Mom your taking the kitchen sink to grow hair. Please try Hyaluronic Acid at least 100 mg per day.. i am taking HA to reverse my ageing.. The first thing i notice my hair started to grow..On my bald spot as well as on my arms and legs. Please read up on HA.. When you buy HA please make sure.. for example if you take 3 pills per day.. make sure the 3 pill equal 100mg. I am old 83.. your young so your hair should grow faster.
Be positive..you will have beautiful hair again soon.
Much caring
Edgar Cayce's Hair Loss Remedies
Yes it works! I don't even know how long I have been using the crude oil, Vaseline, massage, and shampoos - 15-20 years or so! It has made my hair not fall out but it never changed the appearance. Two months ago, I got the tonic and now my hair is growing faster, it use to be so thin, but now it is thicker, I don't need to use hair spray anymore either! If I want to curl it, I curl it and it stays curled! It is amazing that for as long as I have studied the Cayce readings (25 years) that I never tried the tonic!! I would suggest it to anyone who is having hair loss. If you start with his remedies right when you notice the hair loss, it would be better. If you wait until it all falls out, it may be too late.
The formula has the following ingredients:Lactated Pepsin, Black Snake Root Extract, Essence of Wild Ginseng, Atomic Iodine, Extract of Liver, and Grain Alcohol. It can be found online or at a health food store.
Edgar Cayce's Hair Loss Remedies
Dear Sue,
Castor Oil has been used by many to help with hair growth. I try to do this once a month and it seems to have made a difference for me, though it has taken some time to be noticeable.
About once a month, I put castor oil (cold pressed or expeller pressed, hexane free) on my scalp. I use a small squeeze bottle and apply the oil to just my scalp and massage it into my scalp. I wrap my head in a towel and leave it over night. In the morning, I wash my hair twice.
Some use Black Castor Oil the same way.
~Mama to Many~
YEA for biotin (hair loss)
YEA for iodine & borax (dandruff)
After the birth of my son 15 years ago, I had more hair loss every time I brushed or washed my hair than I had ever had before. I always had long, almost waist-length, thick hair. After the birth, I became so distressed over the thinning, dryness, & split ends that I cut my hair to chin-length. I kept trying to grow it long but every few years "chopped" it again due to split ends. My hair is medium-coarse and never seemed thin to people who cut my hair but I could tell the difference.
About a year ago I started taking biotin. I take 5mg per day, and I get a bottle of 300 capsules (10 months' supply) for $12, so this is a very affordable, no fuss remedy! It took a month or two to notice a real difference, but my hair loss became minimal. My hair is now so thick, and has grown past my shoulder blades for the first time in 15 years! Also, there are very few split ends--even though this doesn't make much sense, as only the new growth would be affected by the biotin, but it's true (a few months ago I bought some very sharp scissors and trimmed my split ends, but they haven't come back). And my hair is growing a little faster; it used to grow no more than 1/2 inch per month (I color my hair 3-4 times per year, and occasionally measure) and now it is growing almost 1 inch per month.
Another hair problem I had for about 20 years was dandruff. This started when I was 16. I tried many, many supplements, diet changes and topical remedies over the years with no results (except for a liquid zinc treatment for excema--this helped but didn't cure). I eventually tried a dandruff shampoo, which would give me relief for no more than 24 hours. I really didn't want to do this, but if I didn't I would actually get scabs in addition to incessant itching & painful inflammation.
A few weeks ago I bought a "liquid kelp" iodine supplement, took a dropperful twice a day in water and within 48 HOURS I had ZERO FLAKES! This is after 20 years of discomfort, self-consciousness, and not being able to wear black or use nicer shampoos! I recently found another supplement that has 150mcg iodine per drop, and I take 2-3 drops per day.
About 2-3 weeks after starting the iodine, I had a VERY slight return of the dandruff. But now I am not using dandruff shampoo at all. I shampoo, douse my scalp with a borax solution (1-2 tablespoons in 2 cups of water), let that sit for a couple of minutes, then condition. My scalp is super clean, I can go several days without shampooing (when I had the dandruff I had to shampoo every other day), and my hair seems softer & less frizzy.
