MMS: The Miracle Mineral Supplement from Jim Humble

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Ginny (El Paso, Texas) on 07/05/2009


I have had Candida for many years and it has mainly affected my teeth and gums. Otherwise I thought I was healthy. I started MMS about a year ago and also brushed my teeth with it. After about two weeks my teeth turned black and it took about two months of brushing with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide to get them back to normal. After about 8 weeks on MMS I got to 2 times a day 12 drops plus 60 drops of citric acid and experienced diarrhea for several days. I then cut down to 2 x 10 drops and got vomiting, diarrhea, heart racing and sweats like I never experienced before. I really thought I was dying and had to stop the MMS. Months later I started again thinking that maybe I was very sick and did not know about it, since we all have pathogens in our body. Again, I felt very tired. I had to sit and rest when I walked my dog the usual 15 minutes in the morning. My urine and saliva pH dropped to below 4. They were so acid that it was not even on the chart anymore. My eyes turned red and my kidneys started hurting. So I had to stop again. Recently I gave it another try with twice a day 1 and then 2 drops. No nausea but my eyesight turned blurry and my kidneys hurt so bad I could hardly sit or stand. Unfortunately, my eyesight seems to be getting worse and not better even after I stopped the product about 2 months ago. I really don't know whether MMS is clearing something very serious in my body or if it is a harmful poison. I thought I was healthy before I started taking it.

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Ralph (Boston, MA) on 06/29/2009

Apple juice (organic) bought from supermarket here has "0%" Vitamin-C so it is good solution to mix with MMS to flush down. No bad taste.

Posted by Brandon (Dallas, Texas) on 06/29/2009

My grandmother on my dads side, was informed by a doctor, in front of several of our family members, that she had leukemia, and was going to die within two month time. My father found MMS about a month after the doctors horrible news. She was weak, not able to walk, and was having to get one to two pints of blood every week at the time she started on MMS. On the first week her blood count stabilized and she did not have to get any more blood by the second week her blood count was normal. The doctor says that she is a medical phenomenon. He told her that she was suppose to be dead. It has three months now and she completely normal, she even danced at my wedding last week.

Last week my grandfather on my moms side came to my wedding as well, but he was very pale. He came to me and told me that he thought he was on his way out. He has been suffering with prostate cancer, and has been in and out of the hospital over the last 4 months. I told him about MMS and my mom gave him some to take. I checked on him today and he has all of his color back in his face and says that he has been feel allot better.

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Nobey (Arkansas, U.S.) on 06/25/2009

dear Bonnie,

I am sorry for your suffering. I recognize alot of your symptoms. What helped me the most when my body was so broken down from similar issues was when I started taking a small dosage of q10 (30 mg) but mainly when I started taking magnesium. Give this a try , both candida and lymes severely deplete the body of magnesium... I mean severely and most do better by taking it. Like I wrote in another post there are a few good froms of magnesium that can help with anxiety and they are magnesium taurate, magnesium glycinate and magnesium oil. From my experience and from reading lots of other peoples testimonies these are the ones that work the best. Infact some magnesium made me feel worse so if i were you I would start with one of the above ( but ya everyone is different). when you get your magnesium supply up perhaps you can start taking a multivitamin to not throw off your calcium levels. Give it a try with the magnesium, for me I was able to tell very fast.

One other thing you could do is see how you handle your essential fatty acids like omega three and omega 6 ( borage oil or primrose) when I take fish oil my anxiety gets alot worse. I now take flaxseed oil ( omega three)and when I add in omega 6 I feel even better. Just a thought. You could try one or the other for a few days and see how you feel.

Perhaps you can start eating a bowel of cut oats or oatmeal in the morning to keep your blood sugar stable..that will also hep your moods. Low blood sugar attacks can really bring on major anxiety.Oddly enough i can not take apple cider vinagar since my blood pressure gets lower and i get more hypoglycemia symptoms.

Last but least take a probiotic it does not cure anything but i really notice that it lessens the toxic burden on the body. Sorry I have not taken mms so I can't advise you on that. But I really feel for you since I have been there and done that! Good luck and my thoughts are with you.

