Tooth Abscess
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Tooth Abscess Relief


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Posted by Diane (AZ) on 06/04/2020

Saw that turpentine can be used on tooth abscess. Ted mentioned 1/2 tsp in mouth for two minutes. How often does one do this and for how many days? Been doing once a day and not sure if this is enough. Would like more details on the treatment protocol using the turpentine. Thank you.

Posted by ORH (Ten MILE, TN) on 05/06/2020

TOOTH ABCESS,,,,,,,,,,

Bill Thompson, never got back to you on your advice to treat my infected tooth with turpentine. It worked, but that's not the end of the story. Our daughter and several friends came down with the same problem. Your advice worked for all of them. Not one failure. Myself, I think you need to either write an e book or ask D to set up a site for your advice. Ted was good, but so are you. Also, I have lots of questions as to how you got your knowledge. If you don't want to go public, I would appreciate your life's profile by e mail. You are a special fellow that I would like to know better. ====ORH====

Replied by Bill

ORH...Thanks for those kind words, though I'm sure I don't deserve that sort of praise. Meantime, here's some more proper(honest) research on the wondrous beneficial activities of gum turpentine. This research describes the wide anti-pathogenic effect across many different pathogenic species of particularly the pinene chemicals -- monoterpenes -- that are in turpentine in such signifcant amounts. This might interest some people; The drugs companies have known all about the anti-pathogenic capability and safety of alpha- and beta-pinenes and other useful plant terpenes for many decades. Trouble is the drugs companies still can't make a patentable, marketable drug from these pinenes. So that's why they suddenly banned gum turpentine from supplementary use in the Merck Medical Manual in 1999. They knew perfectly well how useful, safe and effective the pinenes in turpentine are when used as an all-round pathogen-killer -- their own drugs and antibiotics could never hope to compete with gum turpentine as the ultimate blood purifier so they rather desperately wanted to scare people away from using the turpentine by simply calling it a poison and banning it as a supplement. No doubt this sort of illicit and baseless ban is perhaps yet another shining example of what the drugs companies would proudly refer to as their "proper scientific method"(sic).

Replied by Lisa

Thanks, Bill for your information on turpentine. I had an abscess in a tooth where I just had an implant, and had fought the pain for a month. I used turpentine, around 1/2 to 1 tsp around the tooth and had almost instant relief. I did that several times a day and the pain is gone completely after 4 days, and aches some now after 7 days, so I use it each day to complete the healing. Thanks so much for the links; I have read the studies and now feel confident enough to low-dose internally. You are a great resource for Earth clinic!

Posted by ORH (Ten Mile, TN) on 02/17/2019

Bill,,,,,,,, your suggestion for me to use turpentine to heal an abscessed tooth is working. You know I's a shotgun guy. I got a problem?....... then I throw the kitchen sink at it. Well, know you can't breath Ozone, but you can breath ozone after it has bubbled through virgin olive oil. I do that all the time. So being SJS, I decided to do this to my infected tooth gum area. So what did I do? I took a gas catheter, cut it off and put this gas to the gum area of my infected tooth. There is an infected area above this tooth and I go there with gas and in-between the tooth. Folks only have an original thought in every 100 light years. This is probably my 5th. That's dang good for an 82 year old. If you think, I's showing out..... then hammer meets nail. That's me. But maybe, folks all over the world now know to use turpentine to cure an abscessed tooth. The Lord said he will provide and he will, if you just listen. Bill, you are a good guy. ====ORH====

Warm Salt Water

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5 star (1) 

Posted by Stephanie (Montgomery, AL) on 08/19/2007

Warm salt water works at onset of pain, I believe it prevents infection, I have yet to have worse pain after salt water, it just goes away. Hydrogen peroxide is an anticeptic and It works for my husband. As far as the antibiotics, unfortunately many people are allergic to penicillin such as myself as well as kefelx, so there is not a whole lot left that works on abscess tooth. There is e-mycin/biaxin, but they give me horrible stomach cramps. I think natural antibiotics are great, they work better for me. I prefer them over the harsh antibiotics that I am not allergic to.

