowly increasing the dosage. On the 3rd day, I had diarrhea. On the 5th and 6th day I had diarrhea with a small amount of nausea. I cut back for a day, untill I was feeling better. After 1 day of feeling better, I had diarrhea with nausea again. Is it normal to have 4 days of nausea so close together. We are going by the directions but we are putting it into capcules because of the taste. We are up to 10 drops 2 times a day.
I've always had a problem with swollen ankles but dr ran tests and could not find anything. My ankles seem to have gone down some, and I find I am not craving. I am overweight and hope to lose.
My daughter, I expected to have more problems because she has epilepsy but she has had less problems so far.
Has anyone had success with epilepsy? We want to get her off all meds (she was off meds for 4 years with less seizures than when she was on meds) but a couple of years ago seizures came back severe and we put her back on them.
Thanks for any help.
Hi Steve,
I would highly recommend that you also include raw veggie juicing in your diet and a good quality whey powder. If you're eating meat and processed foods the detox wont be effective, the only way to speed up healing reaction and initiate a healing crisis is to increase metabolic enzyme function, to do this the digestive system needs a break, try going vegetarian for a week, do a liver/gallbladder flush, and plenty veggie juices, also supplement with digestive enzymes between meals and take magnesium and zinc tabs this help the pancreas make more metabolic enzymes. H202 therapy will also stimulate lymph flow which will make the heel detox kit work better. good luck.
General Feedback
As to using Hulda Clarke's zapper. I find if I do her herbal protocol for getting rid of parasites and do not zap I get a cold. I think the zapper does have impact.
I did the latest hiv protocol posted by Jim Humble...3 drops every hour for 8 hours a day for three weeks. Just had my blood checked and cd4 went down from 315 to 186. Have not gotten viral load back...will re-post when I do. So, started the meds this weeks. Was actually quite surprised, as I feel great, and thought it would probably clear me.
EC: For those interested in learning more about CD4 counts, please see this article:
MMS Side Effects
@ Ron Hamer and Dave mms (Chlorine Dioxide) is not Chlorine. Sodium Chlorite activated 5 to 1 with citric acid of 10% strengh, creating Chlorine Dioxide.
The voltage it works at is said to be 0.93v (aprox) as opposed to oxygen at 1.20v and ozone at 2.03v (aprox)
Now common sence to me says if oxygen dose not damage healthy cells, chlorine dioxide will not.
If anything, high blood pressure should be looked for whilst at high doses or even low i guess just to be on the safe side whilst more is confirmed. Watching salt intake would help.
It cannot choose between healthy and unhealthy cells.
It leaves residuals in your body making you smell like chlorox bottle.
Theses are the only potential areas i have found for problems both phyisically and in "debates" for and against.
If anyone has any other valid points for or against please post.
I just received my MMS this weekend and administered the first dose to my animals in about a teaspoon of turkey broth from a can of canned turkey. They scarfed it up. I'm also going to try tuna water. Can't tell if anything's happening yet, but none of them hate me so far. :)
Nail Fungus
I've been using MMS for about 3 weeks to get rid of a fungus in one toenail that has been there for about three years, and has not responded to treatment. I started with 1 drop and built up gradually to about 8 drops three times a day for a week, and then reduced to 5-6 drops once per day.
I noticed a little nausea in the first week, which was negligible and passed quickly. Other than that have had no side effects at all. The toenail has already improved and the new growth shows no sign of infection.
I am a vegetarian and make sure that I am nutritionally well supported by having a spirulina/avocado smoothie daily and selenium supplements. So far am very impressed with the results of MMS, and plan to continue using it as a maintenance dose.
I am in my 60's,have exceptionally good health, and still work full time. I am also a nurse, and unsurprisingly, reluctant to use the medical system. I am convinced that taking care of our nutritional needs carefully and thoroughly can make a huge difference to our health.
Hello Loloma..I am a diabetic since 1992, I take insulin shots twice a day,,and I prefer this rather than taking any tablets,,,I also use MMS at times and it does not affect the medication,,if you are taking tablets, do that an hour after you use MMS, then it will be OK
Skin Cancer
I was informed by a friend about MMS. His Chiropractor was diagnosed with a rare skin cancer. They looked like several beige circles. He said that chiropractor was drinking 11 drops of MMS everyday for six months and that his skin cancer is total gone. My friend who has the same skin cancer started drinking it for 30 days and his physicians said that they noticed that his skin lesions look lighter. He has continued his use of MMS. I read somewhere on Humble's website that the new protocol is to drink 2 drops of MMS every two hours for (8-10 hours) daily. I also read that to get rid of the HIV virus, one had to drink 3 drops of MMS every hour for 8-10 hours for 3.5 weeks. Has anyone done this? Does anyone know "personally" of anyone who has been cured of AIDS/HIV with MMS or any other regiment? Looking for real answers, please.
