Eliminate Dairy
I used to get exzema on the backs of my arms from my wrist to my elbow. The doctor said lack of sunlight was probably the cause. It was in the area that my arms would rest if I rested them on my schooldesk. The doctor gave me eucerine cream if I remember right, which helped, but did not eliminate it. What did eliminate it was eliminating dairy from my diet, especially ice cream. Now if I eat any tiny red bumps begin appearing on my wrists.
Eliminate Dairy
I had bad eczema and my hands would crack and bleed. I was always looking for a new hand cream that would work, and found ones that would handle it but I had to constantly apply them. I almost never drink milk but I did eat cheese and other dairy products. After I eliminated dairy for a few days because I wanted to become vegan, the eczema on my hands went away. I was looking at them today and I can't believe how they look, they're fine. Very rarely I eat dairy now but it hasn't come back. I try to avoid all dairy products. People who have tried tons of creams but not this should try it. I don't need to use any hand creams now, my hands are never dry.
Eliminate Dairy
I can't speak for everyone, obviously, but the eczema on my arms returns when I drink milk or eat ice cream.
Eliminate Dairy
I had severe eczema growing up. The things that I have found to be best for me over the more than 20 years.....reduction in milk, cheese and yogurt - definitely!...Eucerin Original Cream - if I don't use this cream I can gently run my nails over my skin and produce dry skin. if you have very dry skin this cream is great....oatmeal baths.... and sunlight in a dry climate. I use to live in a humid climate in the summer and it was horrible. Well good luck everyone