Hydrogen Peroxide
Health Benefits

Hydrogen Peroxide as a Natural Remedy: Benefits and Precautions

Genital Herpes
Posted by Ali (Jacksonville, Fl) on 09/13/2009

Adding diluted Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide to a pitcher of ice tea has been a God Send. I was devasted when I tested positive about 7 yrs. ago. I never had a severe case and outbreaks were pretty infrequent but it was more the embarrassment than the discomfort that lead me to find a solution. The lysine did not work at all for me. But to my utter amazement and relief the FGHP did! It has been about 3 years since I started adding it and I have not had an "occurrence" since...not one full blown outbreak!!! Although I have felt like it was going to happen due to fatigue or sore legs or a pain in my stomach but then I would make an effort to ingest more of the FDHP than normal which seemed to stop the potential onset in its tracks. Please try this and be careful...read the directions and dilute properly. All I can say is it REALLY worked. I think I might get tested during my next wellness visit to see if it's gone....fingers crossed!

Genital Herpes
Posted by Joe (Albuquerque, NM) on 09/05/2008

Soaking in a bath up to your waist with a cup of peroxide has helped in stopping genital herpes outbreaks for me, when you feel the onset of an outbreak.

Genital Herpes
Posted by Joanne (Taos, New Mexico) on 07/19/2008

I suffered greatly from genital herpes on a regular basis until I tried hydrogen peroxide. I was in the painful blister stage when I first tried it, and applied H2O2 with a cotton ball to the area, almost "scubbing" the blisters down because they were so painful and the area was so itchy. Miracle of miracles--it relieved the pain and itch almost immediately, and the next day the problem was reduced by 95%.

Now if I have an outbreak I usually ignore it until it gets uncomfortable, then apply the H202. It seems to be most effective when blisters have formed or are at least beginning, but I have also found I could prevent it from reaching that point by applying earlier.

Knowing that it is easy to fix once it gets worse, I usually can't be bothered to get out the hydrogen peroxide until it gets annoying. I don't pass on the chocolate or other foods that cause breakouts either anymore. I hope you will try it and that it will be a miracle for you as it has been for me.