Onion Juice
I have been experiencing hair fall since I was 14 , now Im 36 years old and my hair is really thin. But small hair continue to grow but rate of hairfall is faster than growth. So I came accross in the internet use of onion juice.So I extract fresh red onion using osterizer, then add 1 piece of calamansi juice. (or 1/2 of lime). I apply this every night. using a small pipette, then massage my scalp daily. The 3X a week I apply olive oil with rosemary leaves overnight, after applying onion juice. i plan to do this for a year. My hair stops falling and small hair continue to grow which are also strong and thick.
Palmolive Shampoo
At age 33 my hair start to fall a lot. I started trying different shampoos. One of them was Palmolive Shampoo, which writes 2 in 1 on it and it is in an orange bottle color. My hair stopped falling!!! I use this shampoo for about 15 years. I still have my hair. Grateful to this product that saved my hair. I never expected that a commercial product that is sold in Supermarkets and not in pharmacies, would have such excellent results. Recently I reccomended this shampoo also to a friend of mine. She told me that her hair stop falling. Recenly I used also blue color palmolive, which is for dandruff. I saw that also blue palmolive stops hair fall. Simply amazing results!
Pine Tar Soap
(South Pasadena, California)
Hi All. Neither one of my older sisters have had any problems with hair loss so I think my hair loss is due to some necessary medication I am taking. Anyway, the problem started once I started taking this medication. I tried the acv rinse and it didn't help. I also tried a lot of supplements but they made my acid reflux worse. Although I didn't expect much, I bought a bar of Pine Tar soap and used it to wash my hair. Ever since the first night, and it's been about a week and a half now, less hair has been falling out in the shower. The one exception is if I've been really stressed out in the twenty four hours since last washing my hair.
The only two complaints is the very strong scent of the soap and that it leaves a residue on your hair since it is made with coconut oil. My hair doesn't look greasy but it looks like it has less volume. Just today I went a step further by installing a shower filter. Even less of my hair fell out tonight in the shower and I am really pleased. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to the two people who recommended these two remedies.
Sincerely, Angie
(South Pasadena, California)

Dear All: I wrote a few months ago that pine tar soap helped less hair fall out in the shower. That was true for a long time. Unfortunately though, after a few months I believe it has caused the clinical sebborheic dermatitis I now suffer from. This has only exacerbated my hair loss much further. So, I would try organic fragrance free shampoo and conditioner for hair loss in shower instead. I've read that sulfates found in most commercial shampoos can worsen hair loss and scalp conditions. Good luck all, I'm going to be tested for iodine deficiency because of things I've read on this site. Angie
Potato Oil or Juice
While in Mexico, I accidentally bought a product called "Aceite de Papas" or "Potato Oil". I looked it up and found it was helpful for hair growth. So I tried it by rubbing about 1 tbsp of potato oil and massaging it into my scalp, left it on for 30 mins. Stepped into the shower, added the shampoo (no water yet! ). Then I soaped up and finished as usual. Omigoodness folks, I could not believe the difference, and aftee only 1 use! No more was I constantly pulled hair out of my combs & brushes! A few hairs were there but only about 5% of the usual.
If I can't find this product in Canada, I will be peeling and boiling potato skins and use the Potato Juice method. I am amazed that I never heard of this before and wanted to share!
Update: It's been 3 months now and my potato oil is still working like a charm!
I am halfway thru my bottle, and have found it is best to use at least 1x/week. Remember, ya don't have to worry about the length of your hair as you're not supposed to coat the lengths; potato oil is for the scalp only.
I once went about 3 weeks where I only used it twice, and sure did notice a difference! More hair loss, for sure, as I found I was pulling my hair from bathroom drains again, so once a week it is for me. It has been SO nice not having to pick out my fallen strands from the shower & sink drains! Such a treat.
Red Raspberry Tea, Kelp
I went through nine years of hell with hair loss, which started at perimenopause. I would be out to dinner with a friend and hunks of hair would fall into my plate. I'd wash my hair and would fill up the toilet bowl with the hair that would come out. (And yes, I originally had a ton of hair, below the shoulder in length and very thick.) This wasn't just a general thinning, but patchy fallout and breakage. Every winter the hair would change texture, get hard as a rock and break off at the roots at the left side of the crown and at the nape of the neck. When I couldn't hide the damage, I wore wigs. I wore wigs for five out of those nine years. Doctors and herbalists couldn't find the cause. My thyroid checked out normal on blood tests; I did not have a fungal infection of the scalp. I tried everything I could think of: MSM worked for a little while, so did Black Walnut Hull tincture. I had some luck with Black Cohosh for a year, then it rebounded on me and I had to stop.
