The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by ANNA (PA) on 11/19/2023
I COULDN'T BELIEVE how much better my husband's blood results were after just 7 days of 1 tbsp of blackstrap molasses mixed in half cup of warm almond milk. ONCE A DAY! No more iron deficiency! Red blood cells were 3.59 - now 4.16!
AND HE likes it!
Posted by Shelley (Trinity County, California) on 01/19/2022 10 posts
I am not sure if most people are aware that all forms of Sucrose, Fructose etc, are what feed all tumors and cysts. When the majority of people opt out of fast food, junk food etc when they are diagnosed with cancer, they tend to eat and drink fruits. Not a good choice. Sugar refined white is deadly. Are any of you aware that actual Sugar causes high blood pressure? It's a medical fact
Fruit juice are processed with high heat. All fruit juices are required in the US to be pasteurized. By drinking fruit juice premade, I believe do many Herbalists, Osteopaths, Homeopathic Medical Professionals that a nutrient has not yet been discovered by Science. This nutrient aids our body's ability to absorb the fruit sugars and keeps us from developing Type 2 Diabetes from over use of juices, velivibg they are the healthiest choices. Vitamin C is very important in our absorption of Iron.
I was diagnosed with a Hemoglobin of 2.06 in January of 2018. Every imaginable test was run to discover why I was suffering from such low iron. They immediately gave be blood transfusions. Which weren't working very well. They discovered I have a rare Antibody in Ky blood which is very unusual in a patient who has never had any blood products or transfusions prior. I started accepting the iron after having it specifically made to my bodies requirements. The Drs and Nurses were surprised I was still alive when I came into I the ER. In fact, the added my make to the lowest and highest of a disorders board at Sutter Hospital in Santa Rosa Ca.
I use Black Strap Molasses in my Coffee. Have loved it since I was anemic with my oldest daughter in 1983. It was recommended by my Swedish Educated OB/GYN. I used it in all 5 of my pregnancies.
I also prefer and discovered Oranges instead of orange juice helps overcome cold much quicker. Also, we have been using only Himalayan Pink Salt since 2015 and have not suffered a single cold or flu since then.
Posted by Maria (Tampa, Florida) on 03/01/2018
I had low iron for quite some time and I was beginning to get concerned because every time I tested, my levels would be lower than the prior test. I read about blackstrap molasses and gave it a try. In only two months of taking 1/2 a teaspoon of molasses mixed in warm water daily, here are my test results. Ferritin shot up from 19 to 48 and Iron shot up from 50 to 129! I'm so excited and wanted to share my results.
Posted by Cory (Hamilton, Mt) on 06/05/2015
I think that molasses has helped my anemia quite a bit. I mix 1 tbs. peanut butter, a little chocolate syrup and 1 tbs. molasses in a small dessert type dish and microwave for about 15-18 seconds, stir well and ENJOY!!! Tastes great and gives you a bit of a lift.
Posted by Arn (Kenmore, Wa.) on 01/29/2013 20 posts
We need to understand the difference between elemental iron and organic iron. The reduced iron in your breakfast cereal and enriched flour is nothing more than iron filings. An anemic friend got a prescription from her doc that was nothing more than powdered rust in glycerine. Elemental iron actually causes pernicious anemia, according to the PDR. It's the inorganic iron that builds up in your system and acts as a free radical.
In contrast, the iron compounds in molasses are in an organic form compounded by the plant to be useful to living things, and safe. I wouldn't worry about overdosing on molasses.
By the way, molasses is a superfood indeed. They start with a field of plants, remove the water, fiber, sugar, and what's left is concentrated organic minerals! If such a thing were formulated in a lab it would be ridiculously expensive. But here it is, dirt cheap and delicious.
Posted by Claudia (Orange, Ca/usa) on 10/23/2012
Don't try this at home, but... Back in the early '80's I was expecting my 5th and 6th children (twins). In my fourth month my blood work came back with the iron a little low. My ob-gyn gave me a RX for some iron pills. I went home and started a regimen of 4-6 tbl. of unsulphered black strap molasses and didn't fill the RX. The next week the doc said, "Boy, those iron pills really work! " My iron levels were good throughout my pregnancy (had healthy babies) and I kept up the daily dose of molasses.
Posted by Dee (Atlanta, Georgia) on 08/16/2011
I visited the emergency room when my blood level was low and feeling faint and the emergency room doctor suggested Brer Rabbit Black Strap Molasses. It really does work better than any other blackstrap molasses that I have tried.
Posted by Anna (Pittsburgh, Pa) on 12/08/2010
I just started taking BSM about two weeks ago and can already feel a difference in energy! Even my period seems a lot lighter than usual. The funny thing is, that I didn't even know I was iron deficient until reading about the same symptoms I've been having for years! I really thought its normal to feel so tired all the time.. Its so important to listen to our bodies and make use of what nature provides for us to be our healthiest-inside and out!
Posted by Jeanette (Ripley, Ms, USA) on 11/18/2009
For the past several months, my mother has had to have 1 to 2 units of blood every week. She started eating blackstrap molasses and has not had to have any blood in the last 18 days. She has her blood count checked every Monday and Thursday. Since she has started eating the molasses, her blood count has gone up each time she has been tested.
