I've had hair loss for years; since I'm a high maintenance girl)), I've tried everything under the sun, including all the popular remedies listed on this website. What helped me is washing my hair under cold water. It helped after the first time. Also, If you are under stress I recommend meditation, relaxation techniques and spirituality since stress could be a reason of stress loss! Good luck to everyone! Love this website.
Olive Oil
Hi, This is with regards to my hair loss problem. I am facing alopecia this problem since 10 years without any success treating the same. I have used all kinda oils, medicines.
The only product that has given me immediate relief is Olive Oil. Mind you , it should be Extra Virgin Olive Oil (First cold press). The other ones dont work so good.
I apply a tablespoon of olive oil all over the scalp and hair and leave it at night and shampoo the next morning with mild shampoo. (The shampoo should not be harsh or which causes hair falls).
Right after the first application, my hair loss the next day reduced and after a few days application it has reduced significantly.
Now I hope i get back all my hair...And hope this information helps those who are desperately in need of the same.
Faris Kadri
Cayenne Pepper and Aloe Vera
Not only does Cayenne Pepper & Aloe Vera prevent hair loss and help in its growth, it also SUBSTANTIALLY diminishes and/or gets rid of acne where ever it is applied. I would suggest not to use the household cooking spice (if you can help it) only because I believe the Cayenne Pepper tablets are much stronger.
I mix Cayenne with Aloe Vera and put it on my face and after application, I get more Cayenne Pepper to mix it in just to make sure there is enough C.P
Be cautious that it does not go in your eyes as it will burn! In fact, after application, it will burn but you have to be strong! I usually keep it on my face for about 20mins so I try to leave it on there. It will burn but after you rinse your face with COLD water (carefully making sure it does not go in your eyes), you will be glad you did.
After an hour or so, you should see a huge difference, if not right after your rinse.
EC: Vinny, can you please tell us how you apply the cayenne and aloe vera to prevent hair loss? Measurements, application process, etc. Thanks!
Onion juice with calamansi juice stops my hairfall in just 2 weeks time.
I have been experiencing hair fall since I was 14 , now Im 36 years old and my hair is really thin. But small hair continue to grow but rate of hairfall is faster than growth. So I came accross in the internet use of onion juice.So I extract fresh red onion using osterizer, then add 1 piece of calamansi juice. (or 1/2 of lime). I apply this every night. using a small pipette, then massage my scalp daily. The 3X a week I apply olive oil with rosemary leaves overnight, after applying onion juice. i plan to do this for a year. My hair stops falling and small hair continue to grow which are also strong and thick.
Brushing Technique
I want to thank you for posting this, and affirm that this really worked for me! As another poster mentioned, it may not be a hair growth remedy, but it sure does slow or halt the hair shedding. This regiment should be a must for anyone with a certain length of hair. I saw a dramatic decrease in the amount of hairs that I shed while washing my hair, and it is now down to 1 or zero! I had read about brushing with a boar bristle brush on a Long-Hair web forum, in order to decrease the shedding and clogging in the shower, but they did not list this technique and I only tried this after reading it here on earth clinic! Thank you so much!
Brushing Technique
Yes! It will work for anyone because it stimulates the scalp!!! There have been many reports of this method regrowing many many years of hairloss. This, along with scalp massage WILL 100% regrow your hair.
Baking Soda, Apple Cider Vinegar
ALL baking soda is aluminum free. I don't know where this nonsense started, but at some point because of some uninformed person confusing baking powder, with baking soda (two completely different things), and it just took off like wild fire. There is a major company that sell it, and grains, that has been making a mint by claiming that his baking soda is aluminum free. He knows none contain aluminum, which makes him a con-artist. Don't buy into the lie.
EC: The nonsense only started years ago when Bob's Red Mill, the company you are referring to, started marketing their new "aluminum-free baking soda." There are old posts on Earth Clinic in the baking soda remedies section about it.. at least 10 years old now.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Hydrogen Peroxide
Dear Earth Clinic, I just wanted to let you know that I think on Ted's Posts it should say in bold at the beginning, or where it can't be missed to read the recipes carefully. I had a small bald spot on my head, found this website, and read some things Ted wrote. I read something about hydrogen peroxide and acv for scalp problems and hair loss. It did not say how much to use in the blurb I read. I thought I would try it. Well I just made a solution up and put it on my head. Left it on overnight. Well, Now I am loosing all my hair!!! So this was not a remedy in the little problem I had, instead, it is causing all my hair to fall out. I would like to spare future readers from this, so please put a warning, and make sure people read Ted's postings very carefully, and if they do not see a recipe, have them contact Ted before just making one up themselves. I know most people would be more careful, but there are us haphazard people out here you know. Thank you.
