Tooth Abscess
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Remedies for Tooth Abscess Relief

Dental Abscess Remedies

Posted by Maddtom (Colorado, Usa) on 07/28/2013 1 posts

Folks, recently discovered not so painful soft "lump" on outside upper back tooth. This tooth has been bothering me for couple of months. Very painful for a couple of weeks and then no pain. I know it will need to come out very soon. Question is: how to mitigate and even eliminate this infection. I pull EVOO at least twice a day and have for more than 6 months. My overall health is excellent (65yrs). Like I said I know this tooth needs to come out and I want to eliminate this abscess before I go in (if possible)... Thanks for any info. ThomasM

Replied by Om
(Hope Bc Canada)

MADDTOM from Colorado: I really like posts like yours because I have a lot of experience now with good results re my teeth to pass on. I am a senior with ALL my teeth except one I lost many years ago. Even in that case I should have known better but thanks to EC I have a completely new and far more effective tooth care regimen which empowers me to know what is in my mouth and to keep business away from my health.

Recently I saw a dentist after years and the first thing was that he expectd me to accept fluoride. Then, when I told him that when I was much younger a very well respected dentist who taught a a university, sent a piece of mercury down my gullet, saying:don't swallow it! When I told this dentist about it, He mentioned that it probably "went right through. Hmm! Very casual attitude.

I have now been oil pulling for about two years. At the beginning there was a molar that felt loose and the dentist said it had to come out. Then I found: That changed everything. Oil pulling had given me a fresh breath daily, a clean and healthy tongue and probably detoxed my system without any trouble. It also fixed the loose tooth more firmly in its socket. I don't like to lose a tooth since it has such an effect on the facial features. Oil pulling had also brightened my teeth somewhat.

However, thanks to the site above, I am now trying to heal a cavity on my front tooth. My gums that had always been a problem, are looking really good and the previously exposed tooth necks are almost all right at the gum line, looking really good.

But now, to heal any cavity, I am using MMS (Jim Humble's website) and wow my teeth are getting actually white. I did not really expect that. I thought my yellow/grey teeth would never but they are really nice looking. I am working on some pockets and to eliminate possible sites of infection. I keep the MMS solution in my mouth for two minutes twice a day. If I forget it once, or I am too tired, I use Xytol in my mouth before falling asleep. Of course, I will not forget my oil pulling as it has an overall effect on the body which may vary with the individual. You will find that present practices of dental care are far from beneficial to ones health and thinking of the sums that have to be surrendered!

Anyway I am taking responsibility for my health and again thanks to EC have initiated more changes to the great improvement of my health. The sites mentioned also deal very well with abscesses and pain.

All the best! Om

24 posts

Thank you MADDTOM for referring us to the site ParadiseNow. It is truly helpful and a wealth of information.

Replied by Chris

Hello, can you tell me what MMS and EC is? I have an abscess that is apparently the result of a root canal from yrs ago. Its not painful but swelled up when I first noticed it. Now that its subsided a bit due to antibiotics I am wondering if I can actually get it healed up with out the recommended surgery thats going to cost 1500.00....

Thanks Chris

EC: MMS is the acronym for Miracle Mineral Solution (a supplement) and EC refers to Earth Clinic!

Dental Treatment

Posted by Ben (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 02/04/2012

This is an aside from those who posted about treatments for tooth ailments. I go to the local college here in Toronto for hygenic treatment as well as fillings. Because this is a college, the fees are minimal, for the fillings it was $20 per filling. However the appointments are in 3 hour blocks because the students are working on you and have to be constantly evaluated by the instructors. If you have the time, it's a great cost saver.

Diatomaceous Earth

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Posted by Chirka (Gurgaon, India) on 07/02/2021

Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth (FG DE) for rotting or painful teeth and rotting wounds

The fastest acting use I have experienced for FG DE is for teeth. I have a lot of teeth problems from a narrow jaw and bad dentist interventions. When I get a tooth pain, I place a wad of DE (made into a dough like blob with a drop of water) on the offending tooth, clamp down my teeth and go to sleep. Right as rain in the morning. And this is the report with everyone I've prescribed it to. Unfailingly. But use it the first sign of pain you get.

What more, two teeth that the dentists said have to be pulled off six years ago are serving me fine after my having given them the DE wad treatment for a week continuously.