My question is "Does the molasses thicken her blood?" Because if it does, her chance of having a stroke is going up. By the way, there is nothing wrong with her blood. She is just losing blood through her bowels.
Posted by Arn (Kenmore, Wa.) on 09/23/2009 20 posts
Molasses and iron.
Organic iron - good. Metallic iron - bad. Iron in its elemental state is what is used in most drugstore vitamins, and in most iron fortified cereals, flour etc. Read the label and it will say iron or reduced iron. Reduced means the iron filings are ground up very small. It is still like chewing on a nail, and elemental iron CAUSES pernicious anemia and a lot of other probs. It is toxic. Avoid iron fortified 'anything' like the plague.
But molasses is the right stuff. All the minerals therein have been filtered and processed through the plant and are in organic form. Just think. They get rid of the fiber, most of the water and sugar, and what is left is concentrated organic minerals. You would pay a premium price for it if it were in capsules and a fancy bottle at the health food store. But guess what! It is delicious and cheap and available most everywhere. This is the best health bargain there is.
Posted by Jess (Columbus, OH) on 05/06/2009
My 22 month old was diagnosed as being anemic because of low iron count last month his iron count was 10pts the average is 12pts or higher. We had already been giving him high iron food and a vitamin with iron in it and nothing would bring the count up. The pediatrician gave us an iron drop supplement to give him, i didnt feel comfortable giving it to him because of all the side effects. Someone told me to try black strap molasses because it was high in iron. So i gave it a try and in 3 weeks his iron count went from 10pts to 14pts!!! We just gave it to him in his soymilk bottle.
Posted by Angela (Greenwich, CT) on 04/09/2009
I have suffered from anemia for almost 20 years and I have taken iron supplements and changed my diet so that I can overcome this anemia. I have also had many tests done to try to find out the source. I recently found out about the Gluten and have removed gluten from my diet. I also read about mollases and its many great benefits and take 1 tablespoon daily. My energy has more than doubled with these two changes in my diet and my periods are not as long and as painful! I have a feeling that the gluten has been robbing my body of its nutrition and adding the mollases has helping my body recover! I am so grateful to have found out about this product and this website!
Posted by Erin (Haiku, HI) on 03/16/2009
Blackstrap Molasses CURED my anemia. Pain is better with menstrual cycles/fibroids. Heart palpitations stopped altogether. Decreased excessive blood loss during cycle within 24 hours. I use 3 Tbs daily in a smoothie, without fail. 1 week before cycle I start taking 4 Tbs daily in smoothie and continue until cycle stops. I have more energy and focus.
My smoothie:
banana, frozen blueberries (anti-oxidant), 3-4 Tbs organic Blackstrap Molasses, spirulina, green edge powder, 1 Tbs Udo's efa oil, ground Tbs goji berries/ Tbs raw cacao, 3 Tbs Maca powder, sometimes an apricot or peach.
Tasty, BSM makes it deliciously sweet, can't taste the spirulina although the drink IS green!. It is very fulfilling and energizing.
If you have candida or parasites it may make you bloat. If this happens you can take 3 clove caps, 3 wormwood caps and 10 drops of black walnut- it will kill them and you can continue enjoying your morning drink.
BTW: I learned about BSM from this very website. I thank you with all of my heart.
Posted by Satina (Waldport, Oregon) on 10/31/2008
Regarding any warnings on Earth Clinic about molasses for anemia, I think it's important to remember that iron occuring in natural foods like molasses is balanced by all kinds of other minerals and trace minerals and so has a different effect on the body than a synthesized, inferior source of isolated iron in a pill. All of the minerals work synergistically in the body, buffering and enhancing one another.
In natural foods, you find them all together for a reason. We need them all, in order for any one of them to do their best for us. In addition, trace minerals in molasses such as, specifically, chromium, are essential to our body's metabolism of sugar, so consuming molasses is going to have nowhere near the negative effects on your body as consuming sugar *without* the trace minerals that are absolutely essential for its use by the body (as is the case in white, refined sugar).
Also, when one has a complaint about 'processed foods', it is because what is good for us, the nutrients, have been stripped away from the so-called 'refined' food left behind. In this case, molasses IS what has been stripped away (leaving the worthless refined white sugar behind), so molasses is of the highest nutrient-density. As a student in an M.S. program of study in Holistic Nutrition, I believe natural sources of minerals like molasses are *infinitely* superior to any synthesized supplements and should be encouraged, never discouraged.
Oh, and I like to put a tablespoon or two of blackstrap molasses in heated milk (or nut milk) as a mineral-rich, medicinal alternative to hot chocolate. :-)
Posted by Louise (Louisville, KY) on 07/25/2008
I have been anemic all of my life, but it got worse when I my fibroids began to grow. After surgery my iron levels were still very low. My Hct hoovered around 21, the average is 41-53. I decided to try the BSM instead of taking iron pills. My Dr. checked my levels 2 weeks after taking BSM (1 TBSP/day in a cup of coffee or tea). I was still low, but it had increased to 34 instead of 21 which was a norm for me. The Doctor told me to keep doing what I am doing. I do have more energy while take BSM but I do notice that if I skip the weekend doses I begin to feel drained by Monday.