DMSO Application Tips
Let's not forget that distilled water should be used with DMSO as regular tap water even filtered contains fluoride, chlorine, chloramine and inorganic minerals that your body accumulates over time. Putting vitamin C in the water neutralizes the chlorine and chloramine, something to keep in mind when taking a bath with DMSO. Also essential oils can be mixed with DMSO.
Do you simply use Ascorbic Acid in the bath water to remove the chlorine? If yes, how much?
DMSO Application Tips
I have used DMSO 99.9% pure once using my fingertips and found that it "dehydrated" them, which lasted all night. I would recommend using another method if not diluting it.
Dr Stanley Jacobs stated that DMSO is such an effective solvent that its action is similar to an injection! I would just use a carrier oil like jojoba or Castor and then apply. This also protects your hands from any dryness. Good luck.
DMSO Application Tips
If you thoroughly clean the area, where you want to apply DMSO, with witch hazel, it will alleviate any itch or burn. The itch and/ or burn you are experiencing is caused by the DMSO reacting with something that is on your skin.
DMSO Application Tips
Be very careful with DMSO. It's a great product but remember it will carry anything it's connected to through the skin - bacteria, viruses, dirt. So while its anti-inflammatory properties are great and you hook it up with the Ellawood to get it in, it can also take anything else so you have to have a scrupulous technique and make sure your hands are clean. Make sure you got medical grade DMSO for that matter.
(San Fernando, Philippines)
Hi Dee...I think that it is perhaps a little misleading to say that DMSO will carry 'anything' through the skin.
Here is comment from Dr Stanley Jacob who has been researching with DMSO since the 1960s. He is the guru on DMSO use:
"Rumors of DMSO's ability to transport chemicals through the skin have been greatly exaggerated. DMSO will carry a minimal amount of other chemicals with a molecular weight of less than 1000 but will not carry bacteria or viruses."
DMSO Application Tips
Quite by accident I discovered that by adding a drop of peppermint essential oil to a cotton ball with DMSO on it I did not smell of rotten garlic! My husband with the super nose who could always tell when I was using DMSO never smelled it. I used it 3 times a day for a week and a half before telling him. It's amazing. No bad breath, no stinky skin. I wasn't using an expensive brand either. DMSO is too good to make us social outcasts while using it.
(Mexico City)
I don't get how do you use the cotton ball to avoid the smell, in fact I am still researching and haven't used DMSO yet (nor have I found it in Mexico City), but it sounds great for several ailments in my family, so I'm interested in this tip to avoid the smell. Thanks
I'm sorry it sounded confusing. I use a cotton ball to apply the DMSO to my skin. Now I just add a drop or two of peppermint essential oil to the wet cotton ball. I have never used DMSO internally so I do not know how that would work.
DMSO can be administered via-oral topical or iv.
DMSO Application Tips
Whenever using DMSO I always mix it with Rhus Tox ointment (available through any Homeopathic Lab or retail source) to protect against skin reactions which are common with DMSO and which were the excuse used by the Feds to not approve DMSO for human use. This has worked with many dozens of persons and hundreds of applications.
DMSO Application Tips
How to Use DMSO
Response- to take anything above the chest 5-10% solution. Anything below the chest you can go higher. Internal use I have mixed it with wormwood in a 5% soultion and have used tsp amounts without any issue--remember this is a solvent so as a solvent this will penetrate lipids and the brain is a lipid so anything north of the chest line- reduce this will apply as well with some of the essential oils. Some are potent solvents and penetrents. Hope this helped.
DMSO Application Tips
Be very careful with DMSO (Dimenthyl Sulfoxide). As a chemist, I've used DMSO and it is a great compound because it is an EXTREMELY effective solvent.
The reason that the FDA is against DMSO for home use is because it basically dissolves almost anything and takes it along for the ride. Since it is readily absorbed into the skin, anything dissolved in it is also absorbed. This can be dangerous if you inadvertantly come in contact with a hazardous chemical while using DMSO. Many things that are safe when placed on the skin aren't necessarily so when they are absorbed into the body.
