Kidney Stones
Natural Remedies

Lemon & Olive Oil: Effective Kidney Stone Home Remedy

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Will239 (Calgary, Alberta) on 03/13/2015

I was diagnosed a 6mm kidney stone on my left kidney, it is my third kidney stone in 40 years. I found this site with a natural cure, so I try it today and drank 2 oz of lemon juice and 2 oz of extra virgin olive oil mixture as instructed two times today with 6 to 8 cups of distill water. Later today, I found my throat hurt. It's probably from the lemon juice and the taste is awful. At the same time I found an advertising of Renavive from this site. Would anyone have tried it?

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Elvis (Johannesburg, SA) on 03/01/2015

Hey. I would love to know how much olive oil and lemon juice should l drink

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Bob (Tampa, Fl) on 02/25/2015

I agree, Hydrangea is the way to go! I had 9 stones spotted by tests, so I always have a bottle on hand for when I first feel it.

I bought the first one in to my Dr's office, a 6mm stone, and everyone wanted to know how I passed it with little pain! I told them Hydrangea and always little, or no pain! The stone seemed smooth, easier to pass, maybe the hydrangea?

I tried that stonebreaker liquid once with Hydragea, that stone came out falling apart, so I would suggest trying that combo with a larger stone. I also try to drink more then 100 oz of non caffeine liquid a day.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Laura (Toronto, Canada) on 02/23/2015

Can I eat food before lemon and olive oil treatment? And is it imperative that I drink apple juice before this treatment, I am not able to have any juices due to the sugar content (allergy).

Also I have a problem where it takes awhile before I can fully empty bladder each time I go to the bathroom... wondering if that maybe a concern when stones are passing out.

Thank you for a great site!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Laura (Toronto, Canada) on 02/23/2015

Anyone with history of gerd (acid reflux) have problems taking lemon and olive?

I may try Renavive, though I have list of food sensitivities too.. and am worried about long list of herbs in it. Any comments about this product would be appreciated. Thank you

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Chris (Ca) on 02/15/2015

Hi Sam, What do you mean by " one has to prepare first. I have done that not the right way" Can you tell me the preparation first and the right way. I would like to try this remedy. Thanks, Chris

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Maxwell (Lusaka) on 02/12/2015

What did u do to have the stone out?

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Anthony 4 (Cedarkey Florida) on 02/05/2015

I would also like to add besides saying this cure works is: You need to start taking it immediately before you get a 100% blockage in one kidney or the other. It is very hard for this remedy to work if you are completely clogged. It will still work but it takes longer and believe me when I say it is a pain like no other, I'm a combat wounded vet not disabled and also have 4 crushed discs in my back and would welcome that kinda pain intraday of a 90-100% kidney blockage!!!!! Once again THANKYOU GOOD PEOPLE AND "EARTHCLINIC. COM"!!!!!! Just this little advice has currently saved me 100-150k in hospital bills. Not to mention the extreme pain and agony.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Gail (Missouri) on 01/30/2015

Get your ph up.. If you have kidney stones you are too acidic.. No soda for sure! Read on ph and alkaline diet

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Michael (Houston, TX) on 01/23/2015

I have been doing this for 4 days and to no avail, the stone needs to pass by Monday or surgery. Not sure this really works, I see the same thing for gall stones, and 10 other ailments

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Terry (Katy, Tx) on 01/22/2015

I waited until I knew if it worked or not before posting. After finding this site, I tried the 2 oz. Lemon Juice / 2 oz. Olive Oil treatment after experiencing the familiar pain (This was my third kidney stone in the last three years.) I took the dosage twice a day, morning and evening for three days and kept well hydrated. Pain went away within the first hour. Some mild discomfort for the next two days. From the third day forward, no symptoms.

My first stone three years ago was excruciating but passed within two days, in the hospital. Second stone was 13 months ago and excruciating. It was surgically removed after 5 days of agony.

I'm a believer.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Sam (Miami) on 12/13/2014

This is a well known protocol, but one has to prepare first. I have done that not the right way and my friend did and we both, at one moment that lasted hours, thought we would die. Done gently with preparation it works.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Joseph (Blue Springs, Mo) on 12/11/2014

I passed a stone of undetermined size and composition from my left kidney early Weds morn while at the ER (worst pain of my life). Honestly, I ditched the four prescriptions they were pushing on me and sought a natural means of passing the six total stones of 3-4mm size still left in my kidneys, per a CT scan (can't wait for that bill). So far, I'm impressed with this site and the results of this remedy!