I have been dealing with alopecia for over a year following an injury as well as exposure to black mold. I have since detoxed from the mold. However, the hair loss continues along with other GI issues. I am now detoxing heavy metals like fluoride. We recently switched to a Berkey water filter and got an aqua home shower filter. I am noticing considerable improvement in the condition of my hair after showering as is my husband with his. I take Iodoral 12.5 mgs and other supplements. If you are experiencing hair loss, I recommend ruling out fluoride or heavy metals as a possible cause. We only recently purchased the shower filter and I am seeing very little hair loss now. This is a big improvement. I hope soon that I will see regrowth in the bald areas of my scalp. I love this site as it offers lots of good alternatives for health issues. Thanks everyone for sharing your remedies.
Palmolive Shampoo
At age 33 my hair start to fall a lot. I started trying different shampoos. One of them was Palmolive Shampoo, which writes 2 in 1 on it and it is in an orange bottle color. My hair stopped falling!!! I use this shampoo for about 15 years. I still have my hair. Grateful to this product that saved my hair. I never expected that a commercial product that is sold in Supermarkets and not in pharmacies, would have such excellent results. Recently I reccomended this shampoo also to a friend of mine. She told me that her hair stop falling. Recenly I used also blue color palmolive, which is for dandruff. I saw that also blue palmolive stops hair fall. Simply amazing results!
Rice Water + Aloe Vera
Hello all!
I was introduced to the rice water hair remedy about 2 years ago and I've seen AMAZING RESULTS since using it. It is full of all of the nutrients that helps the hair grow longer, thicker and also helps if you have thinning/breaking hair, bald spots, alopecia, hereditary hair loss. IT WORKS!
My hair loss remedy is using rice water and aloe vera gel from the plant.
Rice water recipe:
One cup of long grain organic rice in a bowl (white/brown/jasmin) your preference. Please rinse rice before preparation to rid any impurities.
Add 2 cups of distilled or alkaline water to the rice.
Cover the bowl with saran wrap and let ferment for 24 to 48 hours in the refrigerator. Make sure you refrigerate the rice water. If you leave it out it has a putrid smell.
Before preparing to wash your hair take the rice water out of the refrigerator, strain into a clean bowl. Your water will appear cloudy,milky looking. Those are the nutrients from the rice.
Pour water into a spray bottle. After shampooing and conditioning hair, saturate the scalp and hair with rice water concentrating on the troubled areas the most.
Place a shower cap and leave in your hair from 30 mins to 2 hours. (I prefer 2 hours). Once time has elapsed, rinse hair with cool water.
I get one stalk (large) from my aloe vera plant, cut it open and you can either scrape the gel out of the plant or rub the plant throughout the scalp and leave in.
These 2 natural remedies together has given me amazing results.
FYI: I do practice a healthy diet eating lots of dark green leafy veggies (kale, spinach, cilantro, basil) and I drink lots of water. I have omitted refined sugar from my diet and red meats. This alone has also helped in my hair growth journey.
I hope this helps anyone who's experiencing these hair troubles.
Food grade diatomaceous earth for hair loss! Start with a tsp and mix into smoothies, oatmeal, mashed potatoes or even water, juice or tea/coffee. Work your way up to a TBSP. LOTS of vitamins/minerals and a great detoxer.
Brown Rice, B Vitamins
My 11yr old son had an episode of alopecia areata for a short time earlier this year. I panicked as he is still a young boy so went straight to a homeopath who took him off his regular diet and straight onto what was missing in his body which was magnesium, B vitamins, possibly iron (not tested) and some others I cannot remember. One thing that she stressed was to eat BROWN rice and NOT WHITE RICE as white is virtually stripped of any nutrients altogether. This contains almost all the B vitamins your body requires and will take care of that - no need for supplements. Also no refined sugar. These were the main issues and the rest of the time he ate for the other areas in his body he was deficient.
On a side note, I also made up a tea of rosemary, sage and thyme and put it into a spray bottle and sprayed this on his hair after each wash as all these herbs have a hair growing effect. Secondly, I rubbed castor oil into his scalp as castor oil is a well known hair grower. I've also read (but not used) that when you have boiled your potatoes for dinner, save the water and when it cools, use it on your hair and rub into the scalp for a few minutes. Potato water is very good for growing hair.
My son's hair did grow back very quickly as it was completely bald in a patch about 4" by 2" wide so very noticeable. He is now ok but we continue the brown rice on a regular basis to keep up the B vitamins. Good luck with whatever you may use.