DMSO should be stored in glass containers (not plastic) and whatever area on the body it touches should be extremely clean. Be very conscious of not contaminating your bottle by dipping anything into it and make sure any container you use is also clean. As long as you're careful, you shouldn't have any problems.
Basically he made one major error here when he writes,
DMSO should be stored in glass containers (not plastic) and whatever area on the body it touches should be extremely clean.
DMSO is sold by chemical suppliers generally in plastic containers (mine is from Fisher Scientific -picture of my DMSO is shown here) and it doesn't dissolve anything. Alcohol and acetone can dissolve certain things, namely plastic. But nothing dissolves organic compounds, such as skin, tissue, except through the process of digestion. And that is the job of Ebola, MRSA, your stomach acid to name a few. So it is technically doubtful that a REAL CHEMIST would say that DMSO should be stored in a glass container. DMSO doesn't go through the plastic containers sold by chemical suppliers.
DMSO is actually a byproduct of paper manufacturing processes, and the paper mill tried to get rid of it by pouring on to the coal tar roads. It was a disaster, as all the animals, such as deer, squirrels started licking up this miraculous substance. And it was later that a chemist name Dr. Stanley Jacobs was looking for a suitable compound to preserve heart from damage during transportation to protect them and found DMSO by chance. It's antioxidant ability had that capability from preventing damage, but it had wide uses in a chemical fields since it offers cells to receive oxygen where blood vessels can't reach. The woman who posted the cat was right on.
The DMSO can go through the cells receiving oxygen to cells that are dying helping it revived and this is why DMSO is ideal in emergency situations such as a stroke, or brain damage situation.
To make a long story short, I used DMSO mixed with water to reduce irritation, but MSM can do it too, although it won't have that recognition in emergency situation mentioned, since MSM doesn't go through the cells as easily as a DMSO.
(West Australia)
My DMSO came in a plastic bottle, should I put it into a glass one?
DMSO Application Tips
Please be advised that DMSO is highly absorbed into the bloodstream and has a high risk of causing sterilization in humans. Although I highly recommended pain and swelling reliever one should use great caution when applying it to an animal by wearing gloves or know for a fact you are done having children before using it on yourself. I have used the product for many many years on horses and never apply it without gloves on.
Where is your references for this info? It's far from true.
DMSO with Calcium Chloride would cause sterility if injected into testes as a non-surgical neuter for pets. I have not heard of anything else.
Kim, I would like to know how you came to the conclusion DMSO causes sterilization in humans. Is there any source with more info or is it personal experience? Do you know anyone who claims to become sterile after having used DMSO? Could there be any other reason for infertilty? If anyone else on here has any answers, I would like to hear more. Thank you!
DMSO Combinations
I have seen many posts here about DMSO. I found some that is 90% DMSO gel. When I mix it with aloe juice to get it to less than 70% solution to apply topically, it gets quite hot for several seconds. This happens less if I mix it with castor oil. I don't understand what is happening chemically.
It seems as if I have seen it said that you can't mix DMSO with other things ahead of time and must mix right before using. Is that correct? I was wanting to try DMSO and Colloidal Silver in a spray bottle for bug bites.
I appreciate your opinions. Thank you.
(San Fenando, Philippines)
Hello Mrs Hill from Arkansas...When you paint DMSO + aloe vera onto your skin it is a unique characteristic of DMSO that it will transport the aloe vera through the skin transdermally and into the blood. DMSO is able to do this by increasing the porosity or permeability of the individual skin cells which are then able to allow passage of the aloe vera through the skin cells as well. It is this sudden increase in skin porosity or permeability that causes the warm feeling on your skin which is nothing to worry about and is entirely normal when using DMSO topically.
When you paint the DMSO and aloe vera onto your skin, make sure that this area is not sopping wet with DMSO +aloe vera. All you need is a thin damp layer painted onto the skin for best effect.
There is also no reason why you shouldn't use the DMSO in a sprayer. But please be aware that DMSO can dissolve some plastics. So if you're not sure then perhaps best to use a glass sprayer. So using colloidal silver and DMSO in a glass sprayer should be fine.