Finally, in 2006, a friend of mine sent me to a lecture on adrenal fatigue. I later had myself "spit" tested for levels of estrogen, testosterone, progesterone, thyroid hormones, cortisol and DHEA. Well, it turns out that at 5PM each day, I had no cortisol. Zip, nada. My adrenals were in trouble and there was no way they could take over and compensate for the lowered hormone output of menopause. The protocol for raising levels of cortisol is to take DHEA and Pregnenalone (sp?). Unfortunately, between slop bucket hot flashes, extreme fatigue and flipping out, I was too sensitive to take those "precursor" hormones.
Four months after this, I got very sick with Bronchitis and could not get rid of it for three months. A herbalist I was seeing for the Bronchitis decided that my problems were nutritional and prescribed a herbal mix that I was to take as nutrients and not as medicine. Well, my body didn't react too well to that, either, so I decided to buy the herbs in bulk and try them one by one to see which one was disagreeing with me. One of the herbs was RED RASPBERRY LEAF, WHICH ALONG WITH KELP, GAVE ME MY HAIR BACK!!!! It was noticeable within days. I started the tea in March; by early May my hair had filled in enough that I was able to cut my hair in a short style and ditch the wig. Red Raspberry is known as a female tonic and mild alterative that tones the uterus, stops hemorrhages and diarrhea, reduces fevers, cures mouth ulcers and stimulates hair growth. It's delicious, inexpensive and you don't need much of it.
Purchase Red Raspberry Leaf in bulk at any reputable herb store or coop. When buying Kelp in bulk, get the granulated kind that looks like pepper. The fine powder Kelp is too clumpy and doesn't mix or sprinkle well.
Put 1/2 teaspoon of Raspberry Leaf in infuser or strainer.
Pour boiling water in cup to cover. Steep for 10 minutes, or if you like, to lukewarm.
Drink a cup of this twice a day. When your hair is recovered, reduce to once a day.
Kelp: 1/4 teaspoon twice a day; once in AM, once in late afternoon. Just put it on the spoon and follow with a big glass of water, or sprinkle it on your food. Can cause sleeplessness if taken in evening. Can also take 1/2 teaspoon once a day. Adjust dosage depending on how it effects you.
Another thing that's helpful -- switch to an organic shampoo and conditioner. Especially conditioner! You'll notice a difference right away. My hair texture really changed; it became much more elastic! Some "organics" are really organic and some are not. If you email me, I'd be glad to tell you what I used. If you go to Organic Consumer website you should be able to find a link to a list of products that are NOT AUTHENTIC or are contaminated with toxins, so you can screen any hair products you are interested in against the list.
I realize this is long, but I thought the story needed to be told. It wasn't until last year on an annual physical that it was discovered that I had hundreds of tiny cysts on my thyroid, yet all my numbers were still normal. Red Raspberry might work for you. Good luck, Melinda.
(Orlando, Fl)
Noelle: thanks for all the wonderful information you shared with your story. Coincidentally, i was just reading about red raspberry tea but was unsure if i could use it since i have both thyroid and adrenal issues. Can you let me know what you used to fix your adrenals? I really need help in this area. Thank you and God bless.
(Minneapolis, Mn, Usa)
Lorraine: There should not be any reason why you can't use Red Raspberry Leaf tea. I don't think it affects the thyroid per se. It just fixes some of the problems caused by hormone imbalance, and adds minerals and B vitamins that might be depleted due to glands not functioning properly. It's the kelp that affects the thyroid and stops hair fallout cold. Raspberry Leaf grows the hair and makes it shiny.
As for my adrenal problem, it's not entirely fixed. Underlying infections can pull adrenal function down. I had a huge double abscess tooth removed last year, but I was disappointed that my energy did not increase. I seem to be carrying a virus that we cannot identify and have allergies that occasionally fog my head so much I walk into walls. (Claritin-D cuts that one right quick!) I was tested by a hematologist for everything they could think of. Allopathically, my bloodwork was normal. I ran the results by a naturopath: two indicators pointed to either parasites or low iron or both. Nobody seems to want to believe I have parasites! I'm currently using Bill Munro's H2O2 inhalation method. Its been two weeks; my energy is a little better, but I'm not seeing spectacular results yet. So . . . I'm still working on it!
