I have a tooth that has been on the edge, since I lost part of the filling. It started throbbing and kept me awake the first night. That's when I got out my arsenal! I immediately started with tumeric tea (Tumeric - as much as you can stand, 1/3rd Almond Milk or Almond Oil, some vanilla flavoring for taste and the balance with hot water). I made 6 cups during the day and as I went about my day, I just swished the tea around on the upper side where my tooth hurt.
Late in the afternoon, I peeled about 6 garlic bulbs (not kidding) and sauted them in olive oil (about 25 pieces). I ate every one (its a good thing I like garlic! ) By late evening, the horrible swelling had gone down and I had this "nub" of swelling between my jaw and cheek. The throbbing had completely gone away by this time. All of a sudden, the "nub" burst and now I am back on the mend! I really love Tumeric Tea and Garlic!
Grapefruit Seed Extract
I use oil of oregano. 2 to 4 drops under the tongue and it works for all the symptoms mentioned here, without killing the good bacteria.
Olive Leaf
About a week ago I ate some ice cream and developed a sinus infection. ( I expected I would since I am aware of the connection. But I did it anyway) Right away I started using cayenne pepper as I often do when I begin to feel something coming on. My sinuses drained fine and I thought I was getting better so I went out and partied it up. Smoking and doing things I should not have. Eventually I ended up with a tooth abscess which is no surprise since I have some major dental issues. I suspect that during my sinus drainage and a night out my body couldn't handle it all and then my poor tooth got infected.
Finally I stayed away from all the no no's. Sweets, smoking, alcohol ect.. I stayed with the cayenne pepper and eventually started to use garlic as well since the cayenee didn't seem to be doing all that great. It helped my sinuses tremendously but couldn't touch the infection in my jaw/gum/tooth. Once I started using garlic I was able to feel relief temporarily. I even tried tilting my head in a way as to allow the garlic oils and stuff to absorb into the tooth and gum. The infection was on my upper jaw. This seemed to help but barely, and garlic is hard to take a lot of. Plus I didn't wanna mix too much cayenne pepper and garlic as I understand them both to be natural anti-coagulants, and to much of that may not be safe.
I came back online for a new hope and came across Olive Leaf Extract. I went to a health food store called Better Health and purchased some. On mine it says:
150mg Olive Leaf Standardized Extract (18% oleuropein equal to 27mg.
150mg Olive Leaf Powder
I'm not sure how much the Olive Leaf Powder matters but the standardized extract with the oleuropein is what I understand to be the anti-biotic, anti-viral, and anti-parasitic portion. From research I gathered that olive leaf extract is non-toxic which I've yet to confirm with a reputable source. But I have been taking one capsule every 2 to 4 hours and sometimes for two days. All the swelling has disappeared, my sinus have been draining like crazy, the pain in my jaw/tooth/gums is gone and I have had more energy. It is not completely gone as I can still feel discomfort in that area but after only two days I am amazed. I have had abscesses like this in the past and I know how impossible they can seem. I have always had to get my tooth extracted in order to feel relief but not this time.
One downside is that my urine PH became very low half way through the second day. So low that it burned when I went to urinate. I didn't bother checking the ORP, but now I wish I had since olive leaf extract is suppose to be a good antioxidant and I'm left curious as to how it may affect the ORP of my urine. I suspect it would have a good ORP. I still don't know why my PH was so low. Olive leaf extract is a natural broad spectrum antibiotic and I understand that antibiotics can affect PH but I didn't think it would be like this. My PH was in the 4's.
I began drinking distilled water with a PH of about 8 and did the Lemon Bicarbonate Alkalizing drink as that is my favorite and seems to work well. Checked my PH again a couple hours later and it was 7.2.
Also two things to take note of: Olive Leaf Extract may lower blood pressure and/or glucose levels. I didn't notice much change in my blood pressure but if you are on blood thinners or you are diabetic this may not be for you.
Some other things I did to help the tooth abscess:
2 Drops Clove Oil on Q-Tip applied at base of infected tooth. I also use the Q-tip to kinda brush against my gums next to the tooth to use whatever Clove Oil is left on the Q-Tip.
3 Drops Clove Oil + 9 Drops Almond Oil applied to your skin on your cheek that is closest to the infected tooth. I use the Almond Oil because the Clove Oil is very potent and may irritate the skin.
