Tooth Abscess
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Tooth Abscess Relief

| Modified on Jul 09, 2024
Dietary Changes, Multiple Remedies
Posted by Erin (Lafayette, In) on 04/18/2011

Took my 9 year old daughter to the dentist and come to find out she had a gum abcess and infection in a tooth with a cavity. Of course their first recourse was to put her on antibiotics so they could pull the tooth 1 week later. I refused the antibiotics, nicely, but I still got the dirty look and the "note" on the file. So, my daughter and I were very determined to stop the issue in it's tracks... Just to prove them wrong if nothing else. This isn't for the lazy at heart... it's 7 days of killing an infection and keeping it killed.

First of all, NO sugar. She got whole grain bread maybe once per day, but not at all if we could get away with it, other than that, no grains. Pasturized dairy was cut way back to just cheese on occassion. That means no sodas or juices, water was the drink of the week. Whole, low sugar fruits are okay (apples, berries, melon), and of course veges.

Okay, now for the fun part: once per day she did a rinse of water with baking soda and peroxide (I never really measured it, just put some water - maybe 1/4 cup?? -- in a cup with maybe 1 tsp of baking soda and 1/2 tsp of peroxide or so). Twice per day she did a rinse of a commercial tea tree mouthwash with an extra 4 drops of grapefruit seed extract added. Each rinse is done after brushing the teeth.

Once per day, the infected area was sprayed with 2 squirts of colloidial silver, 10 ppm.

Every day she took supplements of:
Vitamin C, 1000 mg
Vitamin D 10-15, 000 IU
Chelated Zinc 100 mg
Oil of Oregano 45 mg (standardized to 70% carvacrol)
Olive Leaf 310 mg with 40 mg of powdered extract standardized to 18% oleuropein
Krill Oil for Omega 3's
A Garlic supplement for Immune support, though if I could have gotten her to take whole, crushed garlic I would have been happier.
And Alpha Lipoic Acid 100 mg

Definitely believe in leaving nothing to chance.

We started this regimen on a Monday afternoon when she got home from school, and by Wednesday she was totally pain free. The cavity itself lightened in color. We kept it up for the entire week, and by the time she got to the dentist for the extraction... Well, they were surprised. Looked at her file, looked in her mouth, asked her if there was any pain (she replied no, naturally), and then the super sweet assistant actually asked me how we did that. They confirmed that she was completely infection and abcess free.

Sorry for the lengthy post, but I always like to see amounts and directions... So hopefully this can help someone else :-)

Baking Soda, Peroxide, Oil Pulling
Posted by Jean (Franklin, WI) on 05/19/2008

Editor's Choice Tooth Abcess Cure:

I have no insurance and can't afford a dentist, so had to find a way to deal with tooth problems naturally. I've lost several fillings that occassionally cause infections. First thing I do is oil pulling with grapeseed, coconut or olive oil. Within a very short time the pain is down a fair amount, but of course the abscess is still there, filled with pus. Until that is emptied, the infection will remain. I use a dental instrument with an extremely sharp end and pierce the infected spot, then squeeze out as much of the pus as I can. This immediately cuts the pain down a whole lot more... now its just leftover soreness. I then do oil pulling again, followed by a good rinse of hydrogen peroxide. This cure works for an abscess every time.

PREVENTION: I haven't been to a dentist in over 12 years, despite the fact that I have huge holes in a few back molars due to missing fillings, and the cavities have NOT gotten worse. In fact I have fewer dental problems now. I no longer use commercial toothpastes. Obviously it would be best to have the regular mercury fillings removed and replaced... since I can't afford that procedure ... This is what I do instead...

I brush my teeth with BAKING SODA, followed by a HYDROGEN PEROXIDE rinse. Sometimes I start this with an OIL PULLING first. I often work on my teeth with just a toothbrush kind of absent-mindedly as I'm studying something on the internet. This pretty well removes most food particle and plaque. I recently bought one of those electric rechargeable toothbrushes, which works really well with the baking soda.

As long as I do these things regularly, I don't get any abscesses, cavities have not gotten any worse and may have actually gotten better, my teeth are whiter and feel cleaner, my gums are much healthier and all "pockets" have disappeared. It also prevents bad breath, and my tongue and gums are pink and healthy.

