I started getting severe eczema all over my body and scalp after using a combination of bleach and dish soap to clean some cement blocks. I cleaned them because our previous landlord next door to us had rabbits running all over our yard and on the cement blocks, and I was worried about getting an infection of some kind. I walked on the cement blocks while I was mopping it down with the cleaning solution. I threw away the old mop. I did not think that after using a solution as strong as the one I had used that the chemical would cause a allergic reaction when I touched my shoes to take them off. I was broke out in 8-12 minutes I broke out all over my body and scalp after my exposure. I did try the apple cider vinegar and it did cause the pus filled eczema to scab over. But then my skin felt so dry from the vinegar, I started itching. I found another remedy, which seems to work much better, and is not expensive to make. You put oatmeal lotion in a bowl {I use the kind from Dollar General stores, as it's thick and has no added fragrance, at $3 a bottle, quite a bargain. } After putting the whole bottle in a mixing bowl add some honey to the lotion in the bowl. The ratio should be 2/3 lotion to 1/3 honey. Add about 1/3-1/2 cup of boiled spring water to the mixture after it has cooled to a warm tempature not to burn you when you put it on. Add a vitamin e capsule to help preserve the mixture. Mix thoroughly and amazing the you will notice how the honey mixed in with the mixture along with the vitamin e makes a big difference in how long it takes to heal up the eczema. I have had this condition for 2 yrs, and been to numerous doctors and had shots, but nothing else seemed to work. Then I read something on a website about how honey can heal skin eruptions of almost any kind. The water added to the mixture makes the honey portion of the mixture less sticky, so it won't stick to your clothes. You may have to test out the amount of honey in the mixture that works for you. My mom told me that soldiers in the war had to use honey to heal their wounds, as they no access to any wound creams. Unbeleivably, according to one of the sites I was on honey can lower blood sugar in diabetics, cure obesity, and possibly help with skin rashes. Just look up using honey to make body lotion. Don't look it up as all one word or as a dot.com or you you won't find what you are looking for. Looking it up as a sentence for a general search will bring up alot of websites about using honey in ways you may not know of.
I hope this can be of help to any of you who have suffered a long battle with this problem as I have.
My wife as a child had eczema all over her body, my understanding of her problem hit home when now in her late 50s she got eczema all over her hands. We tried everything from doctor to tales of old. Her fingers split and weep and eruptions between the fingers cause itching.
Our current remedy which does work on the spliting of the skin is either a bandage or plaster with a small amount of pure honey next day the spliting has healed and most of the soreness gone. What we have not tried yet because she cant stand the stuff is eating it to see if it eases her by internal. Could I ask that if anyone has eczema and likes pure blossom honey please try it and publish your findings this will help all other sufferers out there.
i read the suggestion of using honey for eczema - i mixed honey with some vaseline for easier spreadability and then put on cotton gloves - altho it took several days - it worked!! the palms of my hands are almost clear now - were really bad. great idea - tx so much!!
The honey cure did work to dry up my eczema blisters on my hands. Probably because of the potassium explained in the other entries. After it dries, the skin just turns dry, so I think it's best to use lotion or even better Aloe Vera onto the eczema area. If you are able to get the actual Aloe Vera plant, then cut off the skin and just rub the natural pulp onto your dry skin to heal faster. Alrighty, hope that helps. *Also, Does anybody know any cures or home remedies to get rid or fade away the ECZEMA SCARS? Thanks.
Today I told my mother about putting honey on her eczema. She applied some and left it on for ten minutes. She had been taking antibiotics for quite some time but nothing had stopped the itching. Immediately after applying the honey the itching was gone. Now we'll just have to see if it heals it completely.
I had a kind of eczema in the corner upper eye lid which refused to go away for months. After trying many different remedies, I decided to try honey after reading about its healing properties. One application did it, it was amazing!!!!