Tooth Abscess
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Tooth Abscess Relief

Bentonite Clay

4 User Reviews
5 star (4) 

Posted by Diane (Sacramento, California)

Montmorillite form of Bentonite clay. I had an absessed tooth that broke off. The absess was not really painful but my dentist advised a root canal because the tooth was dead. How I wish I would have tried the clay first and just had a temp crown put on. I continued to have a soreness at the root. The pocket of infection had been there for years. I didn't want to do the antibiotic thing or have more work done, so I tried the clay. I simply tucked a pea sized bit of clay with a bit of cotton up at the root where the pain was. The next morning it was somewhat better. I continued for months until every bit of the soreness was gone. It took time but I just know I probably could have healed it without the root canal. I still do it once in awhile because I know dead teeth in your mouth infect the body eventually, per Dr. Weston Price. The one advantage?...It takes almost no effort to do.

Replied by Michelle
(Fairfax, CA)

Thank you for this! I"m so impressed with your tenacity and understanding of how to heal infection. I have 3 extractions (of former root canaled teeth) and there is potential infection there as well as a current back molar- next to an extracted tooth- which has visible decayed enamel at the gum line. I will try this.

Is montmorillite bentonite clay considered the best for this sort of thing? When you say you placed it at the root- meaning at the gumline? Front, back of tooth...?

Thank you!

Bentonite Clay, Colloidal Silver

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by See (California) on 04/19/2018

Clay clay clay + Colloidal Silver

I tried everything for a recent abscess. I'm out of the country, so a little desperate. I ordered a brand after researching most effective colloidal silvers, and whammo, it kicked the infection in the butt immediately. I swished a bit with it, but also had about 2 tbsp. each day.

At the same time, I also packed the tooth on both sides with food grade bentonite clay overnight. The swelling diminished substantially within 2 days, by day 4 pretty much gone, but I continue to use.

I also drank a half teaspoon or so of bentonite clay in a big glass of water before I went to sleep.

I was taking all kinds of other supplements (C, olive leaf extract, oregano oil, quercitin, tumeric, etc) but it wasn't until I started with colloidal silver and bentonite clay that the abscess went away, swollen glands went away, discomfort went away.

Replied by Denise

Did this save your tooth permanently?

Bentonite Clay, Multiple Remedies

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Riverlover (Nc) on 12/26/2013

Well after a month, I've come out on the other side from a tooth abscess where I allowed the infection to spread to my jaw. I thought I could keep working and just take some natural antibacterials to treat it. Not so. My jaw line became swollen, my tooth on the lower jaw was loose, and the pain was indescribably intense at one point.

15 years ago, I had an abscess, and I naively trusted my oral surgeon and allowed all of my upper teeth to be pulled at the age of 35. I just didn't know better. I will never trust dental professionals again, so I went after this on my own.

At first, I threw pretty much everything listed here at it. I took/applied lots of colloidal silver, oil of oregano, garlic, tea bags, turmeric and salt water, H202, and more. What finally helped me turn this around was Bentonite Clay. I got both the powder and the liquid clay. My cheek and gums were raw at first from all the treatments I'd been applying, but it didn't hurt, it just felt weird as it drew out the infection. I alternated between making a little putty with the powder and leaving between infected gun and infected cheek for 20 mins and doing bentonite swishes with the liquid for 10-15 mins. I did one of them once a day. Maybe I COULD HAVE DONE IT 2XS/DAY, who knows. But the swelling went down after the first day and disappeared after the 2nd day. at least externally. There was still some swelled pockets inside my mouth that went away after 4 more days.

The pain level diminished greatly. After using the clay, I first used 50/50 H20 & H202 to rinse. Then I switched to a periodontal wash I got at Whole Foods, with all sorts of good stuff in it. (golden seal, oregano, Gotu Kola, olive leaf, grapefruit seed, xylitol, chlorophyll, etc)

I apply a similar periodontal rub/gel on the gum before bed, after rinsing and brushing with a natural toothpaste.

I take 20K iu of Vitamin D3, 8K mg of buffered C, 400 mg Q10, molybdenum with 2 meals, and try to stay very hydrated. I think the most important thin I take hasn't been listed here and that's Olive Leaf Extract (OLE).

Look up this amazing antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, pain killing, liver-helping herb. I started this shortly after the clay. I try to take one ev 2 hours. Sometimes every hour. I will keep up with it for a while. There are no side effects.

