Cold Sores
Natural Remedies

Cold Sore Relief: Top Natural Remedies

Ear Wax
Posted by Donna (Boise, Id) on 01/06/2011

EAR WAX! It works, and you always have your ears with you. yep, it seam yucky, but cold sores are more yucky. I read about it here on Earth Clinic, tried it, It stopped the blister in its track! I have keot these blisters at bay for over a year!

Posted by Melissa (New Brunswick, Nj) on 06/03/2011

IT WORKS! It's a miracle cure, I got a cold sore yesterday, used the nailpolish remover in the morning and by 5 or 6 pm is was almost gone, and this morning you can barely see anything! ONE DAY and I can leave the house! AMAZING

Posted by Jjkrmom (Sayville, Ny, Usa) on 08/17/2010

Herpes No More!!!

Ice, Ice, Ice is the best thing you can do. I have tried every remedy here with no luck whatsoever. I have even tried the prescription you take on a daily basis, also with no luck. I have been getting cold sores (herpes) on my upper lip as long as I can remember. It wasn't until I was in my 20's that I actually had it diagnosed by a doctor. I used otc products for years and they just seemed to make matters worse. After having four children I became obsessed with natural remedies as I was no longer looking out for just myself. I read a wonderful book on natural cures and it gave me a lot of insight. The most important thing you can do to never have an outbreak again is to keep your immune system strong. Eat a healthy diet loaded with fresh fruits and vegetables. Stay away from processed foods and avoid fast food altogether. Also avoid tomatoes, nuts and caffine. When you start to feel that tingle, (oh that dreded tingle)head for the freezer and grab an ice cube. Hold the ice on the spot until it melts, repeat, again and again and again. It works wonders, the sore will not even have a chance of coming to the surface. You will be able to tell when to stop, the tingle will go away. Ice will even help with an already full blown sore. It will reduce the swelling and speed healing time. About 2 1/2 years ago I was so stressed I kept getting sores over and over trying every remedy in here for about 6 months. I was so embaressed to go anywhere especially work. After that horrible 6 months finally I tried the ice. I have not had an outbreak, or even felt I was about to since.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Jaytuccibx (Scarsdale, Ny, Usa) on 11/02/2010

I have cured my oral herpes ingesting H2O2. After I had reached about 15 drops 3x a day I felt my lip tingling as if I was going to get an outbreak... Over the next 3 to 4 days I did get an outbreak (or so I thought). The sore kept growing 3 times its normal size, then balloned and popped... I continued with the h2o2 for the full course.... Also I got boils under my armpits which I now know were the aluminum deposits from my deodorant being forced out.... That was about three years ago... Havent had an outbreak since... I used to get them at least twice a year religiously for 7 years, , . , So when the doctor tells you there is no cure for herpes laugh at him... He will tell you to take a 20$ abreva cream which does nothing... No money in the cure people.... You can easily get reinfected with the virus, if so I would repeat my same process.... I would assume this would also work for GENITAL HERPES being that h2o2 kills basically all viruses and bacteria... Email me with any questions!

Artificial Sweetener Link to Herpes
Posted by Tyler (Oshkosh, Wisconsin) on 12/27/2009

Started taking aspartame yesterday as a phenylalanine supplement, so I was taking a pretty significant amount, about 350mg twice a day. Today, I got a cold sore; no notice or warning (tingling or itching) or anything. I've never ingested aspartame before in my life, and don't get cold sores that often, maybe once or twice a year and it's always from too much sun. The aspartame is definitely what caused this outbreak, seeing as it's December and I'm not getting any sun at all.

I'm pissed. The companies that make and sell this sh*t should be required to put a warning on the labels regarding a link between their product and cold sores/gh outbreaks. Obviously, and I can tell from reading the responses on this site, aspartame causes herpes outbreaks, and this cold sore on my lip right now wouldn't be here if I never took any in the first place.

