TOOTH ABSCESS. - I have lost a tooth or 2 from the dreaded tooth abscess in the past when little information was available to help other than going to the dentist. I have now tried most of the recognised alternative published remedies and I have to say none of them were a total success - until - I took some fairly large doses of powdered olive leaf.
The result.......almost immediate, well, within a few hours, all pain subsided and after following on with reduced doses the abscess completely subsided. - AMAZING!!
Oil of Oregano
Had a re-occuring back moler - pre-existing tooth/bone infection and in the 9th hour before going to the ER thought I'd give this a try:
Steeped fresh oregano plant from a friends garden and chopped fresh organic lemons (with peels- important) and let both steep (do not boil) together for :30 mins - and swished in mouth every 15-30 mins, then consumed - repeat during waking hours for at least 5 days.
Amazingly, the very severe pain subsided instantly! The medium inflammation reduced daily. It's important to continue applications for 5 days or longer- as needed, even though symptoms are relieved.
Multiple Remedies
The infection comes back about once a week. After applying garlic, the puss boil drains quickly, and after one day I am usually rid of it.
The regimen has changed a bit. I don't chew on garlic anymore with the affected tooth, as it actually CAUSED my teeth to crack a little bit. So that's a little warning. However I still eat it every day. Neem leaf+echinacea tea I am keeping up. Oil pulling I am keeping up. I am rinsing now with saltwater + xylitol, because xylitol has some amazing effects. Also applying urine (due to the urea content and possibly vitamins) and/or xylitol seems to help the gums, as my gums do not get burned anymore by garlic application. There is also a case that got rid of the tooth root infection by using urine therapy + water fasting. But I love to eat too much.
The most radical change now, sparked by the small crack in the tooth, is that I eat a Weston Price like diet for tooth remineralization. I aim for foods high in fat soluble vitamins (A, D, and K) and supplement with K2. I avoid phytic acid. Also I use comfrey-root oil + eggshells. Be careful not to overdo comfrey-root as it taxes the liver.
I have been on the diet for a bit over a week now, and the comfrey-root+eggshells for 5 days. The vitamin K2 I have used just one day now . I can see that the crack has become less visible (it used to be black, now it is almost like a craze line).
My gum around the tooth has receded a bit though, because I was exerting too much pressure during the last drain.
So all in all, nothing has aggrevated, but I hope the balls of puss will soon stop coming entirely. I am very happy to have found the Weston Price diet due to the stupid crack. I am confident that the crack will become invisible in a month or so, but I will keep updating.
Oil Pulling and Colloidal Silver
I have read that "oil pulling" will help draw out infection, even from a tooth that is said to need a root canal. I would suggest that you add a couple of drops of other essential oils to the oil that you are using for "oil pulling", particularly those known for having antibiotic, antiseptic & anti-bacterial properties. Both grapefruit seed oil extract & garlic oil are antibiotic. Oil of Oregano is another good example. Clove Oil will help with any pain. Research the properties of various essential oils & try a few drops or combination of drops each time you "oil pull".
Shana18: Good to hear your success report. I have been advocating Zinc Lozenges here for some time as I have had good results also. Studies have show that pathogens cannot properly adhere to cell surfaces that are optimized w/ Zinc.
Jaw Bone Infection Remedies
Hi there, just curious if you are taking Fosamax or the generic drug for prevention of osteroporosis? A side effect of the drug is a condition called osteonecrosis of the jaw also known as jaw death. Both my mother and mother in law recently had teeth pulled due to this drug. Last spring my mothers femur broke due to this pill that was supposed to make her bones stronger! Needless to say neither women are taking this dangerous drug any longer.
Good luck to you! Sincerely, Debbie
Pyrogenium (Homeopathic Remedy)
Homeopathics work on both the physical level and the energetic level. The numbers 200C, 30C, 6X and so on do not represent the amount of material in the remedy. All homeopathic remedies are diluted. The lower the number, the less diluted it is. So a lower number, such as a 6X or a 30C will work on the physical issue, while a higher dilution such as 200C and above will work more on the emotional and energetic issues. Standard dosage is to take 1 dose (so one little pill is a dose) then wait 6 hrs, take another dose, wait 6 hours and take the final dose. So that's 3 doses. Then you wait to see if there is a change in the condition. If you feel that it's working, you actually stop taking it and ALLOW your body to do the rest. Homeopathics work to reset and start the healing process...it reignites the body's wisdom.