Good morning Chaz
I don't know if you or anyone else can help me with some information. I have been taking MMS for just over a week, now on 8 drops twice a day and am feeling better for it. Currently taking medication for Diabetes 2 (insulin 4 times a day). Under active thyroid, high blood pressure, Angina, high cholestrol etc. Blood sugar level mornings still at 15.9 english reading. Should I still take this medication whilst taking MMS. Any info would be appreciated.
MMS is sodium hypo chloride, 2.85 mg in the human body, primarily in the cerbro spinal fluid.It may be injected into the blood . Bleach is sodium hypo chlorite, cannot be injected, poison.
MMS is not particularly good for allergies because allergies are a reaction to undigested food proteins that have hit the histamine producing mast cells in a cell membrane. Most allergenic people are hypo chlorhydric. Improving digestion is most important.
Digestive enzymes with HCL work better for allergies in most people.
Be Well
General Feedback
Hi. I have just read a report in the Sunday Star Times Jan 24th, titled Miracle Chemical Dubbed a Danger. For those of us who are unqualified to comment, but read these articles with interest it appears to be similar to Hydrogen Peroxide in claiming what it can achieve. Is it the same as H.P. ?. It is certainly getting a bad press from a Doctor in Dunedin, New Zealand, Dr Paul Trotman. If you would like me to send you a copy of this report please forward your e-mail. I would appreciate your feedback on this.
EC: Link to the article if anyone is interested: http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/health/3257504/Miracle-chemical-dubbed-a-danger
Jim Humble states clearly many times on his websites that MMS should not be taken with a meal, but only an hour or more before or after.
General Feedback
I am very suspicious of those who are dissing mms. I have seen hundreds of cases where mms not only helped but be considered cured all kinds of ailments. And for sure there are people who the mms did nothing for. Probably karma, their negative thinking prevailed or they are just stooges for the big pharms or just idiots that dwell in the ditches of ignorance. There is not one case that I know of that mms cause great bodily harm, to the contrary, mms is a God send..
I read a lot about mms and H2O2. Is mms the same as H2O2 with the added vinegar? Also, what strenght of hH2O2 do you use?
I used MMS when I had allergies. Do not spray, just take them as per their instruction, mixed with juices or water. It helped me to detox but I also used other detox products such as raw vege/ fruit juices, raw vege and stay away from suger and processed food. Tap water is really bad. Find a better quality water. I hope it helps. I have now cleared allergies totally.
Broad Benefits
Good morning everyone. I have read many many posts on this site and I have studied alternative medicine for decades in an effort to "beat the system" with regards to the high price of health care. I have tried many remedies for many things over the years in my attempt to find what really works and what is simply hype and overexageration. Within the last 12 months I have discovered a compound that is absolutely fascinating although not very pleasant to the taste. I had a tumor on my vocal chords and this resulted in a cancer scare. I was on the alternative cancer cure studies day and night and happened across a compound that consisted of Chlorine Dioxide. I studied the compound for 5 weeks night and day and studied it both inside and outside of alternative medicine. I ingested all of the data that I could find on the subject and ended up making a purchase of the product. I have tested the compound and found it to erradicate any type of harmful microbe that may be living in the human system. I have seen this compound eradicate swine flu, herpes, and chlamydia just to name a few microbes. I have run lots of field tests on it to verify its effectiveness and have not seen it fail once. I believe this compound should be in everyones pantry who wants to have an alternative anti-microbial agent. I've seen this stuff erradicate MRSA in one day. It's estimated that it is roughly 100 times stronger than any antibiotic that we have now. It's no joke though and should be taken after being studied with due diligence.
I have read several pieces of info. on different websites that state MMS is completely different compound than chlorine that is used in bleach
Where to Buy: USA
projectgreenlife.com ive purchased through them for 2 years now.
Nail Fungus, Severe Pain
MMS cured fungus from my toe nails after twenty years of trying everything the doctors precribed. Just recently my wife had severe pain in here mid section that seemed to be traveling around her body. It got so bad that she went to the doctor convinced that she was dying of cancer or something. For two weeks we went from doctor to doctor elliminating one thing after another. She continued to get worse by the hour until she was almost debilitated. We were both very worried that something was extremely wrong with her but no one could tell us what. Finally I convinced my wife to take a dose of ten drops of mms two times a day. After the first day, the next morning she felt much better and the severe pain that had been constantly with her for the last two months started lightening up. After the second day, almost all of the symptoms disappeared and after the third day she was completely without pain. We never did find out what was wrong with her but I am convinced that if she was not treated for this problem she would have died. Thank God for MMS. It absolutely works. Maybe some people can not tolerate it for one reason or another but for sure it is very potent and needs to be understood before using. Also, I am very skeptical about the story that a women died after taking one drop of mms. I don't believe it..... If it were true the authorties would have used it to shut down the distributors. The truth is industries have been using it for over 70 years with great success. The US army used it to fight infection and malaria during the first world war. Some time after that the pharmecueticals were able to replace it with their patented expensive drugs. And even if someone did die it does not negate the fact that so many other people were able to treat themselves successfully.