I have been overweight since gradeschool. Nobody pointed out that eating icecream every night before bed would cause weight gain... PCOS began in my 20s, from coffee? Chocolate? Birth control pills? Don't really know.
BUT!! High dose vitamin C has been *excellent* for exercise resistant weight problems!!!!, which was aparently a detox/edema issue.
I mix a couple grams of vitamin C with baking soda and water, let it fizz, and drink it. I don't even need to exercise.
I realized it was reducing my weight when I mixed it up one day (maybe with fresh lemon juice added) and for the first time kept adding baking soda until it didn't fizz any more. A few days after I noticed my thighs were much slimmer and firmer. I suspect it gave me kidney stones, though, so I use less now.
The vit c is making the weight come off in all the hard to lose places - belly, hips, thighs, face. Not sure if the baking soda is necessary. It might be. I like to mix in fresh lemon or lime juice.
Lasix and Slimfast (w/ hunger control) were also very effective for weight loss, but less healthy. Regular Slimfast always left me hungry, but the hunger control kind I would drink and not be hungry or tired or even want food all day. I used it for about two years, went from an 18 to a 14. I quit because of the sucralose in it.
If you are *very* desperate to lose weight though I would recommend it. Just make SURE you eat some fresh fruit or veggies every day to keep your bowels clean. And drink water.
I also recommend lots of garlic, cilantro, parsley, and turmeric for their detox properties.
When I was in gradeschool someone gave me diet soda ( Diet Rite if I recall) for the first time and I have a vived memory of how fuzzy and foggy my head was after. It was like just like static on a tv screen but in my head. I was formerly very energetic and cheerful but ever since have struggled. My grandmother drank a lot of the same diet soda and died of Alzhiemer's.