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Bonnie (Sacramento, CA) on 06/24/2009

I'm on MMS for long-standing Candida and Lyme's Disease. I think the Candida must be so embedded in my since I've had it for so long and did not take care of myself by continuing to eat junk. This stuff is making me soooo sick, I think. I wake up in the morning feeling weird -- like I'm literally going to die. Don't know if it's low blood pressure or what but it's like the life force is leaving me. Very scary. Also, anxiety and depression have risen to monumental levels. Had to go back on small dose of anti-depressant just to function. I have to go to work after all. I am only up to two drops of this stuff and that's after a couple of months of one drop. Maybe it's too much? How do you know when you're better?

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Onenessgirll (Toronto, Ontario Canada) on 06/03/2009

After my very first one drop of MMS I have experienced for 3 days twinging pain in my pancreas or spleen and terrible debilitating pain in my lower abdomen just above the incision where I had a hysterecomy years ago. There is tremendous is difficult to walk and stand up properly. Does anyone know why this would happen with such a small and one time only so far dose?

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Jaz (Sacramento, California) on 06/02/2009

dizziness with mms: iam on mms with 9 drops right now and i noticed that on the second day after taking mms i didnt feel anything except dizziness all the time . mostly when i work. can someone tell me why is this happening.? and also my stool is dark coloured at times. any cooments please?

Digestive Issues
Posted by Steve Ballan (Detroil, MI USA) on 05/11/2009

MMS Pros and Cons:

Hello, I can see by reading these posts that people used to think like me 6 years ago -- after 6 years of herx reactions - yes, 6 years and maybe 50 herx reactions I finally figured out my elimination system is absolutely plugged with pathogens - I got on a homeopathic Detox Kit for liver, kidney and lymphatic and carry a water bottle with me 24-7 drinking 4 ounces of alkaline water with some greens and lemon juice. Now I am finally getting some headway with 3 drops of MMS per day. If my stomach is not better in 4-6 months will try mastic gum and manuka honey, and maybe nano colloidal silver. Good luck!

Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 04/27/2009 490 posts

Hello male_46: Have you tried L-lysine & Vitamin C on your HIV+? It is a virus, and l-lysine hits a lot of viruses. I used to work with a fellow who had AIDS, and saw him frequently having the doctor look at his throat. Waiting to catch him without an audience, I asked him if he ever thought about using L-lysine which killed off a lot of viruses to combat the AIDS, and told him that was what I would be trying first if I had the problem. He then asked me what it was and where he could get it and how much to take. After answering his questions: it's an amino acid, get it lots of places like health food places, walmart's, walgreens,etc, and to take 2 grams 4 times a day. I never talked with him about it afterwards, but he started looking healthier and happier and a few months later I heard that he had turned in his resignation and was entering Art School, so he most likely found it helped.

If you can get your hands on a copy of "Your Own Perfect Medicine", you might want to read on urine therapy for AIDS. It has been awhile, but I do recall at least one male who said that is what he has been doing for several years and the picture they showed of him certainly didn't look like an AIDS patient. I think I would try the L-lysine and Vitamin C to boost the immune system first because I would find it a little hard to get past drinking my urine, even though I know that it has been used to save lives when blood plasma wasn't available. Somehow IV urine therapy sounds more appealing to me than oral urine therapy. A patient told me that this idea originated from the Bible wherein it mentions "drinking from your own fountain".

Posted by Male_46_HIV (New York, NY) on 04/27/2009

Hello. I took MMS for some weeks, stopped and am at it again for about 6 weeks. I worked my way up to 15 drops, with 5 times that much citric acid as activator, 3 times a day. If I could afford IV ozone, I'd be taking that instead, because I think that will beat HIV for me. (Had it over twenty years. Finally, something I'm slow to get that I don't need to feel bad about hahahaha! I took the drugs for a year but stopped. I don't trust them and I think other approaches have been overlooked.)

Jim Humble and others have pointed out that if you take MMS, you need to replace electrolytes and a be concerned about a few other things I am not qualified to tell you about. Caveat emptor. I will stop taking it after a certain amount of time, as I do not think taking this amount indefinitely is good.