The DE just pulls out any kind of necrosis.

And that's the second great thing I've seen it work its magic on. It also saved the paw of my cat, which was just rotting and the digits were falling off. Dipped her paw into DE, and the whole thing became a hard lump. But finally, the paw stopped rotting and whatever was left of the paw was saved.

Same thing with another cat I recommended it for. Another cat had an anal sac, with a hole as deep as the first digit of my index finger, and a foul smell. I stuffed it with DE multiple times in a day. After two days reduced application to once a day. By the seventh day, even the scar was barely visible.

Dietary Changes, Multiple Remedies

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Posted by Erin (Lafayette, In) on 04/18/2011

Took my 9 year old daughter to the dentist and come to find out she had a gum abcess and infection in a tooth with a cavity. Of course their first recourse was to put her on antibiotics so they could pull the tooth 1 week later. I refused the antibiotics, nicely, but I still got the dirty look and the "note" on the file. So, my daughter and I were very determined to stop the issue in it's tracks... Just to prove them wrong if nothing else. This isn't for the lazy at heart... it's 7 days of killing an infection and keeping it killed.

First of all, NO sugar. She got whole grain bread maybe once per day, but not at all if we could get away with it, other than that, no grains. Pasturized dairy was cut way back to just cheese on occassion. That means no sodas or juices, water was the drink of the week. Whole, low sugar fruits are okay (apples, berries, melon), and of course veges.

Okay, now for the fun part: once per day she did a rinse of water with baking soda and peroxide (I never really measured it, just put some water - maybe 1/4 cup?? -- in a cup with maybe 1 tsp of baking soda and 1/2 tsp of peroxide or so). Twice per day she did a rinse of a commercial tea tree mouthwash with an extra 4 drops of grapefruit seed extract added. Each rinse is done after brushing the teeth.

Once per day, the infected area was sprayed with 2 squirts of colloidial silver, 10 ppm.

Every day she took supplements of:
Vitamin C, 1000 mg
Vitamin D 10-15, 000 IU
Chelated Zinc 100 mg
Oil of Oregano 45 mg (standardized to 70% carvacrol)
Olive Leaf 310 mg with 40 mg of powdered extract standardized to 18% oleuropein
Krill Oil for Omega 3's
A Garlic supplement for Immune support, though if I could have gotten her to take whole, crushed garlic I would have been happier.
And Alpha Lipoic Acid 100 mg

Definitely believe in leaving nothing to chance.

We started this regimen on a Monday afternoon when she got home from school, and by Wednesday she was totally pain free. The cavity itself lightened in color. We kept it up for the entire week, and by the time she got to the dentist for the extraction... Well, they were surprised. Looked at her file, looked in her mouth, asked her if there was any pain (she replied no, naturally), and then the super sweet assistant actually asked me how we did that. They confirmed that she was completely infection and abcess free.

Sorry for the lengthy post, but I always like to see amounts and directions... So hopefully this can help someone else :-)

Replied by Bess
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)

Interesting post Erin! My husband has had his share of infected teeth. Fortunately, I have all of these ingredients on hand and made note of what you did for the next time (there always seems to be a next time! ). Cheers!

Replied by Coregon
(San Diego, Ca)

Actually just rinsing with colloidal silver once per hour would have erradicated the infection in the tooth (you could also swallow 1 ounce of "clean" colloidal silver after the rinses), but all of the rest that this woman used for her daughter would be great for cavity PREVENTION.

NOTE: For pain during tooth infection, frequent swishing of peroxide (then spit), helps pain and infection. Do this at least an hour from the colloidal silver.

Replied by Annie

Good job, Erin. It takes a lot of guts as a parent to go against the normal medicated route and use true healing protocols. Hats off to you for loving your daughter enough to press through and get the best results.

Replied by Hilary

We are trying your recommendations with the doses changed slightly, seeing that my son is 6. He currently has two abscesses from two teeth that had dental work done on them (fillings) when he was 2. Can you tell me more information about the diet you followed? No grains, no sugar, we have decided to cut out fruit too. Did she just eat lots of veggies? Any grass-fed meat or free range white meat? Eggs? Any raw dairy? I ask this because it seems like the raw dairy makes the abscesses swell up more. Interested to see what worked for your daughter. Thank you!

