Blackstrap Molasses: A Nutrient-Dense Superfood & Its Health Benefits

Best Way to Take Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Rita (Virginia) on 04/03/2019

I've read that mixing blackstrap molasses with dairy products can inhibit it's absorption due to the calcium in the dairy products. This is confusing since the molasses itself has calcium. I love mixing blackstrap molasses with plain yogurt, so I am concerned that I may not be getting the most nutrition from this mixture. Does anyone have any knowledge of this? I've also read that Vitamin C helps with the bioavailability of plant-derived iron, so a source of Vitamin C should be taken along with the blackstrap molasses.

Side Effects
Posted by Becky (Derbyshire, Uk) on 05/19/2018

I have just started taking BSM - only 2 days. I have had a pretty bad headache both days so wondering if this is linked. I have taken 1 tbsp in warm water each morning.

Side Effects
Posted by Problemchild (Roseville) on 10/05/2017

I bought Plantation BSM. I was very excited to take it for the energy. I took 1 tablespoon and the next day had explosive diarrhea for hours. I do not have stomach issues or IBS. So I waited 3-4 days and only took a teaspoon. The next day explosive diarrhea. Then I got smart and ordered 2 more bottles of "Organic" BSM. Once again a week or two go by before I try the organic. I start with a teaspoon...the next day explosive diarrhea. What in the world am I doing wrong? I ate food when I took it and I tried on an empty stomach. Why is this happening? Please tell me what the problem could be.

Side Effects
Posted by Elisa (Spain) on 04/20/2015

I've been taking BSM for acne since one week ago. It seems to help since first dose (1tbsp/day) to reduce redness and blemishes from everywhere (back, face ...), I have some new pimples but now my face is a lot better. What I'm noticing is that my scalp is very sensitive and I am not sure if my hair is falling more than before but sure my scalp is more sensitive and I am a little concerned. I've read two/three people saying BSM caused them hairloss.

No one noticed anything on scalp? I do not want to stop ...

Gray Hair
Posted by Lowiron (Manitoba, Canada) on 01/12/2015

I have been taking Blackstrap Molasses for more than 6 months and still have very low iron. The dr has now put me on iron pills and my hair is still amazingly grey. I had a hysterectomy 6 years ago.

Side Effects
Posted by Dallas (Amesbury, Ma) on 11/28/2014

To those who experience heart palpitations when using bsm, you could have the same problem as me. I had heart palpitations, and my blood pressure, which is normally low normal, shot up so that I could feel a pounding in my head. My cheeks got very red (I thought it was the iron making me healthy). Turns out, I am allergic to cane sugar. When I quit the bsm, everything normalized withing a few weeks.

Posted by Juanita (Oakdale ) on 03/09/2021

What tea was used with the BSM, Apple cider vinegar, cinnamon and honey

EC: The "tea" is the recipe... ie hot water with ACV and Blackstrap Molasses added to it.

Posted by Elly (Lagos) on 06/18/2014

how can I get it BSM in Lagos?

Side Effects
Posted by Lori (Delta, Co) on 05/15/2013

I have been taking a tablespoon of Blackstrap Molasses for over a year every morning and just got my blood drawn because of my fatigue and blah feeling. Come to find out my ferritin level was high. I am post menopausal so I have stopped taking the molasses due to high iron levels. Beware of taking iron supplements. I really miss taking my molasses because of the potassium and the magnesium. It helps keep me regular. I am afraid to continue with it.

Side Effects
Posted by Caitlin (Austin, Tx) on 05/16/2013

Our bodies don't seem to have a mechanism for getting rid of excess iron. Leaches, fleas, ticks and parasites in and on our bodies was probably the way our ancesters got rid of excess iron. Health scientists have postulated that excess iron may be a contributer to heart problems. A health practitioner once told me that iron stays balanced when a young women has periods because iron is lost on a monthly basis; when she gets older and post-menapausal, too much iron is retained. He recommended giving blood monthly as a way to alleviate high iron retention. As a younger woman, I was once told I retained too much iron in my blood, I never delved further into this, so if anyone has, please enlighten us all. The Protein Power book also addresses this problem.