I don't know if it's doing anything against HIV for me. My symptoms are swollen adenoid and parotid cysts on both sides of my head. I do not think MMS affected these either way.

However, when I first took a larger dose, after working up to it, I got a huge energy boost and my breathing improved. (I still smoke.) I have gotten used to the MMS and now that I think of it, I have gotten used to those two improvements as well. I used to be in a hideous mental fog, which MMS got rid of, and which I no longer have. It gave me diarrhea at first but that went away. I seldom get the nausea but it was hard to get down at first. So it has done about what I read it would do, and I like it.

Jim Humble is Da Man! I suggest you watch some of his videos and see what a nice way he has about him. He learned Reikki, about which I know nothing, but he seems to help the little boy he treats on his video. See how he talks? Humble has it upstairs for that healing talk, the doctors don't always learn that in the home, or in the community, where Humble probably did. As for his lack of medical or scientific training (I think he said he had a chemistry degree or at least credits) I note he is careful in all his approaches. He experimented carefully, and note he starts on himself. If the rest of the scientific and medical community would please pull their heads out of that dark place, maybe I would not be turning to the Internet and generally ignoring them, unless I need a wound stitched. (The local hospital did save my life, when I foolishly let myself dehydrate after food poisoning. My kidneys had quit working. The stuff they do right, they really do right.)

I will be looking to see if the adenoid and parotid cysts clear, as HIV is presumably what has caused them to enlarge. Humble has suggested a time at least twice as long as I have been taking it this time around. I will be pleasantly surprised if the virus clears. I don't monitor my bloodwork so have no stats for you.

Good luck to you all!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Kate (Washington DC, Washington DC) on 04/18/2009


MMS - Lyme Disease, EBV & Lupus Treatment.

I initially started treating naturally with Cat's Claw (liquid drops). I took 15 drops 2 times per day. I took this for 1 week and noticed my energy level increase and my vision improved. It also took my joint pain away but it kept me up all night. I may have taken too much. I then ordered MMS and stopped taking the Cat's Claw so I could fall asleep at night again.

I started MMS with 1 drop and made it to 10 drops before herxheimer. I experienced extreme vomiting and diarrhea. Vomiting lasted 1 hour while diarrhea lasted 7 hours. Saw 4 different types of worms and other parasites in the stool. Some looked like small jellyfish - really gross. I then stopped the MMS for 2 days and started back with 5 drops. After the vomiting and diarrhea, the kill off of the parasites were released from my body and I began to feel so much better.

At this point, my energy level is much improved. My eyesight is getting better, I am able to focus a little more and all my joint pain has gone away. I have suffered with Lyme disease for 2 years. I have been taking the MMS for 3 weeks now.

I have been taking, along with the MMS treatment, a kidney support tablet, coral legend, a probiotic and a greens mix to maintain a balanced ph and to flush the kidneys. I test my ph 3 times daily which remains at 7.0 since on the MMS.

The MMS is definitely working. I have recommended it to two friends that are also taking it now with positive results.

I have created spreadsheet which contains the date and time of when I eat, what I eat, my mood, MMS dosage, ph level, bowel movements, and any pain etc. I plan to take the MMS and chart my experience each day. Once I reach about 2 months I think I will be able to see exactly what if any reactions or improvements happen with food and MMS, exercise etc.

I'd like to mention that I am a vegetarian (15 years) and believe that this has benefited me by allowing the healing to take place in a more alkaline environment. I suggest that meat and dairy products be avoided to promote the positive effects of the MMS. I also suggest eating as many raw fruits and vegetables to promote the proper ph of the body. I have seen a complete turn around with this diet and MMS.

I am finally getting my life back. MMS works!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Pat (Algarve, Portugal) on 04/11/2009

MMS discussion continued.....I wrote a few days ago about the bloating I was experiencing, most uncomfortable! Also strong nausea until one morning I couldn't eat anything so tried an apple. 10 mins later I threw up and had violent diarrhea!!!! Oh what a relief! The bloating has gone and my intestines are working really well. Taking Jim's advice I returned to 1 drop, am now taking it really slowly.