(Maidenhead, Berkshire, UK)
Noelle from Minneopolis - Thank you very much for the advisement. You have saved my life. My hair loss has practically gone after taking the remedies for a week. My hair is glossy and no longer continues to fall out. I owe you a huge 'THANK YOU'.
(Richardson, Tx, Usa)
(Charlotte Nc, Usa)
Thank You to Noelle from Minneapolis for the advice on Red Raspberry Tea and Kelp. Just started them last week and wanted to know how long to use them. Also menopausal, and adrenals. So far the Red Raspberry seems to calm them down, more so than anything that I have tried. How is your hair growth coming along?
(Minneapolis, Mn)
Hi Roberta -- sorry I haven't been on the site in a while. Use the Raspberry Leaf Tea as long as you feel you need it. It's pretty safe. Really tones the female organs. Be more careful with the Kelp. If you find yourself feeling a little wired or having trouble getting to sleep, try reducing the dose or taking it only in the morning. 1/4 - 1/2 tsp of Kelp in the morning and evening will usually stop hair fallout cold.
There are a couple of types of hair vitamins that really contribute to softness and texture, although I can't name brands on Earth Clinic. (I can tell you to check out the reviews on Swanson Vitamins and iHerb. ) Also, if you're looking to thicken the hair Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5) really works and fast, but you have to take at least 500mg per day. B5 is also indicated for energy production in the adrenals.
As for me, hair growth is fine, but I've been experiencing a different set of hair problems since starting constitutional homeopathic treatment in late 2010. I've been on Naja (cobra venom) for 1-1/2 years now and there were problems with dosages in 2011 & 1st half of 2012. Homeopathy tends to push things out through the skin and hair, and I had an extreme reaction with both. (Hair formed huge knots, totally uncombable; I had to cut it off! I won't tell you what was going on with my skin and where. Wanted to murder my homeopath; got a second and third opinion instead. ) Things are much better now. When I comb my hair, I have no shedding whatsoever. All that's left of the damage are a couple of alopecia spots and a receding hairline in the front, which I am working on. I had to stop relaxing and coloring my hair -- it grew back in in big patches of black and white and looks really cool! People are always asking me, "how did you get your hair like that?"
Anyway, for growth I recommend:
1) Nettles, both drinking the tea and rubbing on the scalp. Make a strong infusion of Nettle Leaf; it'll keep in the fridge for about 48 hours. Longer than that, it's ineffective.
2) Get a big aloe leaf, rub some of the gel on the scalp. It seems to stimulate the hair follicles.
3) And, of course, Red Raspberry Leaf.
So there!
Rice Water + Aloe Vera
I was introduced to the rice water hair remedy about 2 years ago and I've seen AMAZING RESULTS since using it. It is full of all of the nutrients that helps the hair grow longer, thicker and also helps if you have thinning/breaking hair, bald spots, alopecia, hereditary hair loss. IT WORKS!
My hair loss remedy is using rice water and aloe vera gel from the plant.
Rice water recipe:
One cup of long grain organic rice in a bowl (white/brown/jasmin) your preference. Please rinse rice before preparation to rid any impurities.
Add 2 cups of distilled or alkaline water to the rice.
Cover the bowl with saran wrap and let ferment for 24 to 48 hours in the refrigerator. Make sure you refrigerate the rice water. If you leave it out it has a putrid smell.
Before preparing to wash your hair take the rice water out of the refrigerator, strain into a clean bowl. Your water will appear cloudy,milky looking. Those are the nutrients from the rice.
Pour water into a spray bottle. After shampooing and conditioning hair, saturate the scalp and hair with rice water concentrating on the troubled areas the most.
Place a shower cap and leave in your hair from 30 mins to 2 hours. (I prefer 2 hours). Once time has elapsed, rinse hair with cool water.
I get one stalk (large) from my aloe vera plant, cut it open and you can either scrape the gel out of the plant or rub the plant throughout the scalp and leave in.
These 2 natural remedies together has given me amazing results.
FYI: I do practice a healthy diet eating lots of dark green leafy veggies (kale, spinach, cilantro, basil) and I drink lots of water. I have omitted refined sugar from my diet and red meats. This alone has also helped in my hair growth journey.
I hope this helps anyone who's experiencing these hair troubles.
(United States)
Hello Sunflower,
Myself, I only apply rice water to my hair once a month, but twice is fine as well. It depends on how often you shampoo your hair. Example: If you wash your hair every day/week twice a month is good. The aloe vera gel can be used as often as you like.
