Health Benefits

The Health Benefits of DMSO: What You Need to Know

DMSO and Sterilization
Posted by A Sojournor (Land) on 01/22/2014

The problem with one misstatement of fact is that it travels around the world in a split second. I recommend reading DMSO the persecuted drug, before making statements like DMSO causes sterility in humans. Either you have not done any research or somebody told you something and instead of checking it out and confirming or disproving, you just posted it. In law a perjured person is a person who has spoken a lie, whether or not intentional does not matter. Now, are you speaking that you personally have been sterilized and the blood tests have come back that DMSO did that to you? Well, please grace us with the report because if that is true then we must be careful to avoid this deadly substance. What ever your issue is, please research before spewing it. Thank you.