Began the 2oz lemon juice/2oz olive oil remedy + added about 1oz apple cider vinegar yesterday at about 3pm and then again around 5:30pm.

Noticed by 8pm that night, BOTH kidneys were starting to spasm and the pain and nausea increased to about 5/10 (took some ibuprofen, which helped).

Pursued the remedy this morning and at lunch, and I notice each time, after about 20-30 min, there's some spasming in both kidneys and what feels like slight pain in my lower abdomen going from my kidneys to bladder.

Can anyone tell me if this is a normal experience, that the spasming and slight pain in the sides is a true sign of passing broken up stones?

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Cathleen (Los Angeles, Ca) on 11/24/2014

The lemon juice and olive oil solution did not work for me. Perhaps I just couldn't stomach it long enough (I started to feel sick from the acid) but I got no results from it when I tried on my last stone (3mm).

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Reignsante (Sharjah, United Arab Emirates) on 10/21/2014

3 months ago I felt this worst pain in my life, I came to know that I have several kidney stones from both of my kidneys. Based on my ultrasound result I have 8 stones with (4/8 are 7-8mm in size). The doctor prescribed me a medicine but since I was so worried, I did a research and tried ACV (little sip daily) and lemon juice with water as my normal intake of water everyday. I also tried the lemon juice with olive oil (2oz, 2x a day) for 2 weeks, I don't know but I believe it worked. I passed a stone after a week but I still continued to drink the medicine and the mixture. A month ago, I went back to the doctor since I was feeling some side effects, I am not sure if it was from the medicine or from the mixture. Before the the doctor prescribed me another medicine (herbal - cystone), I did the ultrasound first to see if there was a development, I was surprised, my kidney stones are gone (not literally gone, from 8 stone to 2 stones left). The large stones are gone. I know it worked (the mixture).

PS: You may experience heartburn and acid reflux from taking these mixtures but its worth a try. Good luck people! :)

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Christine (Ct, US) on 10/03/2014

Olive oil and lemon juice remedy for kidney stones: I did it every few hours and it worked. I used extra virgin Olive Oil and Lemon Juice, 2ozs of each. I was so happy no operation to remove it.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 09/30/2014

Yikes, Gary, a cup sounds like a ton!! Do you mean a shot cup?

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Gary (Lincoln, NE) on 09/30/2014

There are three ingredients used in this home remedy. Lemon juice to dissolve the stone, Olive oil to help the smaller stone move along and get flushed our, and cayenne pepper to heal the scratches on the tissues. The C pepper is very important. A few sprinkles of a good grade, organic, finely ground. I do a cup of each liquid, with the C pepper, three times a day, for a couple days, or until the pain goes away.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Fruitloops (Phoenix, AZ) on 09/12/2014

I had pain for months, thought it was uti, finally had a CT in ER two months ago that showed a 5 mm stone in my right ureter a couple of inches from my bladder. Scheduled a follow up with urologist but had to cancel as I have a child that is 2 and needs medical care. The pain would come and go. My frequency and urgency to urinate was the most bothersome. I finally realized I should try and pass this stone to avoid more appointments and surgery. Last night around 10 pm I mixed 2 oz extra virgin olive oil with 2 oz lemon juice. (the liquid squeeze kind, not fresh squeezed) I drank maybe ten to twelve teaspoons of the mixture and really didn't like the oil taste but it was tolerable. I was afraid of getting nauseous as I'm very prone to nausea and figured I would drink more in the morning. I passed my 5 mm stone at 9 am this morning! I must add that I was also using a vibrating back massager on my abdomen and back as I had also read that helps pass stones. I really feel like the lemon juice/olive oil was what caused the stone to pass. It had been in the same place for a long time and today it's out!! I'm so relieved!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Ginger (Newport News, Va) on 08/05/2014

