Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Health Benefits

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation Guide: Bill Munro Method

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Digestive Issues
Posted by Jonna (Los Angeles) on 09/15/2007

Lately I have been having a hell of a time with digestive issues. Not sure what is going on -- it may be that I am eating way too much hormone injected chicken and turkey now that I moved in with my partner, who has to eat meat at least once a day or he gets sick. On the other hand, I ate a Trader Joe's garlic naan last week at home with a homemade curry and woke up to extreme abdominal pain and brain fog. Second time that happened with the naan, will have to check the ingredients next time I go. So perhaps I am allergic to wheat now. I don't know. At any rate, after a week of snail's pace recovery with Apple Cider Vinegar and Baking Soda, molasses, etc., I decided to a) eat vegetarian and b) do Bill Munro's h202 inhalation therapy. I started the peroxide therapy yesterday at about noon. By 8pm the brain fog that I have had for a week disappeared. This morning, exactly 24 hours later, my digestive tract finally feels back to normal. No more abdominal pain. I did 6 pumps of 3% h202 (drugstore brand) every 2- 3 hours. I think eating only rice and vegetables the last few days was helpful too. Yahoo!