MMS: The Miracle Mineral Supplement from Jim Humble

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Paul (Wellington, New Zealand) on 02/03/2009


MMS: be cautious

I started using MMS about a week ago, with small dosages 1-2 drops a day. I had a sense of well-being and clarity that was unlike other treatments i have used.

I followed the prescribed building up to 10 drops of MMS, offset with 50 drops of citric acid and had a bout of vomiting, hot and cold sweats, and eventually diarrhea. I managed to hold down some food and liquid when i was able to crawl of out bed, but i felt like i had been poisoned.

I would like to thank everyone for reporting their experiences and the information present on this site. Its given me a chance to see that I need to be cautious with this product. Is it true that Chlorine Dioxide was used as a weapon in the World Wars? If this is so, then it would appear that even in smaller doses we are poisoning ourselves?

Well if today is anything to go by, I will be extremely cautious and continue to research this product EXTENSIVELY!

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Veronique (Zoetermeer, The Netherlands) on 02/02/2009

I started 4 days ago with 2 drups MMS x 3 and I am now at 4 drups x2. I am feeling a bit "foggy"but for the rest it is ok. I gave also my daughter of 9 years old 2 drups x 2 a day for 3 days because she has herpes on her lip very frequently. Everything was alright until today she started to have pimples in her face and on her arms. Some of them are very painful she said.

The question is: what is this reaction and should I keep giving her MMS? I am a bit worried about it. Thanks for the answer

EC: As you might have imagined, "drups" is Dutch for "drops"!

General Feedback
Posted by Helen (Austin, TX, USA) on 02/02/2009

A new remedy for me, MMS, (tell your search engine to look for "Jim Humble MMS" or "Miracle Mineral Supplement"). It's chlorine dioxide, used by municipalities for water purification. Used as directed by Jim Humble's protocol, it is said to kill viruses, bacteria, funguses, and parasites in your body without harming good bacterias in the gut or harming healthy tissue. Think a moment, how many diseases involve virus, bacteria, fungus, or parasite?

In just two days of using a very dilute solution of it as a mouthwash, my gums are healthy. Wow!

I'll let y'all know in a few weeks if it gets rid of my perpetual athlete's foot and my pre-cancer, etc. (Some are saying cancer is a by-product of a fungus. Kill the fungus, the cancer cells die.)

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Dave (East Peoria, il) on 12/23/2008

Power of Positive Thinking

I did a lot of research on MMS before I ordered a bottle. I worked my way up to 15 drops and began feeling the brief nausea that the website describes.

Other than the nausea, there was no effect of any kind during the week I took it.

Common sense dictates that the "nausea" one experiences isn't an indication that the product is working, but an indication that chlorine is a poisonous substance and the body will try to expel the stuff to protect itself.

I don't deny the positive experiences others have had, but I would associate these with the power of positive thinking - after all, the basis for the whole process is that "the body heals itself".

But if taking MMS gives you the proper mindset to jumpstart your immune system, by all means, do whatever works.

Just be careful.

Posted by Paul (Tucson, AZ) on 12/15/2008

I would like to know what people think of this stuff besides myself - it cured my cold in a day and a half, it is said to kill all the bugs in your body that does not belong there.

General Feedback
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 12/13/2008 392 posts

Actually the sodium chlorite solution, which is most commonly known as 25% solution is used by chemist as a disinfectant agent, but can be used internally to some extent. However, sodium chlorite can be regarded as a chlorine compound, even though Jim Humble denies this. The reason why I know it's a chlorine compound is that it tends to cause goiter and hypothyroidism in people with low levels of iodine anyway. It works simply that a chlorine displaces the iodine in the thyroid, as well as other glands, causing a goiter condition. However, a goiter condition can be caused by other compounds too, such as cyanide rich foods as apricot pits, apple seeds, and especially cassava, since it is used as a staple food in certain parts of Africa.

Whenever a solution sodium chlorite is made to react with acid, it forms chlorine dioxide. Now I know sodium chlorite and with acid such as citric acid, does this. And after it does react inside the body, the chlorine compounds continues to recirculate itself. This chlorine compounds doesn't degrade, which is why it is so effective against malaria, herpes, and other viruses I observed, as well as the common cold.

As for me I don't like them because it induces vomiting, at high doses or nausea, which is a huge draw back. What I can say good about sodium chlorite solution 25% with a couple of drops of 10 or 25% citric acid, for example is it's excellence in curing genital herpes. Although this is not used alone, mine you, I also need to prepare an acylcovir cream mixed with drops of 5% copper chloride solution to get a copper acylcovir, which is 20 or 30 times more powerful then ordinary acylcovir.