50/50 - Hydrogen Peroxide / Water used as a mouthwash.
1 Sinus Rinse using a Netipot
Hope this helps someone. I love this website and it has helped me many times!
Here's a simple and pleasant remedy for a tooth abscess. First, it's important to know that teeth are in fact porous. Tubular passages within the tooth structure allow for substances to pass through. So xylitol powder is what you want, xylitol from birch trees not corn, I feel. Take 1/8 teaspoon approximately of xylitol, and actively swish it around in the mouth until your mouth is so full of saliva that you no longer can do it.. Then spit it all out! Do this daily to both reverse and prevent dental abscesses. It works very well for me.
Hi, I have. A broken molar that I should have gotten treated a long time ago. Because of traveling I have not had my regular oral hygiene and Ive been eating too much sugary foods. I'm in a country house away from home. The pain yesterday was so high I wished for death. Although Garlic had worked wonders in the past It didn't this time. There were some frequency binaural audios that helped in the past..not this time.
After trying salt water, Binéfar, alum and every tea you.can think of I remembered the antiinflamatorios properties of Ginger. My opinion IS while Garlic is an excellent antibiotic and works to treat the infection It can easily burn your mouth and the taste IS unpleasant. Tor those reasons its not practical to have for a long time next to the afectes área.
Ginger on the other hand IS an antiinflamatory that starts fighting inflamación right after you apply It and It can be kept there for a long time. I cut 2 Slim slices bite them little bit in the pain free side to the the juices flowing and put the on each side of the gym if the afectes tooth.if you are not able to do this operation with your mouth feel free to wash your hand with soap and acomódate the Ginger slides with your fingers.Thats all! Go on with your daily tasks.eventually you Will even forget its there and you Will forget you had a toothache.you can Crush It a little bit more every now and then yo keep the juice flowing.dont swalow saliva.alow It to mix with the Ginger juice.I personally LOVE the taste of Ginger.
Advice: choose a Ginger root that IS Big in size not small and organic.the small ones are extremelly potente comcentrated with less water content and It can be hard to keep in your mouth.they burn like garlic. For this use it's better the lower potency Ginger, the kind that la Big in size usually coming from China.
After 30 minutes you can Crush It put all the pieces around your affected tooth for a little.bit and swallow It for extra internal antiinflammatory effects.
Combining Garlic and Ginger can be your BEST bet cause hit the infection and the inflamación. feel free to experiment
Magnesium Oil
Tooth infection/smell/implant
I had an infection under the crown of my implant. I bought a water pick thinking that would really clean it. Started using Peroxide in the water, and using something similar to theives oil in the area 2 or more times a day. NO improvement at all. I was persistent for over 4 months. Went to the dentist, he basically said the crown would have to be replaced etc.... THEN, I was reading an article about how magnesium oil can help with tooth infections. I sprayed both sides of the tooth, swished for 10 min. In 3 days there was more than 50 % improvement. I am 7 days now. There is no odour at all. I am going to continue for a few weeks because I had it for so long. I am so happy and relieved!!
Hope this helps someone else.
Dental infection, I had a severe infection under a tooth that had a deep filling that killed the nerve in tooth, this tooth infection under it pushed the tooth up so high I couldnt shut my mouth, had my jaw bone throbbing with every heartbeat,
I used sea salt in water swished around in mouth for 10 to 20 minutes several times a day, took the infection down enough I had the tooth extracted w/o antibodies.
Worth trying.
Multiple Remedies
kTylenol interrupts bone tear down and rebuild cycles and so your bones and teeth get weaker and more vulnerable to breaking . It also is bad for your liver health. Ibuprophen is bad for kidneys liver and intestinal health.
Alpha lipoic acid in vitamin isle helps with nerve pain and NAcetyl Cysteine makes it work stronger. 50 /50 baking soda and coconut oil knocks down dental pain as a paste at night and shrinks inflammation . Helps control abscess.You could also use activated charcoal at night as a poultice on the gums. Iodized salt rinses after meals. Ginger is excellent .
Bad teeth are a sign you aren't absorbing minerals from food. Try some kefir for gut health 1 TB. a day .
