Hydrogen Peroxide
Health Benefits

Hydrogen Peroxide as a Natural Remedy: Benefits and Precautions

Posted by Madelyn (Idaho) on 04/08/2023

Here's a link to the “One Minute Cure” book in pdf. https://www.pdfdrive.com/the-one-minute-cure-the-secret-to-healing-virtually-all-diseases-e159492922.html

Posted by George (Utah, US) on 09/30/2014

I'm a retired RN and have been reading many conversations about 35% Hydrogen Peroxide on why it works or doesn't. I wanted to share some thoughts on how it might work against cancer or any fast-dividing cells. When it encounters a cell, HP injects O2 into the cell until the cell can't take any more, ruptures, and the cell dies. If you have a fast dividing cell, like a cancer cell, it will uptake the HP O2 into the cell quicker than a normal cell and deplete HP. Then you would need another dose of HP. Depending on the type of cancer and the amount (billions or trillions) of cancer cells you're dealing with, it could take months of treatment. Again, HP works by injecting O2 into a cell until the cell bursts. I hope this helps.

Posted by Lou (Aransas Pass, Tx) on 03/12/2012

Editor's Choice I started taking H202 (food grade) November 11th 2011, I was told my throat cancer was fatal, nothing could be done. Today I was told not only the tumor but also the cancer is gone, no sign of it. You nay sayers can do as you wish, don't listen to us lucky people that feel better than we have in years. But if you do use it, follow the instructions, don't use the cheap stuff you get at local stores, use food grade only. Read up on it, my wife bought this and gave me the max dose, heck we were told I had less than a month, how could it hurt?Now with today's news we can start planning trips we thought would never happen.

Posted by Sandy (Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada) on 01/29/2012

Editor's Choice My 22 year old son was diagnosed with lung cancer just before Christmas 2011. Twenty percent of one lung was affected and spots on the other. He preferred not to go through chemo but is very open to alternative therapies. A friend of his sent him the link to drinking H2O2 and my son asked me to check it out to see if I thought it would be worth a try. After much study on the initial page regarding drinking it, your page came up promptly when I googled food grade hydrogen peroxide. I was encouraged by the testominials from others who had suffered from different cancers and found success by using the H2O2 therapy. So I told my son if he wanted to, we'd try it. Between his initial diagnosis and the time we started the therapy his CT Scans showed that the cancer was growing and that his bloodwork was showing extremely low oxygen levels in his body. Because I didn't know what to expect in the way of side effects for him, I started him out on a very small dosage of only one ounce of 3% f. g. diluted in 8 oz of juice 3 times daily at first, just to see how he would tolerate it. When he didn't suffer from any nausea or vomiting with that amount, we decided to pull out the big guns and start with the dosage schedule for the 35% f. g. therapy. We started out with one small drop 3 times daily in 8 oz of juice or milk at times when he seemed to experience heartburn from it. We are up to 7 drops 3 times daily as I write this update. My son's most recent CT Scan just this past week showed that between the last scan and this one, miraculously, there has been NO GROWTH of the cancer this time and his bloodwork showed that his blood oxygen levels are now THREE TIMES what his recent levels have been! He does have a conventional oncologist who is open to trying whatever her patient wants to try in the way of alternative therapies as long as she doesn't see any harm in them. She was surprised and delighted upon seeing the results of his latest scan and bloodwork. We have also found that his cough has been more productive lately... Along with phlegm he has been coughing up actual solid pieces of what look to be burnt steak. We all think it's better for that horrible stuff to be out than in! My son is encouraged and more hopeful than he's been since his diagnosis. He continues to up his dosage daily, excited to kick the crap outta those cancer cells and get them outta there! Along with ingesting the 35% strength in juice we have also used 3% f. g. in his ears, several times over a couple days span, in order to ward off an oncoming cold last week that would have increased his upper respiratory discomfort for sure. It worked to unplug his ears and lessen the nasal congestion he was experiencing within a few doses. He was having the hardest time breathing at nighttime so we decided to try the dosage for 35% f. g. H2O2 in a cool mist vaporizer, for inhalation at night. We used 2 ounces in approximately one gallon of distilled water... NOT tap water. It must be distilled. He had a much easier time breathing... Right from the first night we plugged it in! So far we are pleased... Still guarded and trying not to get too excited by these successes yet.... But pleased, for sure, with the outcome we've seen. And his doctor was too. For the cancer to have stopped growing in between scans this time and his oxygen levels to be up so much... Without having changed anything else in this equation... We have to assume it is because of the H2O2 therapy. Oh... I might mention that one of the mild side effects he has experienced so far, is that of a rash on his arms. We feel that particular symptom is due to his body eliminating toxins through his skin so we haven't slowed down on the dosage increments because it's been quite bearable for him thus far. We will certainly keep you abreast of any regular updates in regards to his condition. For the best information on ingesting H2O2 make sure you go to http://drinkh2o2.com/#drinking-hydrogen-peroxide This site should clear up any questions you have on dosages and dilutions. Good luck to you all. Please keep posting your stories so we can all be encouraged by seeking support from each other. Thanks EC for the wealth of information on your site.

