The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Side Effects
Posted by Sunny (Up North) on 01/17/2025

Why would molasses cause chest pain? It feels like a pinch or muscle cramp in the right collarbone/breastbone area. The area of pain moves gradually to the lower right and fades away. It does not go into the abdomen. It temporarily feels better with massage of the point of pain. The severity and duration seems related to the amount of molasses taken - 1 or 2 tablespoons taken one or more times per day, for one or more days. Even one tablespoon taken once after having none for several weeks caused mild pain. Briar Rabbit and Wholesome are the brands used, both causing pain. Have not contacted the companies yet.
Side Effects
Posted by Cat (Athens) on 01/29/2020

I had started taking 2 tablespoons of mollases today. I wanted to raise my iron blood levels. I took it with warm water and apple cider vingegar in the morning with an empty stomach. Now it's night and I'm having a terrible headache and feeling sleepy and dizzy. After that and reading all the side effects in other comments too, I'm not sure if I will continue consuming it. Probably not.
Side Effects
Posted by Becky (Derbyshire, Uk) on 05/19/2018

I have just started taking BSM - only 2 days. I have had a pretty bad headache both days so wondering if this is linked. I have taken 1 tbsp in warm water each morning.
Side Effects
Posted by CBM (South Africa ) on 01/13/2018

After drinking a crude black molasses I'm feeling drowsy and I'm sleeping a lot. Any idea why?
Side Effects
Posted by Problemchild (Roseville) on 10/05/2017

I bought Plantation BSM. I was very excited to take it for the energy. I took 1 tablespoon and the next day had explosive diarrhea for hours. I do not have stomach issues or IBS. So I waited 3-4 days and only took a teaspoon. The next day explosive diarrhea. Then I got smart and ordered 2 more bottles of "Organic" BSM. Once again a week or two go by before I try the organic. I start with a teaspoon...the next day explosive diarrhea. What in the world am I doing wrong? I ate food when I took it and I tried on an empty stomach. Why is this happening? Please tell me what the problem could be.
Side Effects
Posted by Allain A. (Kissimmee, Fl) on 03/29/2017

I've been taking 2 tablespoons of molasses daily for the last 3 days and I've been noticing, hives/rashes on my forehead, legs and thighs, do people sometimes get this bad side effect? Thank you
Side Effects
Posted by Sukhdeep (Brampton Ontario Canada) on 04/18/2016

I start taking blackstrap molasses yesterday evening - one tablespoon in one cup boiled water I took it last night and today first thing in the morning and some how I been feeling light headed all day today.
Side Effects
Posted by Ellen (Penrith, Uk) on 09/17/2015

I have started to take a tablespoon of organic molasses neat each morning, I'm guessing this is ok- I don't mind the taste.
My monthly's haven't improved yet but I've only taken it for a month.
My face broke out in spots for a fortnight (when I have never had many before) but now my skin looks better.
I do get a funny feeling in my teeth and sometimes lightheaded. Is there a big difference in regular Blackstrap and organic Blackstrap? :)
Side Effects
Posted by C Taylor (Ga) on 05/11/2015

I just started taking 1 tbsp of blackstrap molasses two days ago and I noticed I woke up with a mild headache. I didn't take it the the other day to see if that was causing the headaches and I did not wake up with a headache this morning. Am I taking too much?
Side Effects
Posted by Elisa (Spain) on 04/20/2015

I've been taking BSM for acne since one week ago. It seems to help since first dose (1tbsp/day) to reduce redness and blemishes from everywhere (back, face ...), I have some new pimples but now my face is a lot better. What I'm noticing is that my scalp is very sensitive and I am not sure if my hair is falling more than before but sure my scalp is more sensitive and I am a little concerned. I've read two/three people saying BSM caused them hairloss.
No one noticed anything on scalp? I do not want to stop ...
Side Effects
Posted by Dallas (Amesbury, Ma) on 11/28/2014

To those who experience heart palpitations when using bsm, you could have the same problem as me. I had heart palpitations, and my blood pressure, which is normally low normal, shot up so that I could feel a pounding in my head. My cheeks got very red (I thought it was the iron making me healthy). Turns out, I am allergic to cane sugar. When I quit the bsm, everything normalized withing a few weeks.
Side Effects
Posted by Mary (Saskatchewan, Canada) on 08/10/2013

Regarding BSM: when I take it it causes sugar cravings and I sometimes am compelled to binge on things I don't normally consider food. For example, white bread and jam (junk my hubby insists in bringing into our house sigh) Even stevia seems to make me want sugar so molasses really does. I am anemic and could really use these absorbable minerals but don't want to gain weight. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks.
Side Effects
Posted by Lori (Delta, Co) on 05/15/2013

I have been taking a tablespoon of Blackstrap Molasses for over a year every morning and just got my blood drawn because of my fatigue and blah feeling. Come to find out my ferritin level was high. I am post menopausal so I have stopped taking the molasses due to high iron levels. Beware of taking iron supplements. I really miss taking my molasses because of the potassium and the magnesium. It helps keep me regular. I am afraid to continue with it.
Side Effects
Posted by Jefeflounder (Carmel, Ca) on 05/04/2013

HIVES! Blackstrap Molasses is giving me hives... I've been taking 1tbsp a day for about six weeks and I just started getting hives on my arm. Same thing happend once when I started taking Niacin. Does anyone know what the two substances have in common that would cause an allergic reaction?
Side Effects
Posted by Planky (Ronkonkoma, New York, United States) on 07/23/2012 7 posts

I didn't get acne from molasses but have rash like hives on my arm since I started molasses. I don't know whether to continue or stop taking it. I am taking it for fibroids.