Skin Issues
I love coconut oil, I sing it's praises to anybody who will listen. I've been using it on and off for a long time, and I love it. However DO NOT PUT IT ON YOUR FACE PEOPLE ! Just eat it, or on the body and hair is great.
Skin Issues
Is this real? after one week of using coconut oil on my face my face feels like literal silk. my dandruff problem, which i battled for many years, has abated. i can finally grow my hair -- imagine that! my wife and i are in the process of taking it internally will share more later. thanks a million
Skin Issues
I tried using coconut oil for a skin cream, on my body and face, but didn't have the good results most other people have had. I went to bed feeling like a grease ball, and the next day my face started to break out with bumps all over it. So I figured my skin is too senstivie. But I have found that if I rub the oil on my body before I use a sunless tanning spray or foam, streaks and uneven color are prevented from forming. I will rub more on drier areas, such as knee caps and tops of feet, and this helps with those areas becoming too dark. Just takes a while longer to dry.
Skin Issues
This is more of a beauty experience. I am a college students and once in a while, I ran out of money to buy expensive face cream, so i tried this extra virgin coconut oil that i bought ages ago (for my hair)...on my face. and skin was glowing. i have oily/ acne prone skin but it doesnt irritate me. infact, i've cut down the expenses such as face cream, toner, hair mask, makeup remover, body lotion, foot lotion, hand cream etc. WOW!...thats a lot of saving..with just one jar of coconut oil!
Skin Issues
I tried coconut oil on my face for winter dryness because I also have acne. It does moisturize but it also for me caused more breakouts and made me oilier. Honey works much better for me (I rinse it off after a few minutes) I do use coconut oil on my daughter's sensitive skin for general moisturizing and it is effective even for deep moisturizing.
Skin Issues
I have been using topical prescription acne meds for 2 years and have done pretty well. This winter I have had a terrible time with dry skin and acne. I have tried exfoliators and lots of moisturizer to relieve the dry skin flakes and have seen no improvement. Just more pimples and flakes. One morning I woke up with a large rash on my neck where I had used an exfoliator. That night I started using coconut oil on my face and neck. (not virgin, Spectrum brand refined) My neck looked much better the next day and I did not wake up with any new pimples which I was very surprised. It was scary putting something so oily on my face! My large pimples under my neck went away in 3 days. My flaky skin was gone in one day. My skin looks great, soon I will try the virgin coconut oil for my face and to include in my diet. This is the first time I have ever been able to say that something natural and possibly a fad REALLY worked for me.
Skin Issues
Coconut oil gave me nothing but red skin and a billion tiny little whiteheads.
Skin Issues
I have heard from my uncle, who recently started using coconut oil, all the benefits. He mentioned it can be used on the face and body as a moisturizer and acne treatment, sun screen, helps prevent wrinkles, removes sun spots and warts, and helps with weight loss when ingested. I had flat warts on my face, and have been using coconut oil on my face and ingesting it two to three times a day for about a month. The warts are gone, but my face, chest, and back have horribly broken out. I can't think of it being from anything but the coconut oil. I also have been eating three tablespoons a day for a month for weight loss, and have currently not lost any weight. I wanted some advice as to if I am doing something wrong, or if my body just doesn't react well to this remedy.
Skin Issues
Organic Unrefined coconut oil cleared my face of blemishes and marks. I started breaking out on my face a couple months ago and I didn't know what to do. I tried everything. Then my dad told me about coconut oil and the health benefits it has. I did alot of research for it and it seemed like a good skin remedy. I decided to try it. I noticed a HUGE difference the next day. It has cleared my skin incredibly. It has made my skin soft and glowing just like it had been before. Coconut oil has also made me more energetic and even healthier. IT IS AN AMAZING MIRACLE CURE!!
Skin Issues
I suffered from acne, tried most products in the shelf but nothing seemed to work. A friend told me about coconut oil which l have been using for the last five months all the acne cleared and the marks are clearing gradually. It is a miracle cure!
Skin Issues
i'm trying coconut oil for dark spots left from face blemishes. it seems to be helping - about how long do you think it will take for the spots to lighten up? I also take 6tsps of the coconut oil daily.