Posted by John (CA) on 06/02/2023

I agree Kelly. Thanks for setting the record straight. There is definitely a glycemic impact from ingesting BSM but not a serious one especially if a person is taking it infrequently.

Posted by Heidy (Cambodia) on 12/29/2016

Hi, how did you cure your sinus with Vit C?

Posted by Bea (Canada) on 11/26/2016

This smoothie is amazing!! Thank you!

Posted by Alicia Ann (Ca) on 01/20/2017

How much Blackstrap molassis should I put in the smoothie??

Posted by Wendy (Columbus) on 01/20/2017

I use blackstrap molasses in my smoothies, too.

My recipe is: 2 cups unsweetened almond milk, I add 1 scoop of good-quality pea protein powder, 1 small banana, 1 cup of 1/2 caf refrigerated coffee saved from yesterday, 1-2 tablespoons of molasses (or the amount of your choice). Blend it all up in the blender and enjoy. It's yummy!

Gray Hair
Posted by Hubert (Phoenix, Az., United States) on 01/01/2012

I am going to try Black Strap Molasses (BSM) in an effort to eliminate some of my grey hair, but I am a novice as far as BSM is concerned, so would one of the BSM Veterans wade in and respond to my comments and questions.

There were a few people who stated in their post that they were taking BSM in hopes of minimizing/eliminating their grey hair; they went on to explain they had to discontinue their regimen due to the high sugar content of BSM, which had a negative impact on them. I'm wondering if they were taking the unsulphered BSM. Is there is a difference between the unsulphered and plain BSM?

Also I was wondering would it be ok to use BSM in hot green tea with lemon? Normally I use honey as a sweetner, because I believe it is a healthy alternative to sugar. But I would like to start my BSM regimen with green tea and lemon; providing the beneficial effects of the BSM won't be diminished.

Gray Hair
Posted by Stormie (Australia) on 01/03/2015

What I know of BSM is you should have it in the morning as it takes all day to process. I like to have it between breakfast and lunch and mix it in half a glass of warm rose-hip tea as it is high in vitamin c. Dosage moderation balance slow and steady wins the race. Is this a good way any other hints. Thanks

Side Effects
Posted by G-ma (Cincinnati, Oh 45039, Usa) on 10/25/2011

Plantation unsulphurated BlkStr. I love the flavor, (reminds me of Goodn'Plenty my favorite candy), so I take 1 T. in a.m., for 3 days now, today I was having a slight pounding in the center of my back, I thought it might be my heart too! I am 57, good health, active w/3 new grandbabies??

Gray Hair
Posted by Lon (Stanhope, Nj) on 08/08/2010

I'm quite a novice, so may be completely wrong on this subject, but just in case, I thought I'd mention the following. I know a person whose dark brown hair gradually became lighter, but with a greenish tint. This amazed everyone. It was later found to be caused by too much copper in the diet and in a supplement he was taking. I was told he had a susceptibility to this. I may be wrong, but doesn't BSM contain a significant amount of copper? The person's diet had to be changed, supplement eliminated and I think there was a vitamin used to help reverse the effects.

Gray Hair
Posted by Christina (Houston, Texas) on 08/10/2010

Thanks to both Addy and Lon for your comments. I already use the purple shampoo, this was a standard before deciding to try BSM. I will stop the BSM and look into vitamins as well as other solutions to reverse its effects.

Gray Hair
Posted by Ana Maria (Mi., US) on 03/07/2015

Henna and indigo herbs will make hair dark and cover gray. You may add amla for less red undertone. They work and they are all safe. I get mine from

Gray Hair
Posted by Sonny (Athens Ga) on 08/08/2016

Did you check your Hat/Cap team color? If you use it everyday? Just like maybe the blue legs symptoms people have caused by wearing jeans perhaps?

