Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Hi...I have been reading through Ted's Mange remedy and am anxious to try it. I have a 1 yr old english mastiff that has horrible scratching. He hindquarters are almost bald and the skin underneather is black and leathery/crusty looking. I was interested in a post I read on your site, to make sure this is correct. He is a big baby, he is 120 lbs.Thanks in advance and here is what I copied and pasted, if you can answer.
One cup hydrogen peroxide to 9 teaspoons of Borax powder (didn't have a tablespoon, so assuming 9 teaspoons is 3 table spoons. After settling I add 4 cups of warm water. Pour on the dog and let her drip dry. .... this twice a day
(Malone, New York)
(Delbarton, Wv Usa)
No, mix the borax with the straight peroxide first or the borax will not dissolve..then add the warm water. Some may still be there but not as much as if you do it the other way. I have pictures posted of Ruff before and after using this solution. It is harmless, they do not inject enough to harm them..and do not towel dry or rinse off the solution after wards. Just let them drain in the tub some and keep them warm.
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Hi, I found the info on Red's treatment of Mange in Dogs. Can you please advise what the exact receipe is? I mixed up a dose yesterday but obviously had too much peroxide in as my dog cried when I put it on. If you can let me know how much peroxide & borax to add to approx 1 litre of water that would save us both a lot of stress. Your assistance is appreciated.
Kind Regards
Robyn Mahoney
EC: A # of readers have already given exact dosages in their feedback!
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Ted, my dog has been having Ivermectin injections over the course of a few months with no results! I'm trying the hydrogen peroxide and borax, but you mentioned in one place soaking the dog each day and in another place, only once a week - can you please tell me which is correct? Is vinegar as good as the hydrogen peroxide?
Also, you mention that the mites ususally establish a "beehive" somewhere - would that be somewhere in the house, or on the dog? I have been trying to disinfect the house, - not easy as it's large, and I have lots of carpets too. Will a hot steam spray kill the mites? I have a hot steam cleaner which I 'm thinking of using.
Thanks for this site and your invaluable help to everyone!
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
My dog is a chowchow/golden retriever mix and has had mange since october 2008. His age is about 7 years old. We found this site in January 2009 we started the peroxide and borox treatment once a week for only one month and he started to grow his fur back on his belly and back. But now he has severe dandruff and is acting differently. He doesn't seem interested in anything anymore. All he wan't to do is sleep and does not want to play or walk. Is this a common side affect after mange? About one week ago like on july 15 or 16, his fur started to come our quite a bit. We don't know if the mange has returned or not. How do we get him playful and excited like he used to be? Please help because I feel so sorry for him.
(Beaumont, California)
Hi, not sure if you have figured out your mange problem. I was reading on Dermodex and found there are 4 types of mange. One of them was described as dandruff looking and very hard to control and also causes loss of appitite, lethargic attitudes and sleepyness. It recomends vet treatment for that type. I forget what it is called tho. Good luck hope all is well.
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
My son brought home (2008) Butters a Bulldog/Pit bull mix which has mange. I brought him in for shot every 2 weeks which the Vet used Ivermectin costing $60 every shot. This worked for a while but when it did not the vet wanted me to give him the same amount orally daily for a year. I was very afraid because the label on the box says it is for swine and cattle not dogs. Butters was very drugged so I stopped. I was to the point I was afraid to use anything until I saw this site and I tried it today. I hope it works; I will keep you up to date. 7/15/09
(London, United Kingdom)
Hi, the mange cure system I presented previously is really good, however,observing my long haired GSD Jaimie has caused me to do a very slight revision to the original system.
Everything should be done exactly as described in my previous feedback except for the treatment frequency. I believe that the mites are maturing every day and therefore laying new eggs every day and it follows that in this case the treatment on the animal would be best done every day. Obviously for heavily encrusted areas of mange (which in humans would be termed Norwegen Scabies) I think it would be better to do an aditional localised application every 12 hours.
So that will be a full treatment every day and a localised treatment twelve hours later.
You can look at mange in this way. your animal is like a country and mites happily lives sparcely over it with no problems to the animal. The crusted mange is similar to the mites deciding to build cities and party on your animal. This is when it becomes a big problem and very sore. Breaking down these cities is a big job and going to take time and patience and of course a lot of effort.
In really bad cases the crusted mange must be very gently scraped away to reveal the sore skin before treatment. Make sure you catch the scrapings in a piece of tisue and dispose of it carefully as it is highly contagious. (I think ted referes to these crust as beehives.)
Kind regards
Stephan Toth
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
I have a Scottie who was rescued from a puppy mill. She has lost all of her fur and scratches like crazy. I took her to the vet and they put her on Prednisone and Cephalexin. It seemed to work for a short time, her skin seemed less itchy and there were black stubbles of hair but then when the medication was gone it started all over again. So today I tried the Borax and peroxide mixture and I sure hope it works. I'm also going to put her on high protein food to boost her imune system. I'm willing to try almost anything to help her, since I can't afford vet bills. I'll let you know how she progresses!