Artificial Sweetener Link to Herpes
Posted by Hilde (Chicago, Il) on 02/03/2010

Aspartame is toxic. It not only, apparently, causes herpes outbreaks, but may be linked to all sorts of ailments that plague people today. Don't believe the FDA's and diet industry's lies! Research the dangers of aspartame and stop ingesting it already.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Rhonda (Rockwood, Tn) on 10/01/2009

I put oil of oregano (one drop) on my fever blister/ cold sore and withing an hour I noticed it was disappearing. I reapplied throughout the day and by the end of the day it was as if I never had one. It had started out that morning as a potentially nasty one - a lot of blisters covering an area about the size of a dime. As you know, what you see in the morning is just the tip of the ice berg as they continue to grow during the first day or so. I also put three or four drops under my tongue. I bought mine from a health food store. Get the kind that is diluted with olive oil not alcohol. Also, there are places on line that sell it cheaper and in a much higher strength. There are even places that sell it undiluted with instructions on how to dilute it with extra virgin olive oil. I've tried all the other cold sore cures. This is the only one that did anything for me.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Jersey Guy (Jersey) on 02/19/2014

I'd like to add, yes higher strengths of oregano or olive leaf helps greatly. I would post what I use but I don't think I can. I'd like to add I use it with a product called diatomaceous earth. Diatomaceous earth is a product that attacks parasites please please please research it u may like it. I've tried a bunch pf different products and some seem to work for a while and then I get stressed or drunk and pow it was back. I stumbled on diatomaceous earth from a website that had higher doses of a lot of good products but was to pricey. So I found the same strength cheaper online and gave it a try. I mixed DE with water and Olive leaf and did that 5 times that day. I think I did to much at once , because the next day I felt a tingling around my spine and burning and intense itching sensation at the back of my legs. I showered and used Food grade peroxide all over my body. and withen hours the itching and burning stopped and the sores went away. I kept doing the Olive leaf and DE daily it happened again maybe a week later much smaller and less intense, I did the same process in the shower with the peroxide. Everything had stopped again. I believed it to be the products pushing the virus to the surface. fast forward 8 months of doing this daily I havent had the slightest itch burning sensation etc. I recently added probiotics as that extra immune boost to keep me healthy but yeah. I just wanted to share my experience 8 months no issues when I use to have it at least twice a month.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Sarah (Cape Cod, MA) on 06/02/2009

Hydrogen Peroxide cleared up my cold sore in 48 hours. I was and AM sick of paying for Abreva, etc...when it takes over a week to do anything at all. I never suffered from cold sores until the age of 22, and since then they have been directly related to the change in my hormones prior to getting my period. So, from 22 until now (almost 3 years), I've almost consistently had to deal with the annoyance/pain/discomfort of them. So, in a desperate search for a better answer, I came to your website (which has helped me a lot in the past), and 48 hours later I'm 90% cleared up! It's amazing, it went from appearing, to drying, to scabbing, to healing in no time at all. Thanks so much everyone for your input!

Posted by Gloria (Plano, TX) on 02/24/2009

My son got cold sore, i heard about apple cider vinager, hp (hydrogen peroxide) and all of that store stuff. My co-worker told me about clorox bleach. After trying carmex, and hp, we applied bleach, and every time it stopped burning we applied more. After 3 applications it went away in 30 minutes.

Posted by Stephanie (Calgary, Ab,canada) on 10/25/2011

Bleach is dangerous, but if it is applied properly I think it is an extremely effective way to stop a cold store dead in its track.

Use a little with a q tip and press it onto your cold sore for 3 - 5 minutes. Do this at the very first sign of a cold sore coming on and it WILL NOT come out, or grow to be worse. Be very careful not to burn yourself or your lip area. Allow for a little bit of stinging, but know what is too much. Compress with an ice cube after to get rid of the sting. I did this twice the first day I noticed one coming on, and along with Abreva and L-Lysine it was practically gone by day 2 and never got worse.

Tea Bag
Posted by Kelly (Nashville , TN) on 02/20/2009

I have had clients who had very good success using Earl Grey tea bags as a compress for the cold sore. Wet a tea bag in barely warm water, squeeze just a little until not dripping and then use as a compress for 20 minutes at a time several times a day. The bergamont oil and tannins in the tea should heal the sore.

