Hair Loss
Natural Remedies

Natural Solutions for Hair Loss: Effective Remedies for Regrowth

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

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Posted by Cez (Tel Aviv, Israel) on 03/12/2012

I have had alopecia areata for over fifteen years (since my early 20's). At its worst, nearly half of the hair on my head was gone - what was left was scattered in different sized patches. I went through the series of treatments offered by dermatologists including topical ointments, injected and oral steroids (! ) There was always new hair growth but it seemed to eventually get worse.

After a few years a friend encouraged me to consult her sister-in-law who is a Chinese Medicine Practitioner. I will refer to her as 'Z'. Immediately I began a regiment of acupuncture, an herbal remedy (taken for a couple of months only), a combo of tui na, shiatsu, reflexology and, the tool that sealed the deal for real results (in my opinion) was treating each balding area with a tiny tool used in acupuncture known as a seven pointed star (I think that's what it's called). It's pretty much a tiny hammer whose head is covered in small short needles.

Basically, Z would disinfect each area with an iodine solution and lightly (ok, not so lightly) give the bald areas whacks until there was a bit of blood flowing. I know, its sounds horrible and for those with a low threshold for pain or for kids, it'll be a real challenge. All I can say is when I saw the results, I didn't mind the pain at all - if anything, enduring it made me stronger. From my very basic understanding of it, this injury serves a couple of purposes: 1.) It gets blood flowing to the stagnant area and 2.) It does what some of the topical western medicines do - creates an injury/irritation so that the immune system (which attacks the hair in those with alopecia) starts to work on healing the irritation and leaves the hair growth alone to do its thing.

While I still have a bald spot or two at any given time, my condition is nowhere near what it was back then. For now it remains almost entirely a non-issue. I have continued to see Z pretty regularly over the years - taking a few breaks here and there - haven't needed the hammer in years as spots that show up tend to remain smaller and easy to hide until regrowth occurs - hope it stays that way.

For those who have the perserverence to go see someone and know that results could be a good three to six months down the road and will require possible long-term maintenance, I can't encourage you enough to give this a try - oh and you may want to work on a good breathing technique for the few intense moments of pain each appointment but trust me it is well worth it!

Treat for Fluoride Toxicity

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Posted by Ginger (Fort Wayne) on 10/02/2022

I have been dealing with alopecia for over a year following an injury as well as exposure to black mold. I have since detoxed from the mold. However, the hair loss continues along with other GI issues. I am now detoxing heavy metals like fluoride. We recently switched to a Berkey water filter and got an aqua home shower filter. I am noticing considerable improvement in the condition of my hair after showering as is my husband with his. I take Iodoral 12.5 mgs and other supplements. If you are experiencing hair loss, I recommend ruling out fluoride or heavy metals as a possible cause. We only recently purchased the shower filter and I am seeing very little hair loss now. This is a big improvement. I hope soon that I will see regrowth in the bald areas of my scalp. I love this site as it offers lots of good alternatives for health issues. Thanks everyone for sharing your remedies.

Replied by Epiphany

Our son, 24 is dealing with this condition. We attribute it to a whacked out immune system caused by tick diseases. Have you ever been bitten by ticks? The infections go into biofilm mode and your immune system gets whacked trying to eradicate things it cannot see. He also has chronic fatigue syndrome, and we recently moved to a very heavily fluoridated/chlorinated city. thanks for posting, I will look into the filters (we rent, not easy). He will not consider iodine, as he is oppositional due to a lifelong experience of me taking him to doctors who have, for one reason or another, not worked out.

Replied by Connie
(Horicon, WI)

I have the Berkey system with fluoride filters mainly for removing fluoride. Fluoride caused bowel leakage that docs could not figure out or give relief for. Here is a post about using a spice that might be helpful. to remove fluoride from the body!!!

Vitamin C, Apple Cider Vinegar

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Posted by Danny (Los Angeles) on 02/17/2007

use apple cider to wash your hair and put lavender and tea tree oil take vitamin c as sodium ascorbate. These 3 things will help in hair re growth and complete hair loss. thanks


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Posted by Audrina (Los Angeles) on 07/21/2014

An incredible benefit of drinking wheatgrass (the juice powder) is that it has made my hair incredibly smooth, silky, and fuller than it ever has been before. I was thinking it may help those who are suffering from hair loss. I noticed a difference in my fine hair right away.


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Posted by SK (New Delhi, India) on 05/17/2009

I have discovered a cure for baldness and hairloss in Indian Yoga named as balayam. "Balayam", like other yoga exercise, is free of cost and sure cure for baldness and hairloss. Look for balayam in google search or youtube.



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Posted by Betty (CA) on 03/25/2022

I experimented with adding liquid zinc to my shampoo due to hair thinning from chemo. It works! Finally regrowing hair. And, had a nevus on my scalp for several years. It is gone. Guessing the zinc got rid of it?
