Blackstrap Molasses: A Nutrient-Dense Superfood & Its Health Benefits

Broad Benefits
Posted by Mary (Greensboro, Nc, Usa) on 05/23/2011

For one month, I have been taking 1 tbs of Blackstrap Molasses in warm almond milk each morning. I love the taste. My nails, skin, bowel movements have improved and I think I sleep better. Another benefit is that it curbs my appetite and my friends are telling me that I look like I've lost weight and I am losing weight. As for my hair, it may be getting darker and my husband's hair definitely looks darker. We looking forward to the next 3 months. We will keep doing this and making other nutritional adjustments.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Tammy (St. Louis, MO) on 09/21/2007

Hi. I have been diagnosed with Stage IV metatstatic breast cancer (spread to the bones). I have become anemic. Dr. said to take in more iron. I bought blackstrap molasses unsulphured. Took a tablespoon Tuesday evening, a tablespoon Wednesday morning. Noticed Wednesday afternoon I "had energy" & then realized that after a 4 block walk at a fast pace did not leave me winded and fatigue my legs (the Saturday before I became winded and fatigued after only 1 block). Went home from work, took another tablespoon, did heavy gardening until 10:00 that night. Was still feeling energized! Took the same amount of blackstrap Thurday and Friday (today). Here is the amazing part: when I am anemic, I get tinnitus - sound in my ears. It is a pulsating sound like I can hear my blood pulsating through my veins. The more anemic I am, the louder the tinnitus. I've been through this before. Took blood transfusions and the tinnitus went away. My last treatment regimen for the cancer worked (for awhile) and as I got better from the medication, my blood got better, and the tinnitus gradually went away. Now, since taking the blackstrap (starting three days ago), each night I notice the tinnitus is lessened. Last night it was BARELY audible and was not constant. I expect tonight it will not be there at all. (Night time is when I notice it when all is very quiet). I would bet were I to have my blood tested today, my red blood cell and platelet counts would be either normal or just about normal. OK, I am truly amazed. Is it the blackstrap? Ok, next thing to try: hydrogen peroxide. Then apple cider vinegar! God bless you all for sharing!

Acid Reflux
Posted by Kita (Detroit, Michigan) on 08/19/2007

I had acid reflux bad for the past two years. Oneday my aunt went to a health food store. Her and a lady got to talking about blackstrap. The lady had tried everything for her acid reflux so the doctor finally told her about blackstrap molasses. My aunt brought some for me and within days the acid reflux started to go down. Now I have been taking it for4 months now. It is just about cured! It is the best thing for acid reflux. I took two teapsoons of it everyday in april and now I take less because it doesnt bother me. One or two teaspoons will help get you through the whole day.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Maggie (Bartlesville, Oklahoma) on 04/24/2006

1 Tblsp. blackstrap molasses, three times a day cured heart palpitations,and edema in my hands and ankles. Also my fingernails are much stronger. During my 4 day stay at the hospital for hip surgery, I was given 2 potassium pills as my potassium was very low. When i arrived home, i gave blackstrap molasses a try. Never dreaming that in less than a week my ankles and hands didn't swell anymore, and the heart flutters that i had for many years were gone. Oh , I almost forgot, I now have fingernails. I'm telling everyone i meet about my miracle cure.

Gray Hair
Posted by Sochie (Boston, Ma) on 08/12/2009

I have consistently taken 2 tablespoons of blackstrap molasses daily for three months. I was skeptical about the claims that blackstrap molasses could restore your gray hairs to their natural color although I was encouraged by the overwhelming response suggesting that it does, in fact, help.

I am 31 years old and have noticed over the past few years that the grays have permeated through my brown hairs and have become prononced around my hairline. I have been spending an unnecessary amount of money to color & highlight my hair to temporarily cover up the grays.

I'm pleased to report that my hairs are gradually returning to their original brown color after regularly using the blackstrap molasses. I have been raving about the natural remedy to family and friends and hope that they will also experience the same benefits.

Posted by Jgny (Thousand Islands) on 11/17/2020

I started taking BSM a couple weeks ago just thinking for the health benefits. But was surprised after the first week that my evening palpitations have stopped!! After years of trying different things to help my situation,,, I am in shock!! 💗

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jennifer (Greenfield, WI) on 02/28/2007

I went to the health food store to ask about what I could give my 15 month-old son for constipation. They suggested 1-2 tsp. of blackstrap molasses in his bottle. I bought the bottle, came home, came to this website and discovered all different things this stuff is good for. I am 8 months pregnant. I was having a lot of trouble sleeping and developing symptoms of restless leg syndrome (common in pregnancy). I decided to give it a shot. Long story short, my son is pooping like a champ and I started sleeping through the night without any jerking limbs ON THE FIRST DAY! I ran out for one day, and I had a horrible night sleep. I am amazed and delighted.

Posted by Glen (St. Mary's Newfoundland)

A friend of mine who's dog was riddled with cancerous tumors gave him black strap molasses each day for a month. she took him back to the Veterinarian and the cancer and tumor were gone! Her mother, who was a medicine woman in the hills of West Virginia suggested she do this as the ancient egyptians used the remedy for consumption (cancer).

Posted by Suzie (Ohio) on 09/09/2016

You're right about the microwave. I got rid of all mine (3) years ago after reading about how it was changing all food at the molecular level.