Clove Oil
Posted by Anonymous (Orange County, CA) on 01/20/2009

Clove Oil for Cold Sores: Another remedy that isnt listed on here is clove oil. i have used it ever since i read it in the back of the master cleanse book. I get these blisters approx. once a year. The clove oil dries them up and clears them out. It works like a charm if you dont mind the taste. I also heard that a little bit of clove oil on the back of your tongue is also a remedy to help quitting smoking. I have never needed to use anything else but the clove oil, oh and tea tree oil works quite well too. good luck, i know these things suck. :)

Posted by Marion (Powhatan, VA) on 12/28/2008

I have suffered with herpes since I was a little girl. Giant sores would appear around my nose and mouth. I actually go into hiding I am so ashamed. I have tried everything. Valtrex does work if the sore is caught early enough but this requires a prescription and is very expensive. In my search for an alternative I have decided to avoid the food triggers that cause the outbreaks. Chocolate, Nuts and Oranges too much sugar and artificial sweeteners. I also drink lemmon balm tea every morning. Since changing my diet. I have been outbreak free for over three years. I hope this info helps.

Posted by Rodney (Charlotte, NC) on 12/09/2008

I heard about l-lysine for cold sores using the internet about 10 years ago. I tried it then and it did not work. This time L-Lysine closed my sore almost immediately. This time I took larger dosages. My sore was already opening on my lip when I started using Abreva. But Abreva(???no generic ointment name) is not that great once a sore starts.

Since discovering this site, I decided to use a larger dosage of the L-lysine and within 1.5 (one and one half days) the sore has closed up and is well on its way to disappearing. Even though Herpes I is widespread, it is very uncomfortable for me to deal with people's reaction to seeing an open sore on your lips.

I am a big guy. So this time I used 3 1000mg tablets every six hours for 2 days. And each day following the first 2 days, I will lower it 1000 mg until I am taking nothing.

I usally get sores around the holidays which is a very stressful time for me for some reason. Thanks so much!

Posted by Lori Keat (Blacksburg, Virginia) on 11/10/2008

Herpes cold sores: For years I've been using 'spirit of Camphor'. I put it on a cotton swab and put it on the area. I also have taken Vit.B Complex and that helps too...As does Lysine...

Posted by Citrine (Austin, TX) on 10/17/2008

I take Elderberry Extract 4 times a day to cure cold sores due to the herpes virus. At the first tingling sensation, I take my first capsule with water and also dab on a little hydrogen peroxide. The cold sores usually never forms. Elderberry (medicinal name is Sambucus) is an amazing anti-viral berry. It even works against the flu virus! My family does not take the flu vaccine and has used Elderberry to knock out the flu should the flu virus strike. You can purchase elderberry extract at any health food store. There is a syrup version for kids too (but it contains quite a bit of sugar as do most children's meds). As with any viral infection, it is recommended to continue the dosage for at least 3 days to rid your body of the viral attack. Hope this helps!

Ear Wax
Posted by C.R. (Springfield, MO) on 10/05/2008

OK this is gross ... But it works, I even had my boss try it.... Grandma said when you have a coldsore, use your own earwax. But don't lick your lips! I know. I know. But if you like me I use to get them all the time.. I havent had one in years.

Posted by Anna (Charlotte, USA) on 06/29/2008

Garlic Remedy for Cold Sores: My mom traveled to Europe and while she was there, cold sores broke out around her mouth. An Austrian man saw her and told her to cut a clove of garlic in half and hold it to the area for 10 minutes three or four times a day. It works like a charm for her.

Vitamin E
Posted by Sue (Rochester, NY) on 05/07/2008

Try a dab of Vitamin E Oil several times a day at the first sign of a cold sore - it has worked great for me. The sore starts to dry up right away and is usually gone within 2 days.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Inourhands (Sydney, Australia) on 10/11/2010

I keep organic ACV in the fridge and use it all the time but had never tried it on cold sores which I occasionally suffer from. After a really busy period without enough rest I was starting to feel very run down and sure enough the other morning I woke up with one cold sore above my lip, and a separate one just starting nearby. I thought i'd try the ACV - dabbed straight on with a cotton bud. Immediately I could tell it was helping, so I applied it a few more times during the day. The one that had already started dried up to a mild scab and the other one retreated completely without erupting. Glad to see others know about this too, it really works.