Posted by Jerry (Kennewick, Wa) on 09/02/2010

Editor's Choice I was diagnosed with stage IV Lymphoma 11/2/09 I'm 47 yrs old. The dr, cut me open and took my lower organs out in hope to cut out a 6. 5x5.6 mass. I woke up from the surgery and he stood over my bed and told my sorry can't help you, your to full of cancer and I would have to remove your intestines, bowls ECT. So I then started taking Chemo five bags every three weeks. Never again! The cancer shrunk to a 3.5cm x 2. 4cm. THE Dr said the chemo didn't remove the cancer any more then this. So I learned about H202, also high doses of coral calcium and vitamin D.

In May this year they said I still had 10% in my bone. Started this regimen and had blood test weekly my white blood cells went from 1.7 to 2.7 the first week, by week four all of my blood work was normal. August 11th they did a PET scan no signs of cancer in my bone or the body. White blood cells 9-1-2010 6.3. The range is 4-11. Since I have taken the H202, I have not had a cold or any sickness.

20 drops in water 2 times a day.

Posted by Gary (Oakland, Tennessee) on 10/08/2009

hydrogen peroxide, cancer, and quackwatch

I have used hydrogen peroxide for many things; in particular a very ugly growth on my head that two doctors and one nurse said would kill me if not removed. I used hydrogen peroxide mixed with colloidal silver for 4 months and it has been gone now for 7 years. Previously, I had a growth removed by surgery twice in the identical location, but I think this time it will not return.

Though there are different types of cancer, I believe that generally speaking most cancers do not do well if in an adequate environment of oxygen. I believe also that many diseases, especially cancers, develop when for some reason the body

Posted by Monsterhippy (Dallas, Tx/USA) on 01/02/2009

My wife was in the hospital before thanksgiving and they supposedly found a 3cm mass on the head her pancreas. But since we do not have medical coverage and they also would have determined this a pre-existing since she has Hepc also. We have put her on the H2O2 therapy about 5 days now and it seems her color is coming back and she is able to do things without getting sick and throwing up. Also the pain in her gut is gone and and she is starting to eat quite well now. She also has less depression and a better since of well being.

If this truly is healing her like we believe the pharmacutical companies and doctors should be ashamed of what they are putting people through in the name of cash revenue.

These are Gods miracle healers.

God bless you all at earthclinic.

Posted by Hawk (West Palm Beach, Florida) on 08/20/2008

Tom J., The link you listed is from Quackwatch. That site would not be biased in anyway towards any remedy that is not allopathic in nature, now would it? Tom, please this is the wrong place to try and infiltrate with FDA and Big Pharma biased negativity, which BTW, quackwatch is a part of.

Posted by Joyce (Joelton, TN) on 03/06/2008 495 posts

Hello Tom, After reading your response I decided that you have a good handle on researching, but a good researcher researches both sides of the issue. Have you researched the yea side as well as the nay side, or have you dared try any of them yourself?

I have, and I'll share some of it with you. After reading about oral and IV hydrogen peroxide therapy several years ago and the results obtained, I tried the oral route. Yuck! & my stomach rebelled. Not wanting to go the IV route, I quit it. After reading about Bill's inhalation route and realizing that if he was still around to write about it, (my thanks to you Bill) it wasn't likely to kill me outright), I tried it. Again, thanks to you, Bill, no untoward effects, and it did loosen up and thin the glue (mucus) in my head and chest so I could get it out. Now that I have found it to be safe and somewhat effective, I won't hesitate to recommend it to anyone else, nor will I hesitate to continue using it. How I wish I had known about this a few years back when I caught pertussis (whooping cough) and my favorite cough syrup (half ACV/half honey)wasn't as effective as it usually was. I must have drank 3 pints of it- can't say that it wasn't working since I am still here to tell you about it- but there was several times times that I came very close to dialing 911 and hoping they got here in time.