It is worrying when people claim that mms is very harmful, someone on the site says he has read the book and there are "holes" in his science. Perhaps he can say what the holes are?

The thing is I am 60 and live alone. I never visit doctors and I don't want to buy into the ageing sickness thing. I studied acupuncture 25 years ago and use needles on myself. However I was lacking in energy and vitality and kept thinking I should do a fast but mms has done the work without fasting. Because I feel so much better I am eating better foods, in fact I can't not eat in a better way because the low sugar levels and carbohydrate cravings have gone.

Since coming across this wonderful site I have filled my kitchen with ACV, molasses, manuka honey, sesame oil, superfood, omega 3 oil, cayenne pepper, turmaric, sea salt, bicarbonate of soda, also magnetic clay, juice bottles to take to school (I'm a teacher).

The drugs and anti-biotics doled out by the medical profession are very dangerous, they effect the liver particularly.................I have much experience of what the system prescribes as one of my daughters was born with ulcerative colitis (quite rare in a baby). She spent 3 out of every 4 weeks in hospital, was put on high doses of prednisolone and sulpher drugs which made her very ill/ She had surgery at 14 to remove her large intestine and at 19 developed peritonitis and gangrene from scar tissue which blocked the bowel. She now has very little intestine and a colostomy. How she survived I cannot say.

It took years for me to understand that there is always a natural way to heal. Like most people I believed the doctors and took the drugs. I believe Jim Humble when he says he has cured 100 thousand people. I do not believe the doctors. They are conditioned to believe that they are right but my experience has lead me to believe that they are mostly tunnel visioned and allow themselves to be controlled by the pharmaceutical businesses.

As Jim says MMS is changing my life for the better!

Posted by Diane (Dalhousie, New Brunswick Canada) on 04/07/2009


I have tired the mms but stopped because I find my osteoperosis seems to have returned with a vengence.Does anyone have any info on using mms.and results with the osteo. I have stopped taking the mms because I think it may have started the osteo .in motion . I have done ok before taking the mms. It seems that my bones were not sore before taking the mms. does ANYONE have any info for this please write me back.thanks Diane

Broad Benefits
Posted by Pat (Algarve, Portugal) on 04/01/2009

Yes quite right, things have to stand in line. In fact I have the feeling that mms works like homeopathy, it works backwards and as the cells are cleaned memories are jogged and also smells. I thought I was unique in this but I spoke to someone recently who was having the same experience. I have been eating apples and I also find fresh ginger tea helps. Thank you for your message, you confirmed what I felt.

General Feedback
Posted by PR (Houston, Texas) on 04/01/2009

Hello, I have used the zapper for a long time and can't say that I ever noticed any results. But I have to say from reading Dr. Clark's book that if you have a certain kind of parasite in your muscles you would almost have to wear the zapper 24 hours as they are hard to get rid of. Plus zapping is a surface electricity does not go deep enough to get all the parasites. Any how I got tired of zapping. I have friends who do MMS and are getting great results. I plan to try the MMS when I can have time to deal with some of the cleansing that goes with it. I have had good results using food grade Diatomaceous Earth. I would take 1 heaping teaspoon a day. I even got rid of a festation of mites in my body in 24 hours. Parasite seems to me to be a long term treatment. Probably because of our diets of picking them up again from those who prepare our food. My thinking is we should all do something done evasive to keep them under control. One thing I like about the MMS is it goes very deep in the body even into the brain and bones. From my understanding these areas are very hard places to reach.

Broad Benefits
Posted by PR (Houston, TX) on 04/01/2009

It is wonderful that you are getting the results with MMS that you are. I know others who have used it and are also liking the results. My thoughts on the bloating you are having could possibly be back up from the number of pathgens, virus, and etc the MMS is getting rid of. Things have to stand in line to pass out of the body. At least this has been the experience of my friends. I have read that eating several apples a day will get rid of this problem and help with any nausea or tireness. Good luck. Hope this helps.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Pat (Algarve, Portugal) on 03/31/2009


I've been using mms for about 5 weeks. I started with 5 drops and the next 3 days were amazing!I felt a huge fizzing inside my body. I had gone down with yet another cold which made my head feel like a football. This fizzing was very strong in my head. I sweated moderately, but the most amazing thing was that I felt as though something had opened. I have always hated the cold, always put loads of clothes on, but now I feel normal and am no longer afraid of the cold.

