Yeast Infection
Natural Remedies

Natural Yeast Infection Remedies: Herbal Solutions & Lifestyle Tips

Lifestyle Changes
Posted by Dena L. (New Orleans, Louisiana ) on 05/21/2024

I suffered with recurrent yeast infections since my early 20s. I didn't want to give up my relationship so I suffered. Once the relationship was over, I used meditation from the doctor and decided to take my health in my own hands. I decided to strengthen my immune system by changing my diet by consuming milk alternatives like almond milk and eating fruits instead of sugary snacks. I got on a women's gummy vitamin. I can't take regular vitamins because they cause me chest pain. I started drinking kombucha drinks from Walmart twice a week, as well as Ollipop drinks in place of soda. I got myself fully tested and completely stopped having intercourse. I realize my partner was the cause of my recurrent yeast infection issues. I even treated my partner and got it again. I been free of these issues since I stopped all sex. I know many of you may not want to hear this but they are the cause of our issues. Your health is more important because most aren't faithful.
