ACV & Baking Soda Tonic: Boost Health Naturally

Sinus Infection
Posted by Kimba (Brentwood, NY) on 03/17/2007

I started using Ted's recipe (ACV and baking soda) yesterday afternoon in hopes to get rid of a bad sinus infection I've had for the past couple of weeks. I mixed 1 Tbsp of ACV with 8 oz of water and 1 tsp of baking soda. The heaviness in my head and the sinus congestion went away in minutes! I will continue to take ACV with the baking soda. I will keep everyone updated on my progress.

Posted by Susan (USA) on 04/18/2007

I have suffered with sinus infections and allergies for 30 years Today I tried the acv baking soda and honey for my bronchitis I developed. I did it twice and then saw that someone wrote about using olive oil instead so I used 1/4t of baking soda 2T of olive oil 2T of ACV and decaf tea and haven't been coughing Thank God. I also have been using the Salt/baking soda/water to cleanse my nose out. I also rubbed vicks on my chest to help with the pain from coughing earlier. Thank you for putting this information out there. I appreciate any help other than expensive antibiotics that make me sick to my stomach. Thank you so much.

Posted by Tannya (Ottawa, Canada) on 04/19/2007

Hi Everyone, I am glad to say that I have finally found the remedy for curing my heartburn which I have been coping with for the last three years. The apple cider vinegar and baking soda with acidophilus is the remedy that seems to work for me. I use the straw to drink the apple cider vinegar. However, I don't seem to tolerate the 1 cup, so I only drink 1/2 cup and it seems to do magic. Thank You so much for posting the recipe and giving people hope to cure heart burn which can absolutely ruin every day of your life. thanks again.

Blood Pressure
Posted by Harry (Muncie, Indiana) on 04/22/2007

Thank you for the simple remedy of ACV soda. It lowered my blood pressure from 140/89 to 119/79 in just two weeks and its stayed down for a month now. I have always been healthy and worked outside all my life but every thing I tried to lower my BP did nothing. At 52 years old I can now feel I am healthy. The ACV soda has cleared an annoying mourning stuffy nose and takes away my aches and pains to. I have stopped drinking to much soda pop, tea is better any way, and I am going to start checking my PH. With that information I think you can be well forever, thank you again!

Dosage and Tips
Posted by Sue (Montreal, Canada) on 04/23/2007

I have been on your site for the last 3 hours and wish to congratulate Ted and the people participating in the interesting web site. I have learned a great deal reading the questions and answers. I remember my grand-father taking one cup of hot water with a little soda every night before going to bed. My mother told me it was for to help his digestion. Did not know about mixing with ACV. Again thank you for this web site. Sue, Montreal

Posted by Angie (Sparta, MO) on 04/24/2007

I started taking 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar with baking soda once a day. This has helped so much with the fatigue that I was having and has given me more energy.

Posted by Kristin (Detroit, Michigan) on 04/26/2007

There were a lot of postings so I wasn't able to read through all of them. I may be retouching on something that someone else has already said, so I'm sorry for that. But this remedy is great. I'm only 26 years old and I started getting GERD at 17. After finally stopping drinking and smoking the doctor finally put me on a PPI. They really have worked great. I rarely have any flare ups, but I was having constant stomach gas and bloating. It was almost embarrassing no to mention uncomfortable. I found this site and wanted to try something more natural. So I stupidly quit the pills right away and tried this remedy. I ended up with far worse acid pain than I had ever had before. It almost made me sick one night to the point that I was laying on the floor ready to cry. Then I read about adding the baking soda. Thank God for that. It instantly calmed everything down. I think it took a total of a week for the PPI withdrawl to go away. Now, I kind of carry around a water bottle of the mix and use less and less of it every day. So for those using PPI's looking for something else, this does work. THe PPI withdrawl is intense, but I think it is worth it.

Posted by Jim (Old Chatham, NY) on 05/17/2007

Thanks, didn't want to bust any rules, but it is great stuff, especially for sweet addicts like myself. Here's the two brands we use (parents and kids both) here at home:

Sweet Leaf (powder or liquid)
Now Stevia Extract

Thanks a lot for the fabulous site! I don't know what I would have done, as I don't rely very much on traditional medicine, having heard and experienced too many horror stories. All the best. Jim.