As far as keeping extra rice water, I've never done that. I use the whole batch. I'm not sure how long it would last in the refrigerator, so I wouldn't reccomend doing that. You can also mix rosemary water with you aloe vera gel for hair growth, thinning and balding. Cut aloe leaf open and scrape out gel Boil fresh rosemary for 15 min Pour aloe gel and rosemary water into blender. Blend until smooth. Pour into a spray bottle and use as needed.
I hope this helps and best of luck to you in your hair growth journey
Rice Water Recipes For Healthy Natural Hair Growth – Secret of the Yao Chinese Women
So, I'm out with my GF eating Chinese food at your favorite restaurant where our friend “chew” works. She is 35 years old from China and her family own a chain of restaurant's in Nashville. I asked Chew how she stayed looking so young? She replied “Rice Water”.
She said she puts rice water into a spray bottle she keeps in the fridge and mist her face and skin to stay young looking. The phenolic chemicals in the rice water are anti-oxidants and keep the skin clear. She also told me that she uses it as a leave in rinse in her hair to keep it strong and shinny.
For centuries, Asian women have used rice water to enhance their face, body and hair. Traditionally, female rice farmers from China, Japan, and other Southeast Asian countries used to bathe and wash in rice water.
The Yao ethnic women from the village of Huangluo in China is a testament to this tradition. With their average hair length of about 6 feet, these women made it to the Guinness Book of World Records as the “world's longest hair village”. Plus these women do not have grey hair till the late 80s. The Yao women believe that the fermented rice water, which they use to cleanse their hair, is what helps to keeps their hair long, dark and clean. Rice water enables these women to de-tangle and manage their long hair, which they wrap around their heads in an elaborate high bun that is often described with names such as ‘gazing god's bun' or the ‘cloud bun'.
Rice water makes dull or fine hair stronger and shinier while curly hair benefits from all the elasticity it gives.
Rice is a high source of starch and protien both of which helps make your hair strong and stops it from breaking. It also helps promote hair growth when used regularly.
Rice water contains many of the vitamins and minerals contained in rice. These include:
- amino acids
- B vitamins
- vitamin E
- minerals
- antioxidants
Simple Rice Water Recipe:
- 1/4 Cup of White Rice
- 1 Cup of Water
Preparation & Application
Rinse rice before preparation to rid any impurities. Soak your rice with the water and let it sit overnight. Strain the mixture in the morning into a clean bowl and let it sit for a few hours.
Before using this remedy, you may need to mix it with an extra cup of water so that it is not too strong on the hair. Apply the water to your hair completely, cover it with a shower cap and leave it in for 10 to 15 minutes before washing it off with warm water and a mild shampoo. Or, leave in overnite. I put my rice water into a empty clean dish soap bottle and take it into the shower to use as a final leave in rinse.
Repeat this remedy 3-4 times weekly for a strong, healthy and naturally growing hair. Chew does it daily so you decide
Do you rinse the white rice off first b/c it's full of arsenic? Before I make rice in my rice maker I rinse it off at least 3x to rid the rice of the arsenic....
Sage Tea
All the best!
Saw Palmetto
(Atlanta, Ga)
(Baltimore, Md, USA)
Hair loss can be hormonally or nutritionally caused, or possibly medicinally or environmentally caused, or a combination of any/all of these. Figuring out why you're losing hair will help you determine your own course of action. That said, here's a few observations.
Herbals for hormonal causes - I don't personally recall seeing that saw palmetto shouldn't be taken by women, but I've read that it can *potentially* cause weight gain. If that's a concern, an alternative to try could be nettle root and pygeum. And take with lysine, as lysine has been shown to boost the effectiveness of DHT blockers. Ensure adequate zinc intake as zinc is also a DHT blocker, but keep in mind that it is very important to balance zinc with copper (2mg copper to every 30mg of zinc).
Nutritional - Top of the list in my opinion is to have your ferritin levels checked, particularly as low ferritin is common in thyroid problems, which you mentioned having. Ferritin is the stored iron in the body, and is present in hair follicles. You can actually have normal serum iron but low ferritin, so it's the ferritin you want checked for this. Low ferritin can result in hair loss, and if you're low you won't successfully regrow much no matter what you do until the levels are improved. Ferritin levels should be at least 70-90. I wouldn't suggest iron supplementation until you know your status for sure (especially for men), as excess iron can be dangerous. In your diet, have some orange juice or something with vitamin C in it when consuming iron-rich foods like red meats, spinach etc., as vitamin C aids iron absorption. Avoid tea for awhile after iron intake as the tannins in tea can block iron absorption - same goes for wine.
