Hydrogen Peroxide
Health Benefits

Hydrogen Peroxide as a Natural Remedy: Benefits and Precautions

Posted by Claudia (Tulsa, Ok) on 03/04/2012

I recently went to the doctor to see what was growing on my tounge it was white and did not seem to bother me except it was a abnormal growth of some sort I was confused and a little worried since I'm in my 50's and never had this be before. To find out it was a wart called papillion it is a virus and she said I need to to see a oral surgeon to get it removed. I went home did some research started treating it with ACV on a q-tip and I used a nasil spay of hydrogen Peroxide food grade deluded as Bill describes and sprayed it several times a day and at night before going to bed in a matter of two weeks it has shurnk and is disappearing before my eyes. I now can cancel my appointment with the oral surgeon and saved my self a couple of hundred dollars and the stress of having my wart cut off. So happy it is going away. Thanks for all the info I hope this helps some one else too.

Posted by Amber (Tampa, FL) on 11/21/2008

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide(full strength) cured my wart on my index finger that has been plaguing me for 3 years. I've tried every suggestion banana peels, apple cider vinegar and duct tape. I just didn't have the patience to stick with these for months. I just bought H2o2 at my local health food store and took a cue tip and held it on the wart for as long as I could stand. It took like 10 minutes(also I've tried a band aid to hold in place). After the 2nd or third application it started falling off. Thanks earth clinic. I've been reading you guys for years.

Posted by Ben (Portland, OR) on 01/25/2007

Great site here. It reminded me of the "accidental" cure I gave myself using H202. I had warts on the bottom of my right foot for months. The doctor would freeze them off and I was given cream. They would always come back. One day in the bathroom I was looking at them and said, "what the heck!". I poured H202 (the 3% drug store variety) over my foot. I didn't wash the peroxide off - I left it dry on. The next morning they were gone and never returned. That was 6 years ago