Now, one month later, its -almost- like it never happened. The tooth is firm, I can eat & smile without pain, and I feel really good. I think this might have been a blessing in disguise. Its gotten me refocused on my health. The abscess has left behind a severely recessed gum however, so now my job is to remineralize the bone and tooth & try to rebuild the gumline. Hence the D3, Vit C, and Q10. As I understand, I'll also need some L-lysine & Threonine.

My fingers are crossed that the tooth in question isn't actually dead and has a chance at rebounding. I will update if it is in fact a goner & doesn't hurt anymore simply because the nerves are shot...

So anyways, I hope this helps someone out there, maybe bring about healing faster than a month! It was about a 7 day recovery once I began the clay treatment to draw the infection out. Blessed Be.

Replied by Charity
(Faithville, Us)

Those darn receeding gumlines...msm kicks the infection and heals the gum, use both msm cyrstals in the mouth at bedtime and tablets during the day. GO SLOW and fix those receeding gumlines, it's part of our collagen mix, missing in most diets.

Replied by Mtech
(North Carolina)

I need to know where you got the bentonite clay powder and brand name. I can get bentonite clay liquid from herb store.

Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin C

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Lisa (Barrington Hills, IL) on 10/31/2008

I'm writing in response to Calcium, magnesium helping toothaches or abceses. I too have found cal-mag very effective in reducing tooth pain. I've been taking cal-mag for almost 20 years with good results. When I don't take cal-mag for a week or so my tooth begins hurting and when I take the cal-mag regularly I have few tooth problems.

In the past few months I have had to take 10-12 large cal-mag soft gels to help my teeth. I think that I became resistant to the rock mineral and oyster shell based cal-mag. has caused me to have very loose stools.

A helpful clerk at a health food store showed me natural cal-mag made from seaweeds. So far it's fantastic. I only have to take 3 small tablets with perfect results. No tooth pain! No loose stools! Maybe it will work for you too.

Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin C
Posted by Janis (Hudson's Hope, BC Canada)

Tooth abcess and Alkalizing diet For Susan 3/3/08. I don't take medication. So I did some research and found a cure for my abcess tooth. All day long I took Calcium, Magnesium, and Vitamin C.... I would take these pills or liquid hourly. In about 18 hours swelling was gone. (The exact amount I took, sorry can't say for sure.) Once swelling goes down get back to Dentist. Alkalizing your body. The best and most healthy way is through a vegan diet. Raw fruits and vegs. This diet also heals most disease.... Good Health

Replied by Valerie
(Pine Island)

I hear what you are taking, but did it work? Was your abscess the type that was an infection at the roots, or was it at the gum line. Just wanted to make sure we were on the same page. Thank you.


3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Charles (Hendersonville, Nc) on 01/01/2015

I have found that the anacardic acids in raw cashew nuts and maybe mangoes do an excellent job of curing an abscess from gram positive bacteria, which are the most prevalent cause of tooth decay and tooth aches. It is conceivable that mango fruits may have sufficient anacardic acids as well. You may see my article on this subject at; It is also discussed briefly in the 2006 edition of Medical Hypotheses, 65; 289-292.

You may feel free to use any information in that URL without concern over copyright.

I would like to urge you to explore making these medicines available in the pure form from pharmacies. This would be especially valuable since these medicines would probably prove to be valuable against other gram positive diseases such as acne, leprosy, streptococci, Chlamydia trachomatis, and maybe even tuberculosis as well.

Sincerely, Charles Weber

Replied by Geralyn_d
(Atlanta, GA)

I am still recommending the cashews 12 years after my first post on them here, again for someone with ulcers! I came to refresh my mind at the way I used them and who do I see but the very author of the WAKE UP article on therapeutic cashew use! Charles, I so SOOO appreciate what finding your page on Y2K preparedness has done for my life. I did broader research to compare what you posted and took responsibility for my self application. After 22 years I may finally let the dentist remove that wisdom tooth! It is not infected but kind of crumbly and at 71 I am tired of babying it but it has been a learning experience! Thx!!