I too have been losing my hair.
I'm 58 years old, have COPD and celiac disease. I have for the most part quit eating gluten foods, but every now and again I binge on them. I just did this. When I did, I noticed my hair falling out much heavier than normal. I stopped and the abnormal hair loss stopped.
I take two tablespoons of blackstrap molasses every morning with hot water. I've also started with a teaspoon of honey mixed with ACV as well, morning and night, and notice right away that the hair loss stops.
I have low energy so I began yesterday by adding cinnamon to the ACV/honey mixture. I'll see how that works for the low energy. Also, with the BSM, I've noticed a change in color in my hair. Where it was once almost all gray, it is turning back to the original dark/almost black, that it was. It's a miracle! Especially in my condition. Check for severe allergies; they might be the culprit to the hair loss and you can eliminate them then.
Also, if you've gone through trauma of any kind and/or are high strung, try the honey, experiment with dosage, as it is a relaxer. It will help you sleep, too. Look for honey that is local to your area as it can also help with outdoor types of allergies.
Blackstrap Molasses, B Complex, ACV
Yes! Those brown streaks are more than likely because of your mixture, especially if she did not have this condition before. I would be very wary of using so much iron while you are breastfeeding your daughter. Babies do not need THAT much iron. When I breastfed my daughter, I noticed that anytime I ate garlic, she would have garlic breath. Also anytime I drank cow's milk (I'm allergic to milk protein) my daughter would have excruciating stomach pains. When I stopped drinking milk, her pain disappeared. PLEASE, be very careful of what you give yourself while you breastfeed. Loss of hair is common after having a baby due to hormone adjustment and stress. I would suggest y9ou simply eat as healthily of food as you can while your body adjusts itself; don't stress over your hair so much right now. (By the way, a good stress soother for you and the baby is stewed apples with cinnamon. Just heat 2 sliced apples in pot or microwave until soft and add cinnamon and eat when warm. I found that my baby would sigh with pleasure whenever I ate this before or while breastfeeding; we both felt calmer and it safely soothed her stomachache) Please go on line and check what excess iron can do to babies and their brains. If it was me, I would wait until I finished breastfeeding before putting such potent (toxic for the baby) concentrations into my body. Please check before going further.. Best wishes for you both...
Coconut Oil
Regarding organic virgin cold pressed coconut oil, I internally take 3 tsp daily, as well as oil pull with it, and for skin, it is a great makeup remover as well as facial cleanser and moisturizer. For hair, once a month; I saturate my hair (dry hair) with the oil, then wrap in saran wrap and cover with a warm towel for no less than 2hrs.; then wash normally. It is IMO, one of the better oils to use externally, since it absorbs so quickly, and is less damaging than all those nasty chemicals.
Baldness cures have been around as long as bald men. From ancient Egypt to the present, bald men have always been able to buy sure-fire, guaranteed, grow-your-hair-back potions. And now there's even impressive "before and after" photographs. Yet after all the "cures" and all the promises, bald heads are everywhere.
Let it be said at the outset that there are many things capable of producing hair on a balding head. If you rub your head with a mixture of vodka and cayenne peppers you may see some hair growth. Ethyl alcohol and propylene glycol can stimulate some growth (for this reason they are common ingredients in many baldness treatments). Italian barbers have passed a scalp massage technique down through the generations that seems to grow hair. Irritating the scalp in any number of ways can cause hair growth. The point of a baldness treatment is not just to grow hair. A treatment is of interest to a balding man only if it grows enough hair to improve his appearance and if he is able to keep that hair.
From the book: The Bald Book by Klenhard 1986 page 46.
Cayenne Pepper Hair Tonic:
The ability of this herb to irritate the skin, increase blood flow and stimulate cell division is well known.
– Mix four ounces of cayenne pepper with one pint of 80 proof vodka.