I remember when my now grown son developed a simple ring worm in the right temporal area which wosened with use of an ointment that had worked in the past. I took him to the family doctor, told him what I used that just worsened it - passing that one up he tried several others with the same results, over next 3-4 weeks, then referring us to 2 of Nashville's prominent prominent dermatologists.

By the time we got to the derrmatologists, his ringworm had developed into a kerion (much bigger and with some hair missing, and pus pockets through out the affected area. After both of them looking at it, one of them said "a cat ringworm or I'll take down my shingle". Several weeks later, still going to the dermatologists, and still worsening with their treatment, I received a culture report from the state health dept. that said "no pathogenic fungi". You just don't know how close I came to putting a hammer in my purse for the next scheduled appt. and telling him I was going to help him take down his shingle!

Upon returning home, my lovely neighbor who watched the other 3 children while we made another expensive trip to the dermatologists, looked at his kerion and said, "the old folks just rubbed ring worms with green walnuts. (meaning the green hulls on black walnuts). Although it was late fall, we managed to find about 3 walnuts with green hulls. Immediately after they came in the door, I sliced a little bit off one walnut and rubbed the open area all over that kerion, repeating it a second time before putting him to bed. I could see a big improvement the next morning. On his next derm appt. a couple of days later, the dermatologists looked and said "well, its finally looking better" to which I replied "yes, green walnuts work real well, don't they?" Looking surprised, he remarked ("yes, but they burn real bad". Angry by now because he apparently knew this and hadn't bothered to tell me about an effective treatment, I said exactly what I thought - "Hellfire man, haven't you ever noticed the tears rolling down this child's face when you were poking around in those pus pockets with needles. He didn't do that while I was applying the green walnut". We weren't told to make another appointment. I long since forgave him for not telling me, becaused I now realize that the strongest union in the country (American Medical Assn.) goes after any MD found recommending something they have no control over. Neither will the pharmaceutical companies tell you about anything they can't patent. It's job security! You have to go to places like Earth Clinic or lovely neighbors to glean such useful information.

Several years later, this same neighbor told me I should take take poke berries for severe joint pain. I then asked her if she was trying to kill me because I had always been told that they were poison. She replied that they never hurt her aunt who had been taking them for years, still getting about in her 80's. When she didn't back down after I reminded her that if anything happened to me she had to finish raising my children, I decided to try them. Very effective and no side effects at all. Very remarkable, as you know, if you have been keeping up with the class action lawsuits to get damages for the strokes, heart attacks, etc. from the makers of Viox! Everybody I have told about this and tried it has had the same improvement without unwanted side effects.

I will warn you that if you decide to try it, swallow them whole - they don't do your taste buds any favors! If you want to research this, a good place to start is the federal government's data base on plants- don't use poke sallet for the common name - type in pokeweed. You find some amazing things are contained in these so-called weeds that God and Mother Nature grows wild for us to pick and take for free. You might also be surprised at the people who have been and still researching this lowly weed and what they have found. The pharmaceutical companies can keep their preparations that they have isolated from the plant extracts and developed a synthetic version that they can patent & make a fortune on - thanks to pokeberries, I am still able to get out and gather my own pokeberries, keeping the failsafe ingredients, that prevent the unwanted side effects that the synthetic versions cause! I am thankful for the results and I don't care whether it may come partly from the placebo effect or whether its all from the chemicals in the plants or HP. It works, and I never argue with success! Nor do I argue with the creator of that plant, for he/she is smarter than any one scientist or any group of scientist.

Have fun researching those plants, Tom. I did and still do!

Posted by Tara (Los Angeles, California) on 05/31/2007

Editor's Choice I just called my uncle to tell him about hydrogen peroxide (who has throat cancer, though it's in remission), and, I got all excited about it--that I had read here that it had cured some people's cancers, etc, and he just laughed, then said, "Tara--that's why my cancer is in remission."