Posted by Jim (Old Chatham, NY) on 05/16/2007

Thanks Ted and others for all the great information. I have been taking ACV off and on for a few months. At first I thought it was implicated, after taking it for two days with baking soda, with an attack of vertigo. I since found out it was "ear rocks", little crystals that got into my inner ear and raised havoc. I did an exercise I found at the Mayo Clinic online to move the rocks back where they should be, and no vertigo since. And ACV is off the hook.

Meanwhile, I've had a persistent cough since January that finally bloomed into pneumonia-like symptoms (heavy congestion, racking, unstoppable cough 24/7, fever, night sweats, delirium.)

Out of desperation (I had a photo shoot in Florida I had to go on) I took ACV twice in bed, about 2 hours apart.

Whereas I hadn't been able to hardly even stand up, I was so weak and delirious, within two hours, I was sitting up, eating (I'd not eaten much for a couple days), and that night at 7 I was on a jet for Florida. Pretty amazing.

Working for 10 days in Florida, shooting out the window or door of airplanes at other airplanes, I wasn't able to fight it off. I took ACV with me but only took it once or twice, not being fully convinced that was the cure for me at the time.

Plus I was forced to eat less than healthy veggie food while there, as Florida, at least where I was, does not believe in food that does not have sugar, salt and other toxins in copious supply.

I finally finished my work, but pushed hard the last couple days and ended up coming home sick again, especially the coughing, and went back to bed for 3 or 4 days, ending with a trip to the doctor, a prescription for zithromax or whatever it's called (antibiotic), then finally getting better.

However...the cough never quite went away. I began to despair I would ever get better, and as there are many things I want and need to do this coming summer, I decided to pore over again and started taking 2 TBS ACV with 1/2 tsp baking soda on Monday of this week.

It's now Thursday. I woke up this morning with the distinct body instinct that something was different. I took a deep breath, which lately has led to a little catching cough, and a feeling of tenderness in the bronchia (center of the chest) as if I'd breathed too much smog like when I was a kid.

This morning though, I felt the breath "bottom out", i.e. it still had a bit of the tenderness but it didn't catch, and it felt as if I could take a deep breath that felt solid instead of leading to a little cough or too.

Also, as I went to bed last night, I'd had a bit of a coughing spell, maybe five minutes, clearing out some congestion, and I despaired that I was getting worse, not better.

In fact, I think it was a bit of the well-documented healing crisis that goes with detoxifying, as I felt better this morning.

My question is this: I had a strong, watery diarrhea this morning right after breakfast (cooked buckwheat, tomatoes, cucumber, avocado, celery and olive oil/tahini/aminos/lemon juice/sesame oil dressing, like we have every morning), and I had another bowel-emptying episode about 90 minutes later.

Unlike with previous diarrhea, this felt more like a colon cleanse. I don't feel weak or nauseous, just cleaned out.

I have been taking the ACV with baking soda, 1/2 teaspoon each time, three times a day, fourth day now. I will take it one more day, then stop.

The baking soda keeps it from giving me mild heartburn, and it tastes really good, like diluted apple juice.

Since I have been fighting candidiasis for a couple decades, and alkaline diet and colon cleansing help a lot (I'd been not eating as well this last year, which is why I think I got sick, that and lots of plane travel), I'm familiar with healing crises, but I'd like to know if you think the diarrhea is caused by the baking soda, and would reducing it just a bit help, or should I not worry about it unless it continues?

I feel myself losing weight too.

Also, I'd recommend people don't use honey, as honey is perhaps a healthier version of sugar, but the body sees it as sugar nonetheless. I use Stevia extract to sweeten things. Stevia would be in everything instead of sugar if the sugar lobby hadn't successfully blocked its taking over the sweetener market.

It's a totally non-calorie, natural south american root sweetener. No harmful effect on the body at all, and 150 to 300 times sweeter than sugar, so you don't need much. There are several brands on the market, some have a bit of a bitter aftertaste but there are several that don't.