This has worked better for me than any dentist recommended procedure. I just wish I had known about it years ago. I'm absolutely sure I would have never gotten a cavity in the first place. Get rid of your commercial toothpaste and try this... you'll be glad you did!!!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Don (Aptos, Ca) on 11/27/2015

I came across in my search for a natural remedy for a tooth problem. The situation: I had gotten a gold crown installed on my right rear molar and within a few months it fell out. I went back and had it reinstalled. I thought the area should have been a little more cleansed out before putting it back on and I didn't think much about it until the tooth started to ache. It had been getting worse over a few month period and when I went in for my teeth cleaning I had x-rays to see what was going on. The x-rays revealed an abscess that was directly under the tooth, under the crown. They said it would need surgery to fix. I asked what they would do. They said they would drill through the crown into the abscess, etc. etc. Ok, I figured it was due to the lack of proper sanitization as to why it was abscess in the first place, so now they want to drill through the crown and do who knows what. I don't think so! I was determined to find a holistic natural remedy which search landed me on the earth clinic website. I spent time reading about all the different natural remedies and things different folks had success with. I was determined to get this healed on my own naturally without getting jacked up by the dentist again, so I decided to take a multi pronged approach and combine many of the methods I had read about; a full frontal assault on the infection! In the end, my tooth abscess healed itself. My next cleaning, and x-ray was taken and much to their surprise the abscess was gone and my suspicion that it was completely healed was confirmed!

What I did:

- I sliced a raw clove of garlic thin and put it right along side the tooth where the puss pocket was showing up and left it on all night. I did this every night for about a week. I let the one sliced side of the garlic against the infected area and the outer thin layers facing out against my cheek so it would not burn the inside of my cheek. It stings pretty good, but you just have to do it. It settles down after a short time of 10-15 min.

- Swallow 3 table spoons 3x per day of Braggs apple cider vinegar by mouth internally as well as using the ACV as a mouth rinse up to 6 x per day.

-Also during this time, I was using The Braggs "Miracle of Fasting" book and fasting one day per week. This helps to cleanse the body and direct the bodies energies towards the healing task at hand instead of digestion, etc.

- After the first week of using Garlic at night, I mixed olive oil with bentonite clay to make a piece of clay, wrapped a thin slice of garlic in the clay and put that on the tooth area all night. Usually I would wake at about 3 needing to spit it all out, then would do a quick rinse with ACV, then go back to bed.

- I also would make clay out of activated charcoal, mixing with olive oil, and alternate this with the bentonite clay. This is bit more messy, but helps to pull the infection out.

- I stated taking the Alpha Lipoic acid 600 MG 3x per day, then for a straight day I did one capsule every hour on the hour to overwhelm the infection with fighters.

- Along with all of the above, I was doing the "oil pulling" 3 x per day for 15- 20 minutes each time. I alternated between raw organic coconut oil and sesame oil.

-I also rinsed as often as seemed appropriate with activated mms. This is a powerful anti-bacterial, viral and fungal killer. Do research on this before trying it. Search "Jim Humble" to find out more on this awesome solution.

- As I felt I was making progress against the infection, I stepped up and started taking a tablespoon of organic cayenne pepper and a tablespoon of organic turmeric into about 12 oz of pure water, mixed well and swallowed. Creates a little sweat on the brow, but I think it to be a potent tonic.

-Along with all the good stuff, I refused to put anything into my body that could be counter productive. Sugar, flour, including ice-cream, breads, pastas etc. I just stuck with a Mediterranean type diet.

- I noticed that as soon as I started making headway, I would get a little lazy and the infection would start to get worse again, so once you feel you are making headway, put the petal to the metal and be even more aggressive so that the infection cannot regroup. Stay on the offensive. Don't let up.

It would have cost me probably $1500 or more (with insurance coverage) to go to the dentist for this, but all in all over the 6 month period I spent about $150 or less on everything and the infection is completely gone. Now is the time to make some lifestyle changes and stay in the habit of some of this stuff for good preventative maintenance!

I learned a lot through the process and could not be more thrilled at the outcome. Yes it takes effort, dedication and consistency, but between the God-given gifts in natures cupboard and the unrelenting and amazing healing systems in our own miracle machine bodies, it can be done the natural way. The body has an innate program to heal itself. It just needs the right tools and environment to do the work.