If you take a homeopathic, do the standard 3 doses and nothing seems to work, it's generally a sign that it's just the wrong remedy. If you take it and it exacerbates the situation, that's known as a proving and you need to stop the remedy and drink a strong cup of caffeinated coffee to stop the homeopathic or a strong cup of peppermint tea.
The ideal situation is to see a Homeopath as it is such a personalized form of holistic medicine.
Oil Pulling, Castor Oil
To tackle an abscessed tooth, first of all, pull oil. You can find the instructions for this here on earthclinic.com. It's gentle and extremely effective at deep cleaning your teeth. I would suggest using either organic extra virgin olive oil or organic coconut oil for this. Do NOT pull castor oil. It could make you rather ill.
Next, to help relieve the pain, gently massage castor oil into the sore area of your jaw, face and neck. Not inside your mouth, but on your face and neck. You will probably find that the pain will reduce within an hour or so.
The castor oil will penetrate to a depth of approximately 10 centimeters, so it will get into the infected area. Castor oil is antibacterial and will help to clean out the poison. It's also extremely effective as a painkiller. Sorry, I don't know why, I just know it works.
If you use the castor oil at night I would suggest wrapping your pillow in an old towel to prevent the oil from staining your bedding.
Oregano oil, also called oil of oregano, is a natural antimicrobial and antispasmodic remedy. Many people have successfully used oregano oil for treating a tooth abscess, which is an infection that can spread to the jaw. The pain associated with a jaw infection can be so severe that dentists typically prescribe pain medications. Oregano oil's numbing properties reduce pain, and its antimicrobial properties will help clear up the infection. Before using oregano oil for this type of infection, talk to your doctor or dentist first.
Step 1
Saturate one end of a cotton swab with oil of oregano and apply to your gums.
Step 2
Saturate the other end of the cotton swab and apply it to any abbesses in the mouth. According to Medicine Plus, mouth abscesses may require surgery in order to drain the pus, which would ultimately reduce some pain as well. Oregano oil assists abscess drainage and kills the bacteria leaking from the pus-like packet in the mouth.
Step 3
Apply oil of oregano to the teeth affected by the jaw infection with another clean cotton swab. A jaw infection typically affects the gums and teeth. Applying oregano oil on the tooth can prevent further tooth decay. Apply the oil to the gums between the teeth that are affected.
Step 4
Do not eat for 30 minutes after application. This gives the oil time to work.
Step 5
Saturate a cotton ball with oil of oregano and apply to your jaw. You need a topical application for the external jaw area. You may feel pain around the ears, cheeks and throat. Apply the oregano oil to these areas. Apply the oil anywhere you feel pain.
Step 6
Use oregano oil every 2 to 3 hours until your infection clears up and add oregano to your foods for maximum benefits. Phyllis Balch, author of "Prescription for Nutritional Healing, Fifth Edition: A Practical A-to-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & Food Supplements, " recommends adding oregano to foods or oregano oil to salads for maximum antimicrobial effects.
Tooth Abscess Remedies
Dear Wieas,
Concerning your desire to find a natural antidote to the infection on your jaw; This is what I'd do if this were me... I'd take a high parts per million solution of colloidal silver (over 100 ppm) and mix with an equal part of DMSO, a solvent and carrier. A cap full and a half of both... Or a tablespoon of each and use white paper towel to soak up the mix. When combined the mix will become warm. Immediately soak the paper towel with the mix and apply the soaked part of the paper towel to the jaw where the absess is located. Hold there for fifteen minutes. Repeat an hour later.
Repeat the same protocol the next day. And the next. By the third day you should be able to tell a big difference. If better, continue the treatment.
The silver solution kills the virual/fungal/bacterial infection and the DMSO carries the silver INTO the jaw.