– Let it stand for two weeks, shaking the mixture once each day.
– Strain through several layers of fine cloth until the mixture is free of pepper.
– Once or twice a day, rub a small amount onto the thinning areas of the scalp.
Note: Alcohol is list as a remedy for Alopecia in the Mereck Manual 1899, page 86. If you do not like the idea of alcohol, substitute with apple cider vinegar.
Rub your scalp every morning with a mixture of cayenne pepper and vodka. Rub a small amount of this mixture into your scalp in the morning. This will help to stimulate your hair follicles and promote blood flow to your scalp, according to stylist and hair expert Riquette Hofstein, owner of Riquette International Salon in Beverly Hills, in her book "Grow Hair Fast: 7 Steps to a New Head of Hair in 90 Days."
Capsaicin in Cayenne can trigger the vallanoid receptors in hair follicles and may boost hair growth (3). The spice may also stimulate hair growth by inhibiting substance P (a peptide). In a study, participants with alopecia showed hair growth in a 5-month period when they ingested capsaicin and isoflavone (4), (5). Most peppers in the same family as cayenne pepper are rich in vitamins A, C, and E, and folate (7). These vitamins are known to play a role in hair loss (8).
A Treatise on Materia Medica and Therapeutics Including Pharmacy, Dispensing By Rakhal Das Ghosh 1922. page 542 states:
Externally. – The action of Capsaicin is like that of volitile oils and to some extent that of cantharidin. In other words, it is a powerful irritant, rubefacient and therefore counter-irritant. Like cantharidate, capsaicin may be used to promote the growth of hair.
Coconut Oil
You can apply the coconut oil to your scalp when it's dry, let it absorb for about an hour or two and then get into shower. You do not need to use the conditioner after shampoo. Coconut oil is a very good conditioner too.
On the other hand, you can eat/drink two to three spoonfuls everyday. But, I believe doing both is a sure shot way.
Multiple Remedies
I just wanted to thank Ted for his brilliant work and I will help add some feedback if I can. I am 30 years of age and have had some hair thinning for about 5 years, but I truly believe with Ted's remedies and my nutrition formula i am on the way to growing a thicker, fuller main of hair. I have also delayed the loss with some of my nutrion techniques but needed to clear my pores to kick up the growth to a new level.
here is my formula: firstly i tried all of Ted's hair bath's, cider vinegar, tea tree oil etc. I found the one that truly removed the dissolved minerals(feels sticky and block's pore's on hair follicles) on my scalp was 1 teaspoon of borax in a 1% hydrogen peroxide solution. So add 1 big teaspoon of borax to a big salad bowl. then add 1 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide(this is the only concentration i can get here in canada) and then add 2 cups of normal water to dilute the solution down to 1%-like Ted says. mix the contents and soak your scalp in it while pouring a cup of it over you head and making sure in flows back into the salad bowl. do this for three minutes. and make sure to not get this mixture in your eyes, as it will sting.
Now put a teaspoon of baking soda in a cup of water and mix and pour over hair to rinse the borax/peroxide solution. Then i like to wash hair with Dr. Bronner magic soap with tea tree oil or any other good quality health food store shampoo with tea tree oil.
O.K now we have cleared the pores, time to build the bodies supply of protein and minerals.
Firstly hair is mostly protein(then minerals) by dry weight, so eat adequate protein. Free range eggs, free range lean meats and poultry, only wild seafood(i.e. not farmed such as tilipai, basa, atlantic salmon etc.) it is full of pesticides which i am sure erode health. Actually do not eat to much sea life in general, it has good nutrition but lots of toxins. many people are allergic to dairy so organic is better for most and consider goat and sheep milk products too. also a pure whey protein isolate can build hair too.
Now onto minerals. The first source of minerals is sea salt, any good sea salt contains most trace minerals that build hair-put it on food and in soups. also my favorite product in the world is Bioforce(A. Vogel) Herbamare. it is a blend of sea salt and herbs and kelp and contains all minerals needed by the human body. Season all foods with it and especially soups and rice dishes and stocks and liquids so it dissolves and releases the nutrition.