Because of this associated problem, the MMS needs to be reworked to incorporate iodine into it so it doesn't induce this issue. While my time is limited, I am looking along the lines of mixing the sodium chlorite solution with an iodine solution, which might be a more stable sodium iodide and potassium iodide 10% solution to the 25% sodium chlorite, and is made to react with any organic acid, such as vinegar, lemon juice, for example. There's still a problem in such use. For example, lemon juice is an organic compound, as is grape juice. So when you make sodium chlorite to react with say, grape juice, most of the chlorine compounds are invariably produces chlorine dioxide, with is immediately racted with an organic compound and destroying its antiseptic properties immediately. The lingering effects of chlorine organic compounds, I believe is what does the long term killing.

A hydrogen peroxide has it's weakness too, in that it is reactive with organic compounds too but interestingly, the red blood cells can carry peroxide compounds to the site that is needed. While a possible similar mechanism of chlorine dioxide compounds (reacted chlorine dioxide) might occur in similar effects.

Whichever the case, there is some truth in its power to kill off malaria, and many virus. The drawbacks of hydrogen peroxide in practice is that it is weaker then that of chlorine dioxide or MMS and it has to be taken much more frequently since, it is used up rather quickly. The hydrogen peroxide drops lasts in your body for a very short period, such as 50 minutes, while the effects of chlorine dioxide or sodium chlorite gets recirculated in the body for hours after it is taken. It's quite simple: chlorine is not destroyed, while hydrogen peroxide gets degraded to just water and oxygen. And hence it's short lifespan.

This concludes that for any chemical inside the body to continue to kill the pathogens, it cannot degrade, but continue to circulate for hours or days after it is taken. When you think along this lines, then iodine comes to mine, as is chlorine, but possibility exists also of other minerals, such as magnesium chloride for example.

To gain wider public acceptance of chlorine dioxide, I believe that certain iodine compounds are needed, or replaced, or added, such as iodic acid, iodine trichloride, hydrogen iodide, potassium iodide, or sodium iodide, so that a person who uses chlorine, won't lower the immune system upon taken the chlorine dioxide or sodium chlorite. It lowers the immune system, while it does kill the pathogens. The problem here is obvious: chlorine lowers the immune system, but causes other long term conditions such as hypothyroidism and goiter. The reason why I know this is simple: some people who used sodium chlorite, or MMS, has got either a goiter or hypothyroidism. Chlorine weakens the body's energy system, as a free chlorine will react with your body's Kreb's cycle, the hydrogen, which is the main energy source of the cells. In fact, the reason why oxygen is used, is so the cells can have sufficient hydrogen currency. In presence of high free chlorine, the free hydrogen becomes hydrochloric acid, which just burns the cells or the cellular mitochrondria. It is this reason why I get reports of people being very weak and sick after taking a chlorine filled shower.

Of course there are other ways to skin a cat in curing malaria, such as artemisia, artemisin or even just methylene blue, which is a carrier of hydrogen, that does the opposite of what chlorine dioxide does, which is to give the cells more energy and hence, stronger immune system. Therefore sodium chlorite works somewhat like potassium permanganate, in that does kill the pathogens, but you have some colateral damage to healthy cells. This is how chemotherapy works. On the other hand, a simple chemical that is specific to pathogens which are acid forming, can be nuked much like a heat seeking missiles using other familiar chemical that the body actually produced naturally such as sodium nitrite (produced by glial cells) and degrades instantly to nitric acid whenever an acid forming bactieria or acid forming cancer, or acid forming virus. It becomes a strongly oxidizing compound in presences of acid forming pathogens, hence it works like a heat seeking missle. However, the good news is not just sodium nitrite (I recently got cured from a very bad bout of virus just taking this and some polyol sugar - erythritol), but also, iodic acid (strongly oxidizing also in presence of acid), and certain other forms of iodine that has this strange properties. Vitamin C if it is acid, becomes a pro-oxidant but an antioxidant if it is alkaline. Hence, vitamin C also works similarly like a heat seeking missile after these acid forming pathogens too, but it's weakness against pathogens, is made much more stronger with either sodium chlorite (works like chemotheraph), or iodine compounds.

At the moment I have limited time to do experiments, but I really need to reformulate the sodium chlorite compound that doesn't cause nauseating as well as iodine deficiency. In any case I would much prefer to work with other means, investigating iodic acid, which works in some ways similar to sodium chlorite, but the differences might be that iodine is a required mineral, but chlorine isn't. Whichever way we consider, a sodium chlorite is NOT a stabilized oxygen. That title belongs more to magnesium peroxide, or other oxygen compound that is more somewhat more stable then hydrogen peroxide. Methylene blue is another one, but it doesn't work on the principle of oxygen, or even chlorine. It works as a hydrogen carrier, which is the primary currency of the cellular energy and can be used to specifically target pathogenic cells too.