(Arkansas, US)
Bill, Thank you for your time and response. I will try the silver and dmso together.
(Boise, Id)
The warm feeling is actually a reaction with the water in your skin, not an increase in porosity. DMSO doesn't increase porosity or permeability; it simply dissolves a variety of compounds and is able to transport them quickly through your skin. It's nothing to worry about but it's the exact same thing you noticed when diluting it with water to a much lesser scale.
I understand that the reaction is with water, and that aloe vera contains more water than castor oil, hence the more intense reaction when using aloe vera.
(Portland, Oregon)
It is called "solvation." It is not, strictly speaking, a chemical reaction, as the molecules themselves are not altered--only their nearest-neighbor relationships change. The DMSO molecules like to be in contact with water molecules -- the total energy is lower, therefore potential energy is released as heat. The same thing happens when you mix salt with water, though the effect is too small to notice.
The spray mechanism is made of plastic parts also, so I would be careful about the DMSO melting the actual sprayer pump/nozzle.
I have been working with dmso for years... read and studied clinical trials... sprayer is not a good idea!
Another note. Colloidal silver is not a cure all. It does have unique properties that will kill single cell organisms, bacterial or viral. Aids, cancer, herpes etc .... however it is very important to do your homework! Before you administer to your self or anyone else......
DMSO Side Effects
Each morning, I take a low dose of amour thyroid, 15 grains, the apply glutathione and a biodentical hormone, both transdermally. To help with absorption, I put a few drops of DMSO on the glutathione. I have been doing this a little while.
One morning, I added a lot more of the DMSO by mistake (maybe a teaspoon or more?), but since it was external, I didn't think it mattered. I then took guaifenisin (mucinex), and had all of the reactions of dosing too high on it. Thankfully, it wasn't timed release, but the effects still took about 4 hours to wear off, so mostly annoying, and guafinesin isn't toxic. It seemed the only difference that day was the amount of DMSO. I tend to be sensitive, and maybe it was because everything was taken closer together, but DMSO is pretty powerful.
DMSO Side Effects
I too began to use DMSO a few days ago and initially did not notice any smell or weird taste as I was expecting. Later on I noticed that there was a very subtle smell after all, the kind that you might not even notice yourself, but only your partner will :) Luckily my wife is with me on the experiment so she doesn't mind.
I also heard that the smell or taste is more often seen in men than in women.
Regarding the stinging and sunburn-like sensation - I had that as well. It also depends on what part of the body you are applying it to. Neck and shoulders tend to be the most sensitive, while knees and elbows can tolerate concentrated DMSO. Diluting the DMSO a bit more took care of the issue. Also, when I mistakenly put some strong DMSO on my face and it started burning like crazy and got red and scary, a few drops of diluted lavender oil fixed it in just a few minutes.
DMSO Side Effects
My husband doesn't smoke and doesn't use DMSO and when I do use the 70% gel topically, he says that the whole room stinks like sulphur (garlic, onion smell) although I can't even smell it in my own breath, he can. He says it's a romance killer. Because of that I skip going to the gym when on it.
(Ten Mile, Tn)
HI U GRI,,,,,,,,,,, it is a fact that your breath will smell like garlic when you do DMSO. That is the reason they never did a double blind test on DMSO. That is an excuse not to give the compound credibility. Too cheap and too effective. Just like Cannabis oil.
ATS =======ORH========
Perhaps if your husband would use a little also he wouldn't smell it on you. Like eating an onion, if both people eat a little neither smells it.
DMSO Side Effects
Hello everyone, my name is Justin. I just joined this forum today and I am very happy to be here. I am a 46 year old male.
I have some questions concerns aboat DMSO mixed with lemon juice. ever since first reading the book DMSO Natures Healer, and reading hundreds of personal testimonials I started to take 99.99% DMSO on and off over the years. I take it both topically and internally, making sure to dilute it down to 70% or less. I take it to try and relieve the aches and pains of life...surfing and rock climbing. As prevention to the calcification that comes with aging. I take it because I completely trust and believe in it's curative powers and health benefits.