When you cut your hand, it bleeds, then the blood coagulates and pretty soon a scab is formed. Soon the scab falls off's a miracle! ... the wound is completely healed! It is true on the inside of our bodies as well. Our bodies want to heal and if we cooperate with its own systems and desire and bent, some may call the outcome a miracle, but it is normal, our amazing, miraculous, living, healing, organic and complex healing body machines!

Thanks for the posts of prior people, I was able to customize a regimen that worked for me. Listen to your body. Each cell has intelligence and it is always speaking. We just need to listen and cooperate.

Farewell and be well!


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Meagan (Brooklyn, Ny) on 02/18/2015

Editor's Choice I had a huge abscess on my tooth and was in terrible pain. I decided to gargle with ACV and literally as I was gargling I was feeling the abscess with my tongue and I could feel it softening! After I spat out the vinegar I started noticing the abscess was draining, which alarmed me because I didn't want the bacteria getting in to my body. I decided to just keep spitting as much as I could without purposely swallowing the bacteria. Within an hour of using the Apple Cider Vinegar gargle, my once huge abscess was now flat!!! I'm still going to make a dental appointment but What a Relief!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tonya (Miami, Fl) on 08/25/2012

Editor's Choice I have been in pain for the last 4 to 5 days and last night was the worst I was in tears from the pain and after trying my usual pain relievevers(mouthwash, sensodyne, and aspirin, motrin or advil) it didn't work like always when ur body gets used to something it stops being as effective, so I gargled with apple cider vinegar and it worked a miracle on my sore gums. It was so bad I could barely open my mouth to speak. So to anyone who had tried other methods and they don't work, try the vinegar gargle, it should help.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Diana (Bragg Creek, Ab Canada) on 07/16/2010

I have been taking ACV for other issues, and have had some pretty serious issues with an abscessed and cracked tooth I cannot afford to get fixed. They hurt and I was getting bumps in my gums from the infection. . . Then it stopped, but I had no idea of any connection. . . I ran out of ACV last week, and sure enough, I was having issues with my teeth again. I bought an organic brand ACV this morning drank 2 tbs in water, and had another dose this evening, the infection is almost gone again. I always take 2tbs of ACV in water in the morning and late afternoon for general good health reasons, but the tooth thing is a wonderful bonus. Who would have ever guessed.

Castor Oil
Posted by Twinsauntymom (Ca) on 03/01/2015 11 posts

Castor oil takes away pain and swelling from my tooth abscess.

I have had a long-standing problem with a tooth abscess made me miserable. My lower and upper jaw were throbbing and tender. My glands on that side of my neck were swollen and tender, and the pain went up into my sinuses.

I had experienced the pain relieving properties of castor oil before, on my arthritic joints, and thought I would try it on my sore jaw. I gently rubbed a little castor oil all over the sore area of my face and neck. I warmed the oil first, to make it easier to spread. Within 30 - 40 minutes the pain was much less, within another 20 minutes or so, it was completely gone. I applied a little more oil before bed, and put an old towel on my pillow to protect the bed linen.

When I awoke, I was still completely pain free. The swollen glands were back to normal and the facial swelling was gone.

The abscess flares up now and then. At the first sign of discomfort I apply the castor oil and the abscess never gets too painful at all.

Silica 30c Homeopathic
Posted by Jo Black (Australia) on 04/04/2021

Editor's Choice I have had nerve pain in my tooth radiating upwards into my cheek for a few years. Oil pulling has helped a little with the pain but didn't take it away completely. Ive already had 2 root canals on other teeth and don't want any more.

I was recently in a lot of pain from the tooth and taking aspirin twice a day to get through the day when I googled 'homeopathy for tooth nerve pain' and found Silica recommended.

I already had Silica 30c in my collection of remedies so thought I would try it. I took one dose of 3 pills and immediately could feel something going on. My stomach rumbled and I could feel changes in the tooth. Within 5 minutes, all the tooth nerve pain was gone. It was hard to believe. It's been 3 days now and I haven't needed to repeat the dose. I'm hoping the Silica 30c will cure the infection and prevent the need for another root canal and will report back in a few months. Very impressed.

