I had a gum infection and used plantain, just chewed up a bit to get the juices out, then held the plant wad (1-2 leaves) between the cheek and gum overnight. Used it for a few nights. It drew out the infection, and was quite a relief for me. The plantain is a common "weed" you can likely find in your yard. Best to wash it off a bit first, and not source it from too close to a road.
I have used cell salt no. 9 Mag Phos to relieve my mum's and my brother's toothache a few times. I crushed the tablet in some water and asked them to drink and hold it in the area of their tooth pain. Swallow it after a few minutes. The tooth pain subsided within minutes, sometimes as fast as when holding the solution in their month.
Once my brother had an excruciating tooth pain which shoot up to his head. He said that your tears will just rolled down automatically from the intensity of the pain. I dropped a few drops of flower essence into his decayed wisdom teeth and set an intention for the flower essence to heal him in his highest good and the severe pain also subsided within minutes. The flower essence I used is made from the painkiller plant.
Lastly, there was another time where I applied Aura Soma Physical Rescue oil to his cheek where his tooth pain was located. I poured some oil onto my palm and just rubbed onto his cheeks. Then, I placed my palms on his cheeks and send healing prayers to his decayed tooth. And his pain also subsided within minutes. Intention and Faith seems to be very important. Combined with the appropriate "tool", it can work miracles! Hope my above experiences can help others.
Hydrogen Peroxide, Baking Soda
I suffer from horrible absesses. Pain almost as bad as giving birth. I had a molar pulled 2 years ago due to one that I had left untreated.
I also gave up on comercial toothpaste. I started using ONLY baking soda to brush all my teeth. I was advised by my last periodontist to brush UP and DOWN, not side to side. Side to side brushing causes gum irritation and eventually will cause receeding. Mine have. Start at the gums and brush down ( for your bottom teeth you'll actually be brushing UP :)
I will actually wet my brush with HYDROGEN PEROXIDE, then dip into the BSoda. Now I will begin the brushing. I do this several times a day, even in the car while driving.
In conjuntction, I use those little plastic flossers found at the dollar store, as much as possible thru-out the day, in the car, at work, in front of the computer, on the phone, etc. You can HP rinse any time of the day as well. A quick swish and your done.
I have not had an absess (infection) in over 10 years since the first one. Once you get an absess, or even something as common as a toothache, your tooth may be damaged and should NEVER be ignored. Getting rid of the pain is a temporary fix. The problem is still there, and by ignoring it, you are putting yourself at risk of serious infections going in the bloodstream, and/or brain. I read of a man who died from a tooth absess finding its way into the brain. After I heard that, I stopped ignoring all tooth pain.
The general health of your entire body is connected to oral hygiene.
Bypass the Colgate. Try the BS/HP brush and wash instead... You won't regret it, you'll save alot of money, your teeth will be whiter and your overall health will be better. TRUST ME, an experienced absessor!
Grapefruit Seed Extract
Grapefruit Seed Extract
Yep, the post right above her post says the lady put 3 drops of Grape Seed Extract in 1/3 cup of water and Swished it around for a few min.... so sad for all the pain....
Grapefruit Seed Extract
I used Solaray GSE and I never mixed it l applied it on the area that was hurting because it has a lot of glycerin in it unlike other brands that don't and can burn you but if I had to consume Solaray GSE l would mix it.
Oil Pulling, Turmeric, Garlic
If you are dealing with the infection issue only, try using colloidal silver... A good brand, some not being so effective as others. Here's how to use it: Take at least a tablespoon or more into mouth and hold it there for a FULL minute making sure the abscessed tooth is being saturated by the liquid. Spit out.
Often, dental work leaves microscopic holes where infiltration by microbes can penetrate to the facial area. Especailly bad for this is the root canal.
Repeat thirty minutes later, making sure you have enough colloidal silver to saturate. Hold in mouth and spit out. Do it again thirty minutes later.
If the infection is much improved, then keep repeating until the infection is completly gone. You might need to drink a tablespoon in addition because the infection is likely to have gone into your system. Consume at least ten tablespoons over the course of a few days to clear the system.
Even when I have no infection in the mouth, once every few weeks I hold the silver in my own mouth to let the silver absorb into the "holes" in the mouth; just to keep potential infections from taking hold. I do this obviously as a preventative. (Learned to do this after being infected with the Bells Palsy virus.)
Red Clover Tea
Tooth Abcess
Try Red Clover tea. One teaspoon of Red Clover in a strainer or infuser, pour boiling water over it in a cup to cover, steep at least 7 minutes. One cup twice a day; after the pain dies down take one cup once a day. This one is very effective. I held off the pain of an abcessed tooth for 5 months with just Red Clover. When it was finally pulled the tooth turned out to be the biggest honkin' double abcess I'd ever seen and the surgeon was pretty impressed, too. I would have kept the tooth and mounted it, but it's illegal to give that to the patient in the state of Minnesota. When I had the tooth pulled, I used no antibiotics, just 12 garlic capsules and 3 dropperfuls of Olive Leaf per day. Look ma, no infection!
