Ted's Borax & Peroxide Mange Treatment for Dogs

Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Posted by Karen (Athens Greece ) on 01/01/2016

Our 5 month amstaff has suffered with mis diagnosis from many vets and negative skin scrappings. We have done Ted's remedy 3 times in 1 week, boosting immune system too but she still is rapidly loosing hair and biting scratching herself raw - no relief even for a few mins after treatment. She also goes bright red and covered in spots after rinse in solution.

How often should we apply treatment, why does she still itch so bad, how can we treat ring around eyes which is spreading to rest of face and any other words of advice? Thanks.

Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Posted by Keezer (Australia) on 07/18/2014

After visiting an incompetent vet who spent 5 seconds looking at my puppy's bald patches then gave her a huge shot of steroids (the very worst thing you can give a dog with mange as it obliterates the immune system) my poor pup's localised demodectic mange became generalised, with bald patches spreading from her nose right down to her chest. At the time I had no idea what was wrong with her, our 'vet' had said allergies, so I took to the internet and had diagnosed her myself within about 10 minutes, it was definitely mange.

After going to a vet, paying him a lot of money and having my pup's condition made worse as a result, I decided to try Ted's Remedy. I had found it on lots of sites with lots of great reviews. Needless to say, I got rather excited! I went out, got the hydrogen peroxide and borax, then set to work. I followed the instructions to the letter; correct measurements, washed her first then soaked her in the mixture and left it to dry. After the first application my pup's mange seemed to worsen which I thought was a good sign as I'd read about a 'healing crisis' when the mites started to die off. We cleaned EVERYTHING with borax and vinegar, even the floors.

The next week we repeated, then the next, and the next. After about four applications we could see no physical difference, except now our pup was lying around and seemed miserable. She had begun scratching (demodectic mange shouldn't itch so this was a sign of a secondary infection). I decided it was time to visit another vet.

The new vet did a skin scraping and found it was definitely mange but that my pup now also had a bacterial AND a yeast infection - no wonder the poor thing was so unhappy! She was started on antibiotics but, by this stage, I had read so many bad things about invermectin and other mange treatments that I wanted to stick with Ted's Remedy a while longer. As soon as the antibiotics were finished my pup was scratching once more. One night I came home to find her entire muzzle raw and bleeding. After sitting on the floor with her with tears running down my face, I realised it was time to give up on Ted's Remedy.

Long story short (too late! ) she has now had one and a half shots of an invermectin-type treatment (sorry, can't remember the name) and already her skin has improved by leaps and bounds. It is now a healthy light pink instead of dark pink to angry red. All the horrible mange bumps are gone, her skin is very smooth. She has stop scratching and her scabs have healed. But, best of all, she has had a sudden burst of energy! We always assumed she was just a quiet natured pup but, now that she feels better, her true energetic nature has come out!

I know lots of people are keen to use natural remedies whenever possible (my entire skin care range is now made up of homemade, coconut oil-based products) but, when dealing with something that can become a serious danger to health, it really pays to seek professional help. If you're disappointed with one professional, as we were, seek a second opinion. If we had done that a couple of months earlier our pup would have been saved weeks of unnecessary suffering. Sorry Ted, this just wasn't for us!

Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Posted by Joe (Wirral) on 06/26/2014

Is using distilled water alongside the hydrogen peroxide & borax essential to the effectiveness of the demodectic mange treatment?

I have been using de-ionised water instead but am yet to see any improvement in my dogs skin after 6 dips, thanks.

Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Posted by Michelle (Tn) on 07/07/2013

Yes, I was wondering about the message someone else left about treating their dog with the borax and after 2 weeks there was no improvement. I also have tried the peroxide and borax, with no improvement. So I got some ac vinegar, only seen improvement the day of use, but next again the bumps were back. My question I guess is how long before I see that its working? Also she (my dog) just finished her medicine of ivermec from the vet. I'm desperate to help my furry family member, im talking about the dog not my 17 year old.

Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Posted by Tcoop (Orlando, Fl) on 01/24/2013

I am at my wits end I have been trying this cure of borax and peroxide for about two weeks. My dog does not seem to be getting better. She is still red and hairless on 2 spots on her back and around her neck. I spray her almost everyday and it just doesn't seem to be working. What should I see after 2 weeks? Should she still be red on these spots? Her skin is very dark looking.

Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Posted by Coco (Lahore, Pakistan) on 09/01/2011


Dear All,

after reading such positive feedback on this website for the above treatment for demodex mange. I decided to apply this on my 2 year old femal pitbul who had lost all her hair on her muzzle, around the eyes and was no longer responding to ivomec, lime sulphur dips. I tried amitraz once on her and she did not react well to is, so you can imagine my excitement to find the borax h2o2 cure. I did the dip as advised however the next day my dog's entire face was 5 times its original size and she was oozing blood from her eyelids, ears, muzzle.

She had such a bad reaction to this treatment that I would like to warn anyone new who would be tempted to try this. No wonder we never hear about this treatment anywhere else except this particular website. I would discourage people from trying treatments like I did without my vet's approval. The first thing I did was to give her a bath and make sure that the deadly mixture was out of her fur and body as much as possible. I then rushed her to the vet where she is being treated but she looks bad. If I could post a photograph of her on this site, you would know the before and after.

Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Posted by Doggs (Newport, Ca) on 01/27/2011


WARNING! PLEASE Do not use Oxi-Clean or other cleaning products that simply contain sodium perborate, the other ingredients could be toxic to your pet, esp. If leaving it on the skin all day. (Remember, the skin is an organ that absorbs toxins into the bloodstream/organs.)

Just buy plain 100% borax (as Ted says if you can't find the sodium perborate)-- you can find it at groceries/Target which usually carries the 20 Mule Team brand.

Don't forget to treat the household/floors/bedding/

socks/feet etc., or the cycle of recontamination will continue.

Virgin coconut oil given to eat by the tsp. And applied on skin is an excellent antiseptic balm. ($6~$12 jar at health food stores, lasts over a year, great value).

Good luck!

Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Posted by Yolanda (Anytown, New Mexico) on 09/22/2010

We tried Ted's cure exactly as instructed here. It did not work and the localized mange became generalized with secondary skin infections. Our little dachshund is now at the vet's office having been dipped in the toxic solution that we were trying to avoid. This cure did not work for us.

Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Posted by Sheila (Ocala, Fl, USA) on 01/20/2010


I tried Ted's peroxide and Borax remedy for mange. Followed directions to the tea. Well, my lab is 9 years old and her hair doesn't grow as fast as it used to. The remedy turned her black hair red. It hasn't grown out yet and looks awful. Please, anyone with a black dog, beware. There should be a warning about hair color change. Now my dog does look sick!!

Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Posted by Mimi (Arlington, Tx) on 11/11/2009

I've been following Ted's mange cure instructions on my chihuahua for 4-6 weeks, shampooing him with a benzoyl peroxide shampoo from the vet and then using Ted's dip once a week. I also use just the dip another 1 or 2 times a week. I've had no change in symptoms on my dog. Recently he ran away and ended up at an animal hospital. When I picked him up, they had done a skin scraping and said that his infestation of mites was still very bad. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong since so many others are having good luck with the treatment. I've added a chicken, rice, vegetables home made diet to his menu along with fish oil supplements, echinecea, to build up his immune system. I'm about to try the Mitaban dips but really, really, don't want to due to the chemicals in it and due to the cost of the dips. I need to get my puppy better soon. He's been sick for a couple of months now. Does anyone have suggestions?

Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Posted by Misty (San Diego, Ca) on 09/13/2009

I used the exact measurements Ted recommended and the problem did not go away at all. So I take my dog to the vet and tell them exactly what I used on her. The vet told me that had I continued any longer than I had, not only could I have given my dog liver damage, but I could have KILLED her. Borax is toxic as most of these other treatments are. It's even caused humans to get sick, although not lethal to us.

Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Posted by Bettina Moss (Los Angeles, CA, USA) on 11/11/2008

Just to let you know re: borax bath for demodex mange, my homeopathic vet (he practices both regular vet medicine and homeopathy) said the borax treatment was the absolute WORST thing you could do. He said borax is very harsh and a supreme irritant. Sure enough before we were able to go to the vet with our pups we tried the borax bath and they got horribly worse. I would strongly advise that before trying this remedy you talk to a homeopathic practitioner. Maybe this works for not terrible cases but in our situation it created torment for our puppies! So please think TWICE before trying this.

Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Posted by Julie (Columbia, SC) on 09/22/2008

I'm sad to say that Ted's remedy did not work for my dog. I have a cock-a-poo and for almost 3 months has had sarcoptic mange. I have tried everything, she first was given Ivermecin, then I tried the borax + h2o bath, and now she has her 4 Mitaban Dip tomorrow :( It that doesn't seem to be working either. I shaved her yesterday because i heard that cutting the hair would let the treatment get right to her skin, and this morning I woke up with a million bites on me. I've been to the doctor 3 times to treat scabies for myself. Some PLEASE help, I don't know what else I can do! Thank you!

Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Posted by James (Houston, Texas) on 06/11/2008

I tried everything on this site for the cure and control of Mange on my poor dog. Nothing worked and after three months of trying we had to put her down.

What we tried:
1)put ACV in her water
2)put sesame seed oil and olive oil mixed in with her food
3)Borax and H Peroxide w/H2O mixture as perscribed on site

Borax and Peroxide User Reviews
Posted by Dewain (Randolph, NJ) on 05/28/2008

We have a 4 month old 25 lb. Lab mix. At 8 weeks she was diagnosed with scabies and demodectic mange. She completed a 3 dose regiment of 'Revolution' and is now on a daily 1 ml dosage of Ivermectin. We initially tried your (16 oz. diluted to 1% peroxide w/ 3 TB. borax solution) and was unsure of the results so we stopped it and went with the vet suggestions. The hair loss and itching continues. The vet has her on antihistimines, and after the vet's medicines, and no positive results, we went back to your borax solution. The vet recommended a shampoo that makes her brake out in lesions even worse. Seems like every time we do what's recommended, (your solution included) she breaks out in lesions, and itches and scrathes even worse. This was a shelter rescue, trucked up from Georgia to NJ. Please....Wit's End in NJ

EC: Sent to Ted for response..

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