Posted by Geralyn_d (Atlanta, Ga) on 01/27/2011

I have used cashews for 11 years to control a cracked wisdom tooth. It did get abscessed when I got lazy about 4 years ago. A couple cashews chewed up morning and night to control it (do not brush the nutty Film off)... Then 3 or 4 times a day when it abcessed and it was back to normal in less than a week. But duh! Limit sweets and brush after eating the stuff... A candy jag is what got mine abscessed.

This year I discovered that cashews could get rid of my ulcer. Dr OZ pointed out that h-pylori was affected by cashew products. So after my Dr. Couldn't verify the h-pylori I tried 2 cashews every waking hour for 2 weeks. After the third day the pain was much less but I stuck with it for 2 weeks. I did a repeat of 2 weeks after a week off just to be sure. 4 months later feeling great! My friend who also had h-pylori was tested 4 times before diagnosis. She suffered a lot taking the antibiotics for it and still has A painful gut 6 months later... Hmmm... After 2 years of suffering I am pain free!! I love my cashews!! I use the "raw" ones too.

Castor Oil

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Twinsauntymom (Ca) on 03/01/2015 11 posts

Castor oil takes away pain and swelling from my tooth abscess.

I have had a long-standing problem with a tooth abscess made me miserable. My lower and upper jaw were throbbing and tender. My glands on that side of my neck were swollen and tender, and the pain went up into my sinuses.

I had experienced the pain relieving properties of castor oil before, on my arthritic joints, and thought I would try it on my sore jaw. I gently rubbed a little castor oil all over the sore area of my face and neck. I warmed the oil first, to make it easier to spread. Within 30 - 40 minutes the pain was much less, within another 20 minutes or so, it was completely gone. I applied a little more oil before bed, and put an old towel on my pillow to protect the bed linen.

When I awoke, I was still completely pain free. The swollen glands were back to normal and the facial swelling was gone.

The abscess flares up now and then. At the first sign of discomfort I apply the castor oil and the abscess never gets too painful at all.


3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Dennis (Byhalia, MS) on 01/04/2008


Abscess tooth WITH SUPER SORE swollen jaw.

This recipe is famous for getting that abscess down (even beneath a crown tooth)

3 parts Slippery Elm, 2 parts baking yeast, 4 drops cloves, 1/3 teaspoon cayenne pepper, and open two activated charcoal capsules and mix..

Add a little water enough to make a paste. It will be gummy due to the slippery elm. Then pack this mixture around the gum. The slippery elm, and charcoal, draws out the inflammation, the cayenne stimulates the cells around the tooth to release toxins and the cloves are added as a pain remedy, especially toothache. repeat every three to four hours as needed.

NEXT: Back it up by taking two capsules of turmeric in the AM and also two in the PM..TILL SWELING AND PAIN GO AWAY.


AND BY THE END OF (DAY Three) totally healed!



PS: Also now daily as a natural antibiotic and as an immune booster /antioxidant.

I mix one heaping tea-spoon of cayenne pepper into one cup of tomato juice and drink in the am and another cup before bed in the pm..

This great tasting treat will gently purge out your whole system and will enhance your total physical and emotional health...(hey guys it has an effect on us even better than viagra).

PPS: cancer cells under a microscope hate this mix as well!

Best wishes for better health!

Replied by Purelife
(Columbia, Sc)

Truly we have to thank God for these natural cures. I were having some kind of tooth infection. I check EC found
the remedy you posted, must say it work like a charm since I did not want to call out from work. Had slippery elm bark used that instead of the powder, it worked fine it was instant relief. Going to try the tomato juice and cayenne pepper. Is this store bought juice or fresh press, please let me know?

Replied by Mindy

Can someone clarify a little? In the first part of the recipe you reference parts, but the rest of the recipe is measurements. Is it 3 tsp.?


Replied by Gary
(Halifax, Nova Scotia)

Yes, cayenne powder mixed in orange juice, I drink it every day. it totally smooths out any heart palpatations and good for systemic infections like abscesses.

Replied by Gail

Interesting remedy and I'd like to try it. One question though. How long do you leave the mixture in your mouth?

Replied by Jo
(Chicago, Illinois)

This sounds great but do you think the poster from 2008 really used baking yeast or was it actually baking soda?

Cell Salts, Flower Remedies

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Maypeacebewithall (Singapore) on 04/13/2012

I have used cell salt no. 9 Mag Phos to relieve my mum's and my brother's toothache a few times. I crushed the tablet in some water and asked them to drink and hold it in the area of their tooth pain. Swallow it after a few minutes. The tooth pain subsided within minutes, sometimes as fast as when holding the solution in their month.

