Weight Gain
Natural Remedies

Ten Diet Tweaks to Lose Weight for Life!

Green Tea
Posted by Southernarc (Durham, Nc, Usa) on 02/20/2012

I've found green tea to be extremely beneficial in helping me to lose 40 pounds in about 7 months. Just note that the tea was used in a holistic approach of eating clean, exercise, and a moderate calorie deficit.

I read about about the myriad of benefits online and experienced the weight loss benefits personally. I started brewing my own green iced tea and religiously drank a quart every two days. I noticed that besides giving me a slight energy boost, the main thing it did was to help inhibit hunger. But it's the catechins in the tea that is supposed to help burn off calories. A friend (who I turned on to it) told me that after a month his weight loss had been accelerated and the only change was that he started drinking the tea. I firmly believe every weight loss program should incorporate green tea!

Green Tea
Posted by Amber (Kitchener, ON, Canada) on 04/27/2009

Green Tea for Weight Loss: I drink about a liter of green tea every day and have lost five pounds in about three weeks. This is a lose leaf good quality green tea (blueberry green tea to be exact). That is the only thing I had changed in my life style. I am going to keep drinking it!

Green Tea
Posted by Leighne (Compton, California) on 03/04/2008

Green Tea (Liquid concentrate). I have been drinking green tea (tea bags) and putting 6 drops of the liquid tea for about 8 weeks. I have energy that I never had. I also dropped 8 lbs. This tea tastes great also, I do not put any other ingredients in the tea, just the natural flavors. Everyday I drink 1 1/2 cups of hot tea.

I just started taking 1T cider vinegar every day in my water for about 2 weeks. I noticed my eyes are not as dry in the mornings as they usually are.