Replied by Megan

Hello I have been using collodial silver as well. When you say infection in the tooth do you mean literally it will only kill it in the tooth or will this same protocol help it heal when it is in the root of the tooth as well? Thanks sincerelyn megan

Replied by Debbie

So all of this can be done n taken for a week? No contraindications for example for people with high blood pressure? Thanks u for the details. Much appreciated.

DMSO, Hydrogen Peroxide

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Posted by Bev S. (Florida) on 11/11/2019

A few weeks ago I had a molar that was abscessing with the swollen gum becoming painful. I found the garlic remedy too painful and found another remedy somewhere that worked like magic. The remedy is simple: Mix equal amounts of peroxide and DMSO -- about a teaspoon of each. Swish for a few minutes --5 minutes being ideal. Pain gone. If your abscess is advanced, you may have to swish the DMSO/peroxide solution more than once. It worked for me on the first try. but I did catch it early.

Replied by Linda

Is there any danger using DMSO if there is possibly remaining metal in my teeth from past dental procedures?

DMSO, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Beverly Sansum (United States) on 10/24/2019

I used a mixture of DMSO and hydrogen peoxide to swish for about 5 minutes. I did this twice. I used about 1/2 teaspoon of each. You may want to add a little distilled water if you find the mixture too strong. Pain gone the first time but repeated it anyway. I'm sure I found this remedy on Earth Clinic and now I can't find it.

DMSO, Nascent Iodine, Garlic

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Posted by John (Usa) on 02/21/2018

If a tooth infection returns, this will get to the root cause. Iodine has been used throughout history in denistry because of its ability to help rebuild tissue, while acting as one of the worlds strongest natural antibiotics. The combination of iodine and garlic internally will also kill any infection that might be lingering in the blood. I had a very serious bone, root and possible blood infection, as a result of reoccurring root infection and abscess. This was stemming from an underlying jaw bone infection. I have tried all of the other cures on here, and garlic especially does work. In my case however it would always return, maybe even months later. It was not until I dealt with the underlying bone infection, (and dmso is the only way I know how to do this), that I have been infection free for years now.

DMSO and Nacent Iodine Rinse, plus 6 drops of Nacent Iodine and 6 cloves of garlic internally daily.

(Iodine and garlic to be taken separately) (Not for people on thyroid medication)

This will not only cure ANY abscess, but will also cure any underlying jaw bone infection that may be present, to prevent infection re-occurrences.

(Test mouth sensitivity first with a couple drops)

7 parts dmso1 part distilled water2 parts nacent iodine

1. Make sure mouth is clean(salt water or hydrogen peroxide rinse first)

2. Swish iodine dmso solution for 10 min, better swallowed after rinse, again thyroid must be healthy. (this will also ease the pain)

3. Wait 10 more minutes without eating or introducing anything into the mouth, and better not to rinse immediately this will give it more time to reach deep into the gums and even bone.(the dmso, will take anything with it into the blood so keep this in mind) including smoking, drinking or food.

4. After waiting 10 mins, follow with a 5 min salt water or hydrogen peroxide rinse, to close the mouths super absorbent state.

5. Do not eat anything, or drink anything except water, for at least 1 hour following this.

This can be done several time a day, but watch your iodine consumption if swallowing the rinse everytime.

Always better to see the dentist first but for those of us that can't, THIS WORKS!

Replied by Ladyjay
(New York)

Can you use this with mercury fillings in your mouth?

Replied by John2

John - Sorry, I'm unclear on the ratios. 7 parts DMSO, 1 part distilled water, 2 parts Nascent iodine. Does "part" mean drops? If so, it seems like 10 drops would be difficult to swish around in the mouth. Am I missing something, or does it mean like tablespoons? Sorry for such a basic question, I just don't get it, but I do have the bone infection and want to try this. If John or anyone knows, please explain. Thank you in advance. Cheers.

Replied by John2

Sorry, more basics. How many days did you do this, and did you have to repeat it? I really want to try it, but without advice. I'll probably do it for four days. Also, how does anyone deal with the garlic breath? Thank you.

Replied by De
(Ojai, Ca)

DMSO & Mercury??