Best to you,
Tooth Abscess Remedies
Hi Linda, it is very dangerous to let a tooth abcess go untreated. My husband had a tooth abcess a couple of years ago. He'd had a toothache with minor pain for about a week and didn't pay much attention to it until a red line started to form down his neck one morning. He was about to leave the country on business but realized (Thank GOD) that it was now a medical emergency and rushed to get the tooth removed. The oral surgeon who extracted his tooth said he had reached him just in time and that it would have been a disaster if he had gotten on the plane to travel to Europe. As I have since learned from multiple dentists, infection from a tooth abcess can kill you so it is very important to treat an abcessed tooth as soon as possible. Best to you, Liz.
Turmeric, Clove Oil
I used multiple things to help draw the infection out. I used tea bags and hot salt water. However when bedtime came around I was ready for some pain relief. What really worked for me was Turmeric. I got the loose powder and put in some distilled water to make a paste and packed it into the cavity hole. It works but when I realized I wanted a little more relief I had the idea to make the Turmeric paste and add two drops of Eugenol (clove oil) into the paste. That really did the trick. The turmeric paste held the clove oil in place for a numbing effect while also reducing inflammation and I was able to sleep all night.
Salt Water
I'm not sure if this will work for a cyst but it works for a tooth abcess. Rinse your mouth with very salty warm water. With each mouthful, swosh it around for as long as you can stand it. Spit and repeat. I've had a broken tooth with a big hole in it for 3 yrs and will get it taken care of eventually but for now, anytime I get pain and it swells up I rinse with salt water. The salt seems to draw out whatever is in there which will ease the pressure and the pain.
Oil of Oregano
So my poor husband has been suffering for several months with 3 teeth that needed root canals. Our insurance wasn't due to renew for some time, so I came onto this site and found some home remedies. He took Hydrogen Peroxide internally -- I diluted drops in water for him. He started with 2 drops and went up to 18 then worked back down. We stopped at 18 because he started tasting it then. He rinsed his mouth with a glycerin mouthwash (a popular natural brand has it for its base. ) He applied clove oil to the sore places and put it on his floss and flossed with it. All of these things kept everything stable while we were waiting for the insurance to kick in.
However, in the past two days, his pain has become unbearable. He was moaning and crying out... Writhing in pain! He's tried all the OTC pain medications at their presciption dosage and even a powerful pain medication he got at the dentist yesterday. Nothing helped. He did not sleep at all last night.
I came to check on him at 5 am (he was in the living room. ) He was distraught from the pain. I got on this site and another one and found suggestions for tea bags and oil of oregano. I reasoned that I could put the oil of oregano onto a wet green tea bag and get "more bang for my buck" so to speak.
He put it onto the sore area, and within a few seconds was calmer. He spat out the excess fluid as it accumulated for a few minutes -- perhaps 10 minutes? He then took the bag out and slept solidly for 7 hours!
He just ate something a few minutes ago and was rubbing at the sore area. I fixed him another tea bag with 6 drops of oil of oregano on it. Within a few minutes, he was falling asleep again.
Highly recommended!
Incedently, he did see the dentist yesterday and is scheduled to have these teeth removed next week. This will get us through though!
Oil Pulling, Garlic
Found this site a few weeks ago during a nasty abcess, or infection I had with a tooth that had already had root canal therapy and a crown. I had swelling in my cheek, eye, as well as a horrible headache on the left side of my head. I thought I was going to die. My endondist was booked, and could not see me for 2 weeks My MD Dr. Prescribed antibiotics, but they were working very slowly. I started several of the home remedies on here, but the two that I could see visible results working after a few days, were the oil pulling with sunflower oil ( 1 to 3 times a day), and the fresh garlic on my gum. I tried rinsing with hydrogen peroxide, and black tea bags on my gum, but found that they both pushed the infection further up into my eye. The oil pulling and fresh garlic actually brought the swelling down. Saw my endodotist today, after 2 weeks of these remedies, and x-rays are clear. He can't explain it. He said keep my fingers crossed that this was an isolated incident that healed itself. I will continue the oil pulling with Sunflower oil it is amazing. I feel that I have been healed by these two home remedies.