You might never heard of methylene blue, but it was used during the Vietnam war to cure malaria. The reason for it's disuse is that taken in very high dose, it causes the urine to be blue. However, there's a cure for blue urine, it's called vitamin C sodium ascorbate! So the reason for disuse was that the doctors simply didn't give the GI's vitamin C sodium ascorbate when they injected methylene blue, or perhaps taken internally. Even so, it can easily be proven that methylene blue will become colorless. Just add drops of methylene blue in vitamin C, it will instantly become colorless. Interestingly, methylene blue works better with vitamin C, as both are related to negative hydrogen, as evidenced by the fact that if you did use ORP meter, the resultant measurement is likely to be -200 millivolts or up to -300 millivolts, which is a negative charge. Methylene blue is a negative hydrogen carrier, while vitamin C sodium ascorbate, preferably is a producer of that and is a reducing agent.


General Feedback
Posted by Ann (Bastrop, TX) on 11/24/2008

Ted, I would be most interested in your view of MMS.

"This Miracle Mineral Supplement (MMS for short) was discovered in 2000 by Jim Humble. At the time, he was using activated Oxygen water, which had been around for 80 years and consists of Sodium Chlorite in distilled water, to cure a large percentage of Malaria victims in Africa and South America, as well as eliminating parasites and numerous other weird diseases you often hear about from third world countries.

Jim was not satisfied with partial success and his research led him to discover that if you mix a citric acid solution (or lemon juice, or vinegar) with the Sodium Chlorite, and wait 3 minutes to activate, it would produce Chlorine Dioxide, perhaps the world%u02BCs best pathogen killer of all time. He had 100% cure rate of over 75,000 malaria patients and 388 out of 390 documented aids patients. It was achieved by using the MMS to create Chlorine Dioxide. Additionally, countless Aids, Hepatitis A, B and C cases were cured.

Not just improved - cured!


Please post your response on Earthclinic as well as to my email. I'm sure a lot of our friends would appreciate it. Thank you so much for all your efforts to give information to us!

Posted by Gean (Salina, KS) on 12/11/2008

A friend (in her 40's) was very ill for a couple of weeks, and was even hospitalized for a few days. Dr.didn't know what she had. They sent her home, but after another week, was not getting any better, but could only sit in the chair for 15 min., otherwise lie in bed. Then results came back for Mono. She took MMS (Miracle Mineral Solution, 1-2 drops every hour the first day for a few hours. By the next morning she was feeling better. After a couple of days she dropped down to twice a day. A week later she is in town shopping. Doesn't have to lie down at all during the day, just sit and rest occasionally. She is up to 8 drops twice a day and plans to increase to 15 three times a day for one week. She is also taking Acidophilus, 8 billion a couple times a day.

Posted by Donald (London, UK) on 11/18/2008

I have discovered a product that cures many problems in the body it clears out so many problems, too many to mention it is called MMS, by Jim Humble, I have been taking it as reccommended for over 6 months now and feel great the Breakthrough Book tells the story and the cures, I had malaria in 1977 and after taking MMS for one week I had a malaria attack as the parasites left my body and after 3 days felt amazing, they have cured thousands of Malaria victims with this, and it supercharges the imune system too. Worth reading about

Posted by Ann (Bastrop, Texas) on 11/08/2008

Diane, since your last post was in June of this year, please update us about your experience with MMS. My husband and I have just started this week. I made an error this morning, drinking coffee (no Vit. C) after my 3 drop mixture. BAD stomachache and nausea resulted! Crystallized ginger helped with the nausea, but my stomach is in a terrible knot after six hours.

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Richard (Closter, NJ) on 10/30/2008

Jean, your mother must be seeing the effect of MMS cleaning or stripping her arteries in her heart. Make sure see takes Vit. C. Because when the plaque gets striped there is no resilience in the arteries. So keep them flexible and going keep taking vit. C. And tell her not to give up on mms go slowly but keep on going. My wife did it and her reports are wonderful.. She did this after the procedure of angioplasty.

Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 10/30/2008 490 posts

Hi Rosalyn, The dosage for MMS is 2 drops per 25 lbs of body weight.

Where to Buy: USA
Posted by Shirley (Salem, MA) on 10/29/2008

Hello, I am trying to find a good supplier for MMS. I searched the website address given on the MMS page here on Earthclinic, but there are so many vendors/suppliers that I find difficult to pick one. If you have purchased from someone, could please give a recommendation? Your help is really appreciated. Thanks so much!