Aboat two weeks ago I topically applied a mixture of DMSO 70% with fresh squeezed lemon juice, fresh aloe Vera pulp, and magnesium chloride oil to my head, face, neck back, chest and stomach. Then the next day, I had severe shooting pains in my stomach in the large colon area. Excuse me for being so graphic...lots of diarrhea, gas and the need to go to defecate many times a day. But I have no acid reflux. And otherwise my body feels great. This has been going on now for the last two weeks. I am concerned because I have never had any stomach problems in the past. I have been a vegetarian for the last 25 years, feeling strong and healthy with lots of energy. my digestion has always been good and regular. I eat very well, try and keep well hydrated and most importantly try to feed my mind positivity, love and kindness.
My question is ...what is going on down inside of my guts? I spent the last year in south east Asia, and six months in India. But I had no health issues. I didn't get sick. I am thinking that it may be the result of adding the lemon juice. I say that only because I have never added lemon juice to the equation topically. I have in the past ingested DMSO with MMS and lemon juice and or citric acid but I have never applied it topically. And also I have in the past practically bathed my whole body in DMSO from head to foot, with no negative side effects. So I am thinking that maybe the combination is awaking and or battling parasites or worms that I wasn't even aware of having. maybe all this funkiness is my colon cleaning itself out. But I have done several colon cleanses over the years and experimented with all kinds of natural medicines and cures. I don't know. I can't help but be concerned that maybe it was not a good idea to put this combination directly over my belly. I am concerned that maybe the pure undigested lemon juice, is burning my colon.
I will be doing a "complete dry fast" no water, no food over the coming weekend. I am curious to see if it will help to resolve or at least alleviate my upset belly.
If anyone has any thoughts aboat this. Questions and or comments, I would really appreciate it.
I am a big advocate of DMSO and MMS well as fresh squeezed lemon juice ....yummm. I drink it every day.
Again thanks to everyone. Thank you Ted. Thank you Earth Clinic
all my best to everyone......Justin
(Fountain Inn, Sc)
Hello Justin,
I, too, am a DMSO advocate and use it regularly as you use it topically and internally and have done so "off and on" as you said.
While it's natural to think of "association" as "causation" .... my first take on your reaction is that the cause is not...NOT.... the DMSO combo. It just so happened that a case of Montezuma's revenge hit you at about the same time that you took the DMSO combo.
As evidence, if the DMSO were the cause, you would have been over it in a day or two. But the fact that you continue to suffer tells me you have a very bad case of bacterially induced gastro infection.
And you're living in Mexico. I visited Albania/Romania a year ago and had read in the autobiography "MD" which is the life of a parasitalogist that Montezuma's is actually world wide and can be caused by bacteria and virus. There is a lot around the Mediterranean as well as Latin America. Well, it hit me in a big way, but I was expecting it....never felt anything like it before; like a fist in my stomach and I went straight to my Apple Cider Vinegar ..... and bought more a few days later. Avoided the huge consequences, but barely.
Maybe I'm wrong...and I look forward to see what others say. But a die off? I don't think so.
Get on ACV asap... two tablespoons in glass of water...drink over an hour...repeat two hours later. See if that improves and if so, you will know the cause was pathogens and not DMSO.
PS....I have NEVER had any adverse reaction with DMSO...and taken it for decades.
(Chiapas, Mexico)
Hello to Dave at Fountain Inn.
Thanks so much for yor response. Sorry I did not get back to you sooner. I just broke my first fast- a 72 hour dry fast. Wow. That was by far one of the most intense experiences that I have ever willingly put myself through. Especially because for the last two weeks my bowels were totally out of wack and having so much diarea. I think I went into the fast very much dehydrated. Then on top of that I am and always have been very thin with probably -50 % body fat. So I immediately turned into a living skeleton. That is why I didn't continue. I was in fact feeling really good. No healing reactions to speak of. actually I had a surprising amount of mental and physical energy. at times I felt like I was flying. And my bowels feel much better, having given them a vacation. But in the end I just let myself be consumed by fantasies of water, flowing rivers and pools of sweet colorful juice. I was living always just out of reach of the most mouth life saving mirage. And finally on the third night when I first looked at myself in the mirror I was shocked to see the grissle I had reduced myself too. I was thinking to continue fasting but I was concerned that if I passed through another night I just may disappear all together.