Grapefruit Seed Extract
About grapefruit seed extract, I will definitely agree that it's a potent natural anti biotic and have used it myself for various ailments. However, everything I've read points to the fact that it does no harm to the healthy flora found in our bodies. I do agree that a dose of probiotics is always good as well! :)
Grapefruit Seed Extract
Put a quarter to a half tsp of animal fat (lard, salmon oil etc.) in your mouth with the oregano oil. I like to use butter. Yogurt or sour cream may work too but I haven't tried it. The oregano won't burn your mouth when mixed with a bit of animal fat.
Hydrogen Peroxide, Glue
The glue is a temporary fix. All dental procedures damage teeth and denten. Much research that is ignored ($'s) show that Vitamin D will regrow teeth and denten! Best option is to eat whole fruits and veg for the body to process properly. Try the Butler Gum Wax instead of the glue. It will fall out, but will allow the tooth to "breathe" and regrow.
Re Brushing - above - A pioneer doctor was advised to have all his teeth removed because of gingivitus - Dr. Hall maybe. Instead he researched where the bacteria grows. I believe it is 95% under the gum line. So if you brush top down and bottom up you will def get gingivitus! You need a small soft brush and need to brush gently at about 45 degrees into the gum line top and bottom. About a 5 minute process once or twice a day. The good doctor died with all his teeth intact!
Also much research everywhere except North America on Coconut pulling. The coconut oil is a natural antibacterial (Must be cold pressed! - All goodness is removed in heat or hydrogenation processes the latter being a poison! ) 1 to 2 teaspoons in your mouth - softens to liquid quickly - swish through the mouth for 20 minutes. (Longer than that allows the bacteria that was removed to be reabsorbed! ) Spit into garbage not sink - this is full of poison. Rinse with warm water then brush gently as described above. Your teeth won't require whitening - the coconut does that. Your gums and teeth will be happy. There is lots more info about dental myths out the - check it out!
Turmeric, Salt, Clove, Garlic
Turmeric, Salt, Clove and Garlic cured my abscess
2 years ago my former dentist did a half-assed job on my root canal. I have had problems ever since, with infections every few months. A few days ago I woke up in incredible pain, the worst I'd ever experienced. Immediately went to the dentist and he put me on antibiotics, but there seemed to be no solution to the immediate pain I was in. Took ibuprofen, nothing. Tried vicadin, zilch.
So I did a little research and finally got some relief by putting a chewed clove right next to the infection - instantly the pain began to ease up, but the swelling would not go down. I tried gargling with listerine, using warm compresses, but to little effect.
Finally I hit the jackpot.
1 cup of warm water
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon turmeric
I gargled/swished with this for literally 10 seconds, and the boil just opened up and all the garbage literally shot right out - didn't even need to apply any pressure. With the abscess drained I applied a slice of fresh garlic to the opening, which stung like hell, but it has also helped the infection and reduced swelling. I could actually chew food again!
I returned to the dentist today and he was astonished at how much this thing has cleared up. Granted there is no saving the tooth now, and I will definitely need to get it pulled. But I am thankful to have found relief in the interim and hope this remedy helps some other poor soul out there.
Nobody deserves this type of pain!
tea tree oil: This is a remedy that works for me....Just soak a tiny bit of cotton wool( about a cotton bud sized piece,) and tuck it under the gum in the infected area, replace ever hour or so. The abcess will diminish after a day.You are not supposed to swallow TTO so avoid this by spitting out into a tissue- but its not fatal.- Definitely the lesser of 2 evils.
Hey, I currently have a tooth abscess and it is killing me and has my cheek an mouth numb, I went to the Dr. afterwork to get antibiotics but they wouldn't give me an Rx because they said they didn't have any appointments available and needed to assess me prior to dispensing medications. When I got home I thought of the remedy for boils which according to this website is tumeric. Well, it seems to me the concept of a boil & a tooth abscess are basically the same. A boil is infection under the skin accompainied by poisonous blood and puss w/inflamation and the same with an abscess but surrounding a bad tooth. So last night when I got home in severe pain (could hardly open my mouth). I put a tsp of tumeric in some applesauce (still almost threw it up) but to my surprise the swelling went down and the pain subsided. It's late morning now and I am beginning to feel a slight discomfort, so I plan on taking more tumeric. Hope this helps someone else.