I've had ongoing back pain for a few weeks now and thought it was just a pulled muscle, that's until the pain got severely worse. With my husbands insistence I finally went to the emergency room yesterday. The CT scan showed that I have a 3 mm stone in each kidney. The pain meds they prescribed are not working, and I'm not getting any sleep. So, I decided to try a home remedy which led me to Earth Clinic. I took my first dose of lemon and olive oil mixture this afternoon ....and right now I'm PAIN FREE!!!! I can't believe it. Next dose, tonight before bed. I hope it helps me sleep through the night...stay tuned!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Bob (Tampa, Fl) on 07/19/2014

Hydrangea bought in pill/capsule form in health food stores was the American Indian medicine to take away pain in your lower abdomen! I have passed a 6mm stone without feeling it, and I recently passed a 3.5mm stone that caused me pain the first 12 hours, but after starting the lemon juice/olive oil, Hydrangea, and using an item called chanca piedra (stone breaker) my stone passed within 14 hours! (When it passed I didn't feel anything, saw the stone in the strainer! )

I keep chanca piedra, Hydrangea with 100% lemon juice and 100% olive oil in our house all the time, as my cat scan a few years back showed I had 9 stones, 4 in one kidney, 5 in another! I've passed at least 5 of them, and all with little problem! When we travel, we take these items with us just in case!

My Doctor's office was amazed when I brought the 6mm stone in and told them it was pain free!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Sdbike (North Carolina, US) on 07/16/2014

Hi all. I read through most of everyone's posts and I signed up for this site just to post my results. It worked!! Or something did, but I passed my stone about 30 minutes ago after drinking my 2nd cocktail of lemon juice and olive oil with a side of water after. It did the trick.

A few minutes later I felt all the symptoms I read about, such as having the sensation to pee but not being able to, and having a bit of a burning sensation in my penis, but not too bad. I have to say, whether it was just time for it to pass, or all the water I drank the past 2 days or the cocktail, I am very relieved to have gotten it out. It was 4 mm in size I was told by the emergency room doctor on Monday morning after they did the cat scan. And like everyone else, I woke up in the middle of the night with excruciating pain.

It was on my left side, not my back at all, between my abdomen and hip. I drove myself to the hospital, driving thru some red lights after looking to see no one was around and was thinking I was going to pass out. I was moaning so loud in the bed in my room in the emergency room area they had to come in and tell me to control myself. I will say that while the pain was something I do not ever want to have to go thru again, it was not the worst I have ever encountered. Once when I was hiking back down a mountain, I sprained my knee on a fall, but did not know it. There was so much snow on the mountain and I was cold and bundled up so really did not know. Anyway, after hiking all the way down, on the ride home, my knee started hurting and it got worse and worse. It took me a while to put 2 and 2 together that it was from my fall. But once we got home, it was so bad, I was literally crying in pain. I have never cried before from pain and I think I almost passed out. Anyway, this stone was almost as bad but not quite. The sprained knee being walked on down a mountain was a 12 out of 10. The stone was a 10 out of 10 pain threshold. Just glad it is out.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Sdbike (North Carolina) on 07/16/2014

Hi all. I read through most of everyone's posts and I signed up for this site just to post my results. It worked!! Or something did, but I passed my stone about 30 minutes ago after drinking my 2nd cocktail of lemon juice and olive oil with a side of water after. It did the trick. A few minutes later I felt all the symptoms I read about, such as having the sensation to pee but not being able to, and having a bit of a burning sensation in my penis, but not too bad. I have to say, whether it was just time for it to pass, or all the water I drank the past 2 days or the cocktail, I am very relieved to have gotten it out. It was 4 mm in size I was told by the emergency room doctor on Monday morning after they did the cat scan. And like everyone else, I woke up in the middle of the night with excruciating pain. It was on my left side, not my back at all, between my abdomen and hip. I drove myself to the hospital, driving thru some red lights after looking to see no one was around and was thinking I was going to pass out. I was moaning so loud in the bed in my room in the emergency room area they had to come in and tell me to control myself. I will say that while the pain was something I do not ever want to have to go thru again, it was not the worst I have ever encountered. Once when I was hiking back down a mountain, I sprained my knee on a fall, but did not know it. There was so much snow on the mountain and I was cold and bundled up so really did not know. Anyway, after hiking all the way down, on the ride home, my knee started hurting and it got worse and worse. It took me a while to put 2 and 2 together that it was from my fall. But once we got home, it was so bad, I was literally crying in pain. I have never cried before from pain and I think I almost passed out. Anyway, this stone was almost as bad but not quite. The sprained knee being walked on down a mountain was a 12 out of 10. The stone was a 10 out of 10 pain threshold. Just glad it is out.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Ontee42 (California) on 07/10/2014