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
My dog had parvo so we took him to the vet, and due to cost decided to treat him at home per the vets instructions as I couldn't find any treatment that was a sure thing online. He SURVIVED, only to get mange. I had already maxed my charge card out, and am unemployed and extremely frustrated. I called the vet to see if there was anything I could use at home to treat it and was told NO, I would have to bring him in. So got online again and found Ted's borax and peroxide treatment. IT WORKED! My dog has grown back all of his hair. I used about 2 tablespoons of peroxide to 1/2 cup of water and 2 tablespoons of the borax every 3 days (when he'd start smelling bad) for 3 washes, meaning he got 3 baths in 9 days. Now, he still gets smelly within about a day using regular deodorizing doggy shampoo, so I think I'll go back to a borax solution! THANK YOU TED, so much for helping me keep my dogs and my kids happy during a very rough time.
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
My dog a welsh corgi had mange after many different treatments and shots, prednoise that nearly killed her (it made the mites go nuts, lowered her imunity even more so she could not fight them at all) got severe loose stools that became bloody. Finally my vet scrapped her and mites! Was on Ivermectin for 4 months and was gone, a beautiful hairy coat again. They returned one year later when we went to stay in the same house again, this time I cought them, back on the ivermectin again. This drug is toxic to her but had no choice or so I thought. Now after over another year we had her cared for by my son in the same house and she came home with red large bite areas on her belly scratching and the same smell. I used the borax/peroxide treatment descrided here and we will see how it works. Already she is not scratching and the red bites are less red today after a late night bath in borax and got 5 ml of apple cider vinger as well. She hates the acv but I will try anything to keep her off the ivermictin to protect her liver. I will give an update later on. I hear alot of vets say give flea treatments like once a month programs to build up they fight. They have never worked for me or any of my sisters dogs. Heres hoping!!
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Hi, I have a 5 1/2 month old shep/rottie mix who at 4 months developed a severe case of demodectic mange. Jake had severe hair loss on the top of this head and legs. I took him to the vet , who prescribed an antibiotic and liquid ivermectin. She said he would have to be on it for a year! After a week there was no improvment and I came across this web site. I began to bathe Jake with the borax solution/treatment and I saw hair growth and improvement after the second treatment. I now bathe him weekly. I cant wait to bring him to the vet for his next set of vaccinations to let them know/see the sucess of this treatment. Thankyou! ( I used 4 cups of warm water, 2 cups of H202 and 4 tbsp of borax. He is approximately 45 pounds.)
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
How long does Mange live in the yard?
I have been using the Hydrogen Peroxide/Borax cure for a month now. My dog initially began to improve. But it is beginning to seem like a losing battle. He looks almost as bad as he did before. I sprayed the whole yard with the solution, especially his sleeping places. He must be getting reinfected from the yard. Will Malathion 55% applied at 1 or 2 tsp. per gallon sprayed in the yard, be able to kill the mites? I know I should keep my dog out of the yard for at least 3 days after spraying. He originally got the mites when we put him in the yard. My neighbor informed me that the people who lived here before us had 2 dogs who died from Mange. I am assuming it is in the dirt. We cut down the weeds, but my dog actually got worse after cutting them down. How long do these mites live in the dirt? How can I kill them? Do the mites live longer in dry dirt rather than wet (or grass)? I can't bring the dog into the house, my landlord insisted that the dog not be allowed inside the house. I am wishing I could give my dog away - to save his life.
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
After taking my dog to 3 different Vets over a period of 1 and 1/2 years, I found this web site. Looked all over the place for Borax...even SM stores don't have it. Finally founds some in a billiards supply store. P700 for 1/2 kilo.
I mixed 1 cup peroxide 2 cups water 2 tablespoons borax and soaked up my dog and just let her air dry. I do this once a week and on a daily basis make a small amount of paste just using the borax and peroxide to put on her stubborn spots. It's been 3 weeks since I started this and she's almost back to complete recovery. Thank you so much!
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
I have a rott puppy. I recently have found out that the whole litter had mange. My friend is taking her puppy to the vet for a 6 week series of shots. I have started the Borax mixture. My friend talked to the vet and they said the Borax mixture will NOT work. We both said yea it figures they would say that because it is a home remedy. My puppy's sores look as if they are getting worse. Is this normal? I bathed her on Monday and again today (wednesday). How many more times do I have to do this before I see improvement? My husband just says she isn't getting better and that I should take her to the vet. Please offer advice.
(Corpus Christi, Texas)
Did your dog ever get better? I have a 1 and 4 monts german sheperd mix and he has had demodex mange since he was about 5 months. I have tried several treatments from vet dips, to ivermectin and he gets it back. When I use Teds remedy it seems like the sores get worse, with puss and everything. Could he be having a reaction against the remedy?