Once my brother had an excruciating tooth pain which shoot up to his head. He said that your tears will just rolled down automatically from the intensity of the pain. I dropped a few drops of flower essence into his decayed wisdom teeth and set an intention for the flower essence to heal him in his highest good and the severe pain also subsided within minutes. The flower essence I used is made from the painkiller plant.

Lastly, there was another time where I applied Aura Soma Physical Rescue oil to his cheek where his tooth pain was located. I poured some oil onto my palm and just rubbed onto his cheeks. Then, I placed my palms on his cheeks and send healing prayers to his decayed tooth. And his pain also subsided within minutes. Intention and Faith seems to be very important. Combined with the appropriate "tool", it can work miracles! Hope my above experiences can help others.

Chamomile Tea Bag

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Tanya (Metairie) on 06/07/2018

I have a cavity that is very deep. I also have an abscess tooth. I placed a chamomile tea bag on the area and spit out about a quarter of a cup of saliva. I repeated this with another Tea bag. The pain stopped, the swelling was gone and so was the redness. Instead of getting my tooth pulled or getting a root canal, I am continuing home remedies and just getting my teeth cleaned for now.

Clove oil

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Grabacokelaurie (USA) on 06/22/2017

I have used clove oil several times for an infected tooth. I live in a very rural area, so there are no stores that carry clove oil. I mix ground cloves and canola oil to make a loose paste. I put the mixture on with a q-tip and within minutes the pain is gone. Usually the swelling along with the pain are gone in a few days after a few applications each day.

Clove Oil

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Jenny (Denver ) on 04/02/2017

Broken backtooth with nerve pain. tried teabags first, helped for a night or 2. tried garlic next, helped for another 2 days but the smell sucks.

THEN I got clove oil which turned out to be the miracle worker, smell isnt too bad and can burn but def thankful for its taken most the pain away. I use a drop or 2 twice a day, then chug water after cuz the slight burn.

Also try to keep mouth clean with oil pulling and hot water & sea salt swish.

Cloves and Black Tea

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Arianne (Al) on 12/03/2015

I just want to thank EARTH CLINIC and all its awesome members for sharing the information on CLOVES and BLACK TEA BAGS to heal Abscesses.

I got my first abscess on Monday it was uber swollen and starting to hurt..Tuesday I started the cloves on the gums and salt water rinse....Tuesday night I was sitting with the tea bag in when it totally burst and drained....after rinsing and swishing with salt water I followed with OIL PULLING with coconut Wednesday it was completely flat...and MORE ABSCESS and ZERO PAIN...Praise GOD for NATURAL MEDICINE and THANK YOU EARTH CLINIC for being a trusted resource ;-)

Replied by Facm

Do you moisten the teabag before you use it or use it dry?

EC: It will be more comfortable to moisten the tea bag before you use it.

Colloidal Silver, DMSO

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Carolyn (Lubbock, Tx) on 12/09/2010

I had a abscessed tooth that was giving me fits. This is what worked for me. 2-3 oz. of very warm water, add 2 tablespoons of 10ppm colloidal silver and only 6 drops of DMSO. Swish this around your bad tooth. I try to keep it in my mouth about 2-3 minutes then spit it out. Keep doing this till you have used all the water mixture. Do this 2 times a day and in 2-3 days the infection and pain will be gone. It really worked for me.

Replied by Paisley

I know this is older, but maybe someone can answer...

I have read several posts about using colloidal silver for abscess teeth and most talk about spitting it out after. Why?

With oil pulling you are drawing out toxins and therefore want to spit, but silver is healthy taken internally as well and this procedure of swishing is not to draw out but rather to deposit the silver in and around the teeth and gums. Even if you do draw out some impurities, the silver is antibiotic and antiseptic anyway.

So, why on earth spit out perfectly good silver?


Replied by Et

Maybe because some say that colloidal silver can add to heavy metal load in some individuals.

Replied by Lindsay

You still need to spit because at this point, it is NOT perfectly good silver anymore. It's contaminated with whatever impurities you are swishing out. If you have a infection, why swallow what leaks out? It's only a tablespoon that you need to swish anyways. Coconut oil and silver serving great to take internally but both, or anything you swallow, should be fresh and not used for oral health first.

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