I'd tell you which ones I use (no commercial interest, I'm a photographer not a food seller) but I know it's against forum policy so anyone who wants to email me, I'll be happy to suggest a couple brands that I've been using with great satisfaction and relief for I love sweets!

Posted by Joy (Dover, USA) on 05/22/2007

Re: ACV and baking soda: I've lost track of exactly how long but it should be about 3weeks that I have been trying ACV...I first tried it w/water and Cayenne Pepper..thinking of reduction in weight loss and HBP, i can say that i feel better not as tired as usual (not running any marathons yet) and I do see a diffence in my skin. And to add to it i've begun to wash with backing soda and water, and i must say that my face does feel smoother and not as oily. My question is how do i figure the right recipe for me?...i see so many variations of it. I would like to work on my blood pressure, weight and blood suger levels.

Posted by Ed Davis (Wenatchee WA, USA) on 06/03/2007

Skin Care - Dry Scaly Patches: I had some dry scaly skin on my nose and about for an inch or so on either side of my nose. I have been using a mixture of ACV, Baking Soda, and Water for a about a week and a half. I use about 1/4 tablespoon of BS and ACV till the bubbling stops. then I add just enough water to complete filling a small cup About 3 inches high, 1/2 full. I wash my face with this and leave it on for about a minute and then rinse it off. My skin on my nose and by my nose is now very soft and is no longer dry. I also found that when shaving with a razor that this mixture lubricated my skin and I did not get any cuts. I pieced this mixture together from reading about several items from this site. I love

Blood Pressure
Posted by Renee (USA) on 06/10/2007

Whoops... I have been taking 2 Tbls ACV with 1/8 tsp baking soda two to three times a day. A side benefit that I've noticed has been that my vision has improved. I often have bouts of seeing light distortion, very similar to how the heat coming off hot pavement looks. This makes it very hard to see and gives me a slight eye headache. Must have been BP related.

Blood Pressure
Posted by Renee (El Dorado, Kansas) on 06/10/2007

3 weeks ago my BP was 146/92 after sitting still for over an hour. I have been taking ACV with baking soda ever since. BP is 128/77 today after sitting 5 minutes. I've still got to watch it as after a brisk, but brief, walk, the BP was 150/80. Began inhaling hydrogen peroxide (regular stuff) today in an attempt for further improvement.

I have been taking 2 Tbls ACV with 1/8 tsp baking soda two to three times a day. A side benefit that I've noticed has been that my vision has improved. I often have bouts of seeing light distortion, very similar to how the heat coming off hot pavement looks. This makes it very hard to see and gives me a slight eye headache. Must have been BP related.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Tina (Dumont, NJ) on 06/20/2007

I have had bouts of acid reflux for about 20 years (I am 36 y.o.) Until the last few years, a Tums or Zantac or just time would resolve. I started taking painkillers for severe back pain, including ibuprofen, about 3 yrs ago. I was very careful not to take too much or too many consecutive doses. I'd skip days/wks/even months between doses as much as possible. The most I EVER took was 7 200mg tablets/day and would never do this for more than a couple of days a time. My dr. told me this should not be enough to cause AR, but it did. I treated bouts of AR w/ Nexium and other PPIs. Zantac and over-the-counter meds helped too. The last 9 months have been the worst. Even with no pain meds, no coffee, tea, or other offending foods, it just kept coming back. I took 20, then 40 mg Nexium for 4 months. I even took 40 mg twice a day (double the max dosage, but dr. suggested for short-term) in desperation, I took over-the-counter stuff too. I haven't slept flat for months. I finally discontinued the Nexium when my stools turned light and blood was present. For about 2 weeks, I was controlling AR by sleeping upright and eating much less. I was truly desparate... My mother had mentioned ACV, but I dismissed as crazy - treating acid with more acid!?! In desperation, I searched for info. on the web & how thankful I am!! I have so much to say after only 6 days - AR has made drastic improvement. I have energy like I've never had. My severe allergies are better. I could go on and on. But I really want to help others avoid my initial problems, so here's my advice/experience:

Use baking soda!

Dose #1 - 2 tbsp ACV honey warm water aggravated my AR a lot.

Dose #2 - 2 tbsp ACV 1/4 tsp baking soda water aggravated AR a little & left me nauseous.