I had been trying colloidal silver (550ppm, small particle size) with DMSO. For a rear lower molar. No swelling but the pain can get intense overnight. A 3D CT scan didn't show an absolute cause, though it was a cracked tooth which had just been crowned with a zirconia crown a few months ago. The dentist said there did appear to be an amount of an abscess (or at least some kind of pocket of pressure pushing up on that tooth). I did take the round of antibiotics, but it didn't seem to help.

Sometimes it starts feeling well enough at night to where I think it is improving, but then it gets worse again. Have also been taking a mushroom compilation tincture (reishi, maitake, turkey tail, cordyceps, etc) and will drop that by the tooth along with the DMSO and silver too.

But like the last person who asked the question, I was also concerned about the last few mercury fillings in my upper teeth. So I don't swish around but only put drops with a dropper directly next to the tooth, and hold it there as long as I can.

Does anyone know if the DMSO will draw some of the amalgam filling metals into the blood stream as well? I am careful, but I don't think it's possible to completely keep the DMSO from contacting everything else. So might I essentially be creating another potential problem instead of healing the one that's there?

Replied by Anon
(Not Canada)

DMSO is sulfur. Which helps detoxify. I would think that if it can dissolve the zirconia it can also help the body eliminate it. I would not be anxious about it. You might eat garlic to facilitate the detox.

Mercury, too.

Replied by Orh
(Ten Mile , Tn)

ANON, ORH here, DMSO is one of the most powerful solvents there is. It also just happens to have sulfur in the compound. So it is sulfur..... means what? As a Ch E, I don't understand. Normally DMSO is used to carry another compound to the problem. We use it daily to carry liniment to an ailing muscle. If the topic you are addressing is an infected tooth, then Bill solved that problem with turpentine. It worked for me and many of my friends. Anon, you are right...... DMSO is a solvent that all should use. Just understand it's limitations. ====ORH====

DMSO, Salt

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Posted by Dibro (North MS) on 04/25/2021

Tooth abscess /swollen gums:

  • Mix about a teaspoon of DMSO with a pinch or two of table salt.
  • Dissolve the solution/apply with finger on top of the abscess and all around the affected area. Spit.
  • Do not rinse or eat for at least an hour.

Bedtime application works best. bye bye root canal $$$$

Also ground sage and water make a great oral rinse for fast toothache relief.

But for infection & abscess, the DMSO and table salt mix applied topically can't be beat!

Replied by Angie
(Concord, Nc)

Does it help with throbbing pain?


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Posted by Pascale (Limoges, France) on 10/31/2020

I have just recently recovered from a very painful cavity and abcess under a molar. I had to cope with the pain for 2 weeks because I could not go to the dentist since nobody was available and also, they request that you wear a mask and I will not.

I was also very tired at the time, and was running a fever. I suspect that the abcess had formed, burst and infected me, causing the fever.

During the two weeks I tried several home made remedies :

- green clay, my absolute favorite, was partly disappointing : I used it dry and directly on the gum and it worked ok until the real pain came and then I could not stand the clay anymore on direct contact. It seemed to aim at the nerve and the pain got out of control. I then used the clay as a poultice on the cheek and it did ok but was not the best remedy, for once ;

- sea salt, vinegar and powder of cloves was used to rinse frequently and contain the infection. It helped a lot.

- oil of cloves (one drop) mixed with a thick oil (5 drops of castor oil or hazelnut oil in my case) worked very nicely and contained most of the pain ; I applied it directly on the tooth and gum ;

- elderberry flowers, as a herb tea mixed with mint was great ; elderberry acts as a natural antibiotic for staphylococcus and other ...coccus bacteria. I drank several cups a day and this remedy got rid of the infection quickly enough and for good.

I must add that after 15 days I ended up seeing the dentist (without a mask) ; she kept me over an hour, stuck the needle five times in my tooth, made me swallow lots of anesthetics and disinfectant (the coronavirus procedure does not allow you to spit anymore...) and was unable to confirm the abcess. I was about ok the following day but a week after the treatment, the pain had returned as bad as ever. This is when I added the elderberry tea to my home treatment as I did not trust the antibiotics she had recommended (generic penicillin).

As a conclusion, I think that there are other options for taking care of our teeth that seeing a dentist that agressively treats the tooth itself. It is possible to take care of tooth pain or gum disease without drilling the tooth or hurting the gum. And yes, even a very bad pain from cavity or abcess can be successfully treated.