Posted by Roslyn (Millbank, NSW, Australia) on 10/28/2008

Miracle Mineral Supplement. My partner and I use it ourselves and last week our 12 month old golden retreiver x red setter had 4 paralysis ticks found on her over a couple of days. Her back legs were rapidly paralysing so we gave her 2 drops MMS activated with lemon juice and water added ater 3 minutes. That night (Friday) we gave her 3 drops, Sat 2 drops every hour for 4 doses. She could not walk at all and breathing becoming laboured. Sunday 3 drops morning & again afternoon, Mon same, Tues 3 drops x 3. None since.

5 days later (Wed) she is fantastic. 98% her old self. Walking well - occasionaly still a bit of lung congestion but not bad. Hopefully she will have a bit of immunity built up through this experience. I thoroughly recommend MMS. We also could not find anywhere a recommended dose. Just use intuition - however you do it it will work.

Posted by Val (Mackay, Australia) on 09/11/2008

Pets and the use of MMS: Has anyone had any experience with treating the effects of the paralysis tick bite concerning dogs? When bitten by one of these ticks, the dog's condition deteriorates quickly and is lethal if not treated. Time is of the essence, as swallowing becomes increasingly difficult for the pet and thus the administration of the MMS. How often may I give the dog the dosage (3 drops per 25lb) in an emergency as mentioned above?

Posted by Pauline (GOLD COAST, Queensland Australia) on 10/04/2008

Update on my cat with tick bite, I continued to give him very small doses of MMS throughout the day rather than a big dose, the reason being I did not want to make him vomit just in case it went on his lungs. He is recovering slowly it takes time. I think you could give a pet a bigger dose of MMS - when you first find a tick or notice the first symptoms as they can still swallow properly because it affects their back legs first before the breathing gets affected GET INTO THEM EARLY. Hope this helps if anyone wants to add anything please do.

Posted by Pauline (GOLD COAST, Queensland Australia) on 10/02/2008

MMS: Ticks
I would like to know if anyone has treated a dog or cat for paralysis ticks or snake bites or anything else? I am currently treating a 4 kg cat with a very small part of 1 drop diluted with water & gave it to him via a syringe he did not like it but has not vomited. I am going to give it again in 1 hour. He has slight paralysis from a tick. I hoping this will kill of the poison from the tick.

Ulcerative Colitis
Posted by Aggie (Chicago, Illinois) on 09/09/2008

I was browsing the Internet for anything that would help my Ulcerative Colitis. I have had it for about 10 years (I may not have it any more though ;-) ). The thing that worked for me was Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS). Most people are skeptical because of the word "Miracle", but I highly recommend it. "Don't knock it, until you've tried it." It's basically Sodium Chlorite / Chlorine Dioxide. You may want to do a little bit of research, but it wasn't that bad for me at all. I would go into details, but it takes about 20 pages to describe.

I can eat virtually anything I want (I'm still getting used to being normal again). The "treatment" took about 2-3 months, but I feel BRAND NEW!!!!

Posted by Carl (Philadelphia, PA) on 09/07/2008

I have also had the same experience with MMS. I felt the tingling sensation but I got no actual outbreaks/sores. MMS works very well to destroy bacteria, fungus, parasites, viruses etc. The issue with MMS is that it is fighting the fight against Herpes alone, hence the tingling sensations. MMS cannot to its best ability fully destroy the Herpes virus when it is protected by it lipid coat (Fat coating). Monolaurin (coconut oil) is a supplement that dissolves away and destroys the lipid coating on the Herpes Virus, leaving it naked and exposed to our immune system. Monolaurin is not a drug, therefore, the Herpes Virus does build immunity to it like it does with Valtrex. Many people who use Valtrex claim it stops working for them after 2 years. The reason for this is because the Herpes virus builds an immunity to it, making the virus stronger, smarter and harder to kill. I would not be surprised if the drug companies introduced a new & stronger drug that claims to be much stronger than Valtrex.

By using Monolaurin, which dissolves Herpes's lipid coating and also using MMS, which oxidizes and kills the virus along with a healthy diet you will be able to stop all future outbreaks. But please keep in mind that you must eat well and clean your system out. Nobody can claim that there is a cure for Herpes, but I believe the cure for herpes is right in front of us. If everyone in the U.S. with HSV donated $2 (for example) we would have enough money to hire our own researchers, doctors or even help a comapny focusing on this cure see their passion to the end.

Lyme Disease
Posted by Susan (Rockville, MD) on 08/08/2008

Many people, including myself, have found relief from lyme by using MMS. I use it in conjunction with the salt/c protocol. You typically start with 1 drop of MMS mixed with vinegar, citric acid or lemon/lime juice. Let sit for 3 minutes and drink with water or any juice with no vit. c. You can go to for a detailed explanation and instructions.

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