Also, if you take a lot of antibiotics your body builds an imunity to those antibiotics eventually. That is why diseases, flu's, ect., are getting worse, they are becoming resistant to antibiotics. It also strips away the bio-flora in the lining in your stomach, which can cause a long list of health problems itself, yeast infections, reflux..

however, if it doesnt get better and reoccurs frequently you should not play around with not seeing a dentist, a tooth infection untreated can easily infect the blood stream, causing septicemia, weakening the heart, and could kill you.

Wisdom Tooth Infection Remedies

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Posted by Ken (Detroit, Michigan) on 01/04/2009

I right now have a wisdom tooth ( lower ) that is now infected. I don't have any dental insurance so I have to resort to my knowledge of self-treatment with what I know to work naturally and well. I was in TERRIBLE pain, couldn't eat, couldn't sleep. I attacked the pain and the infection that had by now moved into my lower jaw area and starting to swell with multiple herbs. Every 30 or 40 minutes or so I used either a salt rinse, clove oil applied directly to the infected area, garlic applied to the infected area or a mouth rinse with 3% hydrogen peroxide. I did this for about 4 or 5 hours starting at about 7:00p.m. After about an hour or 2, the infected area started to feel better. About an hour before going to bed, I had chicken soup with chopped garlic bits added. Right before bed , I made a hydrogen peroxide/distilled water solution to drink down. I used 35% food grade ( you shouldn't use 3% from drug store, that's for rinsing your mouth ). Normal preparation is 10 drops peroxide to distilled water ( you have to use distilled water!! ). I used 25 drops because I was fighting an infection.

Do not have anything in your stomach when using food grade peroxide/distilled water. Don't eat from 1 to 3 hours before or after using peroxide/water solution. After doing all of this, I felt much better. The swelling was down and the pain was virtually gone. I kept the routine up for another 5 or so days to make sure that the infection was gone. Hope this helps everybody!!


1 User Review
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Posted by Jay ( Boston, MA ) on 07/09/2024

Here's a simple and pleasant remedy for a tooth abscess. First, it's important to know that teeth are in fact porous. Tubular passages within the tooth structure allow for substances to pass through. So xylitol powder is what you want, xylitol from birch trees not corn, I feel. Take 1/8 teaspoon approximately of xylitol, and actively swish it around in the mouth until your mouth is so full of saliva that you no longer can do it.. Then spit it all out! Do this daily to both reverse and prevent dental abscesses. It works very well for me.


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Shana18 (North Miami Beach, Florida) on 05/06/2014

I had a severe tooth abscess that I accidentally cured with zinc lozenges. I lost a filling last year and after being tortured by food getting into the space where the filling was I intentionally cracked off part of my tooth (not too bright). this resulted in some sort of infection and I had a tooth abscess on and off for about a month. it got real bad and I decided to take some zinc lozenges. I had heard that zinc lozenges kill mouth bacteria and can kill the bacteria that cause a strep throat ... so I took four. each lozenge had 24 mg. zinc, 1000 IU vit A, and 150 mg vit C. the abscess came to a head and it was over by the fourth lozenge. I don't know if it was the zinc, but zinc is a very powerful antibacterial metal, and I think it immobilized the bacteria in the mouth.

Replied by Timh
2048 posts

Shana18: Good to hear your success report. I have been advocating Zinc Lozenges here for some time as I have had good results also. Studies have show that pathogens cannot properly adhere to cell surfaces that are optimized w/ Zinc.

Posted by Thatguy (Cartersville, Ga) on 05/10/2013

I had a tooth abcess and of course four dentists insisted that the tooth be pulled. If I didn't, they said the world would end, aliens were going to invade the earth, and we were all going to die. The problem was that each they said it, they had dollar signs in their eyes. They wanted to sell me an expensive implant. WELLLLLLLL, ignored their advice and just started talking ZINC tablets and have had no problems at all. A friend advised me to take B12 and garlic as well, but have been doing FINE on ZINC alone. And I and not my dentist still have my money.

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