Now I am two days into breaking the fast. Slowly slowly. chewing my water and fresh coconut water. Yesterday I drank a the juice of the most heavenly watermelon. Today more water, coconut water and maybe some mango juice. mmmm I can't wait.
you may be right Dave aboat the Montezuma's Revenge. I have never had it before so it very well could be that. last month I inquired at a few "naturista" - health food/ supplement stores for ACV. I thought maybe I could get the good organic stuff, but they didn't have it. I was told that I could find it in the supermarket. Would definitely prefer the organic. Man that stuff is delicious. Now after spending more time on this Earth Clinic web site, I have read aboat how many people are using ACV for everything under the sun. So I will definitely try to get my hands on some.
That's cool that your were in Romania and Albania. Man I have wanted to check out Romania and that part of the world for quite some time. I hope to get over to Europe this summer to walk El Camino de Santiago. Then after was thinking that I could slowly make my way over to Macedonia and then maybe Bulgaria and then possibly winter over in Romania....hahaha, wouldn't that be nice and bone chilling. then pass the spring somewhere in Albania. Yes it is a very nice "what if" journey. I know one could spend a life time exploring each one of those countries, so maybe I'll make it to Macedonia and never leave.
Cool man. hey thanks again for your help. I really appreciate it. And like I said I am a big fan of DMSO. I am very curious to personally witness her healing powers in the future. If I may ask, why have you been using DMSO?
Yes this is a wonderful site. It feels like a community with concerned people trying to help each other out....such a beautiful thing. I spent a considerable amount of time reading aboat peoples personal testimonials using all kinds of treatments. most recently I have been reading all that I can on the uses of Turpentine for healing. I always thought it was poison but I see know that I was wrong. So I would love to get my hands on the purest Turpentine. As well as Fulvic acid/ Shilagit.....Nascent Iodine, Ormus. The list goes on.
Ok Dave, all the very best to you.....Justin
(Hotspot, Texas)
Justin, I think you delivered a huge shot of magnesium to your body. DMSO plus magnesium plus large amount of body coverage. It's possible the magnesium is causing the gas and diarrhea. For two weeks--seems like a long time--but it was probably a lot of magnesium! Nothing to worry about--it is pretty benign.
(Chiapas, Mexico)
Hello Nanowriter from Hotspot Texas,
Thanks for your reply concerning whether or not I funked my stomach up with the lemon juice/ DMSO combination. And sorry aboat not responding sooner.
Yes you maybe right aboat the dose of transdermal magnesium. I have not been using it for very long. Several times I have given my body a very lite all over with it mixed with DMSO and had no adverse reactions. But yes it could very well be as you've said.
I recently just did a three day dry fast. No food no water. I feel like my entire being just went through the fire so to speak. So I will see, now that I am drinking water and juice for the next few days how my guts respond.
Yes as you said it isn't anything to serious. All is good.
Alright then, I wish you a wonderful day and many days to come....justin
(Sojouring America)
Directed to Justin from Mexico.
I don't think there is a connection between the DMSO and Lemon juice and what you have experienced and described here. I have done some pretty crazy stuff with DMSO and I have not experienced anything like what you have described as a result. From my experience DMSO does nothing but good and positive things for the body of the man. It is a non synthetic product, I.e. not made by man. I've taken DMSO with water and vitamins, and Omega 3 fats and magnesium and cayenne extract and glycerine and I've had it before and after drinking apple cider vinegar (Malic acid). And I am not done experimenting. I have tried one (1) ounce of 99.99 pure DMSO in 20 ounces of distilled water twice a day. Once in the morning and once in the after noon. I have consumed about 2 quarts of pure DMSO since I began posting here and I haven't been posting here for that long.
(Saskatchewan, Canada)
Man from Sojouring America: Hi, would you mind sharing the results of all of your DMSO experiments?
I would love to hear and compare. For example, one night I took a table spoon mixed in some water and made me have such a relaxed sleep!!!!