Silica 30c Homeopathic
It's been a few months now and the intense pain hasn't returned. About once a month the tooth starts to feel very sensitive and as soon as I take the Silica 30c the sensitivity goes away. However when I tap hard on the tooth I can still feel a bit of remnant sensitivity so it hasn't been totally resolved yet. Maybe it takes time but I might try a higher dilution of Silica like 200c or 1M and see if that helps.
Silica 30c Homeopathic
Diatomaceous Earth has silica in it and took away a deep rooted tooth infection, very big, in just two days. My son didn't even bother making a paste; he just put a pile on the tooth every couple of hours. I read there is a small electrical charge in DE that kills bacteria and stuff. I was amazed! He said he felt better almost immediately. DE is mighty impressive!
Multiple Remedies
** I will post a summary of my regimen at the bottom**
I had a tooth abscess that seem to be at the root of my gums. I am still not 100% but my pain is greatly reduces and the abscess is now at the top of my gums, there is no more swelling at the root. Today is Wednesday. On Sunday I felt very light tooth pain, it was not severe and I was able to press through the day. By Monday the pain increased so I started using clove oil on the tooth and took Naproxen. By Tuesday the pain was so unbearable that a normal dose of Naproxen no longer worked on the pain. My go to remedy is always golden milk. In the golden milk I am adding coconut oil, and trying to get at least 2 tbs of coconut oil a day. Along with golden milk I am swishing with tea tree oil and Himalayan salt. I also made a poultice of turmeric, ginger, and bentonite clay. I apply it with gauge for as long as I can stand having the gauge in my mouth. This really helps with the pain. As soon as I take it off there is intense throbbing that seems to subside pretty quickly. I believe this is what moved the abscess to the top of my gums. My only dilemma is will the abscess rupture on its on eventually. I will continue this course of treatment for 10 days.
** Regimen - I am following for 10 days **
I am not following any sort of schedule and just taking it as it goes.
Take daily: 2 to 3 cups of golden milk w/ at least 1 tsp coconut oil you should try to work slowly up to 2 or 3 tbs per day or you could experience diarrhea. Poultice packed on the area w/ gauge hold in mouth as long as you can - poultice = pinch of bentonite clay, pinch of turmeric, and pinch of ginger or black pepper mixed with enough coconut oil to make a paste, at least twice per day After every meal and before bed - swish with tea tree oil and Himalayan salt mixed into warm water.
I hope this helps!
ORH...Thanks for those kind words, though I'm sure I don't deserve that sort of praise. Meantime, here's some more proper(honest) research on the wondrous beneficial activities of gum turpentine. This research describes the wide anti-pathogenic effect across many different pathogenic species of particularly the pinene chemicals -- monoterpenes -- that are in turpentine in such signifcant amounts. This might interest some people; http://www.extremehealthradio.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/Turpentine-PDF.pdf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6920849/ The drugs companies have known all about the anti-pathogenic capability and safety of alpha- and beta-pinenes and other useful plant terpenes for many decades. Trouble is the drugs companies still can't make a patentable, marketable drug from these pinenes. So that's why they suddenly banned gum turpentine from supplementary use in the Merck Medical Manual in 1999. They knew perfectly well how useful, safe and effective the pinenes in turpentine are when used as an all-round pathogen-killer -- their own drugs and antibiotics could never hope to compete with gum turpentine as the ultimate blood purifier so they rather desperately wanted to scare people away from using the turpentine by simply calling it a poison and banning it as a supplement. No doubt this sort of illicit and baseless ban is perhaps yet another shining example of what the drugs companies would proudly refer to as their "proper scientific method"(sic).
Garlic, Tumeric
I used turmeric and garlic cloves crushed from someone else's suggestion on this site for a tooth infection and want to thank them because it worked right away.