Thanks for your other remedies. I am keeping a note on all these for future reference.

I love Earth Clinic.

Replied by Pascale
(Limoges, France)

I have to add that the vinegar for the salt, vinegar and cloves mixture is CIDER vinegar.

As for the elderberry, I use the flowers of the kind (sambucus nigra) that blooms in Spring. They help sweating and getting rid of a fever also. The berries can also be used for jam.

There is another elderberry (sambucus ebulus) that blooms in late Summer. It is supposed to be (mildly) toxic but there is very little chance of confusing them.

Eucalyptus Tea Bags

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Posted by Evangeline (Bowling Green, Ohio) on 09/25/2009

I have had an abcessed tooth off and on for a while. I have tried just about everything on it and found one of the best remedies to be eucalyptus tea bags. Put the tea bag in your mouth around the infected tooth and hold it in there as long as you feel necessary. sometimes I would sleep with one. When you take the bag out you can literaly see some of the infection on the bag that has been drawn out of your tooth.

Replied by Adrian

Do you put the tea bag in water first before putting it in your mouth

Replied by Mama To Many


When we use tea bags in the mouth, we find it easiest to at least dampen the tea bag first. With harder herbs especially, it will take a while for hard and dry herbs to become soft and comfortable in your mouth.

Often I put a tea bag in a mug and pour very hot water over it, just to cover it. After 5 minutes I drain the water and when the tea bag is cool, I use it in the mouth.

~Mama to Many~


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Posted by Jeanne (Rouyn - Noranda, Quebec, CANADA) on 11/01/2006

Fenugreek steeped into a tea / mouthwash cured abscessed teeth. I rinsed my mouth and then soaked a gauze pad and placed in in my mouth for an hour at a time and it drew the infection out of my system. Sometimes I had to open a little hole in my gums so it would drain. I had 10 abscessed teeth at one time and did this for many months. It helped me alot as I didn't have any medical coverage to go to a dentist myself. I still to this day recommend this to anyone with the same problem.

Replied by Maykyla

So I haven't tried the tea bag thing but I was wondering about poking a hole in the gums.... Does it matter where? What did you use to poke it

If the tooth is fully there I know itll come out the gums but what if my tooth broke and there may be a passage to drain out of, er I hope so at least, is that possible?

How many days did you wait til u poked a hole in it?

How long does it take to heal?

Does it just go away or keep coming back if everything does not come out the first time?


You do not need to poke a hole in your gums, I think it is unnecessary, just use DMSO It is a carrier it will carry whatever you want right into the infected site. Basically 1/2 teaspoon DMSO with whatever sterilizer your using I use MMS or Sea Salt, and 1/8 or 1/4 cup water and I just brush onto my gums and try to not get any on my teeth let it soak in for 20 minutes and rinse

Replied by Katzie

Hi Chico. I was just wondering why on earth you would want to poke holes around a sore infected tooth? I cringe just thinking about it. Why don't you just simply put some Colloidal Silver on it? Or even Manuka Honey works, as well as Hydrogen Peroxide. I have stopped cavities with all 3 of these treatments! And not one them involve pain. Please give one of them a chance! Be well and pain-free.

Replied by Lynn

Hi, I was wondering how you used the methods you described... the Colloidal Silver, Manuka honey, and Hydrogen Peroxide.

If you could please share your methods.

Thank you!

Replied by Katzie

Hi Lynn. You were asking how Colloidal Silver , Manuka Honey and Hydrogen Peroxide are used to stop cavities. When I use Colloidal Silver on a sore tooth, I usually will soak a cotton pad and keep it on the tooth for 30 seconds and then I gargle some more Colloidal Silver. When I use Manuka Honey, I just rub it in or on the sore spots. With Hydrogen Peroxide, I just simply gargle with it. These have all worked wonderfully for me and my family. I hope this helps!

French Green Clay

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Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 04/02/2016

Editor's Choice My four year old had a tooth abscess a few weeks ago. It was in the gum above one of his top front teeth. I only knew what it was because my firstborn had had the same thing almost 20 years ago. At the time we knew nothing else to do so we went to the dentist. I think the dentist pulled the tooth and gave him an antibiotic.