Now also maple syrup in teas. Maple trees roots dig deep into the ground and pull up minerals in the sap of the trees and are reduced to make the syrup. They are powerful mineral concentrates. use in teas such as stinging nettle combined with rosemary and mint. etc. put in all teas and even coffee. Now here is a big one. Most alternative physicians will talk of an algae product called spirulina (and others like chlorella) and will recommend high doses of it. THEY ARE WRONG. Because it is a superfood and one of the most concentrated sources of nutrition on the planet it will mess up your hormones at medium to high doses. TAKE ONE OR TWO PILLS EVERY ONE OR TWO DAYS - NOT MORE. You are using it as a homeopathic mineralizer, not a food.
lots of stews, stocks, teas, and water based liquids with herbs, veggies, sea salt, herbamare, to build up minerals.
Drink tap water filtered with brita and changed every two weeks to a month, unless you are in a farming area and your tap is full of nitrates, then find another source.
Do not drink distilled water as it has no minerals.
i also like Ted's vitamin C water with 1/8teaspoon of baking soda to balance PH.
also waking in nature, such as a side street or park or forest to oxygenate the body and scalp. One of the causes of hair loss is a lack of oxygen i.e. when people were baseball caps. i had the thickest hair on the planet and i thinned it by wearing a ball cap when i was in my teens -stupid me.
Also stretching and yoga will oxygenate the body.
So i believe the causes of hair loss are:
fungus/minerals in hair follicles/hats or low oxygen
lack of quality protein
lack of minerals
low scalp oxygen
unbalanced hormones.
low fatty acids (eat cold water fish oils, flax oil, olive oil, cold filtered raw oils , not cheap processed oils.)
Now this is just a start and there much more i could write but the most important point to consider is all body types are unique so take this info with a grain of salt and experiment with what works for you.
good luck and god bless
During the first 3 months of the year I was in an area where well water was used and I did not really pay attention but did notice I grew to have little use for conditioner, not even really considering the water. As a male I will use a tiny amount as a leave-in to style my hair. Well when I got back and within two days of using chlorinated water, my hair felt like straw again when not using the conditioner. Chlorine will defintiely damage your hair........ after all it is bleach.
Vitamin C, Apple Cider Vinegar
use apple cider to wash your hair and put lavender and tea tree oil take vitamin c as sodium ascorbate. These 3 things will help in hair re growth and complete hair loss. thanks
Edgar Cayce's Remedies for Hair Loss
Dear friends, please take the time to investigate via the internet or the library, all of the Edgar cayce material regarding hair loss. There have been countless cures using his remedies, not just for hair loss, but for a multitude of ailments. I personally healed a pulled muscle in my left shoulder by literally doing two applications of one of his remedies. You are all in my prayers.
I also had an issue with hair shedding due to chlorine or actually cholorimide (which is a combo of chlorine and ammonia municipalities now use in water supplies.) What I found to work for my hair loss was borax dissolved in water used instead of shampoo. I had had to stop using commercial shampoo and the borax solution was a great substitute. It also cleared up the rosacea on my forehead.
I also added iodine to my diet, and had started on Ted's borax protocol. Borax helps to neutralize chlorine. It did take a few months for me to really notice a difference. One day I just noticed my hair was fuller. Vit B7(Biotin) is also good for hair loss, added to the iodine and borax protocol.
Greetings EC,
I don' t know where it is listed, however, the original post was sent in answer to Romina of Fort Lauderdale where I shared some of the COVID 19 Concoctions and supplements I took.
Here is a copy of the second post about my hair posted in August, 2020 I don't know were it is listed either:
Regarding hair growth since Covid 19 survival routine. I am amazed each time I wash my hair now. No hairballs, No sink full of hair! My hair was, was… coming out by the handfuls. After menopause I began to get hairballs and hair knots and a ball spot, o' my. What was happening to me? With all the hair products the most I could get was a little added hair that was soon go where the other lost hair went.