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Knowtruth2014 (Charlotte, Nc) on 05/09/2014

Hi all....I am a sceptical about everything unless I have proof lol. I just have to share my story about last night. I lost a pretty good size filling about two months ago. Yeah yeah I went to the dentist and he said it either has to be pulled or you need a root canal and crown. I was thinking on the 2 because the 1st option is cheapest. I've been thinking on the issue for far to long now. Like its 2 months later. Well I started brushing my teeth with Activated Charcoal out of the little capsules that you buy at the drug store. (My smile is whiter now) hehe ok last night my tooth that I have been thinking about started throbbing ouch. 4am I am still awake hurting like $#%T. Throbbing tooth ache. I took some of the Act. Char. and mixed it with a few drops of brandy! Pain makes u try anything. I made a paste and soaked a very small piece of gauze in it. Kept packing the tooth and in 45 mins to an hour my pain was gone. How this happens I do not have a clue. But it happened and hey I'm all the better for it. I am going to call my dentist soon. I might just pay the 40.00 to get another x-ray just to see if the infection is gone before he pulls my tooth. Thanks everyone for listening.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Debbie (Bonita Springs, Fl) on 11/01/2009

I had an abcessed tooth about a month ago and had no antibiotics for it. It was on a weekend so I couldn't go to the doctor. I have some organic apple cider vinegar so I thought, what the heck? Rubbed some on the infected area a few times and it went away. You'll want to rinse your mouth with water afterwards because of the acid in the vinegar. And yeah, the straight vinegar was nasty tasting but it sure helped with my pain.

Bentonite Clay, Multiple Remedies
Posted by Riverlover (Nc) on 12/26/2013

Well after a month, I've come out on the other side from a tooth abscess where I allowed the infection to spread to my jaw. I thought I could keep working and just take some natural antibacterials to treat it. Not so. My jaw line became swollen, my tooth on the lower jaw was loose, and the pain was indescribably intense at one point.

15 years ago, I had an abscess, and I naively trusted my oral surgeon and allowed all of my upper teeth to be pulled at the age of 35. I just didn't know better. I will never trust dental professionals again, so I went after this on my own.

At first, I threw pretty much everything listed here at it. I took/applied lots of colloidal silver, oil of oregano, garlic, tea bags, turmeric and salt water, H202, and more. What finally helped me turn this around was Bentonite Clay. I got both the powder and the liquid clay. My cheek and gums were raw at first from all the treatments I'd been applying, but it didn't hurt, it just felt weird as it drew out the infection. I alternated between making a little putty with the powder and leaving between infected gun and infected cheek for 20 mins and doing bentonite swishes with the liquid for 10-15 mins. I did one of them once a day. Maybe I COULD HAVE DONE IT 2XS/DAY, who knows. But the swelling went down after the first day and disappeared after the 2nd day. at least externally. There was still some swelled pockets inside my mouth that went away after 4 more days.

The pain level diminished greatly. After using the clay, I first used 50/50 H20 & H202 to rinse. Then I switched to a periodontal wash I got at Whole Foods, with all sorts of good stuff in it. (golden seal, oregano, Gotu Kola, olive leaf, grapefruit seed, xylitol, chlorophyll, etc)

I apply a similar periodontal rub/gel on the gum before bed, after rinsing and brushing with a natural toothpaste.

I take 20K iu of Vitamin D3, 8K mg of buffered C, 400 mg Q10, molybdenum with 2 meals, and try to stay very hydrated. I think the most important thin I take hasn't been listed here and that's Olive Leaf Extract (OLE).

Look up this amazing antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, pain killing, liver-helping herb. I started this shortly after the clay. I try to take one ev 2 hours. Sometimes every hour. I will keep up with it for a while. There are no side effects.

Now, one month later, its -almost- like it never happened. The tooth is firm, I can eat & smile without pain, and I feel really good. I think this might have been a blessing in disguise. Its gotten me refocused on my health. The abscess has left behind a severely recessed gum however, so now my job is to remineralize the bone and tooth & try to rebuild the gumline. Hence the D3, Vit C, and Q10. As I understand, I'll also need some L-lysine & Threonine.

My fingers are crossed that the tooth in question isn't actually dead and has a chance at rebounding. I will update if it is in fact a goner & doesn't hurt anymore simply because the nerves are shot...

So anyways, I hope this helps someone out there, maybe bring about healing faster than a month! It was about a 7 day recovery once I began the clay treatment to draw the infection out. Blessed Be.