Call your local homeless shelter and find out if there are any free emergency services that could get the wisdoms pulled . Stay away from garlic if you are getting any teeth pulled it's a blood thinner.
Bless you, May the Lord, heal and restore your teeth, Charity
Garlic, Vitamin C and Bamboo Salt
Hi guys, woke up with dull pain in lower molar, went to a random dentist nearby at 10am (and though a regular cleaning will do the job), the 'cold test' they performed made the pain worse (unbearably excruciating and non-stop), that I have to keep holding water in my mouth or the pain keeps coming back. At 2pm, I can't take it anymore, went back, they told me it was really bad gum infection with pus and my molar was shaking. So they suggested periodontist specialist and root canal. I can't wait and make a trip to periodontist specialist and didn't want to do root canal after reading all the bad things about it, so in desperation, I opted for extraction. 1 day after the anesthesia of the extraction dies off, the neighboring teeth and gum start to ache (bacteria spread), so I started on the ponstan and antibiotics given by the dentist, which helped reduce the infection/inflammation by around 40%.
Then after reading reviews of this site, I started chewing garlic and taking lots of Vitamin C (6,000mg) for a couple days. Both helped by around 70%. Then there is the side effect of skin burn/sore on the cheek and inner lips with use of garlic, so garlic can't be used constantly.
But what I would like to share with whoever is reading this review is that Bamboo Salt (9x baked) is the game-changer. It managed to fix the remaining 30% sensitivity, sore and ache in nearby gum, teeth and extraction site, that garlic and Vit C can't fix). I really didn't have to extract my molar if I knew about bamboo salt before I go to the dentist.
All my gums and teeth and in perfect shape now. Google "Bamboo Salt" and there are medical reports it can even cure oral cancer: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23403521
EC: Interesting, thank you!
For those who don't know much about this Korean remedy...
Jukyeom is a Korean folk remedy consisting of salt roasted in bamboo. ... The trace elements in the clay and bamboo are thought to make this form of salt more healthy. Historically, jukyeom has been used as a digestive aid, styptic, disinfectant, or dentifrice.
I love you back, but disagree that I was "flip" in my reply.
I had to giggle at the irony of you, of all people, calling me out for something like that. ;-) You are the saltiest dog on this board. I say that with great affection, because I've come to know that you have a big heart and mean no harm, but I'm sure many of the 'regulars' here would agree that you're well-known for your harsh comments. When I finished reading the post, I had to scroll up to make sure I read the poster's name correctly the first time, because I thought 'it couldn't be ORH calling ME out for being "flip"--that is quintessential 'pot/kettle' ..haha :)
I began my post by saying that I was glad the poster's infection was gone and went on to say that if they'd used the garlic internally vs. only externally, that it would have expedited the process.
I agree with you about Ozone, but that's not an option for everyone. Garlic, however, *is*. It is easily obtained and is dirt-cheap--something that literally 'anyone' can access and afford.
As for posting my solution "by the numbers", I don't think I could have made it any more clear. I gave very specific instructions in terms of how much garlic, how often to take it, etc. That's something I'm *always* very cognizant about when posting here, because so many who post success stories do so nebulously.(i.e. "Turmeric cured my _______"<--enter ailment here.) It leaves the reader asking; "How much turmeric? How often did you take it?", etc.
In any event, I was in no way being "flip". Not that it's beneath me ;-), but if I were, I'd have *owned* it.
Y'all behave yourself for a change.
Multiple Remedies
2 1/2 weeks ago, after I used a floss stick, the next morning I had excruciating pain like I've never had before on the bottom left side tooth next to wisdom tooth. Suffered for 4 days even with using apple cider vinegar with mother. It didn't work. Then my jawline started to hurt. I rubbed Benadryl extra strength on it and it helped for a few hours. Then my ear started hurting. I went on Earth Clinic and read about oil of oregano. It helped almost immediately and for a couple of days I applied directly to the tooth, the pain which is actually between the tooth and another one, the gums (both sides) with a q-tip and cotton ball along my jawline from the left side of my chin up to my temple and behind my wary.