(Carrollton, Tx)
Justin, pleaser update on how you are doing.
As I was reading, was thinking parasites. Probiotics to reestablish beneficial bacteria in gut.
(Waco, Tx.)
It was the magnesium.
Have you tried to replenish your probiotics? That's what I would say that may have happened. I take a very good one.
(South Africa)
Due to DMSO dilating your blood vessels and reducing blood platelet stickiness I am sure it should reduce blood pressure.
Justin, did you see this?
Miracle Mineral Supplement, often referred to as Miracle Mineral Solution, Master Mineral Solution, MMS or the CD protocol, is chlorine dioxide, an industrial bleach. It is made by mixing aqueous sodium chlorite with an acid (such as the juices of citrus fruits or vinegar). This mixture produces chlorine dioxide, a toxic chemical that can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and life-threatening low blood pressure due to dehydration.
Yep Chlorine Dioxide is bleach. Hydrogen Peroxide is industrial bleach, Hypochlorous Acid is industrial bleach, Ozon is industrial bleach. And yet all these industrial bleaches are being generated and used by the immune system to fight off pathogens 24/7. If it wasn't for industrial bleaches you would be dead.
Worn out immune systems can safely supplement with Chlorine Dioxide.
Keep some at hand and read up on how to use it. And leave wickedpedia alone ;)
(London UK)
The critical issue with chlorine dioxide (MMS) is the concentration. I have never used it, like apple cider vinegar. I'm afraid of its reaction with my Barrett's Esophagus. As for asking the doctor's advice, I am very wary of that due to most of them getting with the govt. narrative on Covid, Lockdowns, masks and jabs.
Hallo Paul
du solltest über Chlordioxit dich schlau machen. Medizin für deine Krankheit. ... Danke
Hello Paul,
you should educate yourself about chlorine dioxide. medicine for your illness. ... Thank you
Although this post is 7 years old, I just had an experience in Mexico after traveling there 3 times this year on business. Upon each return my system was a bit out of sorts. This month I had something like an IBS attack (stomach was in great pain which caused bad lower back pain). Acupuncture, DMSO and a low does of CBD/THS (2.5mg each) helped. After about 3 days of pain, I remembered the discomfort was similar to having a horrible parasite many years ago. Reintroduced an IBS elemental liquid diet with absorb plus (also bone broth) to calm inflamed intestines and 1/2t pure gum spirits of turpentine to kill whatever it was. I keep turp on hand and will start traveling with it in the future especially to third world countries. After the second day of the diet, the discomfort stopped but still eating foods that are easy to digest. I suggest researching absorb plus, and Dr. Jennifer Daniels about gum spirits.
(Tulsa, okl)
I think the reason you had such strong diarrhea after mixing those ingredients with the DMSO it's because magnesium if taken in a large dose causes diarrhea the DMSO just amplified everything you took as if you took larger doses of each of them.
DMSO Side Effects
I need help. I ordered 99.9% DMSO on Amazon, but what I received was 99% industrial grade. I used it anyway on my tendonitis and other areas of the body. The thing I that I got wicked drunk that night and very very sick! I am wondering if it is possible that the other 1% is alcohol or Acetone in the DMSO and if that is what contributed to me getting that "drunk" feeling...? If so, seems like it is dangerous as could I have gotten alcohol poisoning? Somebody please email me if you know the answer. kathyjo (at) velocity [dot} net.
(White Rock, B.c.)
In researching DMSO today, I read on one site that it will greatly enhance the effect of alcoholic drinks so it's best not to drink at all when using DMSO therapeutically.