Skin Issues
I got some coconut oil from a friend that told me to put it on at night before i went to bed. I do not know what kind of coconut oil it is, but i put it on every night. I have always had a problem with acne and red blemishes on my face. The coconut oil cleared my face within days. I was stunned. I have tried face cleansers, proactive, skin buffers, etc. nothing worked for me. I will forever be grateful for the tip to use coconut oil.
Smelly Scalp
hi, i haven't seen a remedy for smelly scalp, i use to have a foul smelling scalp, even though i showered everyday, i tried all kinds of shampoo, but the one thing that cured me of this embarrassing condition was applying virgin coconut oil to my scalp for an hour, i think it disappeared after two applications. i hope this helps others who suffer from this condition.
(Denver/Boulder, Colorado)
OMG! I have been obsessed with this problem for years! I called beauty shops, beauty schools, talked to others about it & NO ONE knew anything & looked at me like I was crazy! I call/called it "hat head" as guys I knew seemed to really reek when they removed their baseball type hats.
My daughter just returned from Iraq last Dec. & I realized she had a bad case of "hat head" that left "that" odor on her pillows. She has very long hair & is very clean with daily showers. I figured it to be from sharing helmets & such with other soldiers out in the field. Must be some new epidemic I needed to get over & learn to live with, yuk!
The only suggestion I ever got was Tea Tree oil shampoo that did not work! I too get "that" smell after about 24 hours of shampooing. (picked up the bacteria somewhere even though very paranoid & careful about that).
This might seem like & is a silly issue but has been driving me crazy for years! Thank you soooo much for posting this. I'm very relieved to know I'm not crazy & this actually works. Makes perfect sense to me once you think about it. I'll be passing this remedy along to every stinky head from now on, & keeping gallons of VCO on hand....LOL!
...the coconut oil is good,,,but if it was me I would also use vineger to wash the head 2 times a week,,,wet the head with the vingar and wrap in a towel and let it stay on for 15 miniuts,,,this will kill fungus,,I believe the smell is coming from a fungus, also use some fungus creams for really itchy spots..but vinegar is good to kill fungus..
EC: This section might also have some helpful remedies:
Every night before bed, my husband and I put a little coconut oil up in our nostrils/mose. Ever since we started doing thtis, he has a lot less trouble with allergies, and he says that I no longer snore! Not that I ever was a real loud snorer, but whatever heavy breathing that blockage or congestion was causing, it is now gone! It only takes about 1/4 tsp. - just a tiny bit on your fingertip for each nostril.
Sore Throat Infections, Chronic
I've somehow managed to catch a horrible cold and have battled a sore throat for 2 days now. I have absolutely NO tolerance for pain, so I've been miserable. I've been using cayenne pepper and ACV as both a gargle and added to hot water to sip on constantly, but it only gives little to temporary relief.
I decided to try some coconut oil in some pineapple tea that I had (hoping deep down it resembled a pina colada!) I saw that EVCO wasn't listed as a remedy for cold or sore throats, really, but I decided to give it a shot.
Wow, was it soothing! The horrible thing about sore throats is how dry and scratchy the throat gets which makes the pain ten times worse... but the coconut oil lubed everything up so nicely that it doesn't hurt half as bad! I have no idea how long this will last, but I'll take what relief I can get!
I did have a lot of success with EVCO after having a strange sinus infection last year at this time that made all the glands in my head so swollen. After trying everything and going to the doctor who gave me no-good antibiotics, I gave EVCO a shot, and within one day my glands had gone down, my head and decongested and I felt better. I love this stuff. I just wish I liked the taste better!
(Glendale, CA, USA)
Just to follow up on my own post...
It's now been 24 hours since I took the EVCO for the sore throat -- it cleared it up 100%. About a half an hour after taking it, it dislodged a very large, quite solid, disgusting piece of you-know-what from the back of my throat which I surprisingly blew out of my nose. I won't go into details, just trust me -- it was the source of the infection, the queen bee, if you will.
The thing to remember (which I had forgotten) was that if you're not used to taking ACVO, it will give you digestive issues -- I had severe nausea later since I had not taken EVCO in quite some time. But it didn't last that long, and was well worth it considering.
I have taken it about two more times since in tea, and it immediately makes my sinuses and ears crack and pop as things start draining out.