Olive Oil, Clove Oil, Charcoal
Over this past weekend I had a abscessed tooth with severe pain! I searched the web and found this site. I sent my wife to the stores and gathered oil of cloves, olive oil, processed charcoal, and made a pouch of gauge put this mixture in my mouth backed with heating pad and within two hours the abscess under the tooth gave it self up and the pain left! thank you for this site and great information. I was in severe pain and felt like a new person! i will pass this information on to my family and friends
Sesame Oil, Clove Oil, Charcoal
I had an infection in my gums and it caused extreme pain and i couldn't sleep. I made a paste of sesame oil, clove oil, and activated charcoal. I placed the paste in a small piece of cheesecloth and placed it in my mouth next to the infected gum. I slept with it overnight. The next morning, the infection was gone!!! So Amazing. No more waiting to get into the dentist for an appointment or prescription meds. Activated Charcoal also works great if you are planning on drinking alcohol. I take one capsule for every drink consumed and have no hangover in the morning. Amazing stuff!!
Neem Seed Oil
I would like to share how I saved my two molars, side by side, from needing to be extracted or have a root canal. On the first day of the severe pain, I got the pain reduced to about 20% with five oil pullings, but no matter what I tried after that, I could not get it below 20%. I would have to take aspirin every 10 hours or so to reduce the swelling and the pain. For three weeks I tried everything - garlic cloves on the gum line, yellow dock, goldenseal, ect. What did the trick was Neem Seed Oil. I would put a couple of drops with another 20 drops or so of olive oil on an organic cotton swatch and wear it on my gumline. Mostly I wore it at night, but a hour or two throughout the day. I did this for about a month, and my teeth are completely fine. Hope this helps others. and thank you for the great site.. Without the initial oil pulling, I could not have reduced the horrible pain at first.
For my tooth abscess, I swished with sea salt and warm water which drew out the infection. Then I used an ice pack this helped with the swelling and kept the infection from spreading. Ice pack 5 min. on 5 min. off. This keeps the infection from spreading into your jaw and cheek further. My dentist said I did the right thing until I could see him. My tooth looked perfectly fine, nice and white and the x-ray showed nothing wrong, but obviously there was an infection. I am taking a prescription by Green Stone antibiotic for a bacterial infection due to tooth abscess and the swelling is down. I am still using the ice pack, also
Ted's Remedies
Dear Kat: In that case, before going to sleep take 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda with 1/2 glass of water. Also try to use baking soda as a mouthwash to neutralize the acid first before a clove oil peroxide. If a local store has a half a pound of powdered xylitol, a teaspoon of xylitol taken internally and used as a mouthwash can also help. For remineralization of tooth, some molybdenum supplements may help.
Olive Leaf
A year ago I had all four wisdom teeth removed, plus another tooth. They didn't want to remove the 6th because they felt like removing 6 teeth at once would put too much stress on my body. So, for the past year I've had a broken tooth that's partially dead. Last week it started hurting, and the gumline was pretty red along the lower left side of my mouth. The pain got incredibly intense and would not go away over the course of a few days.
I started taking Olive Leaf Extract (250mg/day) for the first two days. By the third, I ramped it up to 500mg/day, and by the 4th or 5th day, 1,000mg/day in two doses (one in the AM, one in the evening). Once I started doing 500mg per day, I noticed the pain had begun to subside. At 1,000mg/day, it subsided even more.
It's important to note that I also took Bromelain w/ the Olive Leaf Extract to (potentially) help breakdown and absorb the OLE into my bloodstream more efficiently + rinsed my mouth with Oregano Oil (the liquid version with carvacrol).
I'm not entirely sure if it's the Olive Leaf Extract, the Oregano Oil liquid mouth rinse, or both, but one way or another my gums look a 100% better than they have in a long time, and the pain has subsided to being barely noticeable.
I'm still headed to the dentist (today, actually) because I haven't been to one since last years wisdom tooth surgery and need to go regardless of tooth pain or not.
Magnesium Oil
Try using 20 ppm colloidal silver in your water pic. Numerous people have seen great results. More info on The SilverEdge .com (under articles ). I healed my infected molar in 4 days . It's great for oral health.
I have suffered 2 abscesses recently, within 3 months of each other, due to a chipped tooth.
On both occasions my go to was garlic, however it seems garlic causes a worse reaction for me.
I read all the reviews of using garlic for the pain and healing, I had hoped it would work for me, but it seemed to have an opposite effect.