2 oz lemon juice and 2 oz olive oil did the trick for me. Rushed to the emergency room with worst pain of my life, tests showed I had a 3mm stone. Morphine in the ER and Norco to take at home. I was taking the pain pill every 2 hours and then found this remedy. I downed the whole 4 oz at once and almost immediately the pain was gone. I never had to take another pain pill and the next morning the stone passed -- caught it in the strainer they gave me at the ER. BTW - after I took the 4 oz at once, I read on to see that most sites recommend drinking it a little at a time to avoid nausea... probably a good idea.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Julie (Phoenix, Arizona) on 06/11/2014

I had a non-obstructive 6mm lower pole calyceal stone detected by ultrasound and was referred to a urologist who was sure I was a surgical candidate because of where it was. Mine wasn't trying to pass and only caused a little pain from time to time. I read all of the posts on this site, but no one had my situation - a stone that was just sitting there in a calyx and not trying to pass...

My urologist sent me for a low-dose CT scan and in the 3-4 days before I went, I took the lemon juice & olive oil remedy about 4 times over 3 days in an attempt to dissolve it. I also drank a LOT of heavily concentrated lemon water (50% lemon)and did a shot or two of apple cider vinegar. When I got my CT scan results today, the doctor was surprised and said, "That's why we do a CT because the ultrasound showed a 6 mm stone! " All I have now, after my Earth Clinic lemon juice/olive oil remedy, is a few teeny tiny kidney stone spots ("punctate calculi") that I shouldn't even feel as they pass! She recommended I continue with the lemon juice to maintain alkalinity and a stone-free kidney.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Robert (Denver, Co) on 04/12/2014

I have had chronic kidney stones for over 30 years. I was cranking out so many that the Mayo clinic was studying me. They finally decided I had an overactive parathyroid gland which they surgically removed, and my calcium levels returned to normal. But I kept getting stones... Since I'm very active and don't "need extra calcium for strong bones" I cut out all foods and vitamins with calcium added and it helped.

Over the years I started to notice a pattern of what I had ingested about 6 months earlier that seemed to create stones. I came to the conclusion that Tylenol, and probably other medications were causing the stones. There is a nice little mouse trap. The medication doctors gave me to deal with the pain of the stones were causing more stones... So I cut out ALL medications and I have never been healthier! Its hard to do since we are being constantly bombarded by advertising that says we need all these drugs!

After being talked into a Hep C treatment that I didn't need, I've come to realize that most Doctors are not our friends... They are pharmaceutical drug pushers! One of my truisms of life is don't trust anyone who stands to profit from their own advice! When I had health insurance the Doctors found all kinds of things that needed help. Now that I don't have health insurance I'm very healthy... Funny how that works.

I've come to realize that the medical industrial complex is just another shameful predatory business. By regularly taking "medicine" you inhibit the immune systems ability to heal itself, thus making you dependent, addicted in fact, on taking more drugs. And then the drugs have side effects, requiring more drugs. Have you seriously looked at the side effects of medicines? Its actually much worse than that!

It's the new warfare for profit but has the advantage of slowly bleeding the patients life savings away, and keeping the property intact... If we don't pay the extortion fee of high insurance premiums, we could be driven into bankruptcy... Since we pay these high insurance premiums, we feel like we should be using it, which keeps us unhealthy and entangled in legal drug addiction...

A week ago I started to feel discomfort in my right kidney, and my urine was darker meaning there was probably blood in it, and I was chronically tired. I read many responses here ranging from people passing sand, stone(s) or nothing at all by trying the lemon juice and olive oil method, some taking days and some weeks. I believed it all because no one was trying to sell me anything...

My right kidney was starting to block up when I did the first treatment, but I knew the big pain was coming... For a couple of hours I still felt blocked up, but the next morning felt fine, and by the end of the day my urine was clearer and my energy level got much stronger. I haven't passed any stones or sand yet, which seems to be in the range of what people experience. I do believe the people who did a proper scientific study by doing X rays before and after showing, to the amazement of the doctors, no stones!