At the same time I felt as though my body was going through a fast, dullness on waking, lethargy, short lived stabbing pains, and very coated tounge. I was very impressed with mms and got to 25 drops when the nausea came.....I stopped for 24 hours and then began again at 5 drops.

My smell has returned and my hair is amazing!!!! My eyes are opening and whatever was in the urinary tract, which caused lots of dramatic loo runs, has gone.

I am now on 15 drops and am very bloated. Since taking mms I cannot tolerate eggs at all, and I wonder if I'm wheat intolerant as whenever I eat it I feel awful. I havn't seen any testimonials on bloating which makes me wonder if its the bread. Maybe the mms is clearing the debris? Any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.


General Feedback
Posted by Pat (Austin, TX) on 03/31/2009

My Naturopath has zapped me several times for parasites and amoebas with subsequent muscle testing to see if they were gone. Trouble is that even though the muscle testing showed success, I was not feeling markedly better. I still seemed to have high sensitivity to salmonella and e-coli and was stuck in a cycle of recurring treatments and expensive supplements. I have been using MMS for a few weeks and am at 9 drops twice a day. So far some head fog and diarrhea (minor), but much less use of supplements and more tolerant of food bacteria. My problem with the zapper is I can't tell if it actually did anything.

General Feedback
Posted by Rob (Taunton, Somerset UK) on 03/27/2009

Has anyone got experience of Dr Hulda Clarks zappers compared to using MMS? Have you used both in conjunction or do you think one is better than another? Thanks. Rob

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Rob (Taunton, Somerset UK) on 03/27/2009

I am a great beliver in positive thinking, but I can tell you after being on mms for 14 days I had bad cramps and diahorrea and passed loads of intestinal flukes. I don't think that had anything to do with positive thinking but more like positive chemistry.

MMS Side Effects
Posted by PR (Houston, Texas) on 03/27/2009

Hi, I know several people who are using this with great results. And they also stated they could feel it in the brain. I did read that this one of the few things that could pass the brain barrier. I think that is why you do feel it in the brain as it is dealing with critters or whatever is in the brain - which would be a good thing. I do know that you have to start very slow and work up over a period of time or you will feel nausea and other things. If you go very slow this can be avoided. This is not one of the easier remedies to take. But it does go very deep if you can stand the dealing with the die off from all the stored stuff in the body. I have seen this help people with chronic conditions that nothing else has helped. I also know a couple of people who has taken the the 45 drops for several days and are fine and doing better. Anyway this is just what I think and have observed.

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Liam (Adeliade, SA) on 03/26/2009

Hi i think there is something wrong with MMS. we tried it but one side effect is dizziness. Nausea another. Jim H may have made Bush medicine for a Bush situation. I believe it also does subtle harm. I can feel it in my brain after a 6 drop dose. His science is also just too basic. It must kill some good bacteria too. Liam

Broad Benefits
Posted by Chris Brown (OceanView, DE. United States) on 03/10/2009

It have been on MMS for 2 weeks and here is what I advise you, now that I understand everything. IT WORKS! This is how you take it and why :)

Start 1 drop & 5 Citric non vitamin C. you can't have vitamn c 2 hours before and 2 hours after.

So 1 = 5. Swish it around let it setup for 3 minutes up to 25. You move up a drop each session 1 in Morning and 1 in Night. Then I found out the reaction after getting to 15 drops so I went back to 11 drops the next morning slowly working my way up :). I then found a smell but it was in my nose haha becasue my smell came back.

For 19 years I couldn't smell anything because of smoking. Symoms *BEFORE! = Serious Brain FOG, Forgetting, Memroy Loss, Pain, Joint Pain, Herpes, Tired all the time, Had to have 20 teeth removed, Was getting worse and almsot bed ridden.

*NOW! Getting ready for work. Answering Fire Calls while other firefighters turn red with dehydration I just look at them and wonder and give them bottled water. So if you get the reaction just back off a drop or 2 when yu find that special dose and work your way up.