He said he had stumbled upon this treatment accidently, when 20 years he swallowed some hydrogen peroxide (not on purpose) while brushing his teeth one day.

Then he said--"it just made me feel better, so I continued to do it".

Since then, he's been drinking one 16oz glass of water with a little hydrogen peroxide every day for the last 20 years. He said even though he still has a tumor, it hasn't changed since he started this treatment, and like he said, he's still alive. (The doctors are "baffled", because they think he should have died a long time ago.) [I wish we could hold some kind of conference to exchange these stories--you don't know me, and I don't know you, but if you knew me, you'd know, that I was only writing this because it's the truth, and I'm writing it in the hopes it might keep someone else's loved one alive after a diagnosis of cancer for 20 years too. It's so crazy to think about it (because it counters everything we've grown to believe), that I still have a hard time things like this myself, but after reading about this therapy, then talking my uncle--a lot more lives could be saved if we dropped the propaganda and started having open discussions about human health, irrelevant of money and power--]

Posted by John (Birmingham, AL) on 03/03/2007

NOTE: I don't know what the laws are and I don't want to get sued. Use my information at your own risk. I'm just trying to help in any way I can, because NO ONE should have to go through what I went through - numbing devastation and fear. If this helps you, PLEASE spread the word!

3 skin cancer growths on my face cured in a WEEK of applying Hydrogen Peroxide on them - HOW YOU APPLY could mean the difference between EFFECTIVE, or NOT (read further for detailed explanation). (NOTE: I use a lot of repetition, to make sure you understand exactly what I'm referring to.)

I would definitely recommend trying this before you try bloodroot.

THANK GOD!! WOW! I'm still shocked it worked and it took only a WEEK!!! How is this possible that people don't know about this and a truth so simple is not known by everyone is beyond me.

My story and how I used Hydrogen Peroxide 3% to cure my skin cancers: Over the period of two years two cancerous growths appeared on my face (nose); one of them was growing very slow the other one faster. Then in less then a year another one appeared on my face as well - on the side of my nose very close to my eye. That one was growing at an alarming rate. All those growths hurt with unusual intensity when touched and had tiny veins but they were not moles. They were kind of the color of my skin except more red and at times really red. I applied just about every fruit on them I could think of with what seemed no effect. I was getting worried and felt helpless. I begged God to help me and I searched a lot. I found this great site and read that there have been reports that Hydrogen Peroxide cured melanoma. I was going to try the eggplant and white vinegar remedy, but was worried about the fumes from the vinegar being so close to my eye. So I decided to try the Hydrogen Peroxide first. At first it didn't seem to have any effect at all. I was getting so worried by that point because the spot close to my eye was growing even faster and by then it was about 5 millimeters in diameter and just few months ago it was a tiny spot. In my helplessness.


I took a cotton swab and soaked it in Hydrogen Peroxide and kept rubbing the cancerous growth with the Hydrogen Peroxide soaked cotton swab until the growth was soaked in the Hydrogen Peroxide and was white. It stung badly, but I didn't care, I just wanted these things gone. I was so desperate, my eyes watered every time I looked at the spots on my face. After the soaking of the growths I applied cotton soaked in Hydrogen Peroxide on them. NOTE: when soaking the skin with Hydrogen Peroxide make sure you don't do it to the healthy skin, because even though it is more resistant to getting white and soaked with the Hydrogen Peroxide, it will also get white after a while. If healthy tissue gets white like that, let it air out until it regains its normal color. So do the soaking to the unhealthy tissue only or as close as you can get. After soaking and making it white apply soaked in Hydrogen Peroxide cotton ball on the growth and when the cotton gets dry, wet it with more Hydrogen Peroxide. How it worked was: the soaked cancerous growth after a while formed as crust much like what happens with a normal sore. The strangest thing is I see no scars it flattened it out like it was never there..IN A WEEK!!! Even the fast growing one!! I'M STILL IN SHOCK. I tried SO many things. THANK GOD. THANK GOD!!!

Posted by Cindy (Austin, TX) on 01/15/2007

My friend who cured his cancer (huge 2 grapefruit tumor in stomach) used food grade h202 in a bath (2 cups per bath) and soaking in it (not eyes) for 20 minutes to infuse vessels with oxygen. this combined with ozone water 2x's a day, diet and exercise and he has eliminated cancer. Do you know of any other people using Hydrogen peroxide (food grade) this way?