Well, knowing what to do at home didn't mean a four year old was going to be too keen on my treatment plan. The best course of action seemed to be putting clay on the abscess overnight. I have done this myself and knew the clay would stay put, or at least would only slowly wear away from the area overnight. Anyway, it seemed the best option!

I had French Green Clay powder handy (thanks to Mmsg's mention of it a number of times over the years! ) and mixed equal parts in a little cup. I waited a few minutes until it was like mud. I smeared a pea sized amount over the abscess area after he was in bed and very sleepy. I made a point of making sure he was tired at bedtime so he wouldn't mind so much. I was afraid if he was awake for a while he would fool with it and it would end up not being where I wanted it. In the morning, I removed what was left with a paper towel.

I did this 3 nights in a row. I didn't do anything else. (Maybe I gave him vitamin C during the day, can't remember now. It would have been a good idea anyway! ) After 3 days it was gone. As if it had never been there.

Bentonite clay would have worked as well I think, the French Green was just the most handy at the moment. And I love French Green Clay. It is so silky!

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Julie

Did you put the clay inside his mouth or outside his mouth on his face near where the infection was?

Replied by Mama To Many

I put it in his mouth, right where the infection was. I used just a pea sized amount.

I have done it on myself. That helps to get a feel for it.

~Mama to Many~

Replied by Mmsg
(Somewhere, Europe)

Julie, for a child, outside would probably be better altho inside might have a faster effect. The best "wrapping" I've found for the wet clay, is cut-up and moistened paper coffee filters.

Replied by Ac

Did your grandson end up getting the tooth pulled?

Fresh Oregano and Lemons

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Posted by Alosurot (Usa) on 07/15/2016

Had a re-occuring back moler - pre-existing tooth/bone infection and in the 9th hour before going to the ER thought I'd give this a try:

Steeped fresh oregano plant from a friends garden and chopped fresh organic lemons (with peels- important) and let both steep (do not boil) together for :30 mins - and swished in mouth every 15-30 mins, then consumed - repeat during waking hours for at least 5 days.

Amazingly, the very severe pain subsided instantly! The medium inflammation reduced daily. It's important to continue applications for 5 days or longer- as needed, even though symptoms are relieved.

Garlic, Cloves

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Posted by Mominmaine (Waterville, Maine) on 12/14/2010

I was young when I got braces, which messed my teeth up more then anything! I had my top teeth extracted, after years of fighting with broken teeth, infections, and so on. (now goin through alot with my bottom teeth) ive tried EVERYTHING.. But have found that whole clove garlic (3-5 cloves a day.. I cut them up and swallow them with water) will help with infection, and clove oil works wonders! I couldnt get over how fast clove oil can take away the pain. I dip just the tip of a q-tip into the oil, and hold it to my tooth for a few seconds, then the surrounding gums. It will make your mouth numb if you use to much! I had severe pain that took over one side of my face.

I cant stress how much clove oil has saved me from those sleepless nights, and awful pains. The only other thing that has worked for a little while was natural vanilla extract. I did the same thing, q-tip dipped in the vanilla, but I would take the cotton off the q-tip, and press it against my tooth or gums. I really hope this helps someone out there.. This pain, and having to deal with tooth pain/infection/abcess is the WORST! Btw, garlic works wonders for colds and sinus infections too!

Garlic, Cloves
Posted by Paul (Suffolk, England) on 06/25/2009

Hi all, I must start with a HUGE THANK YOU to all, I had a tooth-ache (with Abcess) & was in so much pain, felt & looked like my right cheek had gone cpl rounds with mike tyson. Can't get to see a dentist for another week, Doctors said I had to see my Dentist. Anyway found this "web site" thank god, Read thru ya messages on 24th/06/2009, Rushed off to local shops, got bottle of Cloves & then some Garlic buds, 4 boxes of ____________mouth wash. Anyway after doing the works, ending with Cloves & Garlic the pain has gone now the next day, I got sum pus & blood out & swelling has gone down & NO PAIN, how ever, the next day, it still feel a little swallon can this be just the sore-ness & abuse I have given my inner mouth, gum area ? (over the last few days). It don't hurt, NO tooth pain etc. Can it just be swalling of that area now. I just can not THANK YOU enough, Again Many Thanks for the Garlic & Cloves Idea.

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