Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Guide: Bill Munro Method

Posted by Christiane (Los Angeles, CA) on 10/31/2007

I have been experimenting with several remedies. I have been doing the HP inhalation for a few weeks now but only when fatigued. I use a throat spray bottle and spray a few times until I cough while inhaling, that seems to be the only way that I can determine that it's not just coating the back of my throat. I notice that it works almost immediately to get me out of that "desperately need more sleep" haze. It lifts that "heavy" feeling. I tried it again 2 days ago when I only got 4 hours of sleep with the intent that if I did the HP inhalation and it worked AGAIN then I would be convinced. I'm completely convinced for fatigue purposes at this time. I intend to increase my usage soon.

Also, I read where someone mentioned using iodine on cysts. I am using it on a cyst (may be caused by an ingrown hair or not!)on my shin, about the size of the circumferance of a sharpie marker. I started this a few weeks ago and was applying the iodine once a day for about 3 days straight. Then I forgot about it. I just happened to look this morning and it has shrunk by about half and the skin on top just peeled off. I will be starting up again today to see if I can get rid of it completely over the next week or so.

I have Candida but no insurance and I was trying a product that has been rated as the number 1 recommended product. Unfortunately, it felt like my kidneys were not happy about it so I had to get off of it. I am going to try some other methods to see if it helps. I'll post when I know more.

Posted by Kristy (Lansing, MI) on 09/09/2006

I've been doing Vinegar/soda and inhaling peroxide. Inhaling hydrogen peroxide is helping the problem I've had with fatigue for a long time. I'm not sure if it's actually helping the cold I've had for almost three weeks or not (some of it could be from detoxifying?). I did double the amount I've been giving my husband last night and it's the first night in years that I haven't been disturbed from his restless leg syndrome.