Gray Hair
Posted by Jennie (Vancouver, Bc ) on 03/06/2017

He Shou Wu has been using for treating gray hair for long history. But it was confirmed its harmful quality for liver function. So be careful.

Gray Hair
Posted by Isabelle (Garden Grove, Ca Usa) on 08/08/2010

Hello! I know it is maddening when the hair gets off color. It happen to me 20 or so years ago but it was from to much msm that I was taking for skin problems. Dear, make sure that your Blackstrap Molasses is organic and also check you amount of sulfur in you diet and supplements: some liver can process only small amount of sulfur per day. I don't know if this is pertaining to you, but it doesn't hurt to check. For restoring color, look on iodine and paba. But remember, what ever you do is connected to you whole body state of health and there is a lot of reading to do on this site and the internet. I hope you get satisfying result! PEACE!

Gray Hair
Posted by Amy (Scottsdale, Arizona, Usa) on 09/04/2010

This is Amy, the original poster. I am checking back in at 9 months and was about to say with certainty that this does not work. I have been taking pictures every 3 months and see no improvement and still need to color every three weeks.... However, I have not been taking ORGANIC BSM. I've been taking Plantation brand unsulfured BSM from the health food store but it does not say organic. Hard for me to imagine how this can make a difference. And if the health food store does not carry it, how am I supposed to find it? At the moment I shall not continue with this 'treatment'. I do not see any results and at 1 T a day for 9 months that is a lot of calories for no result.

Gray Hair
Posted by Jerome (Wi, US) on 01/22/2015

Plants are nutrient rich, when they are organically grown or wild crafted. Always use organically grown, non GMO molasses.

Side Effects
Posted by Avis (Indianapolis, In) on 10/10/2009

Don't take black strap molasses on an empty stomach it will make your stomach hurt, rather use it after you have eaten or when you are eating.

Posted by Lane (New York, Ny, Usa) on 10/30/2010

Christina, I can't speak directly to blackstrap molasses. But I can say that I was helped tremendously by acupuncture and herbs through a Chinese herbologist, who made the combinations himself. I had an embolization previously, in order to avoid surgery. But the embolization only helped temporarily, and not that much. I am fine now, and the fibroids are greatly reduced, though they once were huge. I looked 4 months pregnant. I was also taken to the emergency room four times in the years before the embolization due to low blood count and pain.

Posted by Jean (Goodrich, Mi) on 10/02/2017

If you are estrogen dominant you will have trouble with fibroids.

Ulcerative Colitis
Posted by Kstannard (Fll, Florida) on 09/03/2009

Some of you on here may have benefited from this, but my condition was in August re-diagnosed as crohn's disease due to the ileitis, and I found that the bile from my gangrenous gall bladder had something to do with the irritation. Bromelain is a great substance to get rid of inflammation, but it also may have masked my symptoms. When I was told in January that they could do laproscopic surgery to the gall bladder to remove it and have no more attacks, I should have listened. The last hospital visit on August 18 when I was admitted revealed that I needed immediate removal of my gall bladder, and thus I had a 50% chance of having the surgery laproscopically. During the operation, they had to go hot, and remove it in 4 sections. After this I had staples and J-pouches attached. I just got them removed yesterday. I have been using cinnamon,black strap molasses to get rid of the bile run off which can be quite embarrassing, and it works. I also resumed with the bromelain, because it does eat the proteins from the bad tissue left behind. I am in hopes of a complete recovery, and it looks like I will eventually be able to eat what I want in the future with no further attacks. I was told by the surgeon himself that I was lucky to be alive. The whole reason in the first place I went in to the hospital was from a low grade fever that lasted more than 4 days after a flare up from eating watermelon. Had I waited more than 2 more days I would have been septic, and saving me would have been a gamble.

If you have pains between your shoulder blades, pains up your right arm, yellowed eyes or skin, and you do not have to necessarily have the upper right quadrant pains from the gall bladder as is the hallmark symptom. Get yourself some immediate medical attention.