Dose #3 - 1 tbsp ACV 1/2 tsp baking soda 7 oz. water, sipping slowly before & after meals (3x/day); 1/4 tsp baking soda in 8 oz. water before bed... This has helped tremendously. If this gives you stomach pain, then try just baking soda (1/4-1/2 tsp in water) with no ACV. Take before meals and bedtime for a few days or so. Gradually add in a little ACV, testing to see if pain results. If no pain, gradually increase ACV. Lastly, decrease baking soda to 1/4 tsp. Note: I'm taking probiotics now because several readers said they got yeast infections from baking soda (& the only yogurt I like is full of artificial sweeteners and sugar).

My husband, who had digestive problems and intermittent IBS, said 1 tbsp ACV 1/2 tsp baking soda gave him a stomach ache, so he's now taking just baking soda first & doing fine (already less gas, indigestion) after 1 day. Also started probiotic.

In retrospect, I'd start with just baking soda for a few days, & then gradually add ACV. Start slowly & don't give up - it's worth it!! What a blessing from God.

Multiple Cures
Posted by Tina (Dumont, NJ) on 06/20/2007

In previous post, I recommend starting slowly with ACV/baking soda. Another reason is that ACV left me feeling overly-energetic. Like I sprung out of bed the first few mornings at 4am (I usually drag out of bed at 8:30 or 9 & have always required lots of sleep). I have a tendency to get the jitters & be anxious- I'm no psych., but I would start w/ less than 3 tbsp/day of ACV if you have an anxiety, manic depression, etc. I love this stuff but it can give you the jitters. Anyone else had this problem?

Multiple Cures
Posted by Tina (Dumont, NJ) on 06/21/2007

Here is an update from when I recently wrote in about my experience of being "overly-energetic" after taking ACV. Upon further reading, I know now that ACV is a natural stimulant and the website for a popular brand of raw, organic, unrefined ACV 'with The Mother' actually recommends taking 1-2 teaspoons 3x/day, diluted with water (honey optional). OK, so now I understand why I've been bouncing off the walls the last week, feeling like I just downed coffee (very racing, manic feeling). Here's my new plan: 1 TEASPOON ACV with 7 oz. water and 1/4 tsp baking soda. I may take less or none with dinner because I'm not sleeping well. My husband is also sensitive to caffeine and he has had a similar experience to mine. I still love my ACV & what it's doing for my health - goodbye brain fog, depression, acid reflux & hopefully back pain!! Don't give up, folks, & God bless!

Posted by Linda (Squaw Valley, California) on 06/25/2007

I have a lung disease (sarcoid) which makes it easy for me to get every bug going around. I had bronchitis and pnemonia for three months. I took various antibiotics for those three months. I got better but I had a raging case of GERD from then on. The purple pill and others did not work. I tried ACV and soda, it works for me. I know that antibiotics are going to be a part of my life, but at least I don't have GERD any longer.

Kidney Infection
Posted by Ao (Nigeria) on 06/29/2007

i use the vinegar and baking soda for my kidney infection but now i have 90% less pain and it is now 3days i have started using it and very soon it will clear. i am eating normal now. please i will like to have the remedies for loss of memory and ovary cancer please reply via my email.Thanks and more grees to your elbow.

Posted by Joy (Cadillac, MI) on 07/09/2007

For several days I was suffering from neck and head pain on the left side. I had pain in my left ear and eye. I tried the heating pad, self massage, and pain pills. Nothing helped. Woke up every morning to headache and pain. I couldn't turn my head without cringing. Finally this morning I took acv with baking soda and grape juice. I felt better almost immediately. My head pain is gone and my neck doesn't hurt. I can turn my head and there isn't any pain! Thank you for this website!

Weight Loss
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) on 07/10/2007 391 posts

The malic acid and the acetate is what gives the apple cider vinegar people the energy. The baking soda is what restores the bicarbonate deficiency where a more alkalized body will increase the oxygen in the body giving the body more energy and hence weight loss is synergistic with both of these. What most people won't know is the baking soda and the apple cider vinegar has a strongly negative Oxidation Reduction Potential, which means it is also an antioxidant.

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