I had been taking supplements for hair for years and I still am, however, none of them stopped the hairballs. The baking soda and lemon juice drink alone did not stop the hairballs; the molasses baking soda drink did not stop the hairballs. The Biotin, Bamboo or Silica did not stop the hairballs. They all did health wonders for healing, but did not stop the hair knots and breakage. But since my survival routine my hair is growing. My hair has stopped getting hairballs and knots, No breakage. Amazing. The Berberine I'm taking has 10 percent Royal Jelly, also I forgot to list the zinc.
Anything else I use is in pretty much the same amount as before Covid 19, but the ones I listed in my previous post was in elevated amount during Level one Covid19. Even my eyes smile now.
Gelatin Collagen Hydrolysate
I'm happy to let u know that after 3 weeks of using gelatin collagen hydrolysate, my hair fall has greatly diminished!!!
I still can't believe no one is talking about this!!!
Hair Loss
The Indian herb, bhringaraj, has worked well. Just search the internet for testimonies. Mine was for a 69 year old woman with hair loss and within a month not only did the hair loss cede, new growth came in.
I have been taking 5000 mcg of biotin for about 2 years. Finally baby hairs are appearing where significant hair loss has been. They are about 2" long and stick straight up and get frizzy when there is humidity.
I have alopecia and even though I haven't found a way to stop it I have found something to help with the tender scalp. I found msm in lotion form and put it in with my shampoo and wash my hair it doesn't change the texture at all but helps with the tenderness. Try it, t I think you will love the relief you get from just one use. You can also just put the lotion on your scalp by itself and feel the relief but it does leave your hair greasy of done like that I suggest putting it in your shampoo.
Anesthesia-Related Hair Loss
Hair loss most likely from surgery, not the ACV! Anesthesia is murder on hair! Your hair dresser will caution you not to color or perm within 6 to 8 weeks of any surgery because of its effect on your hair. Keep the ACV.
Onion Juice
Onion juice (Allium cepa L.), a new topical treatment for alopecia areata
Alopecia areata is a patchy, non-scarring hair loss condition. Any hair-bearing surface may be involved, and different modalities of treatment have been used to induce hair regrowth. This study was designed to test the effectiveness of topical crude onion juice in the treatment of patchy alopecia areata in comparison with tap water. The patients were divided into two groups. The first group [onion juice treated] consisted of 23 patients, 16 males (69.5%) and 7 females (30.5%). Their ages ranged between 5-42 years with a mean of 22.7 years. The second group [control; tap-water-treated] consisted of 15 patients, 8 males (53.3%) and 7 females (46.6%). Their ages ranged between 3-35 years with a mean of 18.3 years. The two groups were advised to apply the treatment twice daily for two months. Re-growth of terminal coarse hairs started after two weeks of treatment with crude onion juice. At four weeks, hair re-growth was seen in 17 patients (73.9%), and, at six weeks, the hair re-growth was observed in 20 patients (86.9%) and was significantly higher among males (93.7%) compared to females (71.4%) P<0.0001. In the tap-water treated-control group, hair re-growth was apparent in only 2 patients (13%) at 8 weeks of treatment with no sex difference. The present study showed that the use of crude onion juice gave significantly higher results with regard to hair re-growth than did tap water (P<0.0001), and that it can be an effective topical therapy for patchy alopecia areata.
Onion Juice
Onion juice will regrow hair. The Allicin in the onion juice stimulates follicle growth and draws blood supply up to the root. Blend one medium onion in a blender, you can add 2 tbs honey and tbs olive oil. Put into a squirt bottle. Massage onto your scalp before bed and wear shower cap, wash off in morning. There was a study in Journal of Dermatology, 80% of subjects showed hair growth within one week. You can use nightly until you get the amount of growth desired and then use once a month for maintenance.
Do also look into the benefits of Organic Sulfur ( msm crystals ) for hair problems. Good luck.