Weight Gain
Natural Remedies

Ten Diet Tweaks to Lose Weight for Life!

Posted by Xiang (Cleveland, Ohio) on 04/26/2012

Effects: According to a study published by "The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, " cinnamon has been linked to weight loss because the spice stimulates, or increases, the metabolism of glucose. Glucose, or blood sugar, is a main source of energy and affects how hungry or energetic you feel.

Benefits: A benefit of cinnamon is its ability to delay food from progressing through the digestive system. Food is delayed in the stomach and, as a result, leaves you feeling full for a longer period of time. This results in a reduction of hunger and causes you to eat less. In addition to satiation, the active compound in cinnamon is methyl hydroxy chalcone polymer (MHCP) and works to increase glucose metabolism, according to the USDA. Your blood sugar level determines whether you burn fat or store it. Increasing your glucose metabolism through the use of cinnamon tablets burns excess glucose, which is stored as fat in your body. In short, feeling less hungry and burning excess glucose more effectively equates to eating less and losing weight.