With your thyroid you might also check into whether you have adequate selenium and iodine intake as these are vital to thyroid function. There's a vicious circle with thyroid and ferritin problems, so you'd want to address all sides.
Let's not forget that the basics count here too - a good overall diet, stress reduction, organic shampoos, etc. And TIME! Hair can take awhile to show changes.
Best of luck, and please let us know what you find works for you!
(Boward, Fl)
(Maryland, Usa)
Hi Al,
Everything I know about hair loss is pretty much in that post above ;) Your regular doctor can order you a ferritin blood test, or you can order one yourself online through various places. If I may say the name here, I have personally used HealthCheck USA online a few times for various bloodwork. It's a very fast and easy service and totally legit. You get the blood drawn at the same labs the doctors send you to (like LabCorp); the only difference is that it's WAY cheaper than going through the doc if you're uninsured and paying out of pocket as I was, and the results go to you directly.
Assuming by your name that you are male, if you do end up needing to supplement with iron due to low ferritin levels, get rechecked periodically to ensure your levels don't go too high.
The foot fungus and allergy issues you mentioned - have you looked into candida? That could possibly contribute to hair loss as well. There's a lot of info here on EC about candida.
Good luck!
Saw Palmetto
(SLP, Ca)
Sea Salt
Guess what. I reinstated the salt and everything went back to normal.
May I ask what type of salt did you add back and how much per day?
Did you just sprinkle it on your food or added to your water as well?
Thank you
Selenium, Coconut Oil
At first I thought it was my imagination because I didn't dare get my hopes up, but I kept taking the selenium. Now after a little over a year, I have a significant amount of hair so that my scalp doesn't show anymore. I also take B-complex 50 mg x4 and folic acid 800 mcg x 3. I've recently reduced the amount of selenium to 600 mcg since I noticed my nails flaking which is a sign that there may be too much selenium in the system. I also use coconut oil to moisturize my hair. I leave the coconut oil in my hair overnight and wash my hair in the morning. I do this a few times per week on alternating days. The other days, I use ACV as a rinse. I mix half cup of ACV with half cup of water to make the rinse. I pour this in my hair at the start of my shower and then rinse it out when I'm done showering. My hair is now healthy and shiny.
Selenium, Coconut Oil
Mine is typical male pattern baldness, but it started when I was only 16 after a tough bout with Walking Pneumonia. I'm now 39 years old. Hair loss began early with me, most likely by way of an internal systemic fungal infestation that was allowed to flourish in the wake of the heavy antibiotics I was given for Pneumonia.
Read Ted From Thailand's comments on hair loss and causes. You need to detox and get heavy metals out of your body first, then treat with natural anti-fungal remedies and supplements.
When taking 400mcg of Selenium and two to four tablespoons of Organic Virgin Coconut (internally) each day, I saw some very modest hair regrowth. Just some; not a lot. I also was taking as many tablets of Acidophilus as I could to fight fungus in the body, since I don't think there's a way to overdose on Acidophilus.
Consistency is the key. I am not as consistent as I need to be, unfortunately. To see real results, I have to take the Selenium and Coconut Oil each and every day.
Scalp itching is part of my hair loss, and treating itching topically with coconut oil helps a lot.
It is my hunch that if you have dandruff, acne, hair loss, brittle hair, flakes in your eyebrows and crust around your nose or in your ears, you probably have a fungal infection. Again, read Ted From Thailand's recommendations.
(Charlotte, North Carolina)
Shu Wu Pian
EC: Read about potential side effects (rare liver reactions) here: http://www.itmonline.org/arts/hsw_alert.htm
"The four published reports cited in the alert all mention Shou Wu Pian; this is a product manufactured in Shanghai; there are also several manufacturers who have more recently copied the product. It is reputed to contain 100% Ho Shou Wu, but the actual content in the Shanghai preparations is not known. The report also mentions the recent cases involving Shen Min—a product made of several ingredients (including vitamins), with extract of Ho Shou Wu as a central herbal component—and Shou Wu Wan, which is a formula that is said to contain Ho Shou Wu plus a dozen other herbs."
(Broward, Fl)
HI, I tried Fo-Ti (Ho-Shou-Wu) which i guess is the same as SHU WU PAIN, and I did not notice any hair growth or niether did it help with my hair loss. I did notice that more hair fell off and even thinned more. while taking this supplement i noticed that my feet started to dry up. I would not recommend this.