Also if the hospital I had been admitted to in June had done a CT scan after I vomited a quart and a half of bile, they would have seen the gall bladder was abscessed. I am an advocate of getting at least an (what medical professionals say) annual work up done every 2 years or as soon as you are able to. Chances are, there are affordability issues. You cannot have or enjoy wealth without health.

Side Effects
Posted by David (New York, NY) on 03/20/2009

I'm in the same boat as Cindy from Monroe, WI. I don't know why but ever since I started taking BSM (1 Tablespoon in the morning) it seems to be having the exact opposite influence on me than what it's stated to help with. This is my 7th day taking it.

I've been taking ACV (1 tblsp. 3x a day with a cup of water) for 3 weeks now and DE (Diatomaceous Earth)for 2 weeks and things seem to be going pretty well until I added the BSM. I've suffered from constipation, bloating, anxiety, heart palpitations and so on :( It's such an awful feeling to be constipated and bloated...yuck! So while I was on just the ACV and DE its helped a lot. I don't really get bloated and when I been going to the bathroom 1-3 x a day. And when I went to the bathroom I would feel lighter and emptied out for the most part.

Now ever since I've incorporated the BSM into my routine it hasn't had the same effect on me as it has on most people here and I would like to keep taking it because of all the health benefits it seems to have. By taking this I thought I would be going to the bathroom more and releasing like crazy. Unfortnately that hasn't happenned. I still do go to the bathroom at least 2x a day but it just doesn't feel the same. It feels like I have to struggle more kind of and when I do release it's not as much as before when I wasn't taking it. I don't feel as light after going to the bathroom...kind of still a little full and slightly bloated.

It also seems to have made my heart palpitations more noticeable and I feel this throughout the day from just taking the BSM in the morning. So I think the BSM has given me more or less some anxiety, constipation & heart palpitations...WHATS UP WITH THAT!! :(

I've taking the BSM a couple of ways and don't really care for any of them...I've taking it straight followed with some water, mixed it in a cup of cold water, put it in my cereal and have also poured it over my cooked oatmeal.

I really don't want to stop taking the BSM(especially if it helps with stopping your hair go gray...not that I really have that problem now but later on down the road..I'm in my early thirties) so if anyone can help with any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it.

Maybe I should put the 1 Tablsp. of BSm in some boiling/hot water maybe that would help some I don't know but maybe it will. Or maybe I should take like 2 teaspoons in the morning and 1 teaspoon in the afternoon(3 teaspoons = 1 tablespoon as far as I know).

Thanks to whomever read this mess that I wrote and for any help :)

Side Effects
Posted by Elaine (Hartford, Wi) on 05/28/2009

Side effects- If someone is not getting the results they are looking for, we need to remember what is good for one is not for another all the time? Some need to take smaller doses, not as often, or in another form. We are all different and God created so many different foods and herbs to help us. Don't give up!

Side Effects
Posted by Donna Hyde (Lincoln, NE) on 02/12/2009

hello, tell your friend to take 2 tab.spoons of _____s Apple citer vinegar with her black strap.vinegar burns fat cells. vinegar and black strap together is packed with energy.

Side Effects
Posted by Tvp (California) on 01/20/2014

Just know that whenever you take Epsom salts orally it liquifies everything in your gut and relaxes all of the muscles. Since it liquifies everything in your gut, this is most likely why you had diarrhea.

Posted by Margeret Green (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 11/15/2008

l have been taking molasses for years over 10 years for my ulcer and anemia. Four year ago l start have problem with my kidneys. l have a cyst on kidney which is killing me with pain. The doctor told me there is no cure for that. l recently start taking ACV FOR IT . l recently bought molasses for a friend who was very sick and suffering from anemia she told me that the molasses is not for kidneys. ls it the cause of my kidney problems is it true? Does the molasses have side effect on the kidneys/ please advice ASAP THANKS.

Posted by Zzz (SC) on 11/01/2020

It's difficult to overdose with simple uncombined food like blackstrap molasses.The flavor will change to be repugnant after a person consumes too much. Did you notice? The flavor returns to be yummy after the body needs more. This has been my experience. Entering detox mode doesn't have to mean one has eaten too much, but it's a good idea to slow down.