Quote from an review: "There is a Medical Grade and an Industrial Grade. You should ONLY use Medical Grade. The other is sold at hardware stores and is toxic. Furthermore, anything you put on your skin at the same time you use DMSO will penetrate immediately, so make sure it is not toxic. Ditto for clothing with strong dyes if your skin is still wet with DMSO. You will get 'garlic breath' seconds after use, which lasts 4-6 hrs. This is the sulfur breaking down in your body and producing sulfuric breath as waste, while also delivering oxygen to the muscles which are healed many times faster. This has also helped certain autistic children absorb somatropin (?) thru a dermal patch, which has alleviated a lot of food issues with certain types of autism... the rest can be read here: ;)
The side effects I have experienced with DMSO are mostly non existent. Slight side affect is odor. Some people think the odor is sulfur and some call it onions or garlic. The value of the relief of DMSO is so great that the tiny little problem of the odor is so insignificant and superficial that it ought to be ignored. If odor truly a problem for the significant people like your husband or your wife then plan your DMSO therapy together like husband and wife. (The two are one flesh according to Scripture). Slight irritation at site of application that goes away after a little time is one other small side affect. It might help to look at the side effects of some of the Poisons err, Drugs that those doctors try to shove down your throat. Now those are "side effects" that I can't live with. But a little odor, a little irritation on the skin, I Can handle that.
(Sojouring America)
This is a follow up on side affects of DMSO. From my experimentation on myself I have discovered that there seems to be a limit on how much DMSO a body can process in a given period of time. And don't take too close to bed time. My journal is available on the web.
(Sojouring America)
I don't notice the smell of DMSO for the most part. Apparently some people do. I had a clerk in a cheap store tell me today that she wanted me to do something about my odour because she said that somebody complained about the smell when I was in the store. I asked her how she knew that it was me? Then I asked the other obvious question: Are you going to shop for me? Where am I going to shop? Then I told her, "I have to take the medication that I have to take".
I didn't hear another word out of her. But she did not bother to even bag up my stuff that I bought.
I know there are many people taking DMSO and I have never heard of anyone complaining to anyone else.
I am thinking that people who smoke cigarettes may be more sensitive to the smell of DMSO. Can anyone echo that?
(Sojouring, America)
I have been looking for that one death that has been harped upon concerning DMSO and I think I have found it. Doctors kill in the neighbourhood of one hundred thousand people a year in the hospitals and with pharmaceuticals and man made toxins they call medicines and one (1) woman dies with DMSO in her blood and the DMSO is maligned? What a crock of baloney.
(St Paul's Bay)
(Los Angeles, Ca)
The only person who ever complained was my girlfriend who cannot stand it. No one else seemed bothered. I used it for my painful bladder which was so bad I could not even drive my car over the bumps in the road. I read that doctors were using it for this and it helped with the pain greatly. I am finally cured all these many years later from this. I meditate and sought the reason for the bladder and was finally healed. I still use DSMO for Lyme disease arthritis I acquired many years ago while hiking and being bit by tick. I had the Bull's eye and the whole thing before anyone knew what it was. I am still stuck with the arthritis mostly in my neck and back, chest. Now I am thinking about using DMSO for an ear infection as a last ditch effort. I have been taking antibiotic ear drops for ear for the past ten years at 200 dollars per month. Insurance pays but will no longer do so. Ear comes and goes and was really bad with the start of winter. I got this infection from someone who gave me a massage and breathed into my mouth. This infection started in my lungs and moved to my ears. The ear drops contained antibiotics with cortisone. I just bought over the counter cortisone and am using it. I do not have a fever. My neck is now involved and my left tonsil/throat. I just saw an allergist who did not know about this ear. I saw the dead of Cedar's Sinai who did not know about it either and another doctor on Santa Monica Blvd. Does anyone now if DMSO will work? I bet it will at least get rid of the pain.
(Manchester Nh)
Re; ear infection; Before you do anything else you might want to go over to the "pets" section on this site where you will find something called "Blue Juice" for ear infections in dogs. Ahh hate to admit it but it works just as well in human ears. ( Yes, I tried it myself, no harm and it works swell.) Good luck hope you feel better!!!!
Take no notice of WebMD site - they are shills of the pharma industry, and they don't want anyone taking something that is going to detract from selling their very own poisons.
Wikipedia also is open to editing by anyone authorised to do so, and FDA/pharma shills can easily alter information - you could too, if you paid for the privilege.
I am not qualified in any way but if I had the ear problem I would try mixing the DMSO with Colloidal Silver and put a few drops in. Slowly slowly.