I had two loose teeth in the front. I had weekly ozone treatment for $50.00. The dentist was super nice and fair, he would inject a massive amount of ozone between the two teeth since ozone moves seeking something to react with and it goes after the infections and destroys them. It took ten sessions to kill the infection.
Multiple Remedies
Hello Mkd89,
Re the infections issue.
If me I'd definitely try Colloidal Silver. Let soak five times daily for a full two minutes per application.
I soak my teeth and gums with a mouthful of CS once a week for a full minute. I believe it keeps infections form kicking in...and I've see CS work many times on gum/tooth/jaw infections.
Jaw Bone Infection Remedies
It is wise to keep all body parts as much as possible. Swishing Colloidal Silver in the mouth will proly be your best first try for this infection. If this doesn't work, try swishing MMS (Miracle Mineral solution) as directed. Check Genesis II Church Of Health & Healing dot com for specifics.
Jaw Bone Infection Remedies
Teresa: To help your body detox sulfur supplement Molybdenum. For the infection swish Povidone Iodine or Colloidal silver w/ added Hydrogen Peroxide drops, and do Coconut Oil pulling. For further improvement w/ the infection a Don Croft Mini Zapper will help a bunch.
As you are entering a toxic crisis I would also recommend a whole body hot bath w/ 1/4 cup Epsom Salts & 1/4 cup Borax (you will first need to take the MolyB for about 10 days because the Epsom Salts contains lots of sulfur) at least once per week. For the Cancer, reduce sodium and increase Potassium, Lipospheric Vit-C twice daily; Oil of Oregano softgels prior to retiring.
Multiple Remedies
Luckily I am fluent in several languages and thus have access to other than English research, testimonials, etc. There are hundreds and hundreds of testimonials in Russia from people of all ages about regrowing their teeth purely by visualization and specific consciousness, awareness techniques. For example, guiding a "violet laser" light through the thyroid gland, navigating it to all 32 (or 28) teeth and then from there to each organ where the meridians are connecting. The "violet laser" which you visualize is strongly anti-bacterial, antiseptic, anti-microbial and works wonders. There are several Russian seminars and videos by Arkady Petrov on all these techniques, he travels around Russia (no, I am not Russian but I am fluent in Russian language) giving his lectures. He wrote about 20 books, all his information when applied are OFFICIALLY confirmed by dentists, doctors, health practitioners and certified by the local court (!!! ) thus it is certain that they are not fraud and it is all real deal. Remember, YOUR MIND is extremely powerful, trust your body intelligence, spend several minutes a day dedicating to your body (and teeth, gums).
Peppermint Oil
After nearly 3-4 days of no relief from my tooth pain and swelling (I am sure I had an infection as my cheek was swollen and gums throbbing), I looked online for home remedies until my dentist appointment. I read on this site about many remedies such as apple cider vinegar in water, garlic, tea bags, etc for use with tooth pain. I tried them all and with very little relief. After reading one comment about the use of Pure Vanilla Extract (supposedly the alcohol content in it helped?) I went into my kitchen and then saw that I had Peppermint Oil. I remember reading how crushed peppermint worked for someone, so I decided to try the Peppermint Oil. The vanilla only had 35% alcohol, but the Peppermint Oil had 89%. I dabbed some on with my finger and I was amazed. I was finally able to sleep pain free. The throbbing stopped. And as a bonus I had fresh breath (minus the garlic from trying previously during the first day). I continued the use of Peppermint Oil whenever I felt pain, and it seemed to last for a good while. Just turn the bottle upside down with your fingertip on it, just to get a little on there, then dab your gum around your pain. It works wonders! I'm surprised I've seen no mention of it.
Yes. Peppermint oil worked and fast! To substantially reduce pain. Had a bad toothache develop in an old wisdom tooth that I really need to have pulled. Tried numerous remedies to get the pain down. Started with coconut oil pull, iodine drops on the tooth area, tried sea salt water, clove oil/cloves. Didnt get the pain down much. Pulled out some peppermint extract, put some on the gum/tooth area, pain went down quite nicely, esp in the gum. Thankful.