It is sad and pathetic to think that I have spent tens of thousands of dollars, and countless hours in pain when such a simple solution works. Don't trust anyone who profits from their own advice. Don't regularly put anything in your mouth that is not food.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Tasha (Nc) on 04/08/2014

Yes, olive oil and lemon juice does work for kidney stones. I've already had surgery once (on my first stone, 6mm) and was searching for a home remedy when I saw a Duke doctor recommend lemon juice for kidney stones.

While I've only taken straight lemon juice once (my stomach didn't like it), I've found that natural lemonade mixed with 1/2-1 full lemon's juice per serving almost immediately takes away the pain. It's really almost unbelievable.

If I do this regularly the pain goes away for quite some time, weeks. Probably as well as the stone. But I always end up having to revert back to this again. Some people form kidney stones faster than others and my diet of no water surely forms mine quickly. Plus I have a high oxalate diet that I cannot do without. Well, and the fact that mother has passed many as well as my grandpa.

My next step is to try the master cleanse to really give my stones the one- two punch. It's a fast of organic made lemonade and is known to dissolve gallstones as well as other things

Please note that most people don't recommend lemonade over lemon juice due to the high amount of sugar. But this is what I've used and it is in the very least the best pain reliever if not kidney stone destroyer I've found.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Che (Philippines) on 04/08/2014

How much of olive oil and lemon did you mix for those stones to get out from your kidneys? How many times in a day ? Did you take it before each meal or after?

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Heather (Cincinnati, Ohio ) on 04/08/2014

I have had difficulties with kidney stones for the past 10 years. I had to undergo emergency surgery 3 months ago to have a .8mm stone removed from my ureter. I recently had lithotripsy on one of my kidneys. I have passed some very small stones, but I felt the painful presence of at least one stone stuck in my bladder. After about 2 weeks of it floating around and periodically jabbing me, I finally relented and tried the olive oil and lemon juice remedy, which I had successfully used in the past. But, I was not certain if it truly worked or was just coincidence. Now I am convinced!!! IT WORKS!!!!!!! Within 4 hours of drinking the remedy I passed not one, but THREE kidney stones of increasing size. THANK YOU FOR THIS WEBSITE AND POSTINGS!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Kishore (Bangalore) on 03/28/2014

Great home remedies for kidney stone. I m latest beneficiaries of this forum. Keep it up folks.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by KT (Usa) on 03/21/2014

Loren--I would like to know your age and could you please provide the ratio of lemon juice and EVOO that you used? THANKS!

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Fran (St.louis, Mo) on 03/21/2014

For those who suffer with IBD (Inflammatory bowel disease). My Urologist said Kidney Stones come with this disease (I have IBD). Now I'm sure the Lemon Juice/Olive Oil works for most but if you have IBD be careful. I did this remedy for a 24 hour period and got a real bad case of upset stomach and the runs; almost instantly. No passing of stones just a good cleaning out. So for those with IBD (most of us) Lemons are not a good thing and can make your IBD act up. I am now trying the Apple Cider Vinegar; and hoping for the best.

Lemon Juice and Olive Oil
Posted by Rajesh (Chennai, India) on 03/19/2014

This remedy can be a permanent fix with following procedure, it takes 48 hrs to disolve all the kidney stones without pain/trace and no doctor fee absolutely.

Day 1

1. Drink a cup of apple juice every one hour, should take atleast 6 to 8 classes on that day.

2. Should intake glass of distilled water for every 30 min after taking apple juice. if you're not getting distilled water, regular purified water is good enough.

3. No foods on day 1. (No breakfast, no lunch, no dinner)

Day 2

1. Take cup of lemon juice mix it with cup of extra virgin olive oil.

2. drink 5 or 6 tablespoons of mixture for every 15 mins untill entire mixture is taken.

3. cook 6 peeled bananas for 15 min's with cup of olive oil. (yess.... it's regular banana fruit)

4. cut the banans into pieces and eat every single piece in 15 min interval.

5. Once everything is completed, you will be urged for natural actions with in 2 to 3 hrs where u can see all the kidney stones comes out.

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