Everything was going great until yesterday after I used my Power Floss where it felt like is might of hit something with the warm water. Then pain set in again. Oil of Oregano drops weren't working anymore. Garlic didn't work. Last night I did my coconut oil pulling for 20 minutes. Followed by light brushing with coconut oil and baking soda. Then I packed fresh coconut oil with baking soda all sound the area and on the tooth for 10 minutes. Rinsed. 30 minutes later they pain came back and I just went full on hydrogen peroxide 3% capful and let it sit in the area for 10 minutes. It definitely was drawing the infection out but the annoying pain was still there. I saw my gums had a nice sized pure white streak midway between the teeth and the base of the gums.
I caved and took a Rite Aid migraine tablet which I believe helped since I was able to sleep with no issues an woke up okay. 2 hours later, pain was back. I did it all over again without the migraine tablet and instead packed it with a crushed garlic close mixed into a paste with equal parts turmeric, black pepper and table salt. Oh the burn! My eyes were tearing. Worked to take my mind off the pain but that was all it did. I waited an hour and did another hydrogen peroxide capful left in my mouth on the side where it hurts.
Folks, I'm flying overseas on Tuesday on my birthday trip that I've been planning since February and is the first real vacation (sightseeing) I've done in 25 years. I can't not go! But I also can't suffer on the plane either. The dentist can't see me for another week, of which I will be overseas. What else can I do? Thanks for reading and your suggestions. I appreciate it!
Here's what works for me for minor gum abscesses:
Hydrogen peroxide rinse. Three parts water to one part HP. Don't make it too strong. If it stings, it's too strong. Swish it in your mouth until it becomes foamy, then spit it out. Do this once a day only.
Organic virgin coconut oil rinse. Twice a day for 30 minutes each. (morning, then once before bedtime)
Tumeric tea: one tbs of turmeric in a cup warm water. Rinse until finished.
An abscess is like any other blister or boil, it fills with pus which causes pain. Heat treatment works on exterior abscesses and I thought it would work on gums as well.
I discovered while eating soup, that by leaving the warm soup in my mouth and pushing soft vegetables against the abscess, that it took the sting out of it and, by the next day, it was smaller.
Clove oil is good for deadening the pain. Mix it with a little carrier oil (like olive oil) on a cotton ball and apply. CO takes the pain away, but it doesn't help shrink the abscess.
The main thing is to keep the area as clean as possible and do the treatments every day. I took about a week for mine to completely disappear.
If the pain becomes worse, spreads to sinuses, or causes a fever it may be an infection and you should see a dentist or doctor immediately.
Oil of Oregano
Jaw was swollen, ear hurt, terrible pain, used salt water, tea bags, then I started Oil of Oregano capsules. For a week 3 times a day. Abscess gone! Oil of Oregano - natural strong* antibiotic--used in bible days and researched today by university studies. Google it and see ***all*** the great uses! Cancer research, etc. Dianna.
Multiple Remedies
Try measuring a cap full of peroxide and a cap full of water to swish around the area several times a day. This worked for me when I had an abscess (also lower canine) that apparently broke through the gum, became red, swollen and very sore. I could rub the blister-like eruption to burst. Take special effort to keep the area clean so food debris doesn't keep getting trapped under the gum. My problem was, that tooth and the one next to it had crowns. Tiny pieces of food got trapped between the crown and the gum. Flossing helps.
Don't use the peroxide straight as it will damage tissue. (I tried that...not a good thing to do, but it did heal). That tooth had a root canal but once in awhile I can tell an abscess could be forming again, (I had the crown removed because I could not tolerate it after my teeth shifted) so I'll well moisten a brand named tea bag in very warm water and drape it over the tooth for 20 or 30 min. It will draw out pus and/or blood. There are posts here on EC about that too. I think it is recommended to use Eucalyptus, but I didn't have that available. The brand named one worked for me.
I too support the use of garlic. I had an abscess under one of my upper molars that was very painful. Using the garlic and alternating the tea bag reduced the abscess so that it was no longer visible on an x-ray and I didn't have to have the tooth extracted.
Sorry to be long-winded...hopes this helps you.
Jaw Bone Infection Remedies
Someone else posted this on earth clinic and it will take your fear and drown it out with testimonies of healed people.
Jaw/dental issues can be overcome without a dentist just as brain issues can be overcome without a brain surgeon.
Bentonite Clay, Multiple Remedies
I need to know where you got the bentonite clay powder and brand name. I can get bentonite clay liquid from herb store.