Castor Oil
Hello, I'm trying castor oil, about a month and have had amazing results, my hair has stopped falling, and the beauty of it is that makes you more hair out, you have to buy the specific hair. Of course, I leave it in my hair for about an hour with a towel wrapped and then give as four washed so that all the oil out, the results are wonderful, no more hair loss. Hope this helps, you can find here on Earth Clinic, ay many people that I knew of that used by Earth Clinic.
Coconut Oil
Coconut oil has caused my hair to grow back thicker. Also, before using coconut oil my scalp would itch terribly whenever I sweated... And my scalp was often itchy and irritated.... Also lots of dandruff. It has also given me beautiful nails for the first time in my life. It also takes care of my IBS... As long as I take it everyday. I take the capsules... 4 a day. It is my personal opinion that coconut oil helps IBS in people who have had their gall bladder removed. I would not be without my coconut oil!
I can't speak to Edgar Cayce specifically, but this remedy did peak my interest. I have been losing hair by the handful since I can remember, at least all of my adult life, and I am 53. It suddenly stopped recently. I have been trying to figure out what I have been doing differently that has made the difference. I have been taking multiple supplements for years, added some, stopped some, but I couldn't think of anything that I had started just prior to my windfall (or should I say lack of hairfall).
But one thing I did consider, I have been eating shrimp maybe a couple of times a week for about the past year. Then I saw the post about Edgar Cayce's remedy. We may be onto something here. I have not tried the coffee, so I cannot speak to that. I had also been supplementing with kelp, and doing occasional iodine painting. But maybe the iodine in the natural form is the key.
Accutane-Related Hairloss Remedies
I've recetly started taking Diatomaceous Earth for my joints but read up on it first and was surprised at how many other things it clears up; parasites, hair, nails, blood pressure AND ACNE. Plus more.
I hope Nickodactyl reads this 'cos I think he's getting carried away with the science. Remember Occams Razor; simpler is best. You've been tackling the symptoms rather than the cause which is what most doctors do. Spots on the face, or anywhere, is the body telling us to take care of it. We've all got toxins and parasites and imbalances so chucking a pharmacoepia of supplements at it ain't going to fix it or lengthen your telomeres unless you clean it up first.
And you should NEVER screw around with hormones!!!! I've had thyroid problems and you don't want that, I can assure you. I never took contraceptive pills but there are probably thousands/millions of women out there who are experiencing a myriad problems because they did. They were the easy option, of course, and I guess you thought, when you used Accutane, that would be too. We are all prone to the temptation of the quick fix or instant gratification, particularly at eighteen. Been ther - done that. My Gran used to say - Lazy people take the most pains. - and it's true.
If you are still reading, first do a cleanse, then eat what is most nourishing with good protein for the hair and for vitamins and minerals do juicing. And try the diatomacious earth; tasteless, cheap and easy.
PS. When your hair grows back, please wear it long or longish. Hair does so much for a guy. Michael Bolton is rubbish now.
P.P.S http://www.earthworkshealth.com/How-Diatomaceous-Earth-Works.php
My son has had increasing hair loss due to the drugs he takes for a seizure disorder. Based on the recommendation of a dermatologist, he began taking 2,000 micrograms/day of biotin. This was about 2 months ago. He has stopped losing hair in the shower and the hair on his head has thickened. Biotin is available in healthfood stores.
I have had some success with using Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) topically for hair fall. I was diagnosed with diffused Alopecia areata long ago when my hair loss started at around age 19. My hair loss has slowly progressed for nearly a decade. I usually have increased hair fall in the summer and my scalp is ALWAYS tender. So much so that adding a barette or pulling into a ponytail causes my scalp to hurt so bad it causes headaches. I've tried some EC recommended remedies during this approx 2 month bout of intense shedding.
ACV, BSM, Idoral have not helped. The one thing that has reduced my shedding is applying coconut oil topically. I saturated my scalp, let sit for a couple hours and then attempeted to wash it out. This stuff is not going to wash away easily as my daily rinsing with white vinegar(make hair gorgeous! ) has yet to displace the oil completely. The next day my shedding was GREATLY reduced and is still reduced 3 days later. The downside for me is that I DONT care for my hair texture or the appearance of my hair(greasy) after the VCO application. My scalp sensitivity is also up (sebum cause by the oil?). BUT for those without my AA issues, I recommend highly trying VCO externally for hair shedding.
My father has had multiple ailments all his life. Nothing life threatening, but wearing nonetheless. I suggested he take iodine supplements.
After 1 month, he hasn't noticed his improvement, which my mother did, but called to tell me new hair is growing and the roots feel stronger. His shedding has decreased and the new hairs are really black. I also have noticed my own hair growing. I am shedding a lot but I have tons of new hair growing like crazy. Lol.