Posted by Yesenia (IL) on 09/02/2021

I've only used blackstrap molasses for my periods.

Gray Hair
Posted by Anna (Toronto, Canada) on 06/14/2008

Should molasses be used in a glass of hot water or cold water?

Gray Hair
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 02/22/2016

Dear Ravi,

I don't think it matters too much when you take it. I have taken those things before during and after meals myself, depending on the day.

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Bette (Indiana) on 02/13/2018

Is it OK to give black strap molasses to a 3 yr old? She suffers from constipation

Posted by Rhonda Nelson (Tallahassee, FL, USA) on 07/31/2007


I was just browsing through some of the information posted and wanted to add my "5 cents".

I should mention, if you do use blackstrap molasses to "blacken your hair" be careful that you do not develop a vitamin B3 deficiency, WHICH IS known as pellagra, which apparently is important for the diet for those with Lupus.

For the man who treated Lupus on a gluten free diet...take head, that this goes right back to a probable involvement of strep as this is the main bacteria that feeds on B-vitamins, as it is essential for them to live. This is especially true if you eat corn products because corn alone can induce pellagra if the corn has not been fortified (i.e.canned corn or corn on the cob, corn chips, or unfortunately for all its good corn producers that do not fortify their processed foods. If you have Lupus and you're going luten free and eating unfortified corn, you're inching closer to pellagra.This one instance where eating a wholesome food (corn) will give you disease (pellagra) if eaten in large quantities and it is not fortified.

Posted by Katerina (Athens, Greece) on 02/24/2009

You mean that Molasses induce a B3 deficiency? Is this true EC?

EC: Blackstrap Molasses is said to be a good source of B Vitamins, so we're not sure. Conflicting reports on the net re: molasses and lupus. We could not find anything about it causing a B3 deficiency.

Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 02/28/2009 495 posts

Haven't found anything on this yet, but if sorghum and corn are closely related it is possible, I guess. At least heavy corn consumption is listed is one of the causes of B3 deficiency. It seems that alcoholism is one of the major causes. Wonder if that is because a lot of booze is made from corn or because the alcoholic usually drinks too many of his calories instead of eating nutritious foods

Posted by Wikid Willow (Naples, USA) on 03/28/2007

I had SEVERE anemia after the birth of my son 29 years ago... Was already on prenatal vitamins with lots of iron. The Dr. suggested Black Strap molasses, and after the intial tast encounter, learned to LOVE it. My anemia went away and I felt better than I had in years. Great news, yes? Well, where do I find Black Strap molasses now... there is dark, etc., but I never see Black Strap! I really need to locate a source of it because my father is having some serious troubles... I think that since modern medicine cannot find or do anything for him, and based on what is happening (he is slipping away) that Black Strap cannot hurt... PLEASE HELP! Thanks, Willow

Posted by SHARON (LAKE CHARLES, LOUISIANA) on 03/21/2007

One night I was up very late looking online for help and praying to god for a cure.that's when i found your web site. I wanted to thank earth clinic for your service to help at no cost . I also want to thank sharon from sonora, ca. I had the same symptoms as she , tried the molasses and it helped the 1st month. Now 5 months later i no longer crave ice and all the fibroids have shrunk but one. My flow of blood has stopped and my need to urinate all the time has gone away. Thanks again, sharon, from la

Posted by John (Dover, Nh) on 10/24/2017

Try black seed oil. It seems to help with imflamation and tumours. Maybe it will work on fibroid tumours.

