ACV and Coconut Oil
(Rochester, New York)
(Richardson, Tx, Usa)
Dosing questions: A good place to start is 1 TBSP of coconut oil at a time. I put mine in pomegranate green tea, but you can add it to hot chocolate or your favorite hot drink to melt it. Or you can add 1 TBSP coconut oil to a blended health smoothie/protein style drink that you are creative with. You can also cook with 1 TBSP of it if drinking it feels weird. For the ACV, I use 1 TBSP in 16 oz of water. Personally, I do that with 1 teaspoon of baking soda before bed. Start with a bit less if that is too strong at first. I am doing that once a day at the moment PM, and the coconut oil mid afternoon to control appetite.
(Eugene, Oregon)
Be careful with coconut oil. Start out with 1/2 to 1 teaspoon at a time since it can cause diarrhea if too much is taken at once. Work your way up to a Tablespoon.
(Richardson, Tx, Usa)
One tablespoon of virgin cocout oil (VCO) at a time with a food or drink product as described should not be a problem for anyone, unless you have pre-existing bowel issues. Starting with less VCO would only be helpful in those situations, or if you are taking it solo (not what I described). You need at least a tablespoon of VCO at a time before you will see health benefits.
(Lakeland, Florida)
Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar
I started drinking 2 TBSP of ACV in 4 ounces of water, three times a day. Immediately the pounds started melting away faster with the program I was on. I went from 259 lbs down to 197 lbs in six months. Even my blood pressure dropped to normal, my cholesterol levels were normal, and the inflammation in my joints were gone. If not for weight it for your health. It's worth it!!
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar

(Las Vegas)

(Miami, Florida)
It sounds like you may have histamine intolerance! That would cause the headache. Hope this helps. To decrease histamine you can avoid certain foods but also you can take histamine degrading probiotics as well as a supplementthat degrades histamine.
The headache is probably caused by the toxins that are escaping from your body during this process. Sometimes we get headaches or for the symptoms when we start to detox or start to get healthy. They shouldn't last more than 2 weeks maximum but it should start to feel relief quicker.
An overweight body = Toxic body
It's perfectly normal as we're losing weight to develop headaches & other the body is losing fat... the toxins stored within the fat are being released into the bloodstream for exit out of the body...symptoms are initiated by the body to remove excess toxicity.
Also, most pharmaceutical drugs are toxic. Developing headaches is normal when your body has an overabundance of the body detoxes ... toxins are released into the blood stream for elimination which will make many believe the treatment is making them sick when in reality, it's Healing. Symptoms are initiated by the body to remove excess toxicity.
The body creates symptoms for a reason...symptom suppressing drugs cause more harm...your body has high blood pressure for a need to get to the root cause as to why your body is raising its blood pressure...
Apple Cider Vinegar
Hi, thank you for your post, I lost weight last year and actually among other things I was taking ACV. Just interested what blood group are you?
Also I wonder if the reason ACV helps us loose weight is the vitamin k is good for our liver and gall bladder and helps with fat metabolism?! Just wondering.. Thanks for reminding me. I'll start taking it again but might add some bicarb of soda. Keep us posted of your continued weight loss, thanks.
(Miami Fla)
Do u take the Apple Cider Vinegar before you eat or after to lose weight?
Be careful with the amount of ACV you put in your water. I started out doing 2 tps in water 3 times a day and it gave me a yeast infection. Honestly I have never felt any health benefits from ACV. When I have stopped drinking it for a few months I feel no different.
ACV cures yeast/ fungus, sugar and flour cause yeast, please check your diet.
(Las Vegas)
I agree with Michelle, ACV cures yeast and it cleared up my candida. Check your diet.
Hi. Yes, ACV can be great for you but just like all good things, too much can be bad. A proper amount of ACV can help balance the body's ph levels, especially in the bladder, and help the body metabolize certain things. Just like in the pet section for incontinence and thyroid issues though, too much ACV for people can throw the balance too far to the alkaline and cause infection too. Wisdom and caution, prudence and proportion with all things. Blessings to all.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I have been drinking A/C/V and water for a very long time but, had to stop because I was losing to much weight. I starting back about a month ago and lost a lot of weight again I weight 110 when I started and now I weight 103. I'm going to stop dirning a 16oz glass once a day. Now I'm going to drink an 8oz glass every other day. I'm only 5'1 1/2" tall so, I don't need to lose anymore weight.
I was reading where you guys use baking soda in your A/C/V I tried that yesterday in an 8oz glass and I really did like it. It takes away some of that vinegar taste.
Good luck to everyone, I love you guys for all of the great formulas that you have put on this website.
Apple Cider Vinegar
I have had problems with overeating all my life. Since my latest juice fasting, I was determined to find a way to stay slim and not overeat any more. I want to share it: As a general guideline I don't eat any processed foods. I use organic, fresh produce, few nuts, no oils or butters, little carbohydrates, ACV, blackstrap molasses, ground flaxseeds, very little fish and chicken for my cravings, food combining (either protein and vegetables or carbohydrates and vegetables or fruits), our own eggs. I also drink daily Grapefruit-Orange juice.
I use the ACV mostly with the food I eat instead of drinking it. So I started pickling with ACV, make salads with ACV. I eat many small portions (for ex. 3 soft boiled eggs with a bit of horseradish or some olives) during the day. I am never starved, I feel I eat a lot without ever feeling stuffed. I don't need to loose weight but do so very slowly and steadily. My digestion has improved, flatulence and gas are hardly any problem and I feel good. The less I eat, the more I eat quality. I can easily buy everything organic (farmer's market helps, too) as my portions are small now and I am saving big by not buying chips, cakes, chocolates, sweets and all other junk.
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar