Posted by Pam (Ft. Worth, Tx) on 08/12/2010
Found this site a few weeks ago during a nasty abcess, or infection I had with a tooth that had already had root canal therapy and a crown. I had swelling in my cheek, eye, as well as a horrible headache on the left side of my head. I thought I was going to die. My endondist was booked, and could not see me for 2 weeks My MD Dr. Prescribed antibiotics, but they were working very slowly. I started several of the home remedies on here, but the two that I could see visible results working after a few days, were the oil pulling with sunflower oil ( 1 to 3 times a day), and the fresh garlic on my gum. I tried rinsing with hydrogen peroxide, and black tea bags on my gum, but found that they both pushed the infection further up into my eye. The oil pulling and fresh garlic actually brought the swelling down. Saw my endodotist today, after 2 weeks of these remedies, and x-rays are clear. He can't explain it. He said keep my fingers crossed that this was an isolated incident that healed itself. I will continue the oil pulling with Sunflower oil it is amazing. I feel that I have been healed by these two home remedies.