Posted by Marsha (Ga) on 12/26/2016

I have have the same issues with anemia. I also had an ablation and thought this would help with losing so much blood every month. I thought this was the answer to my nightmare, however I was wrong. My period is never ending. I myself said I was going to take matters into my own hands.I heard about the molasses and my fiance went and bought some so I hope this works to get my iron up and hopfully stop me from bleeding so much. I'm glad I'm not alone but hate we have these issues. Thanks for sharing :)

Posted by Nuria (Madrid, Spain) on 01/02/2007

About a month ago I was diagnosed with a 6 cm Fibroid tumor in my uterus. At that point I was having very heavy periods that will last over a week with a lot of pain and passing very big blood clots. I also suffered from back pain due to the fibroid and had problems peeing as the fibroid was pressing my bladder. After I was diagnosed, I started to look for natural cures on the internet and I found your website and after reading about all the remedies I started to take molasses three times a day ( 1 tablespoon). The first thing I noticed was that my period lasted only four to five days and I have to say I was a little afraid because my blood flow was abnormally light and I did not have not even a blood clot. Also, when I started to have horrible pain I took 4 tablespoons on one go as another reader suggested and after about 40 minutes the pain totally disappeared!!! Today I went to the doctor and they did a ultrasound scan and said the fibroid is gone!!! I am totally amazed and I am not too sure what to think, I don`t know if it is gone for ever or what but I will keep molasses in my diet just in case.

By the way, I did not use blackstrap molasses but the normal molasses which is sweeter. Also I started to eat algae (japanese Kombu-which is rich in iodine) as part of my diet, about once or twice a week, , so maybe this also played a part in the cure. Thank you very much for your website and I hope you can understand my english. Nuria

Gray Hair
Posted by Robin (Hobart, Tasmania, Australia) on 05/26/2008

I think the idea of black strap molasses to avoid graying hair is a great idea. As I think of it, my father used to eat some molasses every day on his biscuits and he was into his sixties before the gray began to show a bit. When he developed diabetes, he was ordered to stop the molasses, and his hair really became quite white within a year. I have heard that a B vitamin deficiency can cause gray hair. You are right, it cost a packet to color your hair and I don't think the toxic chemicals in most commercial hair dyes are good for your health- quite the contrary. I will buy some molasses soon and see what happens. I only have a small amount of gray, but if molasses will help, then why not. Maybe it will help with other complaints as well.
Thanks Earth Clinic angels!

Posted by Amanda (Hot Springs, Ar, Usa) on 04/21/2010

i just wanted to add that it is a disorder that affects people of mediterranean decent. my mother was Greek, and she, my sister and brother have it (the minor form), but like you said, IRON is very bad for these people.

Blood Sugar
Posted by Kathy (Arkansas) on 06/13/2018

If you don't mind me asking, how does black strap molasses cure your blood sugar problems? What is your secret

Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 05/07/2015

Dear Ricoh,

I think it would be fine to put Blackstrap Molasses in your Chanca Piedra tea. I have used Blackstrap to sweeten herbal tea used for medicinal purposes. Although, I would defer to Bill's wisdom in this as he is very experienced with that herb, I believe.

Is a blood pressure of 90/60 lower than your normal? That is about what mine is and I always considered it to be okay. Do you feel poorly right now?

Blackstrap Molasses is a food and seems to suit most people. Even some with diabetes can use it. Some people have a high iron condition, and I would think it would not be a good idea for them to take it.

~Mama to Many~

Posted by shawn j (ny) on 03/03/2022

more than likely it is referring to being consumed by illness...

Posted by Jerry (Miramar ) on 07/27/2022 23 posts

So, some time has gone by since Michael from New Zealand wrote this. Does anyone have the answer as to the Blackstrap Molasses cure to cancer. Have anyone proved it to be tried and true, or did it cause more problems?

Thank you.

Posted by Jonna (Pittsburgh, PA) on 09/05/2008

As kids we had a chiropractor "prescribe" black strap to us. We were maybe 10 and 7 and we each took a Tablespoon 2x per day so I'm sure the 2 Tablespoon dosage per day for your puppy would work also. Good Luck!

Posted by David (England) on 03/29/2023

I am a bit concerned about Black Strap Molasses because Arthritis and (AS), I have found, is caused by excess calcium. I could be wrong and would be happy to be corrected.