Get the BOOK and the DVD so you better understand it and do research of how poeple have taken it! that's my story.
I know what it does and how it works. If I had Cancer or anything I would definatly take it ASAP!..... If mms is left in sunlight it will negate and make it not a workable solution. The crap for many years has now broken up in my chest and now coming out by coughing it out. I almost have no phlem after 2 weeks *before I felt like I had Nemonia.
That' My story = It Works!

General Feedback
Posted by Nat (London, UK) on 03/10/2009

Hello Ted,

Thank you for your very interesting post. I am happy to find someone sensible about this subject. I have found the same information you did just by looking at research papers.

Have you considered giving Kelp or Kombu to offset the problem caused by MMS? I do not understand why people take MMS over a long period of time when most conditions seems to clear after 2 weeks. There are safer alternatives for toxins and heavy metal chelation.

I know methylene blue (methylthioninium chloride) quite well. It was used to cure UTI or bladder infection. Now it is impossible to find it at the drugstore.

How does MMS compare to magnesium peroxide in your experience?

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 02/16/2009 490 posts

Hello Peter, Sorry you are having the problems, and I agree that these darned tick borne infections will almost make you take anything. I started taking MMS when my hands got so bad I couldn't open a jar. I have been taking it now for about 4-6 months. My hands have improved enough that I can now open a jar again. So far I have had 2 Herkiemer's reactions (feels like sudden onset of flu with all the nausea, vomiting and diarrhea) that the body goes into when overkill causes a lot of toxins and debris. Thank God the reaction is usually gone 2-4 hours after it hits. The first time was the same problem you had, I decided to take it twice a day instead of once. After that third dose every l2 hours, the reaction hit and laid me low for about 3-4 hours. I quickly returned to once a day and as long as I hold it down to the 2 drops/25 lbs. of body weight, no problems except for the yucky taste, which got so bad that I left it off for a week or two
and started taking it again without problems, except for the foul taste. Jim Humble, in his book says that Lyme's disease is one of the hardest to kill and may take up to a year to do it. Like you a round of expensive antibiotics changed nothing except I had less money after paying for it.. I may have to pause every few months to get over the taste, but I still have hopes that it will kill it, so I will hang in there.

MMS Side Effects
Posted by Peter (Amsterdam, Netherlands) on 02/16/2009

MMS results in tremendous headache:

I have been taking MMS now for 4 weeks, starting very low on 3 drops and slowly going higher. One day I went with a big leap to 13 drops, but that gave the well known strong!! nausea with diarrhea.

The reason for taking it is that I have Lyme Disease in third stage. When you have that you are willing to take anything that comes allong. I read on Lyme Patients websides that MMS had helped a little for some.

After my to big a jump I went more slowly again and am now on 9 drops 3 times a day.
Today however I woke up with a tremendous headache, raally nausiating, painfull, paralizing headache. Never felt something like this in my life. So I take it it is a side-effect of the MMS, maybe from detoxifying, but maybe from the toxicity of the substance and the accumulation of Chloride in the last 4 weeks in the body.

Really don't have a clue, but am quite shocked and will stop for a few days probably.


Ps Good initiative "earthclinic", compliments

Spider Bites
Posted by James (Kent, WA/USA) on 02/11/2009

Miracle Mineral Supplement: This new supplement used at the 15 drop twice a day dose allowed my body to heal itself from five wolf spider bites within two weeks. In Texas one brown recluse bite could not be cured using oral then intravenous anti-biotics and required surgury to remove the infected area. My research found that the hobo, wolf, and brown recluse spider bites, as well as staph and mrsa infections, all propogate in a very similar flesh eating and tissue destroying manner most likely due more to our weakened, overburdened immune systems (because of toxins accumulated from diet,air,water, ect.), and not because bacteria and spider venoms are evolving into newer stronger forms.This supplement is actually a strong chemical called chlorine dioxide and must be prepared in stages according to specific directions outlined in a book by Jim Humble. I am not a doctor yet, and this is not medical advice of any kind, only a testimony that this supplement used properly apparently removes enough toxins from the body so that it may heal itself and should aid in healing needed for any condition.

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