On occasion 1, I had turmeric milk throughout the day, and before bed I used garlic. I woke up with my abscess so big my right cheek looked like I had a couple of golf balls in there.
On occasion 2, ( 3 months later) I woke up feeling a slight lump in my cheek. I realised an infection was coming on, so I used garlic again. Whereas most commentating say garlic helps the pain and reduces swelling, I had the opposite effect, within a few hours my face had swollen even worse then the first time!!
I tried a different approach this time. I took the garlic orally with a concoction I had seen online. 1/2 teaspoon ginger, 1/2 teaspoon turmeric, some garlic finely diced, and I had it with live yoghurt. Live yoghurt is full of probiotics. The original concoction suggested raw honey but I only had the processed honey at home.
This concoction worked amazingly. Bearing in mind how big the abscess was, I felt no pain.
I went into fasting mode. The only things I had, turmeric milk ( milk with teaspoon of turmeric and black pepper, yoghurt with turmeric or garlic, and the above mentioned concoction.
Occasionally I would try garlic on the tooth and inflamed area ( after biting on it to release the healing juices) but I do not feel it had any effect.
I find turmeric makes me warm, and in turn causes a reaction which makes the abcess come to a head.
Within 3 days the abcess came to a head. On the morning it came to a head, I had activia yoghurt (for flavour) with a lot of turmeric in ( about 2 teaspoons) I then went and used my waterpik flosser, and I could feel pain when my flosser went over a certain area, so I tolerated the pain, and the abcess started releasing blood.
So if garlic does not work, try turmeric milk, and turmeric in live yoghurt. Bearing in mind how swollen my face was and how widespread the infection was, I stayed pain free for the duration of the 3 days! On my first flare up I was popping painkillers and ibuprofen regularly. This time no painkillers!
Multiple Remedies
Mj, you can try frequent rinses with: diluted h2o2, baking soda in water, coconut oil.
Silica 30c Homeopathic
Silica and Silicea are the same thing. This is the regular silica not the silica marina.
Saw that turpentine can be used on tooth abscess. Ted mentioned 1/2 tsp in mouth for two minutes. How often does one do this and for how many days? Been doing once a day and not sure if this is enough. Would like more details on the treatment protocol using the turpentine. Thank you.
I had a front tooth which had a cap put on 15 years ago. An abscess formed under it, which was seen on x rays on a Friday but the place that makes a "flipper", temporary tooth from a mold, wasn't open until Monday. It was already hurting, head headaches, stomach pains from infection but I started on 750 mg. with BCM-95, 3 times a day ( Equals 500 capsules curcumin ) the day before I saw Dentist. Dr. wanted me to take antibiotics over weekend but they kill the flora as long as four years in your stomach and always made me very ill. ( I have a-fib, heart murmur and bacteria would be really bad.) But I passed on antibiotics. Also used colloidal silver directly on area by tooth infected. Tonight I don't have a headache, stomach pains and tooth barely hurts. Working great.
High Dose Vitamin C
Read up on liposomal vitamin c, as it allows you to take a larger dose with no stomach problems at all. To help heal your teeth and other bone issues, try some Bio-dent from Standard Process along with your vit c. I've personally seen this work well for healing teeth and bones.
Tea Bag With Clove Oil
Tea Bag + Clove Essential Oil for Tooth Infection
Double up: add a few drops of clove oil to a tea bag. Beats Oragel and has me off of the heavy duty painkiller I was prescribed after only having to take one pill.
I can concentrate again and the swelling has gone down! Amazing!
I was very ill and my friend suggested ozone, I had 25 ozone shots in mouth over a span of 2 weeks, it did nothing for me, plus it made my brain feel really off... never again. I had to have dental cavitation surgery
Swedish Bitters
In some cases, soaking Swedish Bitters on cotton or cloth and putting it on the abscess (on the gum or bump on the gum) will greatly help, and if done regularly (at least once or twice per day), it can make the abscess go away.
Some health food stores stock Swedish Bitters, but it is more economical to order it on the internet.
It is worth a try. Drinking the stuff can do a lot of good for the body as well.
Cloves and Black Tea
Do you moisten the teabag before you use it or use it dry?
EC: It will be more comfortable to moisten the tea bag before you use it.
Multiple Remedies
Dear Mkd89,
Activated charcoal is good for abscesses. If you get tablets, you can put them, one at a time, over the pained area. (Moisten it first.) And let it sit there and slowly dissolve. It is fine if that takes hours. I have also done this overnight.
Extra Vitamin C would be great, as would turmeric, internally.
If you are traveling, all of the above are wonderful to have with you for a variety of ailments. I hope you feel better soon and have a wonderful trip!
~Mama to Many~