Bentonite Clay
Posted by Sue (USA) on 01/16/2020

For a tooth abscess, you want to use food grade calcium bentonite clay, and hydrate clay to make a kind of thick poltice you can pack around the tooth. You want to pack clay on every part of the infected tooth and also the gum around it. For an added benifit you can also make a clay poltice for the outside of your mouth where the infected tooth is. Keep clay on at least 1 hour or more, CB Clay has amazing drawing properties and will draw the infection out. You might feel a pulsating feeling in your mouth as the clay draws out the infection.

Baking Soda and Salt
Posted by Dawn2000 (Canada) on 12/07/2015

I had severe ache on both sides of top teeth and I hate visiting dentists. As the pain became unbearable, I had to and he did root canal on one tooth and asked to come again for the other tooth. After my first visit I started to look up on the internet and followed a week's routine as suggested.

I used a half and half mixture of baking soda and salt to massage my gum, inside and out, twice a day, more on the sore spot but did it all over the gum. It took me only three days to start to feel the result. It has been over a year and I am still pain free, knock on wood and never had to go back for second root canal treatment.

I am happy to share my experience here and happy trying this remedy, it works wonders.

Activated Charcoal
Posted by Laura (Sydney, Nsw) on 08/04/2012

First off I'd like to thank everyone for contributing to this site.

I had a severely abscessed tooth after eating too much sugar thereby depressing my immune system & had read about people putting bentonite clay on for treatment well I didnt have any so poured out an activated charcoal capsule between my gum & cheek & had instant relief from the pain.

I slept with it overnight & it greatly improved. I did it every night in the beginning, it just sucked out the infection but treatment must continue so even if you just do one night a week then once every 2 weeks then 3 & gradually downgrade it & keep up a dose for maintenence because an infection can still persist after the pain has gone.

good luck everyone.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Oral Health Guy (Earth) on 03/13/2016

At one night, I noticed a swelling on my gums above one tooth with a huge amount of composite filling. I went to the pharmacy first to get some Corsodyl (both the mouth water and the gel). Also I used salt-water for rinsing. The swelling subsided a bit. then a few days later I went to the dentist, who said that the root was infected and that I needed root canal treatment.

I had some distrust to this diagnosis, as I did not have any pain (pain typically precedes the swelling in periapical abscess). he had taken x-rays, but he was not very clear why that indicated an infection of the root.

I learned though that in some cases there may not be any pain with a periapical abscess. On the other hand, I found that some infections may seem like they are at the root but are in fact not and are just periodontal. Anyway the pain was non-existent, and the swelling was small. So I thought it was a bit early to say that horrible treatment (both in terms of the poisining as well as the amount of money) is the only thing you could do for a tooth. And if I failed to cure it myself, there was time enough left before things would get wrong severely.

So I start looking for some of the natural treatments online. The first thing I found was neem powder which has strong antiseptic effect. Then I found this great website earthclinic, where there were many things you could do for an abscess: garlic, oil pulling, echinacea, etc.

My regimen:

-oil pulling as I woke up and at other times when I had a near empty stomach. olive oil worked best for me. coconut oil is simply too delicious.

-rinsing with salt water after meals

-taking a clove of garlic, then biting it in smaller pieces. If burn, then swallow some or add some water. most of the pieces however parked right next to the abscess.

-putting a wet teabag on the abscess after the rinsing

-drinking tea with neem powder and echinacea powder a few times a day. maybe a third of a small spoon of each added to grean tea or water.

-I stopped eating bread which sticks to the teeth and whose carbohydrates seem to be ideal for feeding bacteria.

-in a few days, the puss became visible, so I started some draining procedure.
Draining procedure: sterilize needle by boiling it in water; poke a hole at the site where the puss is visible; then use paper tissues to push the puss out.

-when it was draining, at some point I decided to give the alternative (no fluoride) toothpaste a go, and to stop the fluoride toothpaste. While the abscess was very miniscule at this point, it is noteworthy that the day after the abscess was gone. The toothpaste I used was using water, coconut oil, neem powder and echinacea powder. I now use this and sometimes add some salts (e.g. sodium+potassium) in there.

-After using the regimen, it only took me 3-4 days and the abscess was entirely gone.


Now that the abscess is gone, it is worthwhile to think that there may still be a small infection inside that may come back to form an abscess at some time. So I plan to maintain a oral health regime like this, though perhaps with a bit lower frequency.

-I will report back if the abscess reappears so to inform the community.