Posted by Cynthia (Canterbury) on 10/19/2016

I also reckon that microwaves are the cause of cancer. I remember when microwaves came on the market there was a massive increase of cancer. I have never had a microwave and won't have one. My brother got rid of his and my neighbour has just biffed his out . We all have benchtop ovens and they are fantastic!!!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Ravi S (Dallas, Texas) on 12/19/2009

Unsulfured Blackstrap Molasses.

I happened to read the feedbacks on Blackstrap Molasses. I have a self diagnosed Celiac's and went on Gluten free for a year. I had to switch to a low fiber food option because of this. Even though my stomach feels good, I have been experiencing constipation off and on with rare IBS. I have started BSM for a week or so, 2 tablespoons, one in AM coffee and one the night warm milk. Here are the immediate changes experienced by me. Constipation is gone totally. My eyesight is better and I have lots of energy. Hope to continue on this for a while.

Posted by Dee (Atlanta, Georgia) on 08/16/2011

I visited the emergency room when my blood level was low and feeling faint and the emergency room doctor suggested Brer Rabbit Black Strap Molasses. It really does work better than any other blackstrap molasses that I have tried.

Ulcerative Colitis
Posted by Judy (Toormina, N.S.W. Australia) on 03/18/2009

I would like to tell you for 7 years we have been trying to find a cure for our daughter Natalie with chronic ulcerative colitis, she was just about to have her colon removed when a friend told us about black strap molasses. Within a week of taking 1 teaspoon daily she has been in complete remission and said she has never felt better am so grateful. I have been taking it too and have found a big improvement in my well being and nervous system. regards Judy Harrison

Posted by Erin (Haiku, HI) on 03/16/2009

Blackstrap Molasses CURED my anemia. Pain is better with menstrual cycles/fibroids. Heart palpitations stopped altogether. Decreased excessive blood loss during cycle within 24 hours. I use 3 Tbs daily in a smoothie, without fail. 1 week before cycle I start taking 4 Tbs daily in smoothie and continue until cycle stops. I have more energy and focus.

My smoothie:
banana, frozen blueberries (anti-oxidant), 3-4 Tbs organic Blackstrap Molasses, spirulina, green edge powder, 1 Tbs Udo's efa oil, ground Tbs goji berries/ Tbs raw cacao, 3 Tbs Maca powder, sometimes an apricot or peach.

Tasty, BSM makes it deliciously sweet, can't taste the spirulina although the drink IS green!. It is very fulfilling and energizing.

If you have candida or parasites it may make you bloat. If this happens you can take 3 clove caps, 3 wormwood caps and 10 drops of black walnut- it will kill them and you can continue enjoying your morning drink.

BTW: I learned about BSM from this very website. I thank you with all of my heart.

Posted by Sean (San Diego) on 06/06/2020

I completely understand the caution that should be in place when taking *iron pills*.

Yet, you do not need to be cautious about BSM. It is processed, but in the *opposite* way of other foods. In processed foods, the nutrients are removed and only the macros like the carbs and the calories are left. In short, empty calories.

With BSM, the processing actually removes excess sugar and condenses the nutrients.

BSM doesn't increase iron levels by supplying iron. It's actually not high in iron. 1 steak would have more iron than 20 BSM drinks.

BSM increases iron in the body because it contains fulvic and humic acids. These are present in the soil and the helps plants and animals *absorb and retain* minerals. Thus, BSM makes the iron you take from BSM and other sources stay in your body more effectively.

Posted by Nini (Los Angeles, CA) on 11/24/2007

Drinking atleast 3 cups of African Red tea, commonly called Rooibos is not only beneficial to your immune system but it also helps your skin stay clear. Also applying blackstrap molasses every night for about an hour after washing your face helps smooth your skin and gives you a glow due to all the vitamins and minerals it contains, and don't forget to take atleast 2 tbspns of it daily to keep regular. I like to put it in my red tea or in some warm almond milk along with some coconut oil, yum yum! Hope this helps all of you.

Posted by Vickie (Toronto, Canada) on 06/25/2007

Hello everyone, I hope you're all taking your BSM religiously. I have been taking it for the last 4 months and sometimes I mix it with ACV. I'm happy to announce that my nails and skin are looking very healthy. My nails have not been that bad but I have seen such a great improvement; they're not breaking or chipping like they used to before. They're growing very strongly and there're no white spots on them anymore. I read from the BSM book by Cyril Scott that BSM gets rid of the black spots and that's when I realised that they were gone. People are complimenting me on my skin, even men! I started taking BSM for something else but it seems to be doing a lot more. This stuff really works! V

Broad Benefits
Posted by Kim (Westport, MA) on 02/11/2007

Hi there I have been reading and applying the remedies on this site now for over a week with positive results. Since I have added taking 1 tablespoon full of blackstrap molasses every morning before or after my acv concoction, I have noticed something different about the hair growth I suffer from on my face. It I feel has retarded the growth, slowing it down so I don't have to pluck so often. Could it be true? I have suffered for years and years with this condition, I think due to polycystic syndrome. Is it possible that possibly the magnesium in the molasses is affecting my hormones in such a positive way? All I know is, I will keep taking the acv and backing soda for general well-being and pain reduction, along with my tablespoon of black strap molasses to help with female issues and help reduce pain as well. I have noticed my knee pain that was really bad, has almost totally gone away. When I mention what I do to others they simply shake there head roll there eyes, and decide its not for them. But I have to say my excitement and testimonials are making some wonder! All I know is my contact dermatitis disappeared, and pain has greatly diminished and now facial hair slowing down...I am waiting for my body to begin showing me more signs of all of the natural elements being to cure/heal& be gone! I am in awe of this site and appreciate all the feedback I read. Kim

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