Oil Pulling, MMS
Folks, recently discovered not so painful soft "lump" on outside upper back tooth. This tooth has been bothering me for couple of months. Very painful for a couple of weeks and then no pain. I know it will need to come out very soon. Question is: how to mitigate and even eliminate this infection. I pull EVOO at least twice a day and have for more than 6 months. My overall health is excellent (65yrs). Like I said I know this tooth needs to come out and I want to eliminate this abscess before I go in (if possible)... Thanks for any info. ThomasM
Hi, I was wondering if you avoided your root canal still in the last 2 years of taking the grapefruit seed extract? I was told I need one and don't want to go that route. Thanks
Olive Leaf
Dear Ahmed,
I have used clove oil in the mouth a number of times. Personally, I am comfortable with that even when the bottle says not to use internally.
Hope it helps you very much!
~Mama to Many~
Apparently, there are three types of sugar. Glucose, fructose and sucrose. Sucrose is the only kind of sugar which is detrimental to the strength of your teeth. The other two turn out to be good. They trap bacteria and do other good stuff. I don't know all of the technical, scientifical (I know it's not a word, but it should be) theory behind it all, but I have tried this remedy myself and it works! I had a sore tooth for months. I had to stop rinsing my mouth out with hydrogen peroxide because the pain was unbearable. I bought some local honey and started eating a lot (two tablespoons with my coffee in the morning and more here and there when I had the time. Up to probably 10 tablespoons a day. I like honey, so this was easy. I don't think you need that much though. I also chewed on some honey comb that was in the jar. Not sure if that helped either, but it was a good gum substitute. Anyway, my pain is completely gone now and I can rinse with hydrogen peroxide! God bless!
Multiple Remedies
My tooth that had a filling in it broke apart and all that's left is the filling that's stuck in the gum. Anyway, it started hurting hours ago, so I did 3 things:
1) Drank a cup of my own urine. I held my nose and drank it quickly. This is a known cure.
2) Took an ice cold shower for one minute. I'm in Burlington, Vermont, and it's October, so it was very cold. This is hydrotherapy. After the cold shower, I slowly turned the water to warm but kept my head away from the water. A wonderful feeling of relaxation came over me.
3) Visited your site and saw that baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) was recommended for tooth/gum pain. So I poured about a tablespoon of it on my hand and put it right on the tooth/gum where it hurts. Minutes later, the pain left.
Thank you for your website. You are a blessing for doing this! Praise God for your efforts because you're helping people get well. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
After a long history of cysts infections around dead teeth in my upper jaw and several surgeries I have finally found my cure THANKS to your great site. Thursday morning my cyst got infected awfully, read about turmeric here on friday and started taking two caps right away. next morning the pain was gone except for pain when i would pressure the area. Today, Sunday, even that pain is almost completely gone and i feel like a new person! still taking 2 turmerics a day, will go down to one for the next 4 days or so and see. special thanks to FRAN.
Treat Liver & Gut
I would like to throw my experience in the ring as well. I have tried everything with various tooth problems. The root cause has to be treated if you are having problems with your teeth. Problems or triggers come in 4 basic categories, Spiritual, Diet and mineral / vitamin deficiencies and imbalances, Toxins: chemical, biological and energetic (EMF and such), And then Psychological ie Emotional stress. We have to remember, one or more of these areas can be creating a break in the chain of good health. So we can take CS and it might give us a quick fix, but if the problem is chronic such as a root canal treated tooth, too much silver for too long can create an deficiency in other minerals such as copper. So I recommend referring to a mineral wheel for interactions whenever taking any minerals in excess. For tooth pain, you might want to try drinking Lemon juice made from the parts of the fruit everyone else tosses out. I toss out the acidic juice which is damaging to already weak teeth, and then I blend the rest in the blender with water. The peel, rind and seeds are where all the nutrients are. Problems with teeth and eyes are caused by liver and gut problems. Lemon helps rid the liver of fatty toxins with the lemon oil and other chemicals. I like the lemon because it gives quick pain relief due to its noninflammatory properties while the bitter chemicals have a strong antimicrobial effect and stimulate the liver to pump out bile and toxins (peristalsis). Anyhow fixing teeth is not a quick fix but rather a process and journey. Hope this helps point someone in the right direction.