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
I have used the formula for three days now on what my neighbors tell me is red mange. The stray pup is 13 weeks old, white and had not lost hair, but had tiny red spots all over belly which I thought was a reaction to fleas at first. As the days went on she started scratching like crazy I felt so bad for her but could not afford a vet so I found this page and started it immediately. Also gave her benydrl ever 4 hours to help with the itch. This is the third day, the first day itched still, then day 2 almost a day with out much itching, today she is still quit red all over. Is this normal I wonder. I see people here saying the redness went a way by the second day, so I am worried this might now be working and I might be harming the dog.
I think If I could do something to help with the redness and itching she would heal faster. Is there anything that helps more with the itch itself.
Here is how I use the forumla, hopefully I am doing it right:
One cup hydrogen peroxide to 9 teaspoons of Borax powder (didn't have a tablespoon, so assuming 9 teaspoons is 3 table spoons. After settling I add 4 cups of warm water. Pour on the dog and let her drip dry. I am doing this twice a day.
Sadly I made the mistake of allowing this puppy to play with my two chihuhuas for almost 2 weeks after I brought the pup home. I should have known better. I now have them seperated, but the two chihuahuas are now itching, though not consistently like the pup. I have dipped them too, and started dipping all of them 3 days ago.
In summary:
1. Is 2 times a day initially too much? And if not how long should i do this twice a day? It's not clear in the instructions.
2. Is there something that I can put on her to help with the itching. I heard others talk about vegatable oil, but don't want to prevent the formula from working.
3. HOw long should I expect to see the over all redness?
4. I have no access to Organic ACV, will store bought do the same? And how much do I add to the formula. I know that supermarket ACV cures blisters on my own feet, and though it dries them out a bit it works wonders.
I'm very grateful to you fred for sharing your remedy with all of us. i have read every post in this forum, just need some clarification that I am doing it correctly, and a couple of side question..
Thank you in advance.
(Gold Coast, Australia)
Just reading your post and according to Ted's orginal instructions for the cure, you must mix the hydrogen peroxide with the water first, THEN add the borax. I am no chemic, but Ted mentions that if you do it the other way around (ie: add the borax and peroxide together, then add water) the solution is too weak to work. Hope that helps
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
I have an 11 mo old bulldog that has "allergies and yeast" I was at the pet food store and ran into a woman who had a 7 mo old bully. She said hers had mites that were causing bumps and hair loss and red spots...same as mine. I went onto the internet to review what mites were, OMG...I HATE BUGS of any kind. Anyway I wanted a home remedy as opposed to the meds/dips which from everything I read don't work and are toxic. Found this solution and tried it last night. Is it possible for it to start to work immediately? He looks so much better. Can I treat his ears with this solution on a cotton ball? I remembered it wrong though so now I am a little worried I used 1 cup of Peroxide, 2 cups of water and 8 tablespoons of 20 Mule Team Borax. I washed him with Head and Shoulders Shampoo (Breeder recommended) and Sponged the solution on his head and under his tail and underside and poured the remainder on his back. We have him on front line which I thought worked on these creatures but now I am doing this. I also have a ShiTzu and Boston/Frenchie Mix. Do they need to be treated (no signs at all)?
Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
My 5-year old yorkie-pooh (Katy) was a "dead-dog-walking" last October. After rounds of ivermectin and many, many mitaban dips, (as well as a couple of cortisone shots for the itching), to treat her demidectic manage, her poor paws were just covered with thick scabs, which oozed. She was listless, wouldn't hardly eat, and she even hurt to walk outside to just potty. My vet suggested we scrape them to at least let the under coat heal. I tried this.........and they just were not healing. And I hated to see her suffer any longer.
On a Saturday, I made the decision to take her to put her down the next Monday. When I shared this with my college-aged daughter, she cried......and cried. Then she got tough and went searching on the internet. As I was told that Katy didn't have much, if any, immune system, my daughter searched sites to deal with this. Ok.....we were getting somewhere. We were going to feed her HIGH ANTIOXIDANT food, (people food, NOT dog food) with emphasis on HIGH PROTEIN and very little carbs. I decided to give this one more chance. So we began feeding her salmon, steamed ground sirloin, cottage cheese, egg whites, veggies (lower carb).
In addition, I ran across TED's manage cure........and began the procedure, every night. Within 4 days of beginning the borax/perioxide treatment, I noticed a significant improvement in Katy. Not only were her paws beginning to heal, but her personality was changing.....she was showing signs of more energy and pep!!!
Long story short......I still maintain a dip of her paws a couple of times per week and still feed her the high protein diet. But she is a NEW DOG!!! And thanks to this treatment, given a new lease on life!! Thank you so very much!!!